LAM RON VOLUME XXIX OREGON COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, MONMOUTII, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1951 NUMBER 8 HOMECOMING QUEEN AND COURT ESCORTED TO CEREMONIES Sadie Hawkins Dance To Be Held Nov. 17 Come on, girls! Get your date, Sadie Hawkins dance, sponsored It's the 17th, so don't be late. by the Associated Women Students, Everyone! Come out of your den will be Saturday, November 17, at 8 Remember, it starts at 8:30 p.m. p.m. in Maple hall. Admission will ;: . , be 50 cents per couple, and prizes As for dress, it s not your doom, will be given at the ~lightest provo- Come as you like, have a costume. cation. There's entertainment put on store, The observance of Sadie Hawk- Don't miss going thtough the door! ins' day h as become an annual oc- Come to this frolic, forget the beach currence since its origin in Al Capp's It will only cost a quarter each! comic strip. Where are you going in such a A well-rounded program has been trance? planned and refreshments will be Well, it's the AWS Sadie"Hawkins' Iserved. dance! General chairman for the dance 'is Gerry Ratto, with Glenna Parks Surrounded by an honor guard of ing game on Saturday, Nov. 3. Queen Fulmore, on the queen's left is ob­ in charge of invitations; Elizabeth Varsity Omen, Queen Bunny Walton Bunny is the center of the three scured by one of the honor guard. Student Teacher Tests Thoralson, decorations; Mary Sher­ and her court ride into the OCE girls riding in the back of the con- A group of OCE rally girls escorts wood, publicity; Rosalia Crowford, stadium for the between-halves cor- vertible. To her right is Princess the motor party and performed sev­ To Be Given Nov. 15 refreshments; Dorothy Peterson. onation ceremony at the Homecom- , Maidie Hinderlong. Princess Eleanor eral drills following the coronation All students who intend to enter banl; and Louise Christensen, clean supervised teaching must take the up. CAMPUS CALENDAR student teacher achievement test in An invitation to the dance has Monday, November 12: order to complete their applications. been extended to the Foresters at Oregon State college. Approximate­ Jitterbugging Proves 6 :30 p.m.-A.S. oouncll Students are urged to take these ly 30 are expected to attend, and 7 p.m.-I .V.C.F., MES Aud. tests at an early date in order that a an equal number of OCE girls will Tuesday, November 13: re-test may be given if necessary. serve as hostesses for the occasion. 6:30 p.m.-Collectos, CH 110 Students who h ave applied or are Added Entertainment 7 p.m.--Student Welfare Com­ applying for admission to supervised Placement Meeting "Remember When" Chet Mulkey's IBest to You," "In the Cool of the mittee meeting teaching for winter term must take 7:30 p.m.-Co-Weds meet, Ad. 117 the student teacher achievement Scheduled for Nov. 15 dance band played for the Home- Evening,''. and "1:'°ngi~ ~or You.b" Also durmg the mterillJSS1on Bo 7:30 p.m.-FTA Executive Coun­ tests at this time in order.. to com­ There will be a meeting on Thurs­ coming dance on Novem'Jer 3? Downing introduced the most im- cil, CH 115 plete their applications. Students day, November 15, in room 212 of . · t d I The decorations we:e ongma e portant girls of the week-end, Queen Wednesday, November 14: who are intending to apply for su­ the Administration building at 4 for the dance by Helen Stevens and Bunny the First and her princesses, 12-noon-Varsity O pervised teaching in spring term are p.m. for all students who are doing Kathy Miller. There were three Eleanor and Maidie. Queen Bunny 6:30 p.m.-W.A.A. urged to take· the tests at this time. their supervised teaching this year, murals placed at different points welcomed the alumni with a short 7 p.m.-Crlmson 0, CH 116 TESTS or who expect to go into the teach­ around the room- depi 0 ting differ- speech, ing field next fall, or before, states 1 8 p.m.-"I Remember Mama" DATE: THURSDAY, Nov. 15, 1951 ent ph ases of school life. In the cen- The dancing continued until about Thursday, November 15: TIME: 1:00 P .M. Mrs. Minnie Andrews, OCE place­ ter of the floor was a dainty dum- 12.30. Of course by that time 6:30 p.m.-W.A.A. PLACE: Adm. 212 ment director. my-whom was it ,supposed to be? all of the girls were dancing 7 p.m.-Phi Beta Sigma, CH 110 1 :00--Distribution of Materials Placement procedures will be dis­ Close to ·the sidelines were groups on their ankles, since they had Friday, November 16: 1 :05-Language cussed and credential materials will of old-fashioned desks with stu- danced their feet off. 8 p.m.