Salem NORTH SHORE DIVERSITY CATALOG 2021 Welcome to the 2021 North Shore Diversity Catalog T h e Cit i es of S a le m , B ev er ly, Pe a bo dy, and L y nn and t h e To w ns of S w am ps c o t t an d Ma r bl eh ea d p ar t n er ed in Ma r c h 2 021 to la u n ch t h e Nor t h S h or e Div er s i t y C at alo g, a r e gi o na l v e n dor r eg is t r y f or m in or it y- an d w om en - o wn e d b us i n es s e s (MWBE) . T h e Nor t h S h or e is no t o nl y cu lt ur a ll y d iv e r s e, it is h om e to m an y d if f er e nt bus i nes s es r un by p e o pl e wh o hav e ov e r c om e h is t or ic b ar r ie r s , an d we w an t t hem to t h r iv e. T h e Div er s i t y C at a lo g is a m ar ke t i ng t o ol f or b us i n es s e s t h at wis h to of f er t h eir s e r v i ces a n d/o r pr o d uct s to r es id e nt s a nd to o t her bus in es s es a nd institutions w it hi n t h e No r t h S h or e ar ea. Th is c at a lo g a ls o h el ps communities i m p r o v e e q u i t y and d i v e r s i t y in m u n i c i p al c o n t r a c t s and b i d s . Questions? Email Kate Newhall-Smit h at [email protected] Consulting Design Services E-Commerce Education & Child Care Events & Entertainment Industrial & Manufacturing Legal Services Medical Non-Profit Personal Services Real Estate Services Restaurant & Catering Retail Travel & Tourism Index Consulting Aeon Counseling & Consulting Minority-Owned | LGBTQIA-Owned | Woman-Owned Jenn Nakhai getaeonhelp.com | 617.982.3996 [email protected] 152 Lynnway, Suite 2C, Lynn, MA & Salem, MA Aeon Counseling & Consulting exists to strengthen the ability of individuals and organizations to achieve their missions. Our vision is that every person and organization creates, embraces, and supports a culture of learning in the service of its mission. We offer language capacity in psychotherapy and evaluation. Currently using Telehealth. CONSULTING ashleyidesign Increase your sales, attract targeted leads and grow your Woman-Owned business, with a super-effective inbound marketing strategy. Ashley Hill Let’s transform your website into a 24/7 sales machine; ashleyidesign.com | 860.307.8131 attracting prospective customers, engaging them with [email protected] compelling content, converting them into eager buyers, and then processing their sales. All this in a single, connected Ipswich, MA and reliable solution. CONSULTING B e n a t t i Leadership Development Woman-Owned Beth Kennedy bethkennedy.com | 978.771.7170 [email protected] 35 James Street, Beverly, MA Benatti Leadership Development provides leadership and C-suite executive coaching and human resource consulting to innovative founders, leaders, and CEOs. Gives leaders the tools to address their most critical and complex leadership issues, bring a disciplined approach to transformation, and uncover the pivot points for accelerated growth, performance, and profitability. Expertise includes coaching leaders to fine tune their leadership styles for maximum impact, positively influence the people they work with and build effective teams, and develop resilience skills to support peak performance. Over 90% of executive coaching clients report that after working with Benatti Leadership Development for a year, improvement in working relationships with peers and direct reports increased 80%; effectiveness in CONSULTING communication increased by 80%; ability to manage conflict more effectively increased by 75%. Benning Small Business Advisors Woman-Owned Teresa Benning bethkennedy.com | 203.525.4886 [email protected] 7 Crombie Street, Unit 17, Salem, MA Small business consultants specializing in finance, safety and human resources. We can help you manage your bookkeeping, financial statements, debt management, tax planning, payroll, benefits, staffing and training, handbooks, quality, OSHA, ISO and lean training, and process management. CONSULTING Blue Pencil Consulting Woman-Owned Kate Victory Hannisian bluepencilconsulting.com/ | 978.777.8840 [email protected] 69 Collins Street, Danvers, MA Blue Pencil Consulting provides editorial and writing services to businesses and authors looking to create intriguing and effective book manuscripts and book proposals, website and social media content, blogs. articles, and e-newsletters. CONSULTING BNMC - bredy network management corporation Immigrant-Owned Eryck Bredy, Roger Michelson, Azeddine Jakib bnmc.net | 978.482.2020 [email protected] 50 Union Street, Andover, MA & 827 Main Street, Woburn, MA Information Technology (IT) Managed Service Provider (MSP). cloud services and IT Consulting. For companies and organization with no IT staff, our team of experts can become your outsourced IT department (IT managed services); responding