Hong Kong Asian Film Festival 2017 Ticket at the Designated Box Office

Hong Kong Asian Film Festival 2017 Ticket at the Designated Box Office

Hong Kong 10.31 Asian Film Festival - 2017 11.20 WWW.HKAFF.ASIA AMC Pacific Place / Broadway Cinematheque Broadway The ONE / MY CINEMA YOHO MALL PALACE apm / PALACE ifc Sponsors and Acknowledgement 贊助及鳴謝 Presenter: In Association with: Official Exclusive Sponsor Festival Water: for New Talent Award: Partners: Accommodation Tote Bag Paper Partner: Sponsor: Sponsor: Fully Official Supported by: TV Partner: Media Partners: Special Thanks: Opening Film 開幕電影 MOVIE In Your Dreams 以青春的名義 電影發展基金「首部劇情電影計劃」得獎作品 01 First Feature Film Initiative, The Film Development Fund 香港 Hong Kong / 2017 / 97 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles TIME *31/10 7:30pm PP 導演 Dir: 譚惠貞 Tam Wai-ching *31/10 9:40pm PP 演員 Cast: 劉嘉玲 Carina Lau, 吳肇軒 Ng Siu-hin, VENUE *17/11 9:50pm ONE 謝君豪 Tse Kwan-ho 曾參與過《危城》、《掃毒》編劇的譚惠貞首次執導已非 In the footsteps of Mad World and Weeds on Fire, 常夠膽,引來劉嘉玲垂青,更身兼監製和女主角,與飾演 young filmmaker Tam Wai-ching is ready for her time 其學生的新世代演員吳肇軒發展一段曖昧忘年戀,透過這 in the spotlight with this entry in the Hong Kong 段微妙師生關係,揭示都市人的兩種寂寞。在張子行的記 government’s First Feature Film Initiative project. Heng 憶裏,有著一個既陌生又熟悉的女子背影;在葉若美的生 is a high school student whose mother abandoned the 命裏,有著一個既熟悉又陌生的老公,一晚在泳池的相 family eight years ago. You Mei is a teacher whose 遇,二人踏入了對方的秘密世界,遊走在親情、愛情、友 husband is having an affair. When You Mei becomes 情的邊緣,以青春的名義。 the temporary teacher at Heng's school, the two lonely souls develop an affectionate bond that may be love. This provocative story of young love is led by an alluring performance by Carina Lau, who also serves as a producer of the film. (04) Opening Film Opening Film 開幕電影 Somewhere Beyond 電影發展基金「首部劇情電影計劃」得獎作品 MOVIE the Mist First Feature Film Initiative, The Film Development Fund 02 釜山電影節,新潮流競賽單元 藍天白雲 New Currents, Busan International Film Festival 香港 Hong Kong / 2017 / 86 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles TIME *31/10 7:35pm PP 導演 Dir: 張經緯 Cheung King-wai *31/10 9:40pm PP 演員 Cast: 鄧麗欣 Stephy Tang, 梁雍婷 Rachel Leung, VENUE *17/11 7:45pm ONE 李任燊 Kyle Li 靈感源自2000年紐約駭人案件,17歲香港少女找來黑人 A pregnant policewoman is assigned to investigate the 男友謀殺自己雙親。憑《音樂人生》奪得香港電影金像獎 case of a teenage girl who has killed her parents. Her 新晉導演獎的張經緯首部劇情長片,把泯滅人性的事件分 interactions with the girl and the search for the truth 拆重組,移至最被遺忘的北區角落,再加入探員的視點, revive a long-dormant secret that has been living 對比出中產、底層兩種永不相容的生活。無情的階級, inside of her. Best known for acclaimed documentaries 冷漠的命運,將一殺一救的二人無形地繫在一起。電影不 KJ and The Taste of Youth, director Cheung King-wai 囿於懸疑類型的框架,細膩呈現血腥之下的壓抑心理; presents a much darker side of today’s troubled youth 層層剖析殺戮背後的痛苦宿命,入木三分、發人深省,拍 with his first feature-length dramatic narrative film. 出獨有風格。 