September 23,2004 D-8 Cranford Chronicle bALLI<NU*DUAINt LOW PRICE Serving Cranfordi Garwood and kenilworth i\fol 116, No. 40 GUARANTEE Thursday, September 30, 2004 50 cents tt APR FINANCING If we Can't Meet or Beat the # ^ 60 MONTHS Competition, We'll Give You $1 GOO t ON SELECT MODELS School board slams rules By GREG MARX the county superintendent and restricts the tricts and municipalities who say it will pluses mandated intlie next few years will ^MITSUBISHI THE CHRONICLE . ;..,•• : .. .; •amount of surplus local entities can main- restrict their financial flexibility and lead to force districts to forgo maintenance and YOUR DEWAU HEADQUARTBIS tairvamong other changes. larger tax increases in. the long run (See worsen their financial health, leading to bal- NEW 2004 GMC YUKON XL SLT 4X4 CRANFORD — Ih a strongly-worded res- The law, known as S-1701/A-99, also story on Cronford's municipal budget on looning taxes beginning in the 2006-07 NEW 2004 MITSUBISHI GAtANTES 2004 JEEP GRAND CHEROKE V8 ALL tVHEa DRIVE olution passed Monday night, tile Board of restricts a district's ability to put a second Page A-3). Monday, the Cranford board for- school year. '•••.••• SALBINOBUANE EXCLUSIVE . Education urged the state Legislature to question on the ballot before voters. For mally joined the growing chorus of com- Cranford officials have also pushed anoth- repeal a newlaw that imposes stricter caps example, a district strapped by the cap could plaints. >40OOR .•- , .. mmmtrnMrn- >4 DOOR : • er line of argument — that the bill is part of «4 CYLINDER : W8 BU6&VE Mffl 850 •AUTOMATIC . : on spending by school districts and munici- previously opt to put existing co-curriculai' The board also took the unusual step of a growing trend toward centralized decision- •AUTOMATIC ' UE88 PBI MONTH •8 CYLINDER palities, and. also to fully fund the state's aid programs on a second question, asking resi- 1HJUI1HE nUDUWUiy ADVERTISED OHSl having the entire text of the resolution read making that takes authority away from citi- •POWER STEERING' •POWER STEERING commitments. •4 DOOR. dents if they want to pay extra to maintain alouit&4ts television audience. zens and their local representatives. •POWER BRAKES •a CYLINDER •POWER BRAKES Towns and especially School districts have the program. That option will no longer ^y opinion, S-1701 is poor public poli- Feinsod argued the law "puts handcuffs •AIR CONDITIONING .•POWER STEERING •AIR CONDITIONING • long operated under spending rules imposed •POWER BRAKES available, local officials believe. cy, 'said Superintendent Lawrence Feinsod. on the'Board of Education and its rights as a •POWER WINDOWS •POWER WINDOWS . BUVfOB •POWER LOCKS •AIR CONDITIONING ASNMMLLYHDVHmSH) •POWER LOCKS by the state. But the new law lowers those Since its passage over the summer, the Feinsod has argued, and the resolution •AM/FM STEREO W/CD LEASE FOR •' •:i caps; gives additional oversight authority to •STK 5 VIN«-1E130523 •POWER SEAT •6 DISC CD CHANGER' law has been pilloried by local school dis- claims, that the stricter caps and lower sur- (Continued from page A-l) : •MSRP $10,592 •POWER WINDOWS •XM SATELLITE RADIO •POWER MIRRORS •HEAVY DUTY TRAILERING .•POWER LOCKS '•BOSE PREMIUM SOUND •CRUISE • •TILT $1,000 DOWN $1,000 DOWN •REAR AUDIO CONTROLS . -TINT. •StK&VINiMG22016i . 12147 Cranford •STKSVIN/MC37005 •MSRP $46,135 . •MSRP $31,170 V8BUGIIE OFF MSRP .,-•••- Prcs&duitfUi.tilUVte • Incl $3,500 Leaso Cash, $1,000 CFC bonus, $1,750 ConqUosf Loaso, $500 Military, $1,000 pusWmor Incl $4,500 coniumor robalo & $500 GMAC linanco robslo, il qgaliliod. Prico oxdudos tax, lillo & MV fdos. '.i , Cash. $1,000 duo al inception, no soc.dop toq. Pfico oxcludos lax, lillo & MV isos. solicits will meet NEW 2004 MITSUBISHI OOTLANDERLS NEW 2004 JEEP LIB 0RT4X4 2004 GMC YUKON DENALI XL 4X4 •4 DOOR •4 DOOR •4 POOR •The Cranford Cougars ran all over •4 CYLINDER •6 CYLINDER •8 CYLINDER Sliabazz Saturday afternoon, claiming •AUTOMATIC •AUTOMATIC •AUTOMATIC a 48-6 victory. Next week, Cranford ' for next •POWER STEERING •POWER STEERING •POWER STEERING •POWER BRAKES ' . takes on conference rival Scotch •POWER BRAKES •POWER BRAKES • •AIR CONDITIONING Plains-Fanwood. See the story on •AIR CONDITIONING •POWER WINDOWS •ALL WHEEL DRIVE •APPEARANCE, PACKAGE Page C-1. •POWER LOCKS /mo •XM SATELLITE RADIO project •POWER WINDOWS •TINT •6 DISC CD CHANGER •STK & VIMMU00-1663 •AIR CONDITIONING •SUNROOF 'MSRP $21,192 •STKSVINH4W1221B7 •LEATHER By GREG MARX By LAUREN tWAIWOR •5,848 DEMO MILES THE CHHONICLE •STK&VINU4J184113 THE CHRONICLE •MSRP $60,260 CRANFORD - If everything CRANFORD—Township offi- Ind $1,000 CFC, 52.000 loaso cash, $1,000 ta loyally. $500 military. $2,000 customer cash. 52,000 duo al inception, no sec |ncl $4,500 consumor obotos & $500 GMAC linanco robalo, il qualified. Prico excludes lax, tillo & MV lops cials will meet today with dopicq. Plica c«dudosla)(,.litloSMV