Iii 6"T.,**Rs Colleges & Afliliated Colleges

Iii 6"T.,**Rs Colleges & Afliliated Colleges

IKG Punjab Technical UniversitY Kapurtbala Road, JALANDHAR Directons Phone No. 01822- 255508 DeveloPment) (College Email : [email protected] Ref. No.: Pru t oco t 9381 REMINDER-3 Director & PrinciPal iii 6"t.,**rs Colleges & Afliliated Colleges of the faculty members on the website uploading of the detail of Subject: Regarding respective colleges' Dear SirMadam' Govemor of IKGPTU regatding taken by the Board of This is with reference to decision displayingfacultyinformationonthecollegewebsite.Inthecontextofthesame,alettervideref. to all no.IKGPTU/DCD|2757datedo6t0g|20t6/Reminder-lIKGPTU/DCD/2965ctated29|09120|6attached) have been issued dated 7211012016(Copies and Reminder-2 PTUIDCD;2II: the compliance by college website and submit requisite information on colleges to display the the requisite colleges have not displayed observed that some of 1511012106'It has been informationtilldate.AllthePendingcolleges(TheListofallPendingCollegeisattachedhere with)areagaindirectedtodisplaytherequisiteinformationontheilwebsiteimmediatelyand subnritthecomplianceratestuy-25n0r20|6.ThisisthelastRemindertoallsuchcollegesafterpending colleges by the will be initiated against these strict disciplin*y" u.tion & email 25n012016a Mobile no' 9465884614 Balwant Singh SA' query please contact Mr' university. If any balwantsingh'navY@Ptu'ac'in' With regards CopY to:- l. PS to VC ) Registrar . , J. Dean (Academrc.l +. Dean (RIC) for information Please' List of Colleg6- Not uploaded the Faculty on Website @ Management'Gharuan Bhjia-In*lljrr.,,"titutl Tech,Kotli,Pathankot @nt"lQPurthala Gate' Amritsar c.jeg@"t-olos/''Ludhiana d"&c" o-iGffiAffiffi' Aiamgir Ludhiana G-titr-6oiM-"c"-.-*tm6"ology'Jalanclhar 6ffiG8il661-Ei.:6G, rlu'u'' uot'uti 6-u"g.orPn-'n*v'xttarar'Mohali iiffit-.of engg& tt"nn' xho*t' t'tottoti @(Rahon) @(Rahon)Mg1 @tt'toltuti Amrtisar - ' ft-tint"ornaonog"tent,Amribar -',...'..........,...'._orne.orn*not -a r""nnotog ffi 6--fEngio""ting'&Tt"hnolos/'Gurdaspur @gY'Ludhiana 6t,ut-iFc.o]-ffi ''c,t-ibra'Luclhiana "Lodh1 @istt'Ludhiana ' Hoshiarpur @lmrits"t @ent' Dalewal, HoshiarPur pnatnucy,Dalewal,Hoshiarpur fr ilsk-Inttitoteof Bh"da"l T*h"t*t Campus' Bhaddal, Rupnagar jewal 6t.-..-g"ore,sitt"ss}vruoug"men!Po 6iifleo-rengin.".ing,Pojewal Ai. itege OfE tgtneering AbhiPur @Pur'Mohali @ctaottotil fres"fiffit"'6ffion' Distt GurdasPur @,Nawanshahr @'Jalandhar flM*"g.t"nt a r".tnotos/, Amritsar 6iiGbi"ffi@Gr'noi"ry' Arnritsar -ol*g-ffi ormocYemritsut @Ludhiana Amritsar ' @a4Amritsar @isttLudhiana 6-poi6ii.c"ffi *-c*tAt)' M ukerian flouporcon"ge.,Mukerian handigarh @,Jalandhar @'Ludhiana @an'GurdasPur @'Lu<lhiana @il Dera Bassi, Mohali @' Baddowal, Ludhiana Cantt' Jhande Ludhiana Mandi'Tehsil lnstitute Of Engineering & Applleo @anjeri,Mohati @eri, Dist' Amritsar @ri,Dist' Amritsar lbge Basoli' P'O @studies' Phaglvara rnstffirengg. g rech', Phagwam' @logr, HoshiarPur @[ege,GurdasPur @los/'Gurdaspur ffin"g.orPn"*"">''rutarar.Mohali Fn-gine".ingco ege Fot Gitls' Mohuli @alaAmritsar fi6i*i oi Afrit""t*"' M-"-ala' Amritsar @ogy,Atnritsar @5r'HoshiarPur @,Jalandhar ins Tffiagetnett & Technology' Roopnagar @'t'tottati @GurdasPur @,Nakodar