Loosely based on a true story, this grim and engrossing whydunit is a disturbing shocker about redemption, fate, and the lengths we go in our constant search of a better life. Opening Film (05) Closing Film 閉幕電影 MOVIE The White Girl 意大利都靈電影節,競賽單元 | In Competition, Torino Film Festival 03 白色女孩 倫敦影展 | BFI London Film Festival 金馬影展 | Golden Horse Film Festival 香港 Hong Kong / 2017 / 97 min / 粵語、日語、英語、普通話對白, 中英文字幕 In Cantonese, Japanese, English, and Putonghua with Chinese and English subtitles TIME *20/11 8:00pm BC 導演 Dir: 白海 Jenny Suen, 杜可風 Christopher Doyle VENUE *20/11 10:00pm BC 演員 Cast: 袁澧林 Angela Yuen, 小田切讓 Odagiri Joe, 姚學智 Jeff Yiu, 白只 Michael Ning 在香港最後一條漁村,珠明村聚滿各種童話故事的角 After working together on Hong Kong Trilogy, renowned 色——音樂家、街童及對太陽過敏的女孩,女孩想逃避嚴 cinematographer Christopher Doyle and first-time 父,出走時遇上來自異地的謎樣男,那時更多外來者想打 director Jenny Suen team up again for the visually and 漁村的主意,當歷史文化開始被掠奪,村民們只看金錢和 emotionally beguiling drama The White Girl. Born with 利益,卻不知珠明村已逐漸消失。國際攝影大師杜可風繼 a sun allergy, the White Girl lives in the disappearing 《香港三部曲》傾聽街頭的聲音後,與身兼藝術家、作家 fishing community of Pearl Village, and all she wants 及獨立電影人的白海奔往香港最後一片淨土——大澳,以 to do is escape. At night, she meets a mysterious 超現實的鏡頭把變異景觀一一攝下;日本小生小田切讓跨 Japanese outsider by the sea, and her world begins to 國演出,與文青女神袁澧林還有白只和姚學智,於熱帶氣 grow bigger. Meanwhile, her only friend, an inquisitive 旋籠罩的黑色童話中,一起踏上尋找心底聲音之旅。 young boy, catches on to the connection between the village chief and a group of visiting property developers. (06) Closing Film Closing Film 閉幕電影 MOVIE 釜山電影節 閉幕電影 Love Education Closing Film, Busan International Film Festival 04 相愛相親 金馬獎 最佳劇情片、最佳導演、最佳男女主角等7項提名 | Nominated for 7 Golden Horse Awards including Best Feature Film and Best Director 中國、台灣 China, Taiwan / 2017 / 120 min / 普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Putonghua with Chinese and English subtitles TIME *20/11 7:25pm BC 導演 Dir: 張艾嘉 Sylvia Chang VENUE *20/11 9:50pm BC 演員 Cast: 張艾嘉 Sylvia Chang, 田壯壯 Tian Zhuang Zhuang, 郎月婷 Lang Yue-Ting, 吳彥姝 Estelle Wu 在《20 30 40》中,張艾嘉以三個數字探討都市女性愛得 Sylvia Chang writes, directs and stars in this drama 精彩的內心矛盾,新作則回歸家庭,藉三位女角的愛情悲 about three generations of women and their love. 歌展現跨世代女性的美麗與哀愁。郎月婷飾演的女兒薇薇 Weiwei is of marital age but her relationship with a pub 已到適婚年齡,在感情和工作之間不能取捨;張艾嘉飾演 singer is mired by family disapproval and intrusions 的母親年屆退休之齡,受著更年期荷爾蒙變化之苦;吳彥 from the past. Facing impending retirement, Weiwei’s 姝飾演的九旬姥姥也不好過,孤獨活著幾十年,總是慣性 agitated mother constantly argues with her daughter 地壓下心中感受。母女情,隔代親,隨著母親/婆婆/二奶 and takes her husband for granted. Nearing 90, Laolao 的離世,掀起各人心中的漣漪,化解彼此心結。發生在她 has been alone for years, silently upholding a marriage 們身上的故事簡單真實,除了張艾嘉自導自演,還有名導 on her own. With the passing of Weiwei’s grandmother 田壯壯粉墨登場,攝影指導李屏賓、美術指導文念中、音 and the revelation of a yesteryear romance, these 樂創作人黃韻玲也繼《心動》後再次合作,給觀眾帶來最 three women begin to change as they reassess love 深情的溫暖和悸動。 and come to better know each other and themselves. Closing Film (07) Gala Presentation 隆重呈獻 MOVIE The Empty Hands 05 空手道 香港 Hong Kong / 2017 / 90 min / 粵語、日語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese and Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles TIME *1/11 9:50pm PP 導演 Dir: 杜汶澤 Chapman To *4/11 2:30pm BC 演員 Cast: 鄧麗欣 Stephy Tang, 杜汶澤 Chapman To, VENUE 倉田保昭 Kurata Yasuaki, 歐錦棠 Stephen Au 出身空手道世家的港日混血兒平川真理,因喪父、失戀而 Actor Chapman To may be best known for being a 一蹶不振,在杜汶澤飾演的師傅地獄式訓練和激勵下越戰 funnyman, but he’s also an avid student of karate 越強,最大敵人原來是自己。本身是空手道高手的杜汶澤 with a black belt. After making two comedies behind 當上導演不再搞笑,化身監製、導演、編劇、主演、武術 the camera, To brings his passion for the sport to the 指導, 執意拍攝武術搏擊嚴肅題材,邀請自己師傅、空手 big screen for this third directorial effort. In a radical 道七段的倉田保昭和武術愛好者歐錦棠上場,拍出獨有韻 departure from her usual romantic comedies, Stephy 味。