• Iowa City's News & Culture Magazine • August 16-31, 2001 • • • [ I • 2; g ........._ ,�, _7 ._ .. _1_... ._ - I...; ;________L I 7 • 7 _ I 2 I _ I.. • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Opinion... .. ............... ...... 3 • • • • • • • • • Good Advices ...... ......... • • • • • • • • • . 4 • • • • • • • • • Books .... ... .. .. ........... ... • . 12 • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • Mu sic .. ..... ... .......... ... 15 • • • • • • • • • • • CD Reviews.. ...... ...... • • • • • • • . .. 18 • • • • • • • • • Kembrew McLeod .. .... • • • . 19 • • • • • • • • • Calen dar... .... • � � Q - • • .... ... ....... .. 20 " ···ft%@�(}O Astrology............. .... ...... 30 Newsquirks .......... ......... 31 ••••••••••••••••••••• • ,i, /�: Tattoos R Us Used to be only sailors and rs - a: them. Now everyone from grand as:o cops is getti ng in the act. But tatt s are still cool. They're so cool ar :: here, in fact, that tattoo studios ea outnumber fast-food restaura ts. Introducing members o� the local tat­ She's a pistol tooing community: blackhearts, greer')­ Neko Case brings her no-apologies brand horns ...some who dare call tattoos fine of classic country back to town art and even a map of the human sou,. • i,i,' . ,; ii:':_'_, ,' . " , i "", . ' • ,I,,' '., . 'i. , ::::,�,"i.' . ;_ ' - ' ' ' ' " ,' ,' ". i,<' ii;' , ii".'_ ,,,, .i ,- - .: ':. - - _ _ 0' _ _ .... ... .. "" W "". Wf 'W � ... � _ � • •• - - .. • • . ••• • ••• ..• • • • ••••••• • • •••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• • ••• •• • •••• • • • • ••• • •••••••••••• ••• •••• • • • • • • • • •• • • ••••••• • • • • • • •• ••• • • •• • 2 * Little Village • • -[.:- ...___ : :_' __ 1 ______ • •__ • _. : .�_... .__ _ �___ :_. • I. I. 7 II _ __ .... • 5 in business for years to come. years of activism in Iowa City, Dieterle said Todd Kimm (Hold the presses. Looks like local opposi­ she has "heard over and over the despairing tion has caused Hy-Vee to reconsider the idea complaint that real city policy is made by the I of turning Pearson's into a liquor store. Here's city manager, and that he is untouchable." • .. an idea: Turn it into a Hy-Vee pha7macy and Overturning the system itself is "a bigger keep the soda fountain. It's a perfect fit. Hy­ task," she said. "Let's see if we can fix what vee, you can be a weal hero.) we've got so we don't have to soap the whole thing." The erosion of privacy rights A victory and a defeat and the escalating CIackdown on alcohol And while we're in a reminiscing mood, and marijuana are other issues that brought let's take a look at what happened with the activists together for the petition drive. Carnegie Library building, which (if you Iowa City Fall remember) was threatened with demolition Pop quiz this spring when a local developer wanted So now ...pop q1liz. The question, dear stu­ Orientation 2001 to tear it down and put up an aprubllent dent, is why should you care? One answer building. We ll, local historical activists is obvious: These developments could affect Dear student: sprang into action and got the 98-year-old you directly in ways inconsequential (load­ We lcome back to Iowa City-or what's left building registered as a historical landmark. ing up at John's instead of Joe's) to the more of it. It's been a long, hot summer in the An ordinance is now being considered that serious (getting thrown in jail). The not-so­ Athens of the Midwest and a lot has hap­ • will allow the developer to incorporate the obvious answer involves the fact that fate pened while you were away. What follows structure into his plans by exempting the has brought you into this little college town is a very modest primer on what you project from a requirement that all down­ at a very crucial time: when small, inde­ missed and what you'll be facing during town buildings have commericial space on pendent and locally owned enterprises are this new semester-followed by a pop q1liz. the ground floor. being chewed up and spit out by corporate Seriously-this is required. On a sour note, while activists were occu­ chains. When affordable (and often historic) pied with the Carnegie building, plans to housing stock is being knocked down and Not that kind of malt liquor demolish the old Vogel house went through replaced with thrown-together high-rent You've no doubt already heard the bad unnoticed.Built in 1898 and located on the aprubnent complexes. When only the well­ news that the city council made good on its corner of Iowa Av enue and Linn Street, the to-do can afford to own property within the threat to put the kibosh on binge drinking house will be replaced with a six-story city limits due to inflated property values. by you student types. The upshot, at least building, according to associate city