loos. •- . •'* goes according to the Township Committee's plan, there will be Federal Emergency 267 BROAD STREET, SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY two redevelopment projects Management Agency (FEMA) FIVE STAR FREE LOANER CARS underway along South Avenue representatives and officials HOURS:, MON-FRI 9-9, , by the middle of next year, from Congressman Mike SAT 9-6 On .Sept. 23, the" township Ferguson's office in an attempt DEALER 1 MILE FROM SHORT HILLS MALL issued a request for prJBAv \. to roll back proposed revisions tp (RFP) for construction A'-explor- the agency's Flood Insurance. CLICK: 1 Riverfroht Redevelopmeuwelci; Study for the.Rahway River.' ' v Prices indude all costs to be paid by a consumer except tax, title & MV lees. Prices include all manufacturer rebates & incentives, if any. 'Must qualify for all rebates. All rebates to dealer. tJust bring in any current competitor's ad and we'll beat the price. a 3.5-acre plot bordered bf > '"< Local officials hope meeting Based tin same year, make, model and equipment. Dealer reserves the right to purchase competitor's vehicle if necessary. "Must finance thru GMAC at standard rate, Ttl pymt/purcn opt/ttl cost: Grand Cherokee $8964/$14,340/$10,324, Liberty Avenue, High Street aW will allow them to close the co% $6804/$i 2,014/$8804. Leases include 10K mi/yr at 15c each add'l mile. Lessee responsible for maintenance and excess wear & tear, All offers are subject to approval by primary lender. Not responsible for typographical errors; Prices in effect at time Rahway River, across the street- munication gap that has result- of publication Subject to change without notice Offers expire 9/28/04 -.•..-•• from the train station. <The zone ed from months of misinforma- is just down South Avenue from tion between the groups. the Cranford Grossing Communicating with represen- • Best-selling author Harlan Goben — Redevelopment Area, where tatives from FEMA has been a . whose list of fajis includes a certain work is expected to begin shortly. live animals'at daunting task, officials have .. former president who recently had According to the ambitious said, as the agency has ignored . bypass.surgery — will wake an. timeline the township has. estab- Harvest Festival pleas from township officials and '. appearance at the Westfield lished for the Riverfront area, residents to discredit the results Memorial Library Saturday. See the developers have until Dec. 22 to The 23rd annual Harvest Festival at of the new flood map study slory on Page B-1. submit proposals for the project. Trailsldo Nature and Science Center,,was released this year. 2.9% APR FINANCING A team consisting of held last Sunday, offering a unique per- if adopted, the new map UP TO 60 MONTHS Commissioners Ann Darby and spective on Union County's colonial history would require hundreds of town- TO QUALIFIED BUYERS. Dan Aschenbach, as well as sev- as well as some traditional children's enter- ship residents to get flood insur- eral township professionals and tainment. Above, James Bowen plays the ance, potentially lowering the an outside law firm, will then role of a colonial soldier, outfitted with his value of their homes. Many of review the proposals, interview rifle outside a tent. At rid.ht, 6-year-old Ian the affected residents have 'USED VEHICLES the developers, and make a rec- Pruszkowski spent some time on a pony claimed they have never had THE RIGHT WAV, THE RIGHT CAR ommendation to the full commit- ride. The day also featured storytelling, folk substantial flooding problems. tee by Feb. 2, 2005. The commit- tunes, and demonstrations of colonial FEMA has maintained that 2005'S tee and the selected developer activities such as canoe building and fur the study is accurate, despite the IMIHMIMDS OF would then have 90 days, or until trapping. objections from the township ARE 0M1M lHHBf AMI WE «B> ROOM! May 4, to execute a redevelop- and and its residents. Local offi- •flB Ford Eicort Wagon ment agreement. Actual con- cials hope the meeting will-give VIN SSW347167.4 DD.4 tyl.. nuto. a/c. struction would begin at some them an opportunity to cut p/a/b. am/fm sloreo, 5GT.BS6 mi. KEVIN PAPA/CORRESPONDENT (Continued from page A-l) (Continued from page.A-i) VIM «SP241780.2 Dtt. 4 eyL, auto, nn a/a o/j/b, 82,101 mi. '02 Honda CI»loFJ( Vet seeks Purple Heart VIN #2UM987UDH, 4 tyL Bun, afced, Italian.artist Guido Borelll daCaluso, mi 23,726 nil. By LAUREN TRAINOR memorial in front of the munici- Ferrara is also a member. The Park would be the best location who painted the picture shown here, THE CHRONICLE pal building or across the street lodge, said LaFerrara, has helped for the memorial, an opinion will be a special guest at a fundraiser from the municipal building at the Purple Heart veterans by shared by Frank D'Antonio, direc- art exhibition and auction-Friday CRANFORD — Tony the gazebo.
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