OBERLIN COLLEGE ARCHIVES GEOFFREY T. BLODGETT PAPERS INVENTORY Subgroup I. Biographical, 1943-46, 1949-66, 1977-78, 1993, 1998-2002, ca. 2011 (1.81 l.f.) Box 1 Awards Alumni Medal, May 2000 Heisman Club Award (remarks by Jane Blodgett), May 2000 Birthday (70th) tribute, 2001 Clippings, 1946, 1952, 1954, 1999-2000, n.d. Curriculum vitae, 1978, 1993, 2000 Employment search Oberlin faculty appointment, 1960 Other teaching job applications, 1959-60 Fellowships, 1959-60 (See also SG III, Series 3) Football Memorabilia/Reunions “Football Memories,” compiled booklet of clippings and photographs, ca. 2011 “Oberlin Football, 1950 and 1951,” booklet for reunion event, May 23, 1998 Graduate Education Graduate school applications: Cornell University, Harvard University, 1953, 1955, n.d. Harvard University, Teaching Assistant for Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., 1956-60 PhD thesis correspondence, 1958-65 Oberlin College Commencement programs, 1953 Diploma, 1953 Memorial Minute by Robert Longsworth, April 16, 2002 Memorial service eulogies and programs, December 8, 2001 Notes on the Oberlin College Men’s Board, ca. 1949-53 Oberlin Community Tax proposal, ca. 1963 Estate of Frederick B. Artz for the Monroe House, Oberlin Historical and Improvement Organization (includes Last Will and Testament), 1977 Tributes, 1993 United States Navy Correspondence, 1951 Officer’s Correspondence Record, “C Jacket,” 1951-65 Officer Service Record for Geoffrey Blodgett, 1953-66 1 OBERLIN COLLEGE ARCHIVES GEOFFREY T. BLODGETT PAPERS Subgroup I. Biographical (cont.) Box 1 (cont.) United States Navy (cont.) Honorable Discharge Certificate, 1966 Box 2 (oversize) Scrapbooks “Invasion of Europe” (news clippings), 1943-45 Oberlin College memorabilia (news clippings, photographs, programs, letters), 1949-53 Subgroup II. Correspondence, 1897-2001 (span) (6.2 l.f.) Series 1. Autograph Letters, 1897-2001 (span) (0.4 l.f.) Box 1 Signed letters selected by Blodgett, 1897-2001 (span) (Arranged alphabetically—index in first folder) Series 2. Name Files, 1941, 1962-63, 1965-68, 1972-2001, n.d. (1.4 l.f.) Box 1 Abrams, Richard, 1962-63 Axelrod, Reed, 1990-93, 1997, n.d. Berthoff, Rowland, 1979-80, 1982, 1986-87, 1992-95, n.d. Bigglestone, William, 1980, 1986-88, 1991-92, 1995-98, 2000, n.d. Blanck, Tom, 1978, 1998-2001, n.d. (2f) Brandt, Nat, 1991-92, 1997, 2001, n.d. Calvert, James, 1996-97, n.d. Dawley, Alan, 1963, 2000 Dye, Nancy, 1994-96, 1998 Eginton, Drew, 1979, 1981-95, 1997-2001, n.d. (3f) Erba, Annalisa, 1992-95 Glavin, John, 1976-77, n.d. Ganzel, Carol and Dewey, 1968, 1980 Box 2 Griswold, Harriet, 1941, 1986-88, n.d. Griswold, Erwin N., 1987, 1991-92 Oral history, 1983-85 Jerauld, Jean F., 1986-2000, n.d. 2 OBERLIN COLLEGE ARCHIVES GEOFFREY T. BLODGETT PAPERS Subgroup II. Correspondence (cont.) Series 2. Name Files (cont.) Box 2 (cont.) Kalfus, Melvin, 1990, 1992 Box 3 Kelley, Robert, 1977 Koppes, Clayton, 1977-83, 1985, 1987-88, 1990, 1992, 1996-2000, n.d. LeDuc, Tom, 1987-88, 1998-2001, n.d. Box 3 (cont.) Longsworth, Robert M., 1980, 1982, 1984, 1991-92, 1997, 2000, n.d. McGill, Barry, 1965-67, 1972-73, 1987, n.d. Meilaender, Gilbert, 1991, 1996-2001, n.d. Mosher, Charles A., 1962-63 