執導筒猶如拾起空手道袍,純粹想挑戰自己。 Tang stars as a young woman who tries to sell the karate dojo owned by her late father, only to find out that half of it belongs to one of his former pupils. Battered on all fronts in life, she is encouraged to regain her fighting spirit by stepping into the ring. (08) Gala Presentation Gala Presentation 隆重呈獻 MOVIE The Brink 釜山電影節,午夜激情 Midnight Passion, Busan International Film Festival 06 狂獸 香港 Hong Kong / 2017 / 100 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles TIME *2/11 9:40pm PP 導演 Dir: 李子俊 Jonathan Li *2/11 9:50pm PP 演員 Cast: 張晉 Zhang Jin, 余文樂 Shawn Yue, 吳樾 Wu Yue, VENUE 倉田保昭 Kurata Yasuaki, 文詠珊 Janice Man, 蘇麗珊 Cecilia So 《殺破狼II》黃金組合黃柏高、鄭保瑞、李忠志和張晉 Longtime assistant director Jonathan Li makes his 再組班,《狂獸》以兄弟相殘、警匪鬥爭的元素為題, directorial debut with this uncompromising action 余文樂首次演反派,扮演窮兇極惡的漁民走私集團頭子江 thriller. Tung is a reckless police inspector who is 貴成,和文詠珊合演一對盜賊情侶,為了撈起水底秘密黑 dead set on bringing down Shing, a smuggler of black 市金庫不擇手段;張晉飾演兇猛好鬥的重案督察西狗, market gold. When he learns that Shing is going after a 對江貴成咬住唔放。張晉與臥底好兄弟吳樾反目成仇, kingpin’s underwater gold vault, Tung takes to the high 余文樂親身上陣演出隻揪張晉,終極海上廝殺邊個會贏? seas to get his prey. Backed by producer Soi Cheang – 曾為鄭保瑞的《狗咬狗》、《軍雞》擔當副導的李子俊 who worked with Li on Dog Eat Dog and Shamo – and 無懼風浪,拳腳戲由水上打到入水底,挑戰動作電影最大 action choreographer Nicky Li Chung-chi, Jonathan Li 極限。 has created a spectacular action showcase for Zhang Jin and Shawn Yue with this intense and action-packed tale of beast versus beast. Gala Presentation (09) Special Presentation 特別推介 MOVIE Tomorrow is Another Day 07 黃金花 香港 Hong Kong / 2017 / 91 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles TIME *13/11 9:40pm ONE *14/11 7:45pm BC 導演 Dir: 陳大利 Chan Tai-lee VENUE *13/11 9:50pm ONE *15/11 7:45pm IFC 演員 Cast: 毛舜筠 Teresa Mo, 呂良偉 Ray Lui, 凌文龍 Ling Man-lung, 冼色麗 Bonnie Xian 《狂舞派》編劇陳大利,首次自編自導,再度譜出一個香 Mrs. Wong knows her husband is carrying on an 港小社區的真誠動人小故事。中年屋邨師奶,與老公過著 affair, but for the sake of their marriage and autistic 日復日刻板的生活,唯一不同的是,他們有一個患有中度 son, she has chosen to silently endure. However, the 自閉加輕度弱智的兒子。隨著孩子長大,身心開始敵不過 mistress comes to disturb them, and in the end, Mr. 他的神經反抗,看著身上一道道被兒子劃破的疤痕,愛儘 Wong leaves home after a fight. Feeling at a loss 管多深,也有想放棄的一剎。男人終究喜歡逃避,老公偷 and struggling to watch over her son by herself, Mrs. 食鄰家少女,丟下母子一走了之。面對如此衝擊,能如何 Wong begins to plot ways to take revenge against 走下去?毛舜筠演技毋庸置疑,加上幾個實力派演員劉美 the mistress, but her plans get discovered by other 君、呂良偉助陣,令電影更溫馨動人。首次出演電影的香 housewives. Screenwriter Chan Tai-lee, who has 港話劇團演員凌文龍更是技驚四座,不容忽視! worked on The Way We Dance and the Ip Man series, makes his directorial debut with an affecting look at how an ordinary middle-aged mother copes with domestic crisis and finds a new path for herself. (10) Special Presentation Special Presentation 特別推介 MOVIE Light Up 08 燈亮時 香港 Hong Kong / 2017 / 73 min / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles TIME *6/11 7:40pm BC *12/11 5:50pm ONE 導演 Dir: 羅展凰 Deniece Law VENUE *7/11 8:00pm IFC 這個世界並不完美,生命總有瑕疵,更遑論有些人看不 Prepare for an eye-opening look at a truly barrier-free 見、說不到、走不動。視障人士Joanna和King面對不能 theater troupe in Hong Kong.

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