A Chapter of the North American MGB Register BrtishMotor Cluh of Utoh Volume14 Number 2 prizes,as well. After we're finished at the sepmberEvenfs DQ, we'll seewhat develops. AlpineLoop a The seasonis still in full bloom. so So bring your car and your favorite co- it's too to put the car up for the driver for food fun and prizes.To donate success winter. a look at what the BMCU has prizes for or additional information, By Karen Bradakis in store contactBill Robinsonat947-9480 or 947- 5750. At 9AM on a cloudymorning, August 18, Miner's Parade. Unforhrnately,the peopleand British carsbegan to gatho ut is later dranthis event,which lVlount Nebo Fall Color Run. On the Southeastcomer of the Southtown took on Monday, September3rd Saturday,September 29,we'll renewthe Mall parkinglot. Somepeople brought (Labor in Park City. The meet-up BMCU traditim of circurnnavigatingMt. itemsto donateto be givan awayto lucky point was SwedeAlley, with the parade Nebo to partakeof brisk air and fall color. ticketholders later on at the pioric. down Main Streetin Park CiA. This is a long (200+miles) but very gathered After the the groupheaded to the enjoyabletour and will treat your eyesand The srmcame out as the drivers at City Park a reservedparking al.ea'- cleanyour exhaustvalves. lOAM for a brief meetingto discussthe thanksto efforts of Floyd lnman-and route to be takento reachthe first (pt| stop a plcnlc . Look for an accountofthis Rendezvousat the R C. Willey Clearance in Alpine. The drive beganwith over2O event in comingmsrths. Outlet,90l0 S. RedwoodRoad, at 8:30am British cars.At the stop in Alpine, a few for a 9am deparf.re.Our rcute will ta,keus more British carsjoined us. We drovecver Picnic in Creek Canyon. For those south on RedwoodRoad (route 68) to the Alpine Loop with only 2 mino car ofyou know Salt Lake City, one of Lehi, along the west shoreof Utah Lake to problemson this warm day which reached scenicattractions close to Elberta,east on route 141to Goshen,south 99 degrees.The long line of British cars is City CreekCanyon. Marty through GoshenCanyon (a sprts car proceededto the taditional picnic spot at Van will leadthe group ur a fip up teat), almg the westshore of MonaLake, the park behindthe courthousein Heber. City for a picnic hmdr. AII the to the WalkerBros. Phillips 66 / Wendy's Over thirty carswe,re counted at the picnic details on the attachedflyer. Don't fuck stop at route 132in Nephi, whence spot. Folding chairs,blankets and picnic missout this one--it's closeand it's the eastand nuth on the Mt. Nebo Loop road, basketswere broughtout as g€neroussorls perfectt ofyear for quick drive and emergingvia SantaquinCmyon. donated$$ for the British Motors Club's picnic. Alpine Loop raiser. Bring warm clothesand lunch, wtrich we'll annual frrnd State Cruise Night As lmg asthe r,atat a picnic areaalong the Loo,p. A youngBMCU'er wasasked tohelp just weather out,we keepdrivin'. Logisticsminimalists can pick up the latter selectthe winning ticket numbersfor the Septembfrhas a new eventadded to the at Walker's. items being given away. Due to popular schedulefor thosewho like to &ive a little Rob was persuadedto Organizersre Gary and SandyLindstom, deman4 Green andlooklgood doing it. A coolride down given 532-1259,[email protected]. If you plan describethe itemsbeing awayand StateStrfet on a Saturdayevuring is hard along with interjectingsome €nteriaining pe'll to join in alongthe way, e.g.,in Lehi, to beat. meetup at the statecapitol banter.Rob ropedMark Bradakisinto (the nortfi parking lot, as usual)at 6 PM istr Elberta,or Walker'sin Nephi, pleaselet us know. assistinghim with the task of describing on Satur{ay,September 22. At6:45,wdll the prizes.A wide variety of items were jState headout Streetall the way down to donatedby ge,nerousdonos. 90th Soqth.Then we'll headup the hill to l3th Eas[where we will endup at Joe The crowd fini*red their luncheswithout Chou'sQatry Queen.There you can have throwing any tomatoesat Rob and Mark. dinner of a snack-that's up to you. This is The donateditems were all given away as real drivp-in farejust like you usedto get thosewho had siped up with Doug and when y$r w€re a teenag€r(a lmg time Eileen Wimer to ride the HeberValley ago). Jo+has graciouslyagreed to provide railroad headedoffto catchthe 2 o'clock anotherpfhis tasty ice creamcakes as a tain to Vivian Park. Otherswent to Healey raffle prize and we will haveadditional Days at the HeberValley Airport, which Page2 Volurnet4 Number2 Septennber2001 beganat 3 that aftemoon.Stiil othersmay havecontinued the driveover the usual VintageTriumph routeto the JordanelleReservoir. Thankyou all for generouslydonating for Regisfer 2001 opportunitibsto takehome prizes from this VTR 2001 was a great successthis year. It well attendedfrurd raising and firn raising took place in Breckeffidge, Colorado. A event.Over $250.00 was collected at this beautiful resort town with Mining roots very successfulevent. Thank you to those much like our own Park City. who