The Daily Register VOL.99 NO. 162 SHREWSBURY, N. J. MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1977 15 CENTS Figuring taxes more difficult this year EDITOR'S NOTNOTEE : FllFollowini g and thosth e parents whh o havh e to directlditl y frof m Uxes owedd, ththiis whichih woulld mean a $1$11M0 U x allowelldd a sUndarddd deduction of taxpayerta s wilill nott havh e to use taxablWe income, thhe only ques- ll the flnl In a serin of five hire a babysitter in order to means that a family of four cut. The exceptiop n would be II per cent of toUl income, but the "tax-rate schedules," which tion left is whether you are article! entitled "Coping With work, tax-filing will be some- could reduce its Ux bill by families with six or more mem- no more than $2,400 if you ire require you to compute Uxes single; married and filing a Your Income Ta«." Th«y were what easier than in the past. $140. But now there Is an Al- bers,- single and no more than $2,100 °wed by multiplying n Ux rate separate return, or married written lo help taipayen pre- The changes come about be- ternative: -The second across-the- if married. by income above a certain and filing a Joint return. Find pare their Il7t Ux relnrni. cause of Ux legislation passed Whether or not you itemise board change Is a hefty In- —The third — and most vis- amount. And there is no longer your Uxes under the column by .Congress in late 1975 and In deductions, you mny subtract crease In the standard deduc- Ible - change will allow 90 per a different Ux Uble for each heading that fits you. By JIM LUTHER the fall of 1976. Several other either $39 per person or 2 per tions, which are available to cent of Americans to use a Ux family site. Auoclated Preu Writer changes in the law will become cent of the first $9,000 of Ux- those Uxpayers who do not But an important caution: Uble to see at a glance how 'Hie bad news Is that typical That figure is NOT what you WASHINGTON (AP) - Mil- effective when Uxes are filed able income, whichever Is larg- itemize deductions. much Ux they owe. The new Uxpayers will have to compute lions of Americans will find it a in 1978. er. (Taxable income is total in- The new minimum sUndard owe. To get the bottom line you Uble Is condensed into three taxable income by subtracting still have to subtract your little more difficult to figure Three major changes affect come after the $750-per-person deduction, designed to ensure pages, compared with the 10 'he $750-per-person exemption their federal Income tai this exemption and all deductions, that a person pays no Ux until tne r across-the-board credit — ei- most taxpayers immediately: pages last year, and covers all ""d ' deductions from toUl ther $35 per person or 2 per year, but many will find the —The $30-per-person tax whether sUndard or Itemized, Ms Income reaches a certain taxable income up to $20,000 income. However, the IRS will Ux saving worth the extra ef- have been subtracted). level, is $1,700 for a single per- cent of the first $9,000 of Ux- credit that was voted in 197S to (Changing the Uble will have compute this for you in certain able income. fort. help pull the economy out of re- Most persons with taxable In- son and $2,100 for a couple fil- virtually no effect on anyone's circumstances. For some groups of Ux- cession has been increased to comes of $9,000 or more wouM ing a joint return. But that is Ux liability.) After finding the line In the payers, especially the elderly $J5. Since a credit Is subtracted select the 2 per cent credit, only the minimum; you are The good news is that most Ux Uble that includes your NEST: Who should Itemize? Utah fights to void Gilmore death SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - be the first in the United hearing arguments for more Gary Mark Gllmore's execu- States in 9>v years, had beer than an hour and after recess- tion was stayed today seven stayed by U.S. District Judge ing Ihe court for nearly 90 hours before he was to meet a Willis Ritter at the request or minutes. five-man firing squad, but the American Civil Liberties The judge said that until Utah officials scheduled a Union. He granted a 10-day the courts resolved Ihe ques- predawn flight to Denver in restraining order on grounds tion, "there can be no lawful hopes of persuading an ap- there were 'obvious, serious execution." peals court to order the exe- doubts" about the con- He added thai if the state cution