Bhagt Singh Pollechnic And Pharmacy college, Patti, Tam-Taran @Tec, Tangori' P'o' Motemajra Mohali Udhffil"gh C"tt"g; Of T."L"lory, Subhanpur, Kapurthala College OfPharmacy, Nangal, Distt Roopnagar lnstinrte Of Engg. & Tech., Patti Halwara' Ludhiana ' Road Amritsar iffi t"-oru*agetn"ntar""nnolory,Jalandhar ara Burj Sahib Panclher' Amritsar @ani,Pathankot @awal4Amritsar $i6ilo--tt.g.otpnutt*y'Amritsar G 6i"g" oifia""a"y' Bad"ni' Pathankot Badhani ' Sffiffif At"ilte"t*t BAhani-Pathankot @istt'Mohali garh HighwaY' Dera g;/' Jalandhar Pass' Jalandhar Pathankot ' flotcu.pu.pngine"ringwittg),Pathankot SUS Engin€ering College, Tangori, Mohali @ vill. Jaulan Kalan l,alru T€hsil @an Lalm. Distt. sas Nagar(Mohali) @olory, A-Block, Guru Amardass Avenue' Vivekanad Technical College,Ludhiana Business School, Ludhiana d.iiGsn-fr iffi ai,rorng",sn"rtp*utai,r.rcirDharkalanDistt:Pathankot' Kalan' Distt' Curdaspur P'O Lalru' Tehsil ' I Derabassi' Mohali ffitt 84"""-t s*i"ty' Derabassi, Mohali iffitl-i Htgfi Fdtcatton, Derabassi, Mohali ilott.g"orpn-n*y,nn''it*Road,Batala iG;-te--ofM*uce'nilt,A*titsarRoad"Batala ffiodi*tthrt" omfu Management, Mohali ALPARAMEDICAL TECHNOLOGY A-NNIcoLLEc'E oF MANAGEMENT @DrEcHNoLoGY coLGoffiNcEANDrEcHNoLoGY @etandtechnolory UOat" Singtt Institute Of Computel IKG Punjab Technical UniversitY Directors Kapurthala Road, JALANDHAR (College Development) Phone No, 01822- 255508 Email : [email protected] Ref, No.: PrU / DCD /d37 I o,** tzltofza6 REMINDER-2 Director & PrinciPal All Constituents Colleges & Affrliated Colleges subject: Regarding uptoading of the detail of faculty members on the website of the resPective colleges. Dear Sir/Madam, IKGPTU regmding This is with reference to decision taken by the Board of Governor of of the same, a letter vide ref' displaying faculty information on the college website. In the context IKGPTU/DCD/2965 dated 2910912016 no.IKGPTU/DC Dl27 57 dated 06109/2016 & Reminder-l (Copiesattached)havebeenissuedtoallcollegestodisplaytherequisiteinformationoncollege websiteandsubmitthecomplianceby05/10/2106.Ithasbeenobservedthatsomeofcolleges date. All the colleges are again directed to display have not tlisplayed the requisite information till therequisiteinformationontheirwebsiteandsubmitthecomplianceby15/10/2016.Afterthis' thecollegesnotdisplayingtherequisiteinformationontheirwebsitewillbeforwardedtohigher authorities for strict action' With regards ,/ I \-. l-{Di"._"\* Director\co[bge DeveloPment) \ Copy to:- l. PS to vc 2. Registrar 3. Dean (Academic) 4. Dean (NC) for information Please' IKG Punicb Technicsl Univ€nsity KTDu h;h ROTd, JALAI{DHAR Dircetotl Phone No. 01822- 255508 DeveloPment) (College Email : Ptubalkar@grnail'com Dated: Qc1 qh6 7f.ro.' Pru/ DCD/2q65 REMINDER-I Director & PrinciPal iiiE"".nt*" cotteges & Affiliated colleges the members on the website of uploading of the dctail of faculty Subiect: Regardhg respective colleges' Dear Sir/Madanu of Govemor of IKGPTU regarding to decision taken by the Board This is with reference letter vide ref' content of the same' a college website' ln the information on the to displaying hculty issued to all colleges attach€d) has been d^red 06/0912016(Copy t2757 by 15/09/2106' It no.IKGPTU/DCD submit the compliance iofo'-"tio" on college website and display the requisite information till date' All displayed rhe requisite some i*" *t been observed that website and submit the has "'*U** information on their ai'*t'O to ai'pfay the requisite the colleges ar€ agaln not displaying the requisite the list of the colleges by 05/10/2016' ;;;' action' compliance authorities for further *"U'it" oiU U" fiorwarded to higher information on th"l' Withreead5 ( ---\t!"