=o !<0 =co I THE ILiMts of tl)e faints REV. S. BARING-GOULD SIXTEEN VOLUMES VOLUME THE ELEVENTH *- *p- First Edition published i8j2 Second Edition .... , , iSgj New and Revised Edition^ i6 vols. ,, 1914 ^ CORONATION OF THE B. VIRGIN MARY. From the Vienna Missal. Oct., Part. I., Frontispiece.] '}^h^ -* THE ILit^es of t!)e ^aint0 BY THE REV. S. BARING-GOULD, M.A. With Introduction and Additional Lives of English and Welsh Martyrs, Cornish, Scottish, Saints, and a full Index to the Entire Work New and Revised Edition ILLUSTRATED BY 473 ENGRAVINGS VOLUME THE ELEVENTH <Dctober—PART i EDINBURGH: JOHN GRANT 31 GEORGE IV BRIDGE 1914 *- *- ex Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson 6^ Co, at the Ballantyne Press, Edinburgh TP- -> 4 CONTENTS PAGE S. Bruno 141 B. of SS. AdauctusandCallis- ,, Burchard, thene 64 Wiirzburg . .354 S. Ammon 64 SS. Andronicus and comp. 260 „ Andronicus and SS. Caius and comp. 50 Athanasia 198 „ Caius and Crispus 61 S. Apollinarius 118 „ Callisthene an SS. Apuleius and Mar- Adauctus . 64 cellus 154 S. Callixtus, Pope . 347 S. Aurea . 66 „ Carpus .... 319 „ Cerbonius . 228 B „ Charitina . 117 „ Cohnan of Austria 326 SS. Bacchus and Sergius 155 „ Congan .... 325 S. Bavo 13 ,, Cosmas .... 354 SS. Berenice and comp. 63 SS. Crispus and Caius 61 „ Boniface and others 62 S. Cumine . 133 S. Briget of Sweden . 182 SS. Cyprian and Felix 287 »i- VI Contents D PAGB TAGB SS. Gereon and comp. 224 S. S. Demetrius. .165 Ghislain . 211 SS. Dionysiusandcomp. 50 SS. Guardian Angels 14 S. ,, Dionysius,or Denys, Gummar 284 and comp. .195 S. Dionysius the Areo- H pagite . .190 S. „ Domnina .... 285 Hesychius .... 51 SS. Domnina and comp. 63 J SS. Januarius and S. Edward the Con- comp 321 S. John of Bridlington 248 fessor .... 327 „ Julia ...... 283 „ Edwin 292 SS. Eleutherius and „ Justina 152 comp 14 „ Eleutherius, Diony- K sius, and Rusticus 195 S. Kenny 278 S. Ethelburga . .281 „ Keyne 178 SS. Eulampius and Eu- lampia .... 225 and 120 ,, Eutychius comp. S. or „ Ewalds, the two . 55 Leodegar, Leger 19 „ Leudomer .... 15 „ Louis Bertrand . 213 „ Lubentius .... 322 Failbhe . .134 Faith 132 M SS. Faustus and others S. Maccallin .... 139 of Alexandria. 50 SS. Marcellus and Faustus and others Apu- leius .... 154 of Cordova . .321 „ Martialis and comp 321 Felix and Cyprian . 287 S. Maximian . Fiech 290 54 „ Meinulf ... 12; „ Florentius 322 Menna . 52 ,, Fortunatus . 353 Murdach 130 „ Francis Borgia . 249 „ Francis of Assisi 68 SS. Fyncana and Fin- N docha . 324 SS. Nicasius and comp. 258 S. Nicetas 135 S. Galla 125 O „ Gerard 57 S. Osyth 161 ^ ».&- -*i* Contents Vll PAGE S. Serenus .... 16 S. Palladius . 156 SS. Sergius and Bacchus 155 „ Pantalus . 285 S. Simeon, Prophet . 164 ,, Paulinus of York 230 „ Simpert .... 326 Pelagia 169 SS. PhilonillaandZenais 257 S. Piatus .... I S. Tancha „ Pinitus .... 223 .... 247 SS. Tarachus and 260 SS. Placidus and comp. 120 comp. Probus 260 S. Thais 167 ,, and comp. of An- „ Prosdoce and comp 63 „ Theophilus tioch 320 „ Thomas Cantilupe . 31 SS. Thyrsus and others 62 S. Quintin of Tours . 66 S. Triduana . .180 SS. Quirinus and comp. 258 SS. Two Ewalds ... 55 R W S. Remigius, B. of S. Wilfrid, B. of York . 292 Rheims .... 2 „ Romana .... 51 Y SS. Rusticus and comp. 195 S. Ywi 135 S. Savin 203 SS. Scubiculus and SS. Zenais and Pliilo- comp 258 nilla :57 VOL. XI. *- -* *- -* LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Coronation of the B. Virgin Mary Fro7itispiece From the Vienna Missal. Baptism of Clovis by S. Remigius . to face p. 2 Guardian Angel » 14 S. Thomas De Cantilupe .... V 31 S. Victor of Marseilles (j-^^////)' 21.9/) „ 60 After the Paititi7ig by Giov. ANTONIO DE Baz/.i at Siena. S. Francis of Assisi „ 68 After Cahier. Marriage of S. Francis to Poverty 80 From a Fresco hy GlOTTO i?i the Louver Church at Assisi. S. Francis of Assisi Preaching to the Birds 94 From a Pai?iti?ig by GiOTTO, S. Meinulf 128 After Cahier. S. Bruno 142 After Cahier. S. Justina ....... Tailpiece on p. 189 *- -* Festival of the Maternity of the B.V. Mary {Second Su7iday in Oc/obcr) . to face p. 190 From the Vienna Missal. S. Denys, supported by two Angels, and carrying his head ; a christian Lady, S. Catulla, is holding his winding-sheet or shroud ; above, the shroud is being wrapped around THE HEAD 194 After a Miniature in a MS. of the XlVth Centttiy. S. Louis Bertrand 216 After Cahier. Tailpiece 07t f). 