SURNAME INITIALS RANK Year EVENT Year/Page Abbott E Capt 1950 To be RSM Eton College 1950/42 Abell Lt 1946 Disembarks "Robertson" 1946/79 Abrahams M D Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/95 Abrahams M D Lt 1958 45 Cdo Polo team in Tripoli 1958/129 Acherson C N Ty 2Lt 1952 Commission terminated - Commissioned in the RMFVR 1952/211 Acton J E Capt 1946 OC Guard of Honour for Gen Foster at Chatham 1946/244* Acton W J G Capt 1949 Leaving Army Signal School 1949/149 Acton W J G Capt 1949 Relieves Capt N L R Griffiths in Vengeance 1949/142 Adair C W Capt 1805 Killed aboard HMS Victory - Brief details of service 1954/260 Adair C W Capt 1805 Pistol presented by descendant of Capt of Victory 1946/170* Adair C W Lt Col 1931 Birth of a son 1931/216 Adair C W Lt Col (ret) 1942 Birth of a son 1942/151 Adair C W Capt 1958 Daughter's Marriage 1958/301 Adair C W Lt Col (ret) 1959 Son's (RA) marriage 1959/31 Adair W T Gen 1916 High Sheriff of County Antrim 1952/95 Adair Capt 1805 Pistol presented by descendant of Capt of Victory 1946/170* Agnew James Lt 1943 With HMS Mauritius Whaler's Crew 1943/281* Agnew James Lt 1944 Relieved by Lt J A Harris in "Mauritius" 1944/150 Agnew James Capt 1945 Commanding Guard of Honour from Portsmouth in Holland 1945/277 Visit of HM The Queen to Malta with HRH The Duke of Agnew James Capt 1954 Edinburgh 1954/160 Agnew James Capt 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/118 Akam J H Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99 Akam J H Capt 1945 Leaves RMMS 1945/144 Akam J H Capt 1947 Op Noah's Ark - Flood relief 1947/109 Alcock A D F Capt 1930 With HMS Tiger football team 1931/89* Alderman T H Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/99 Alder-Smith B D Capt 1954 Opening of Tyne Centre RMFVR - Adjutant 1954/248* Alder-Smith B D Lt 1945 Leaves RMMS 1945/144 Alder-Smith B D Capt 1956 Leaving as Adjutant RMFVR Tyne 1956/83 Aldrich P B B 2Lt 1951 Corps Commission 1951/55 Aldridge D L S St M Maj 1942 Left RMMS for Gunnery Course 1942/233 Aldridge D L S St M Lt 1946 OC RM Guard Singapore 1946/226 Aldridge D L S St M Maj 1947 Adjt 40 Cdo 1947/216 Aldridge D L S St M Capt 1949 Adjt Stonehouse 1949/344 Aldridge D L S St M Capt 1950 Adjt RMB Ply to be 2 i/c 41 Indep Cdo 1950/213 Aldridge D L S St M Maj 1952 At presentation of Drysdale portrait from USMC 1952/217* Aldridge D L S St M Maj 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99 Aldridge D L S St M Maj 1958 With 42 Cdo soccer team 1958/37* 1953/Feb Alexander D C Lt 1952 Receiving Queen's Colour of 45 Cdo on presentation Cover*. 1956/Jun Alexander D G Lt 1956 Laying up 1894 Eastney Colours Cover*, Alexander D G Lt 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/114* Allan J H B Proby 2Lt 1939 Corps Commission 1939/42 Allan J H B Capt 1945 Relieved as OCRM "Phoebe" by Capt D S Brooks 1945/165 1947/132, Allan J H B Capt 1947 At Small Arms School Hythe 255 Allan J H B Capt 1947 Bisley 1947/174* Allan J H B Capt 1948 Joins HMS Illustrious from SASRM 1948/281 Engagement Allan James Capt 1946 (J H B ?) 