/^S'-' Director (Coil€e DeveloPment) CoPY tor 1. PStoVC 2. Regisar 3. Dean (Academtcl 4. Dean (2c) for information Ptease' Dr. Balkar Singh Director ris's gi?ffi College DeveloPment ry'*. i.. Sr*a"r. **rt Eglo ud€r Pur|,b T€chntcal univeGrly Acl, 199€ (PuqabAcl No.l ot 1997) fKq ?TU PrincipaUDirector All Afliliated Colleges/ Constituent Colleges I.ICGujral Punjab Technical University Subjectl Regarding uploadlng of the detsils of faculty members or the website of the respective collegs and biometric attendance ofstudents & taculty. SirMadam. l. The Board of Governors of IKCPTU in irs 62* Meeting has directed that all the constituent/affiliated colleges of the University will upload the details pertaining to the facufty members on their respective websites immediately. The uploaded information shall include l. Name/ResumeVEsseniialQualification 11. Aadhaar Numbers Ill. Photographs IV. EmolumentVBankAccountDetails V. Other relevant details The copy of notification and rhe format of the information to be uploaded on website of the colleges'is attached herewith. The colleges has to complete the process of uploading_of above information in the enclosed format irnmediately and submit the compliance report along with the address of college website and the details of the person looking after the website up to I 5-09-201 6 to the office of under signed. 2. The Board of Govemors of IKCPTU in its 62d Meeting has also directed for the mandalory biometric attendance of faculty memb€rs and students in all the affiliated/constituent colleges get the of IKGPTU. All the constituent/affiliated colleges of IKGPTU are hereby directed to of all the Bio Metric machines installed in their campusei and start the Biometric attendance of the same within students and faculty members. The collegei have to submit the compliance three months from ihe issuance of this letter to the office ofundersigned' With regards (#t>'.,- -u ,, Dirtctor ColDge DeveloPment A copy is forwarded to: l. PS to Vice Chancellor 2. Registrar 3. Dean, RIC 4, Dean, Academics for informalion Please' "Propetling Puniab to a Prosperous Kno*l"dg::o"W r. Guiral Puniab reehnical university Jarandhar-KapunhalaHighwav,Kapurthala-144!9.11\9i?.1.',:u^??z'" E#li$ffi#'Ail,lii'i""'i,Ejrliiti^tnpu-1. ac'in website : www.ptu ac in I.K. GUJRAL PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Esd. Itn!* hniab Tcchntunl ltnlucrdlt Ad' 1996 (Punlab Ad No. I of t997) ,rrrd; OS - O 1- l6 nct tto, : ,fGPfA/RcEN/l4qOE I Nolncenon in the Regadlng Biometrac Attendane of faculty member' str'rdents Subject uPload the details IKGPTU atrilaated;ttegesT;nstituent co!-ege & to of faculty anformation on website of the @lrcges that all the constrtuenvaffillated The Board of c,orremors in

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