Munroe, William, 1989, 1995-96 Neil, Bob, 1966, 1975, 1991 Reisman, David, 1974-89 (4f) Box 4 Schulze, Franz, 1988, 1995-2001 Scott, Anne Firor, 1981-82 Severens, Kenneth, 1975-79, n.d. Skipper, Nancy, 1981, 1990-92, 1994-95, 2000-01 Starr, Frederick, 1982-97, 2000, n.d. (7f) Suny, Ronald, 1972-74, 1977-81, n.d. Willen, Paul, 1981-85, 1987, 1991, 1995, 2000 Series 3. Chronological Files, 1956-2001 (4.4 l.f.) Subseries 1. Oberlin College Correspondence, 1959-2001 (1.2 l.f.) Box 1 Oberlin correspondence, 1959-79 (16f) Box 2 Oberlin correspondence, 1980-89 (10f) Box 3 Oberlin correspondence, 1990-2001 (11f) 3 OBERLIN COLLEGE ARCHIVES GEOFFREY T. BLODGETT PAPERS Subgroup II. Correspondence (cont.) Series 3. Chronological Files (cont.) Subseries 2. Other Correspondence, 1956-2001 (3.2 l.f.) Box 1 Correspondence, 1956-67 (11f) Box 2 Correspondence, 1967-72 (11f) Box 3 Correspondence, 1972-76 (9f) Box 4 Correspondence, 1977-81 (9f) Box 5 Correspondence, 1981-85 (9f) Box 6 Correspondence, 1986-91 (9f) Box 7 Correspondence, 1992-95 (8f) Box 8 Correspondence, 1996-2001 (8f) Subgroup III. Oberlin College Records, 1890, 1908, 1921-23, 1925, ca. 1928, 1933, 1936, 1941, 1945-49, 1951, 1954, 1956-57, 1959-2000, n.d. (1.65 l.f.) Series 1. Department of History, 1936, 1946, 1951, 1956-57, 1961-62, 1964- 76, 1978-81, 1983, 1985-89, 1991-94, 1996, 1998-2000, n.d. (0.25 l.f.) Box 1 Faculty portraits exhibit in Rice Hall, 1988-89, 1996 History Department Honors Program History of the Honors Program, 1961, 1966-68, 1980, 1992-94, n.d. U.S. History Honors Program Prospectus, 1976-78, 1992, n.d. History of the History Department, 1951, 1956-57, 1970-75, 1985-88, 1993, 1996, 1998 4 OBERLIN COLLEGE ARCHIVES GEOFFREY T. BLODGETT PAPERS Subgroup III. Oberlin College Files (cont.) Series 1. Department of History (cont.) Box 1 (cont.) Life Prize in U.S. History, 1961-62, 1964-65, 1968, 1978-79, 1981, 1983, 1985-87, 1991, 1993-94, 1998-99, n.d. Student opinion polls at Oberlin, 1936, 1946, 1956, 1965, 1967, 1976, 1988, 1992 (3f) Teaching History at Oberlin, 1962, 1970, 1988, 2000 Visiting speakers in American History, 1968-70, n.d. Series 2. General College, 1890, 1908, 1921-23, 1925, ca. 1928, 1936, 1941, 1945-49, 1954, 1957, 1959-61, 1963, 1966, 1968-70, 1973, 1976-2000, n.d. (1.0 l.f.) Box 1 (cont.) Alumni Association travel vacation, Mississippi Steamboat Cruise with lecturer G.T. Blodgett, 1999, 2000 Correspondence, passenger lists, lecture source material, 1999 Promotional material, 1999 Architecture and Landscaping Architectural Advisory Committee (Ad Hoc) Finney Capel Renovation, 1981-82 Langston (North) Hall, 1986-87, 1990, 1994, n.d. Severance and Wright Laboratories, link between, 1982 Student Union, 1982 Bandstand Design Competition, 1961, 1983-88, n.d. (3f) Campus landscaping, 1976-80, 1983, n.d. Cox Administration Building Renovation Committee, 1984-85 Finney Chapel Rose Window Project Committee files, 1984, 1987-91 Correspondence with artist and fabricator, 1990-91 Dedication and press coverage, 1991-92 Research materials, 1908, 1921-23, 1925 Writings For committee, 1976, n.d. For The Observer, 1982 John Frederick Oberlin Monument, 1992, 1994-95 Peters Hall Renovation Correspondence, notes, 