------------r ---------r . - j - ■T"—> " ------- .......... ; L . ’ ( : ■■ ! X.,i --- les- L: ----- -------------- 1 Good min o m i n g Vietnjlam tijiinis€overrm oreirem aitins fsls or luriicd over 10 Vietnamcamcsc aulhorhics g for the 2,238 American MIAlIAs. U . Col John C.. CrCray, the U.S. Army ofd- fsi Ibday’s forecastist: n'Ilw Assodated Press accounting 1 by villagers in December and January dur- , * ; United Slates withheld someme car- cer who heads Ihche M IA office in H anoi, b] Breezy. Rain likely:ely. Highs 45 to 55. But the I ing the biggest joint searchh cfeffort since the iggcst o f which is the rcstorali'ration of said the lifting o f theth embargo would help • in South w inds 15 to 25 mph. Snow likely HANOI, Vietnam — Fourur (days after the rots, the big ic.ties, broken when Commim unisl his mission, endei of the war. ■ toni^t. Lows 25 lo.30.. 30 . - - UnitedU Slates lifted the 19-ycat^ear trade embar- diplomatic, The operation was observctrvcd by lop U.S. dtnam defeated U.S.-backedd ISouth -“I believe lhal th(Ihc Vietnamese coopcra- P » g e A 2 gog, against Vietnam, Hanoii is tu n in g over North Vidti officials in whal Westernn didiplom ts said^ __ in April-1975.------- :---------------_________lion is at a peak righli ^ l now j'lhc s a i d . ____ ol totoday more remains o f whalal aare thought-to—Vietnam in was a rnovc by the CImloniiTadminislraliort a .................. liled Slates also did not immc(flcdiate- Vieinam and theie IUnited Slates will begin w be missing American servicemcemen. The Unili to set the siagCfor endingng the embargo Vietnam "most favored nanation" another major scarelarch operation Feb; 26 in- tc U.S. officials witl announceICC ithe number of i y grant V rredible witnesses i.ic which w Q uldJow cr-larifiriffs on volving more thanan 100 American spcciai- basedb; on testimony from credi rcrem iins relumed after a ccrcmc:mony dl-Noi-Oai—Uadc-statuj ------------------- ■’'T ^ ^-----lhaiIf Vieinam WdS C60[>erailng:ing:------------------ ;---------------- • Vietnameses c imports lo the United Staleales and ists., International Airport. it turned over 35 sets o f re­ They included Assistantunt Secretary o f Agrowing proboblem dc lifting the em- make themm more compclilive in the: AAm crb The Vietnamese li President Clinlon had made I tied Slates in .1992 and 67 SSlate W inston Lord. Sen.. JolJohn Kerry and Building permit nunnumbers in Tw in Falls . 's cooperation in can market,cl. \ mains to Ihe Untied bargo coiitingent on Hanoi's < jince the cnd'of the war. AAdm. Charles R. Larson,I, C(com m ander of County soar, but grov-rowth in the area has . ing of Americans Vietnamm is now pushing for diploi)lomatic sets lasl year. Sine lhe fullest possible accounting limed 584 sets of remains. LU.S. military forccs in thec P;Pacific and the been “a lot o f hophazaazard hop-scotching." /ietnam W ar. recognitionan. Jusl aflcr O inton announc<need the Vietnam has rctumi "'A id in g in action from the Viet i 281 have been identified hhighest-ranking officer to vvisit Vietnam P a a e M ; families of M IAs end of theic economic sanctions. Deputyluty For- bul thus far only 2i /lT S rv c |c ra n s groups and fan sisince the end <if ihc war. All reported lhal ^d of the embar- cign Mininisler Le Mai pledged Vie/ietnam as Americans, /had strongly opposed the ^ being handed over today VietnamV was cooperatingng ffully and not J ^ would lose Ils would conimlinuc cooperating in tryinglg to rc- The remains bei Petition denied!d ggo. saying the United Staley' vaied by American special- holdingh anything back, 71 to cooperate in solve MIAA eases. were either cxcavau An cast Jerom e CoiiCounty petition to split lileverage in forcing Vieinam ti from a county-widcde ambulance district has been denied. P > g « M j ibilitattes SU\irerCn*eek Contributionss ccompared Conseijrvanc;;y reha The fund-raisingg elefforts-of supporters jByRi).McAlpin of an anti'gay rights{hls initiative is fairly ■nmes-News•] Correspondent evenly matched withith iits opponents. PWM _______- HAILEY- ll is winter no\now the Silver .Creck.Preserve. Few visitors arrive al thisis pplacc - a place the Nature Conwrvancy ofif kIdaho considers iits crowning achievement. „NFC-AFC clasIash m Pit) Bowl Inside the preserve's visit a small l,SOO-wall space heahealer adds little Football Confcrcncc ■ T he A m erican Fo warmth as manager PaulI ToddT waits for nc lost pride Sunday in tried to regain some I wood in the small stove to cal<catch and answers ■ ball’s annual wrap up professional foolbaV a string o f telephone calls. Pro Bowl. P > g aB 1 Home will boonn Itour ■ A2 | H h | Capital