Fiber Products • Made from Agricultural by products • Composts in 2-4 months in a commercial composting facility • Microwave and freezer safe • Oven safe up to 400°F for 30 minutes • No wax or plastic lining CLAMSHELL S Quantity/ Quantity/ Item Number Description Sleeve Case CL-B-15-VW 15 oz Square Clam (6x6x3) 50 500 CL-B-20-W 20 oz Rectangular Clam WHITE (7.2 x 5.4 x 2.6) 50 250 CL-B-HG-2 2 Compartment Fiber Clamshell (9 x 6 x 3) 50 200 CL-B-HG-VW Hoagie Box (9 x 6 x 2.5') 50 200 CL-B-8-VW 1-Comp. Medium Clam (8.5 x 8 x 3) 50 200 CL-B-8-3 3-Comp. Medium TAN Clam (8.5 x 8 x 3) 50 300 CL-B-9-3 3-Comp. LARGE Clam TAN (9 x 9 x 3) 50 300 CL-B-10-VW 1-Comp. LARGE Clam (9.5 x 9.5 x 3) 50 200 COMPOST-A-PAK Quantity/ Quantity/ Item Number Description Sleeve Case CP-24 24 oz Fiber Compost-A-Pak 50 200 CP-48 48 oz Fiber Compost-A-Pak 50 200 CP-64 64 oz Fiber Compost-A-Pak 50 200 BURRITO BOWLS Quantity/ Quantity/ Item Number Description Sleeve Case BB-24 24 oz. Burrito Bowl (8"x5.35"x1.57") 50 400 BB-L-24 LID – CLEAR 24 oz Burrito Bowls 50 400 BB-32 32 oz Fiber Burrito Bowl - (9.7 x 6.25 x 1.5') 50 400 BB-L-32 LID - CLEAR- 32 oz Burrito Bowl - (10 x 6.5 x 1.4') 50 400 1 SQUARE BOWLS Quantity/ Quantity/ Item Number Description Sleeve Case BO-SQ-24 24 oz Fiber Square Bowl 50 400 BO-SQ-32 32 oz Fiber Square Bowl 50 400 BO-SQ-48 48 oz Fiber Square Bowl 50 400 BO-SQL-24-48 LID - CLEAR- 24-48 oz Square Bowl 50 200 FIBER BOWLS Quantity/ Quantity/ Item Number Description Sleeve Case BO-2 2oz Fiber Bowls (Unbleached) 50 2000 BO-L-2 LID -2oz Fiber Bowls (Unbleached) 50 2000 BO-4 4 oz Fiber Bowl 50 1000 BO-L-4 LID -4oz Fiber Bowls (Unbleached) 50 1000 BO-6 6 oz Fiber Bowl 50 1000 BO-8 8 oz Fiber Bowl 50 500 BO-11.5 11.5 oz WIDE Fiber Bowls 50 1000 BO-12 12 oz Fiber Bowl 50 500 BO-16 16 oz Fiber Bowl 50 500 BO-L-8-16 LID - 8-16 oz Fiber Bowls (Unbleached) 50 500 BO-16-W 16 oz WIDE Fiber Bowl 125 500 BO-24 24 oz Fiber Bowl 125 500 BO-32 32 oz Fiber Bowl 125 500 BO-L-24-32 LID - 24 - 32 oz Fiber Bowl 125 500 BO-L-PLA-24-32 LID - CLEAR 24 - 32 oz Fiber Bowls 50 300 2 FIBER TRAYS Quantity/ Quantity/ Item Number Description Sleeve Case FT-SM 6.5x5x1.5 SM Fiber Box - Unbleached Plant Fiber 100 600 FT-L-SM 6.5x5x1.5 SM Lid Fiber Box - Unbleached Plant Fiber 100 600 FT-8 8x6x1.5 – Fiber Box 50 400 FT-L-8 8x6x1.5 – Fiber Box LID- PLA 50 400 FT-20 20 oz - Fiber Box (8.8x6.8x1.5) Tan 50 400 FT-36 36 oz - Fiber Box (8.8x6.8x2.25) Tan 50 400 FT-54 54 oz - Fiber Box (8.8x6.8x3) - Tan 50 400 FT-L-36-54 LID - FIBER - (8.8x6.8) 50 400 FT-L-PLA-36-54 LID - CLEAR -Fiber Boxes 50 400 FT-36-XL 36 oz - Fiber Box (10x7x1.5) Tan 50 400 FT-60-XL 54 oz - Fiber Box (10x7x2.5) - Tan 50 400 FT-29-3-XL 29 oz - 3 Compartment Fiber Box (10x7x1.5) Tan 50 400 FT-48-3-XL 48 oz - 3 Compartment Fiber Box (10x7x3) Tan 50 300 FT-L-36-60-XL LID - FIBER - (10x7) 50 400 FT-16-VW 16 oz - Fiber Gourmet Base 50 600 FT-22-VW 22 oz - Fiber Gourmet Base 50 600 FT-L-16-22-PLA-VW PLA Lid for 16-22 oz Gourmet Base 50 600 FT-22-SQ-VW 22 oz - Fiber Square Gourmet Base 50 600 FT-32-SQ-VW 32 oz - Fiber Square Gourmet Base 50 600 FT-L-22-32-PLA SQ-VW PLA Lid Size 4 square for 22-32 oz Gourmet Base 50 600 FT-42-VW 42 oz - Fiber Gourmet