to issues quickly, often before you even know about them. As your NetPartner, we cover everything from your servers and network infrastructure, to your computers, workstations and mobile devices. In essence, we provide end-to-end solutions for all of your technology needs, either on premise or in the Cloud. For companies with an existing IT department, our team of senior system engineers offers Enterprise IT Support as well as project and consulting services. The focus is to respond quickly to Level 2 & 3 requests, support technology acquisition needs and provide executive- level insights for planning how your IT supports your company's goals. CONSULTING Dot Connector Consulting, LLC Women-Owned Mikki Wilson dotconnectorconsulting.com| 781.654.6540 [email protected] 59 Hood Street #2, Lynn, MA Dot Connector Consulting helps entrepreneurs and business owners save time and focus on the bottom line by providing quality virtual assistance and marketing solutions. A qualified virtual assistant helps small businesses grow without costly overheads, unjustified expenses, and pains of employing staff. Our goal is to alleviate your focus on day-to-day tasks that don't scale business. CONSULTING Innate Force Coaching & Consulting Innate Force Coaching and Consulting exists to inspire and guide individuals, teams, Woman-Owned and organizations in developing the greatness within them. We provide a broad Jill Soucy range of professional services and solutions to help individuals and organizations innateforce.com | 617.256.8704 focus strengths in ways that expand leadership, increase engagement, transform [email protected] culture, and improve performance and productivity. Services include 1:1 and team P.O. Box 4502, Salem, MA coaching, professional training and development, team-building and team retreats, organizational development consulting. Innate Force also offers services in Strengths-Based Parenting training and coaching. CONSULTING GTRX Consulting Immigrant-Owned Steven Gonzalez GTRXconsulting.com | 617.803.0970 [email protected] 1 Longham Road, Beverly, MA I provide engineering services on a consulting basis in the field of medical, industrial, and consumer electronics. Services include design engineering, talent acquisition, and strategic component sourcing. CONSULTING Jen Inspiring Coach Woman-Owned Jen Jonassaint [email protected] | 781.691.3726 Lynn, MA As a certified Financial and Life Coach I guide motivated people to create a plan to help them gain control over their life and money to leave a lasting legacy for generations CONSULTING Kick It Up Consulting LGBTQIA-Owned Women-Owned Carla Scheri kickitupconsulting.com | 617.455.5980 [email protected] Peabody, MA Kick It Up Consulting offers comprehensive action plans to market and grow your business. Kick It Up Consulting will help you determine your goals, timelines, budget, capacity and desired outcomes. This assessment may be done at the start of your project, mid-project, or as the final support system to bring your project to completion. CONSULTING LCG Brands Consulting Women-Owned Jodi-Tatiana Charles lcgbrands.com | 888.361.4601 [email protected] 23 Pleasant St Suite 8, Marblehead MA 01945 LCG Brands is a marketing consulting firm dedicated to educating and empowering entrepreneurs, small and medium businesses (SMBs), global organizations, startups and NGO/non-profits on the importance of growing personal and corporate brands. Since 2009, we have operated as an ecosystem, via a unique collaborative model that adds concrete value to our clients’ businesses. CONSULTING New Dimensions in Technology, Inc.(NDT) Women-Owned Recruiting and Placement firm specializing in positions related to high Beverly A. Kahn technology. Founded in 1979 by industry pioneer Beverly A. Kahn, New ndt.com | 781.599.9300 [email protected] Dimensions in Technology(NDT) is a recruitment and placement firm specializing in placing professionals in Software Development, DevOps, Swampscott, MA Product Management, Marketing, and Professional Services/Service Delivery CONSULTING Profile Research, Inc. Profile Research is a Massachusetts based global Consumer Reporting Agency Women-Owned that provides background screening services across all industries. MaryAnn Levasseur After 20+ years in this industry, Profile Research knows where to obtain “direct profileresearch.net | 978.887.3110 data” – which means quicker, reliable data for your screenings, savings to you, [email protected] and confidence in the product. Wherever possible, we have eliminated database- driven services. It’s all about turnaround time and personalized customer Rowley, MA service.
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