donatedprizes; to SharonBailey, who wroteto businessesto askthern to donate The BMCU had several members there to items:and to thosewho donated$$ to representthe club, Mark and Karen makethis year'sAlpine Loop sucha Bradakis, Pug's and Diane Pivirotto, Mitch, SU@ESS. Diane, Mike, Shelley and Greg Johnson and a special guest appearancefrom Andy Raffledonors included: Lindernan (whom we all thought had ftllen MossMotors of the earth!). Victoria British It ran from August 22thou$t the 25th. Apple Hydraulics There were many things to do including a British CarMagazine Fun tour run, TSD Rallye, Breakfast Run, Bailey'sGarage Panoramic Photo, Autocross, Car shows InterstateBattery and several vendors showed up to help us Eastwood spend some money. Mitch Johnson DaveMaxwell The Rocky Mountain Triumph Club really Mike andSharon Bailey out did thern selvesputting this event Dan andSharon Forester together. And everyone felt very welcome. BillRobinson It is saidthat therewere nearly 300 Doug Wimer Triumphs in attendance!i know you MG Mark Bradakis guys find this a hard one to swallow! The altitude was a challenge (especially {br the I hopeI got everyonewho donated-many low landers). We were usually at the 9000' thanks! level and some of the runs took us to nearly 12,000'! Attendingthe run were:Mike & Sharon Bailey,Don Bailey,John Bauerhuber, Our Utah group brought home more than Barry & DeniseBlackett, Mark & Karen their shareof trophies as well: Mark and Bradakis,Mike & BeckyChambers, Dan Killer got secondplace in the PS (prepared & SandyDavis, Kendall & Tyson small) class of the Autocross. Mark just Dewsnup,Dan & SharonForster, Kendall missed getting FTD (fast time of the day). & TysonGleason, Nick & ChristianGray, This would have been his third year in a Rob & Nan Green,Susan & Jon row! But someoneput magnetic cones Hermance,Mitch & DianeJohnson, Don outon the hack, and they were collecting & Ginny Lagergren,Ann & DougLewis, on Killers front bumper! Toni Leyba,Gary & SandyLindstrom, Pugs (RUSS) Pivirotto brought home frst Dean& ColleenLowe, Bob & Tyler Lux, piace in Ml (modified early Spit) class in Marv & ShereeMarcus, David Marks, Autocross. His MKl Spit was being Dave& Sandj Maxwell, Julie& Don confusedfor an actual Supermarine McElligot, Ann & Doug Mclean, Steve Spitfire. Lucky for Pugs he bought one of Nelson,Vickie & ErnieReno, Bob & Fran those "Non-Magnetic" front bumpers! Riemenschneider,Bill & JulieRobinson, BruceSchilling, Chris Shell,Bill & Julie Mitch placed secondin the Sl (stock, early Van Moorhem,Bill & Julie Walton,and Spit) classand first place in the Doug & IleneWimer. ParticipantsChoice car show in the Spitfire MKl,2,3 class. Dane Jolmsonreceived Therewere some folks who showedup late first place in the craft show for her that did not makethe sigr up shee{.My fantastic Triumph quilt she made (Mitch is apologiesif I missedanyone. VERY proud of her!). Ppge 3 Volume14 Number 2 ber 2001 Everyonerinade ithome witlr no problems, to hold on until an oil leak(sound gear,much to the delight of the crowd. greattimpwas had by all who aftended! hmiliar?) forced it out a little over half a When it was ove,r,there was no doubt that Many newifriendswere made. ln caseyou way through, one of the last in the it was a fabulousreturn for Britain, MG, were won{ering, next year's VTR LMP675 classto retire. However,it setthe and Bentleyto the farnedLeMans. Both conventio4will beheld in RedWing, fastestwet-pavement speed for the race cars and teamsexceeded expectations, and MinnesotalJuly, | 6-19, 2002. during a downpour.At onepoint, this MG we're looking forward to their retum at was running 3rd overall. LeMans'02. Britalntakes on Bentley. This marque,famed for its luxury Thanksto Bill Van Moorhem'sSafety Fast carsbefore the term was coined.entered Magazineand to my Britistr Car Magazine two cars in the closed-cockpitLMGTP900 Leltlans for the informationgleaned for this article. For the fubt time in years,Britain fields (LeMans GrandTouing Prototype)class. somewellfknown marques and their teams ln fact, they were the only two cars in that in the Lelrllans24-hour endurance race. class.The weightof this car classis the Rovermay sameas the LMP900s:900 kg, or 1984lbs Two Britiphmarques rose to the LeMans minimum weight. challengefMG andBentley. break^lG even in 2002 Both carsbegan as Audi R8Csin the Ed. Note: This information is paraphrased MG. Twd MGEX257 carsand a teamof LeMans 'D race,but werepurchased by an article in tle Salt Lake Tribure. drivers-fi4ark Blundell,Julian Bailey, and RichardLloyd who convinced from Anthony $.eid,to namea few-ushered in Volkswagon(major ovr,nerof Audi, and Just a year after being bought for a pittance, MG's retqrnto LeMans,competing in the ownerofthe Bentleyname) to allow him the MG Rovercompany has reduced its new LIr,IP675class (LeMans Prototlpe, to reconfigurethe carsunder the Bentley lossesand is on frack to break evenin 675kg [1fl88lbs.]minimum weight).
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