Base 50 600 FT-60-VW 60 oz - Fiber Gourmet Base 50 600 FT-L-42-60-VW PLA Lid Size 5 for 42-60 oz Gourmet Base 50 600 F-CA-1 120 oz Fiber Catering Tray, 1 Compt 25 200 F-CA-2 112 oz Fiber Catering Tray, 2 Compt 25 200 F-CA-3 104 oz Fiber Catering Tray, 3 Compt 25 200 FL-CA LID - 104 to 120 oz Catering Tray 25 200 FLR-CA LID RAISED- 104 to 120 oz Catering Tray 25 200 3 FIBER PLATES Quantity/ Quantity/ Item Number Description Sleeve Case PL-5-Luau 5 Comp. LUAU Tray (10.3x8.3x1) 100 400 PL-6-VW 6” White Ripple Edge Plate 50 1000 PL-7-VW 7" White Plate 50 500 PL-7-SQ-VW 7" Fiber SQUARE White Plate 50 500 PL-9-VW 9" White Plate 50 500 PL-8-SQ-VW 8" Fiber SQUARE White Plate 50 500 PL-9-OV 9" Tan OVAL Platter 50 1000 PL-10-VW 10" Plate White 50 500 PL-10-3 10"-3 Compartment Plate (Tan) 50 700 PL-10-SQ-VW 10" Large SQUARE White Plate 125 500 PP-7-CUP 7" Fiber PARTY Plate, Wine Glass Holder 50 1000 PP-9-CUP 9" Fiber PARTY Plate, Cup 50 400 MEAT TRAYS • Composts in 2-4 months in a commercial composting facility • Made from unbleached plant fiber • Available with a plant-based bio-lining • Soak proof, freezer safe, and contain no wax or plastic lining Quantity/ Quantity/ Item Number Description Sleeve Case M-TR-SC-2S Meat Tray 2S (8.25 x 5.7 x .65) 50 500 M-TR-SC-2SL LINED Meat Tray 2S (8.25 x 5.7 x .65) 50 500 M-TR-SC-4S Meat Tray 4S (9.25 x 7.25 x .65) 50 500 M-TR-SC-4SL LINED Meat Tray 4S (9.25 x 7.25 x .65) 50 500 M-TR-SC-17S Meat Tray 17S (8.3 x 4.8 x .65) 50 500 M-TR-SC-17SL LINED Meat Tray 17S (8.3 x 4.8 x .65) 50 500 4 Paper Products • Bowls and cups made from FSC® paper (FSC-C028481) with NatureWorks Ingeo™ bio-lining • Composts in 2-4 months in a commercial composting facility • Freezer safe • Suitable for foods up to 220°F HOT BOWLS Quantity/ Quantity/ Item Number Description Sleeve Case HB-8-VW 8 oz Hot Food Container- Paper/PLA 50 1000 HB-L-8-VW LID - 8 oz Hot Food Container 50 1000 HB-DL-8-VW DOME LID – 8 oz Hot Food Container 50 1000 HB-12-VW 12 oz Hot Food Container- Paper/PLA 25 500 HB-16-VW 16 oz Hot Food Container- Paper/PLA 25 500 HB-24-VW 24 oz Hot Food Container- Paper/PLA 25 500 HB-32-VW 32 oz Hot Food Container- Paper/PLA 25 500 HB-DL-12-32-VW DOME LID - 12/16/24/32 oz Hot Food Container, Clear 50 500 HB-L-12-32-VW LID - 12/16/32 oz Hot Food Container 50 1000 HOT CUPS Quantity/ Quantity/ Item Number Description Sleeve Case HC-4-VW 4 oz Hot Cup - Compostable 50 1000 HC-6-VW 6 oz Hot Cup - Compostable 50 1000 HC-8-VW 8 oz Hot Cup - Compostable 50 1000 HC-12-VW 12 oz Hot Cup - Compostable 50 1000 HC-12-DW-VW 12 oz Double Wall Hot Cup - Compostable 50 500 HC-16-VW 16 oz Hot Cup - Compostable 50 1000 HC-20-VW 20 oz Hot Cup - Compostable 50 1000 5 HOT CUP LIDS Quantity/ Quantity/ Item Number Description Sleeve Case HC-L-4-NH LID- 4 oz Hot Cup No Hole 50 2000 HC-L-8-VW LID- 8 oz Hot Cup 50 1000 HC-L-8 BLK LID- 8 oz Hot Cup Lid BLACK 50 1000 HC-L-12-20-VW LID- 12-20 oz Hot Cup 50 1000 HC-L-12-20 BLK LID- 12-20 oz Hot Cup BLACK 50 1000 HOT CUP EXTRAS Quantity/ Quantity/ Item Number Description Sleeve Case SL-8-VW 8 oz Sleeves -Natural 1 1000 SL-12-20-VW 12-20 oz Sleeves -Natural 1 1000 UT-4C Kraft 4 Cup Carrier 1 250 UT-DC Fiber 4 Cup Drink Carrier (12-20oz) 