256 S. Wilfrid, Bishop of York to face p. 296 Fnmi a Drawitig by A. Wf.lby Pugin. S. Wilfrid S. Wilfrid Landing ..... ;, 304 S. Wilfrid Baptizing » 312 Funeral of S. Edward the Confessor . » 344 From the Bayeux Tapestry, Xllth Century. S. Donatian, Bishop of Rheims. „ 357 After Cahier, *- *- Lives of the Saints October i, S. PiATUS, P.M. at SecUn, near Lille, circ. a.d. 287. SS. Verissima, Maxima and Julia, MM. at Lisbon. ; cire. A.D. 304. SS. Priscus, Crescentius, Evagrius, and Others, MM. at Tomi, in Mcesia. S. German A, V.M. at Barsur-Anbe; about sth cent. S. Remedius, C. at Trent; 5M cent. S. Remigius, B. of Rheims; circ. a.d. 532. S. WuLGis, P.C. at Ferti-Milon, near Soissons ; 6th cent. S. Bavo, C. at Ghent; circ. a.d. 654. SS. Michael and his Companions, Mks. MM. at Sebastopoli circ. A.D. 788. S. PIATUS, P.M. (about a.d. 287.) [Roman Martyrology. Corbei Kalendar of 8th cent. Usuardus. The at Treves loth cent. Kalendar of S. Maximin ; Gallican and Belgian that of York as Martyrologies.— Hereford Kalendar, S. Plato. Au- thority : the late fabulous Acts.] VINT PIATUS, it is pretended, was a native of Beneventum, who went to Gaul with S. Diony- sius of Paris, and preached in the region near Lille and Toumay. He was attacked by the barbarians and killed. The body was found by S. Eligius at Seclin where he was martyred, and translated in the 9th century to S. Omer, thence to Chartres, and then to Tournay. The relics were shown in 1143 at Seclin; the Chartres people, however, VOL. XI. I *- *- -^ Lives the Saints. of [Oct 1. showed the entire body in their cathedral, and disputed its translation from Chartres to Tournay. Each entire body miracles that at has estabUshed its authenticity by ; Chartres, however, disappeared at the Revolution. S. REMIGIUS, B. OF RHEIMS. (about a.d. 532.) [Corbei Kalendar of the 8th cent. Gallican and Roman MartjTo- Kalendars Reformed logies. .Sarum, York, and Hereford ; Anglican Kalendar. An ancient Life of S. Remigius existed before the 9th cent., of of it as existed but was lost then ; Hincmar Rheims speaks having old he in vain to recover it. within the memory of men ; sought A of and a compendium of it, made by Egidius Rheims, 565^590, metrical version by Venantius Fortunatus, still exist. Hincmar wrote another Life, based on the verses of Fortunatus, and all the legendary it is of value. This was matter he could rake together ; no again used by Flodoard in the loth cent.] S. Remigius was born at Laon of noble parents, Emilius and Cylinia. His mother Cylinia occurs in the Gallican and the Roman Martyrologies, as a saint, on October 21, and the translation of her relics is noted in some martyrologies on was S. April 5. The brother of S. Remigius Principius, Bishop of Soissons, the father of S. Lupus. His nurse in infancy was Balsamia, venerated as a saint in the Church of Rheims, Remigius was bom about the year 435, and was ordained about a.d. 457, when elected, at the age of twenty- two, to the bishopric of Rheims, rendered vacant by the death of Bennadius. A singular and picturesque incident led to his election. He was in the great church at Rheims when the clergy and people were assembled to choose a bishop, when a ray of sun, smiting through a small clerestory mn- dow, fell on and illumined his head. In the dark church, t '-i r,cib^f^'~^^si^^iLL^^N-" ;'\?Jsi'/ BAPTISM OF CLOVIS BY S. REMIGIUS. Part I. Oct., p. 2.] [Oct. I. *- -* S. Oct I.) Remigius. the irradiated, handsome face of the young noble shone out on the people as though marked by God for their future pastor. He was chosen by acclamation, and notwithstanding the impediment of his being under the canonical age, was ordained Archbishop of Rheims. A letter of Sidonius ApoUinaris to the saint has been pre- served, in which the eloquence of Remigius is commended. Sidonius was an accomplished professional flatterer, but his description of the abilities of Remigius is less to be mis- tnisted, as there was nothing to be got by lauding him to " the skies. Some one from my part of the world had occa- into Gaul what his sion to go from Auvergne Belgic ; objects I for the matter that were I know not, nor do care, of ; the man I knew however. He halted on his way at Rheims, and found means, when there, of procuring, I do not know whether by purchase or present, with or without your con- sent, from your secretary or librarian, a voluminous manu- his return of script of your sermons. On here, proud what he had got, though he had at first bought them for the pur- instead of pose of selling them, like a good citizen, doing that, he made me a present of them. All those who have read them, myself included, having obtained rich fruit from tlie study of them, have taken pains to learn the greater out. one is part of them by heart, and to copy them Every agreed that at the present day few men are capable of com- it be difficult posing such sermons as these.
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