to proceed on schedule stitutionality of Utah's death law is unconstitutional. Ihe at 7:49 am MST (9:49 EST) penalty law. condemned has no power to Deputy Attorney General Utah SUte Prison Warden agree to be executed. ENJOYING IT — Yesterday's new layer of snow Pond In Fair Haven. The bitter cold Is expected to Michael Deamer said Chief Samuel W. Smith said Gil- Saying there were "obvious, didn't seem to bother these youngsters , en|oylng last throughout the week, with no ma|or new snow Judge of the U.S. 10th Circuit more, informed of the stay. serious doubts about the stat- the best ice-skating weather In years at McCarter falls In sight. Court of Appeals David T "said some language about ute," the judge remarked that Lewis, staff members of the thejadge." there was too much uncer- attorney general's office, and Smith said it would be hard tainty in the law and "too lawyers for the ACLU,' would for the prison to continue its much haste in Ihe push to ex- take a 4 a.m. MST flight to extensive special surveillance ecute this man." Denver on the Utah gover- of Gilmore, but he said he Protestors and the curious, Sub-zero cold follows nor's airplane. wasn't surprised that Ritter a few of whom waited Deamer said the appeals stayed the sunrise shooting. through the night in below- court clerk, Howard Phillips, "I think that if the ultimate freezing temperatures, had indicated he would try to get conclusion Is the same it gathered outside the Utah EXECUTION STAYED two other federal judges to is cruel and unusual punish- State Prison gates, a half - A U.S. District Court attend a hearing in Denver by ment to do that to a person,'' mile from prison buildings. today stayed the execu- snow, closes schools 6 a.m. MST. he said. An Indoor execution site tion of convicted slayer Lewis, the only appeals Judge Ritter said neither had been prepared out of pub- Gary Gilmore seven A winter that had been Register Plaza In- Shrews- rome in West Long Branch. tended forecast is for tem- judge living in Salt Lake City, the Utah nor the U.S. Su- lic view on the l,O95-acre>pris- hours before he was to rough got rougher today as bury. Shore Regional High. Union peratures to climb only to the had agreed earlier to go to preme Courts had determined on grounds, spread across face a Utah firing temperatures plunged below Among area schools an- Beach and West Long upper teens during the day I- Denver in an effort to con- the constitutionality ol snow-covered fields bounded squad. (Associated the zero Fahrenheit mark in nounced as closed for the day Branch. ime. dropping to the zero vene. Utah's death penalty statute by a chain-link fence topped Press sketch by Jim the wake of new weekend as of I a.m. were Colts-Neck. range at night. The execution, which would He announced the stay ifter with barbed wire. Hummel) snowfalls. Although the shore area Freehold Borough and Town- should have a few days' res- Despite yesterday's new Traffic on icy roads was ship and Freehold Regional pite from snow (except for a snow cover, which made driv- slowed and many schools High School. Holmdel. How- few more "flurries ' tomor- ing treacherous for most of were closed this morning. ell. Long Branch. Manalapan- row) in order to shovel uut the day. area police said The relentless winter - one Englishtown. Marlboro. Nep- before the next onslaught, there were no serious acci- of the coldest in years — tune and Neptune City. Ocean there's more bad news The dents, with only minor "fend- dumped anolher three inches Township. Ranney School in [rigid air mass is expected lu er-benders" reported in a few of the while stuff on Mon- Rumson and Tlnton Falls. SI. linger with no relief from the communities. mouth County yesterday, ad- Benedicts in Holmdel. SI. cold in sight at least through ding to the four to seven in- Rose in Freehold and Wall tomorrow. State, county, and local ches that fell Friday and Township road crews were out sanding early Saturday. Brisk winds are accom- and salting as soon as the Then an arctic air mass Also announced as closed panying the cold wave. With snow showed signs of taper- moved in and the mercury laiei v.t-11- schools of Little winds at 20 miles an hour ing off, but accidents were plummeted. At 4 a.m. today it Silver, Oceanport Nursery. early today the wind chill fac- held to a minimum as many was one below zero, and at Red Bank.
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