star joijoins NHL elite Peter Bondra, a \Washington Capital In the winter, Todd willII rnot be working right winger. becamtamc only the 10th man outside along the creek amongong Ihe 8,000 visi- in professional hislorslory to score five goals tors w ho arrive at the presciescrvc - aboul 10 :h summer. in a game. miles south of Hailey - cach s P » g e B 3 Nor docs his work includciidc the conservan- | S | t | M cy’s visitor outreach prcsenta:ntations and habi- lat restoration, or the trail and fcncc building lhal Icl visitors enjoy the creccreek bul keep cat- / t i c oul o f the delicate riparianian areas. : ^ But with his back to thele visitors'v center's CouhtiygoiKis mainstream north-facing windows, ignoriiloring momentariry You don’t have’c tilo be a cowboy or a Iheir unclullered view of ai babald eagle g lid in g '- ^ ^ ^ ^ H a " crooner to w ear youyour Stetson wiih pride over the Wood River Valley,ley, Todd tells “ lhe these days. secrcl” o f the conservancy's s P a g e D I “Wc don’t preach,’’ saysyrs tthe thin-bearded biologist, dressed in a whilelite T-shirt with “in All about Winiindows Fish We Trust” emblazoneded con its front. “One o f the ihings that reallyrea attracted me B H jH Columnist Dave« 1Barry says you have . aaitei to be a real stud ho'hdmbrc cybermuffin to lo this place and job was thalthat I really believe that environmentalists canI wcwork in rural areas _ . ; ^ incy of idaho considers: Its cro w n in g handle computer sofsoftware. roddjiiionasM the Silveror C re e k P re s e rv e , a p laace c e t h e N a tu re C o n s e rv a n t P a g e D 4 and with land owners. I secsee myself ^s their “auLTO neighbor,” he says. “Thererc tldocs not have lo schlevfl he seller of land os a be conflict." $13.1 mil- others who supporport its cause buy them. LandI as h i^ i as 30 pcrccnt to the s< 120,'774t4 a'cr« valued at more than $L I key in helping lhe incy only negotiations oftenten take years and includc al-. charitable gift, has been kcj Extraordinary feals liOQ. Bu3ut it cosl the cprlscrvanc rrvation cascmcnt.s. ■■ tomcys and landd owners,o as well as the occa-• coascrvancy obtain cbnscrvat escrvc doesn’t look $363,400DO to protect that land. ',; imcs down to ihat," The manager of the presci rk in 1951 sional governmenticnt agcncy or the neighboring> “Sometimes il just comcs Fix commimitilities— _____ like a superman. Bul by mosinosl accounts Todd Thc-ccconservan^ begiin, its Wu;k i • Todd snys. “Thai's why pcopeople sell off Iheir s stated mission "to prc.sen/crvc plants, laVdowticis. Building juvenilelile lock-ups w on’t stop and others with the conscrvairvancy have accom- with its : : conservancy - with 655,(XX)) land for subdivision, bccau«rause it’s too expen- ilhing less than ex- animals5 :and natural communities ihulhal rcprc- By 1992, lhe co crim e i f A m erica’ca’s basic institutions plished feats that are nolhii inaged a system of more Ihan1 sivc to keep. The tax reductvluction incentive can sent thec (diversity of life on Earth by protect- members - manag keep failing, a guestjcst editorial says. traordinary. actuaries in the United Stales, Ik cnidal lo the conservancyincy’s plans." from July 1992 io ing the lalands and walcr they need to.si0 survive." 1300 nature sancti P ^ A 6 During Ihc fiscal year frc lism may be a good quality in1 The money incentive has been Ihc back- incy’s Idaho officc ll hass |proleclcd thousands o f awesTcs o f sen- Though allniistr June 1993, the conservanc; 1 or having busine.'w, a health;illhy reduction in incomc lax, Please seeie FPRESERVE/A2 protected or helped lo protectpre more Ihan sitive lanands cither by buying them ot • Reduce budgeIget deficit iIs,lobBayistebla ---------------- UtSt—T-r«o6ure;irey-S«cr«lary-rLlojid -------iiheral . Bentsen and Whilelile House budget Direc- - tor Leon Panella-sa-say the-budget defidt------- will widen withoutjut heallh-care reform. nforbuidgetca P a g e A3 Clmton pro- The Associated Press year deccciding which of the presidcr Revamped testest posals to embrace and which to ignoi cinl interest ,groups arc alsoso wasting The first changesges to lhe Scholatic Apti- W A SH IN G TO N — LiberalLib Democrats Spccii imc.gcaring up. _______ - tude Test in 20»years yc include-allowing........------and lobbyists aimed fire atQl 1Presideni C linton- liltlc.lim American Public Transit /&s\.n^ialidri H lalors and measuring crit- on Sunday for cuts he willvill seek in his 1995 The A the use of calculeto in 10 mass budget, as administrationn oofficials defended warnedd ;Sunday Ihat nearly seven in ical thinking skills.
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