1946/356 Allcroft W M 1941 Letter in praise of Gen Sir Campbell Hardy 1959/98, Allen E G B Lt 1952 Corps Commission 1952/211 Allen E G B Ty 2Lt 1957 Winning team Empire Day Challenge Cup 1957/193* Leaves Depot to be ADC to the Governor of Southern Allen E G B Capt 1959 Rhodesia 1959/329 Allen J A Capt 1944 Birth of a daughter 1944/203 Allen J S Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/295 Allen J S Ty 2Lt 1955 Commission terminated on appointment to RMFVR 1955/44 Allen M H Ty 2Lt 1951 NS Commission 1951/349 Allenby E A Maj 1953 PRORM Corps Re-union Day Parade 1953/135* Allingham P H Ty Lt 1945 Awarded C-in-C 21 Army Gp Commendation 1945/190 Alltimes W A Supt Clerk 1945 With 19 Bn Boxing Team 1945/146* Alvey Jack 2Lt 1940 Corps Commission 1941/25 Alvey Jack Lt 1945 Marriage 1945/255 Alvey Jack Lt 1945 Repatriated as POW 1945/141 Alvey Jack Lt 1947 Birth of a daughter 1947/98 Alvey Jack Capt 1955 RAF Staff Course 1955/45 Aman Dudley Maj 1930 Conferred with a Peerage 1930/54 Ambrose H B Lt 1945 Engagement to daughter of Supt Clerk S Youngson 1945/62 Amy D O Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/168 Anders J R Rect Offr 1958 Retires extended service expired 1958/99 Anders J R Cd Rectr 1957 Derby Recruiting Office 1957/166* Anderson P K WS Maj 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287. Andrews A Lt 1950 RM Field Gun Crews 1950/228* Andrews R A Capt RMFVR 1956 Awarded Iraqi Order of Al Rasidhain 5th Class 1956/227 Andrews R A Capt RMFVR 1956 Guard of Honour for King Feisal of Iraq 1956/227* Andrews R D Lt RMFVR 1953 Commanding no 4 SBS - awarded MBE 1953/187, Andrews R D Lt 1954 Architectural scholarship in America 1954/239 Canoeing at Maidenhead Regatta/SBS City of London Andrews R D A Lt RMFVR 1951 RMFVR 1951/245340, Andrews R D A Capt RMFVR 1955 Post graduate Architecture in US and training with USMCR 1955/229*, Angell R L A/Rct Offr 1958 Promoted from CSgt 1958/99 Arbuthnot W P Lt Col 1922 Editor of the G & L 1945/129 Arbuthnot W P Col 1931 Daughter's engagement 1931/249 Archdall Mervyn Lt 1931 Training RM Field Gun Crew 1932/351 Archdall Mervyn Lt 1932 Portsmouth Div Rugby Team 1932/151* Archdall Mervyn Lt 1934 Grave of "Tiki" 1934/218- Archdall Mervyn Lt 1934 HMS Diomede Concert Party 1934/15 Archdall Mervyn Capt 1934 Letter from South African Veteran's Association 1934/133 Archdall Mervyn Lt 1935 Lands with Diomede det. For musketry training 1935/172 Archdall Mervyn Capt 1937 Coronation Street Lining Battaliuon 1953/56 Archdall Mervyn Capt 1939 Guard of Honour at Chatham 1939/114 Archdall Mervyn Capt 1939 Point-to-Point 1939/214* Archdall Mervyn Maj 1941 "The Battle of Crete" (OC Manding Coy) 1945/36 Archdall Mervyn Col 1954 "The Commandant General's Visit to the USMC" 1954/53 Archdall Mervyn Col 1954 ADC to HM The Queen 1954/99 Archdall Mervyn Col 1955 DOPAR awarded CBE 1955/26 Archdall Mervyn Col (ret) 1959 Letter - Requesting copies of Brtain's Sea Soldiers 1959/336 Archdall Mervyn Col (ret) 1959 With Captain General in the Museum 1959/160+* Archer A H Lt 1943 Engagement - serving 3RM 1943/108 Arkwright R St C Lt 1937 "Iron Duke" detachment Tactical Training 1937/296 Arkwright R.St.C. Capt 1935 Leaves "Rodney" 1935/321 Armitage C M Chaplain 1942 Junior Xchaplain at Plymouth 1942/210 Armour S G B Capt 1949 US Challenge Cup Shooting Team 1949/228* Armour S G B Capt 1950 Second stage of the King's Prize at