planner When the university is being run more like for now, is that two-for-one drink specials Shelley McCafferty. a corporation (with a "CEO" who, as tuition and all-you-can-drink nights are out; char­ skyrockets, makes 10 times more than tered buses to North Liberty and hoarding Brave new world many of its employees) than an institution But enough with the history. You should pints at downtown liquor stores are in. of higher learning, where a good liberal arts know that local activists mounted a petition "Wait," you say, "but there aren't any liquor education is treated with the respect it drive this s er to have three proposals stores downtown." Well, just so happens umm deserves. added to the November ballot. The first that while you were away, Hy-Vee made a But it's also a time when activists, many of proposes a ballot question every four years successful bid to purchase Pearson's Drug them students, are working together and that would reaffirm or deny the city coun­ Store (going strong on the corner of Linn fighting back. cil's appointments of city 'manager and and Market streets for 70 years) and will Though you'll only be in Iowa City for a police chief. The second would make the turn it into a Regal Liquor Store. Good tim­ few years, your experiences here will shape Police Citizens Review Board, which basi­ ing. A reliable source reports that Hy-Vee how you see the world. Why not honor this cally watchdogs the police, free to recom­ first looked into buying other properties, town-why not cultivate a sense of place mend changes to police deprubnent policies including Prairie Lights Bookstore and the and community-by becoming involved, and practices.The third would have officers fOlmer First Christian Church on Iowa especially when you're at your most idealis­ issue citations instead of arresting people Avenue. Prairie Lights wouldn't bite and tic or (at least) unfazed. If more of you accused of simple offenses such as the pos­ Hy-Vee eventually gIasped the fact that voted in local elections, the impact would session of marijuana. This proposal would replacing a church with a liquor store might be incredible. also ban tactics like garbage searches and look bad. They should have realized that And by the way, one other thing that "knock-and-talks" for the purpose of getting replacing an Iowa City institution like happened this summer in the midst of the into peoples' homes. Pearson's looks even worse. One by one, above was the rising of this magazine from The groups circulating the petitions have we're losing the places that make Iowa City the ashes of Icon. This is our third issue set an Aug. 20 deadline to collect a mini­ unique. Now we'll have to drive all the way (twice a monthly), and we want you to read mum of 784 signatures. Caroline Dieterle, to Grinnell (Cunningham Drug)for that old­ and depend on us. We are local and inde­ of Citizens for Accountable Local fashioned phrulUacy-soda fountain experi­ pendent, struggling to survive in this "New Government, said the driveis going well, but ence of eating egg salad sandwiches from Economy." Please support us, and our kith the groups (which include Citizens for • plastic plates and gulping malt overflow and kin. Alternatives to a New Jail and Students for from those Hamilton Beach stainless-steel You are a student; you've got a lot of stuff Local Politics) want to exceed the goal by a mixing cups. One piece of advice, though: going on; not to saddle you with too much. comfortable mrugin. "Nine out of 10 people Please buy your booze at John's Grocery But please do more than the least of what's approached happy to sign [the peti­ (just down the street from Pearson's); let's are expected of you; do more than just leave tions]," she said. Throughout her 30-plus keep another beloved Iowa City landmark this place like you found it * Little Vii/age * 3 • -- ___1 __ ____'_"" __ '__ ' ._ -_._... '., _._.. •__ : _._ ... .__ •_. ,,,,:.,.'_7_"' ••" •• :__ 2.. i .1_'_"2 haps because he or she teaches a course in Not to be confused with a regular that area. Show up in that person's offi ce advice column, Good Advices dis· during scheduled office hours and say, penses wisdom gathered from both Good Advices "Hello. I'd like to ask your advice. I am the distant winds and local gurus thinking I might want to go to graduate and experts. If you �ave some good common event that may turn on this light is school, but I'm still uncertain about where I advice.on pretty much any topic, call a missing or loose gas cap. This should would go or what exactly I would study. I do or email us with it. If, on the other always be checked first before taking the car know that I'm pretty interested in such-and­ hand, you need advice, do the same such.
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