- "I Remember Mama" 1 :45-Arithmetic be distributed. Mrs. Andrews re­ dents occasionally sitting in them. Programs for the evening were Saturday, November 17. Applicants are requested to report quests all students interested to The. patrons and patronesses were made by Helen Stevens. They were Sadie Hawkins' Dance promptly at 1:00. mark this date on their calendars Dr. and Mrs. Roben J . Maaske, Mr. and to arrange be present. made of gray felt and tied with red Note: Those students who are ap­ to and Mrs. Oscar C. Christensen, and cord They were shaped as pennants pearing for a re-test on a specific Mr. and Mrs. Delmer R . Dewey. with "OCE" stamped on them. area may report at the appropriate FTA Schedule Changed Chet Mulkey's band struck up a A-V Conference time for that test as indicated above. A slight change has been made in specially "hot" number and two Students who must complete the the schedule for the FI'A meetings. couples went into a jitterbug rou­ Co-Wed Club To Meet To Be Saturday examination at. this time should Only the executive council will meet tine that was really good. All other Tuesday, November 13, at 7:30 make the necessary arrangements on the second Tuesday of each dancing ceased during the exhibi­ p.m. in the city hall, the wives of The vital skills today's teacher with their instructors. month, with the regular meeting be­ tion. OCE students will meet. needs in using modem audio-visual - D. Baron ing held on the fourth Tuesday. The dance h ad the alumni of Following a short business meet­ tools is the object of a study confer­ OCE as its honored guests. ing there will be games, refresh­ ence at OCE on Saturday, Nov. 17. During the intermisison a trio ments, and a social visit. School administrators, audio-vis­ Students' United Nations Discusses composed of Kathy Miller, Drue All members and newcomers are ual coordinators, and educators from Hughson and Bobbie Vick, sang "My invited. all over Oregon will attend the all­ Ways:i To Strengthen World Friendship day session. Stanley E. Williamson, associate On Saturday, October 27, two of listen to the discussion in the af­ Two '/ Remember Mama, Performances professor of education at OSC, will our students at OCE from Alaska, ternoon when the chairman ru,ked serve as general group discussion Moira Lane and Veva Beck, with each student to suggest ways that Will Be Presented -- November 14, 16 leader. The general topic for the Charles J. Noxon, assistant profes- friendship could be strengthened be­ conference is "Teacher Education in sor of social science, attended a tween his country and the United The curtain will go up on Ore- operation but visitors aren't allow- j Audio-Visual Materials and Meth- meeting of the Students' United Na- States. Below are a few of the sug­ gon College of Education's first fall ed to see his niece until 24 hours ods." tions at Reed college in Portland. gestions made by students from production of John Van Druten's have passed. I Arthur E. Palmer, curriculum co- All students from outside the USA ~h of the following countries: celebrated Broadway hit, "I Re- Mama, who is afraid that her . ordinator of the Albany school sys- in Oregon colleges and universiiies Germany: Set up plans for an ex­ member Mama," at 8 p.m. Novem- daughter will be frightened when Itern and president of the Oregon were invited to the meeting where change of workers through the In­ ber 14 and 16 in the Campbell hall she awakes and finds that she Is in Audio-Visual Association, will pre- the following three topics were dis- ternational Labor organization sim­ aud!torium. the hospital alone, tries to get in to side at the opening session at 9:30 cussed: ilar to the present system of student As the play opens mama, papa see Dagmar. (Does she succeed? a.m. A general survey of what 1s 1. Can the conflict between the exchange. and the children are seated in the Does Dagmar pull through the op- now being done in teacher educa- United States and the Soviet Union Austria: Broaden the basis of ex­ kitchen counting out money for the eration? What about the bank ac- tion for audio-visual competencies be resolved by peaceful means? change of persons to include those bills which need to be paid. Each count?) . will start the conference program. 2. What is the present status of in a variety of occupations instead one ls hoping th at there will be Meanwhile the eldest daughter, Dr.
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