300 300 UT-STX-5-WR 5-1/2" Slim Wood Stir Sticks WRAPPED 500 5000 UT-STX-7-WR 7-1/2" Slim Wood Stir Sticks WRAPPED 500 5000 NAPKINS, BATH TISSUE, PAPER TOWELS, SOAP Quantity/ Quantity/ Item Number Description Sleeve Case P-BN-BR Unbleached Beverage Napkins 100 4000 P-DN-B Dinner Napkins -100% PC Unbleached -2ply (15'x16') 150 3000 P-XN-BR Interfold Brown Dispenser Napkin - 100% Recycled - Kraft 500 6000 P-MF-K Kraft Multifold Towel 250 4000 P-TT-SG 2ply Toilet Tissue (400 sheets/roll) 1 80 EPF-DISP Eco-Flex Manual Dispenser - White 1000 ml 1 6 EPF-San Avant Foaming Fragrance Free Hand Sanitizer 1000 ml/ea 1 3 EPF-Soap Aterra Eco-Premium Foaming Hand Soap 1000 ml/ea 1 3 D-MF Multifold Towel Dispenser 1 1 D-XN-T Xpressnap TABLE Dispenser -Black (32XPT) 1 4 6 DELI PAPER & PASTRY BAGS Quantity/ Quantity/ Item Number Description Sleeve Case NK6T 6 x 10.75' Interfolded Bakery Tissue Natural 1000 10000 NK10 10 x 10.75' Interfolded Deli Paper -Natural 500 6000 NK12 12 x 10.75 Interfold Deli Paper- Natural 500 6000 NK1616 16 x 16' Grease Resistant Paper Wrap & Liner - Natural 1000 3000 NK25 6.5 x 1 x 8 GR Pastry/Cookie Bag Natural 2000 2000 N-KSW Triple 3.3 Kraft Sandwich Wedge 500 500 NK-WB 6x3x9" Kraft PLA Window Bloomer Bag 250 250 B-N4 Clear Compostable Bag (4x2x14) 1000 1000 B-N5 Clear Compostable Bag (8.75x7) 1000 1000 B-N6 Clear Compostable Bag (6x9.5) 1000 1000 P-RL Freezer Roll Paper-Natural 18” x 1000’ 1 P-Bake Bake N Reuse Pan Liners- Unbleached 16 3/8” x 24 3/8” 1000 FOOD TRAYS Quantity/ Quantity/ Item Number Description Sleeve Case TR-1/4 ¼ LB Food Tray 250 1000 TR-1/2 ½ LB Food Tray 250 1000 TR-1 1 LB Food Tray 250 1000 TR-2 2 LB Food Tray 250 1000 TR-3 3 LB Food Tray 250 500 CARRY PACKS, WINDOW BOXES, AND PLATTER BOXES Quantity/ Quantity/ Item Number Description Sleeve Case CPK-S Carry Pack with Handle Standard (8.9"x3.7"x4.8) 1 125 CPK-L Carry Pack with Handle Large (10.4"x7"x4.9") 1 125 W-BOX-22 WINDOW BOX 22 OZ 1 300 W-BOX-32 WINDOW BOX 32 OZ 1 300 P-BOX-SM PLATTER BOX SM (12.2x8.9x3.2") 1 50 P-BOX-LG PLATTER BOX LG (17.7x12.2x3.2") 1 25 7 PLA PRODUCTS • Made from NatureWorks IngeoTM compostable plastic, derived from corn grown in the USA • Composts in 2-4 months in a commercial composting facility • Freezer safe • Suitable for food up to 120°F CLEAR CLAMSHELLS Quantity/ Quantity/ Item Number Description Sleeve Case CL-P-6 6x6' Clear Clam Compostable 125 250 CL-P-7 7x7' Clear Clam Compostable 125 250 CL-P-8 8x8' Clear Clam Compostable 125 250 CL-P-9 9' Clear LOAF Clam Compostable 63 250 CLEAR SALAD BOWLS Quantity/ Quantity/ Item Number Description Sleeve Case SB-16 16oz Salad Bowl 50 450 SB-24 24oz Salad Bowl 50 600 SB-32 32oz Salad Bowl 50 600 SB-L-16 LID- 16oz Salad Bowl 50 450 SB-L-24-48 Lid 24-48oz Salad Bowl 50 600 SUSHI TRAYS Quantity/ Quantity/ Item Number Description Sleeve Case ST-2 ST-2 Sushi Tray Combo [7' x 5'] 100 300 ST-3 ST-3 Sushi Tray Combo [9 x 5.75 x 1.75] 100 300 8 BELLA POTS Quantity/ Quantity/ Item Number Description Sleeve Case Bella-P-8 8 oz PLA Bella Pot 20 1000 Bella-P-10 10 oz PLA Bella Pot 20 1000 Bella-P-12 12 oz PLA Bella Pot 20 1000 Bella-P-16 16 oz PLA Bella Pot 20
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