1992-93 Printed matter, 1976-77, 1983, 1992-93 Report of Committee on Living Conditions for Men, ca. 1928 Athletics policy, 1954, 1957, 1968, 1973, 1978, 1992, 1994-96 5 OBERLIN COLLEGE ARCHIVES GEOFFREY T. BLODGETT PAPERS Subgroup III. Oberlin College Files (cont.) Series 2. General College (cont.) Box 1 (cont.) Carnegie Library Main Lobby exhibit, 1978, 1981-83, 1990, n.d. College (and General) Faculty Council, 1973, 1992, 1999 Conference planning at Oberlin Coeducation Conference, March 11-13, 1983; 1981-83, n.d. Faculty and administrative appointments, leave policies, 1936, 1941, 1946, 1948- 49, 1959-60, 1963, 1966, 1969, 1988-91, 1993-94, 1997-98 Football, History of Brandt, Nathaniel—When Oberlin was King: The Heisman Years, 1997-99 “Report in Favor of Retaining Intercollegiate Football,” January 1978 Governance Background, 1890, 1933 Committees on student participation in faculty meetings, 1966, 1968-69, n.d. Crisis File kept by Prof. Warren Taylor General, 1945-49, n.d. Finney Compact, 1973, 1983-86, 1992, 1998 “Observations on the History of Governance at Oberlin College,” manuscript, January 1973 (See also Blodgett, Oberlin History: Essays and Impressions, Kent State University Press, 2006) Remarks delivered in faculty meeting, November 1, 1988 Vietnam War “College and Commitment: A Glance at the Past,” in The College and the War, Oberlin College, February 1969 Faculty letter to President Nixon, 1970 Series 3. Professional Activity, 1933, 1961-68, 1970-95, 1997-2000, n.d. (0.4 l.f.) Box 2 Awards, 1966-67, 1970-71 Consulting Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center, 1981-84, 1986, n.d. Danforth Fellowship, 1988 Fellowships and grants, 1961-64, 1968, 1970, 1972-77, 1979-81, 1987, 1989-90 Guest lectureships and summer teaching at other colleges, 1962, 1965-68, 1973-76 Johns Hopkins University, American Seminar lecture on Cass Gilbert, 1983-84 6 OBERLIN COLLEGE ARCHIVES GEOFFREY T. BLODGETT PAPERS Subgroup III. Oberlin College Files (cont.) Series 3. Professional Activity (cont.) Box 2 (cont.) Memberships, 1995 Research status appointments, 1965-67, 1972, 1982-83, 1995, 1997 Sabbaticals, 1979, 1991 Symposia, Conferences and Colloquia (cont.) American Historical Association Annual Meeting, “The Political Leadership of Grover Cleveland,” Los Angeles, 1981; 1981-82 (See also SG VII. Series 1. Subseries 3. Articles) Cass Gilbert and our Museum: A Celebration of Renewal, Allen Memorial Art Museum symposium, May 26, 2000; 1999-2000 Cass Gilbert: The Minnesota Years (lecture series), “From Hard Times to Take-off: Gilbert’s Career, 1887 to 1894,” Cass Gilbert Society, St. Paul, MN, 1999 Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art: From Regional to National Architect: Cass Gilbert, Life and Work, “Cass Gilbert and the Politics of Public Architecture,” November 1998 (See also SG VII. Series 1. Subseries 1. Manuscripts) Education, Evangelicalism, and Perfectionism: The Celebration of Charles G. Finney, 1792-1875, “Finney and the Finney Compact,” Oberlin College, September 10-11, 1992; 1991-92, n.d. Ohio Academy of History Conference, comment on Cleveland Architecture panel, April 21, 1990 Politics
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