Bisley 1950/230 Armour S G B Maj 1952 Small Bore Team 1952/111*, Armour S G B Capt 1957 Receiving shooting trophy at Bisley 1957/243* Armour S G B Maj 1958 Article - "Cumberland Fort……………………" 1958/275 Armstrong John Chaplain 1943 ChaplainHQ RM Div - Marriage 1943/136 Armstrong John Chaplain 1945 Senior Chaplain Cdo Gp 1945/244 Armstrong John Chaplain 1947 Walcheren Commemoration Service 1947/279* Armstrong John Chaplain 1948 Tree planting ceremony on Walcheren 1949/4 Armstrong John Chaplain 1950 Appointed to RMB Eastney 1950/200 Armstrong John Rev 1952 Unveiling Commando Memorial Spean Bridge 1952/214* 1943/189, Armstrong N A D Lt Col 1943 Commandant RM Snipers' School 251 Armstrong N A D Lt Col 1951 Book - "Fieldcraft and Stealth" 1951/52, 72 Armstrong N A D Lt Col 1945 Sniping Wing RMSAS 1945/281 1931/218, Armstrong St G B Gen 1931 Death of son 250 Armstrong St G B Gen 1934 Visit to Chatham as Honorary Colonel Commandant 1934/279 Armstrong St G B Gen 1936 Visit to Chatham as Honorary Col Comdt 1936/318* Armstrong St G B Gen 1937 With Chatham Division Shooting Team and RMOCA 1937/322* Armstrong St G B Gen 1935 Visit to Chatham Division as Honorary Colonel Commandant 1935/300 Armstrong St G B Gen 1936 First Subscriber to RM Regimental Race Club 1936/24 Arnall E P Capt 1950 HQ 3 Cdo Bde Officers 1950/123* 1957/126, Arnall E P Capt 1957 OCRM HMS Sheffield 273* Arnall E P Lt 1958 "Putting the shine on 'Shibny Sheff' " 1958/233* Arnold Harold A/Cd Rectr 1954 Promoted to A/Cd Rectr 1954/188 Arnold J J 2Lt 1952 Transfer from RN 1952/126 Visit of HM The Queen to Malta with HRH The Duke of Arnold J J Lt 1954 Edinburgh 1954/160 Arnold L H A Cd BM 1953 Promoted from Staff BM 1953/195 Arthur J D Lt (QM) 1953 Birth of a daughter 1953/107 Arymar A S Capt 1945 Relieved as Commandant Hill Camp 1945/380 Ascheron C N Ty 2Lt 1951 NS Commission 1951/252 Ashby Brian Lt 1957 First Sea Lord's visit to Deal 1957/285* Ashby R J Capt (QM) 1954 Retires - Photograph in mess dress and service record 1955/23* Ashton S L Capt 1947 OCRM "Triumph" 1947/126 Ashton S L J Lt 1937 Corps Commission 1937/360 Ashton S L J Proby 2Lt 1944 Leaving NCOs School 1944/133 Aston G G Maj Gen 1938 Death 1939/46- Aston G G Brig Gen 1910 Advisor to new government of South Africa 1944/62 1936/296+(S Aston W G S Maj 1936 Regimental Colour Officer for King's visit to Eastney upplement) Aston W G S 2Lt 1958 Cartoon - Corps Personalities 1958/319* Atkinson R N Capt 1946 RM Detachment Palembang 1946/284 Atkinson R N Lt 1955 Snow Training in Canada 1955/148 Atkinson Surg Cdr(D) 1959 Dentist leaving ITCRM 1959/252 Attrill F E G Lt 1955 Resigns commission 1955/239 Attwood A A Lt 1936 Assistant Paymaster at Chatham 1936/135 Attwood A A Lt 1938 Joins "Revenge" 1938/75 Attwood A A Capt 1945 OCRM "Frobisher" 1945/232 Attwood A A Capt 1947 S Troop 42 Cdo 1947/238 Attwood A A Maj 1945 Relinquishing Camp Comdt Beacon Hill Camp, Chatham 1945/239 Attwood Claude Maj 1931 Marriage 1931/216 Austin A J Capt (ret) 1956 Retirement as Porter of Jesus College 1956/233 Aveling Surg Cdr 1945 Death at Chatham 1945/112 Ayling A W 2Lt 1953 Corps Commission 1953/248 Ayling A W Lt 1958 Resigned commission 1958/99
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