E1582 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 28, 2006 democracy depends on them. Carl is one of South Carolina and Motor Transport School at career he earned the Army Commendation those people who deserve the Nation’s grati- Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, she was as- Medal, three Army Achievement Medals and, tude for his public service as a community ac- signed to Washington, DC as a staff car driv- posthumously, the Bronze Star Medal for tivist. er. Following her honorable discharge, Carol valor, the Purple Heart, the Meritorious Serv- f attended college under the GI Bill and subse- ice Medal and the Combat Infantryman Badge. quently entered the U.S. Postal Service. While His family and friends describe Caban as IN MEMORY OF STAFF SGT. with the Postal Service, Carol’s hard work and someone who was committed to defending his ROBERT J. CHIOMENTO dedication was recognized as she was pro- country and to battling alongside his fellow moted to Manager and ultimately Post Master. soldiers. It is these qualities of incredible cour- HON. CURT WELDON Upon retiring from government service in age, strength, and pride in serving his country OF PENNSYLVANIA 1992, Carol began a new career in vol- that we see in young heroes like Eric Caban IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES unteerism. After volunteering for 8 years at the that makes us appreciate the freedoms we Long Beach California Memorial Hospital and Friday, July 28, 2006 enjoy here at home. Teaching 55/Alive for AARP, she moved to I am proud to honor Sergeant Caban’s serv- Mr. WELDON of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, Las Vegas and continued her work. Carol ice to the United States of America and to de- I rise today with great sadness and tremen- joined the Women Marine Association and the fending freedom around the world. He will not dous gratitude to honor the life of a brave Women Veterans of Nevada. Her strong de- be forgotten. young man, Staff Sgt. Robert J. Chiomento. sire to assist her fellow veterans also prompt- f He died fighting the Taliban on July 17, 2006 ed her to join the Veterans Administration (VA) in Khwaya Ahmad, Afghanistan, when his pa- as a Deputy Representative and volunteer at TRIBUTE TO 7TH ANNUAL SUPPLY trol encountered enemy forces using rocket- the VA Women’s Clinic. OUR STUDENTS CONCERT propelled grenades and mortars. Staff Sgt. Earlier this year, Carol became the Presi- Chiomento was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, dent of the local Sagebrush Chapter of the HON. HENRY CUELLAR 4th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Women Marine Association and the Area Di- OF TEXAS Team, 10th Mountain Division, Fort Polk, Lou- rector for Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Ne- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES isiana. He was supporting Operation Enduring vada. Some of her duties include recruiting Friday, July 28, 2006 Freedom. new members nationwide as well as inter- Every soldier that passes away has a story acting with other volunteer groups. She is also Mr. CUELLAR Mr. Speaker, I rise today to behind him, and has a family. The news of working on fundraisers for the WMA to send honor the 7TH Annual Supply Our Students Staff Sgt. Chiomento’s death was relayed to packages to Iraq and for veterans here at Concert, which ‘‘ will be held on August 2, me by his cousin, Thomas Chiomento, my home. 2006, in Laredo, Texas. good friend and constituent. Thom remembers Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor Carol I commend Judge Danny Valdez, the lead his hero cousin as a third-generation who has Watson. Her service to the people of the organizer of the Supply Our Students (S.O.S.) fought in combat. Their grandfather served as United States is to be applauded and her sub- Concert for making it one of the most suc- a Marine in the Pacific during World War II sequent volunteerism is commendable. I thank cessful fundraising initiatives in providing and his father served in Vietnam. We must not her for her efforts and wish her the best in fu- school supplies to the neediest students in the forget the individual stories of these soldiers ture endeavors. City of Laredo. He has helped make this con- who have served our country with courage f cert possible for the past 7 years, and eased and honor. Staff Sgt. Chiomento was a brave the worries of many parents about providing and gifted soldier who was awarded the IN MEMORY OF ARMY STAFF SGT. school supplies for the coming school year. Bronze Star, a Purple Heart and the Combat ERIC CABAN The children we educate today are our fu- Infantrymen’s Badge. He was the kind of sol- ture, and we must endeavor to make sure that dier that boosted our pride in being an Amer- HON. KAY GRANGER they are on the path to success by providing ican. OF TEXAS them the tools they need in order to accom- Mr. Speaker, Staff Sgt. Robert J. Chiomento IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES plish their educational goals. I am proud of the exemplified the spirit of service that has made support the community has shown for the Friday, July 28, 2006 this country great. It is proper to remember Supply Our Students Concert and the involve- and honor a man of such worth and character Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ment of the music industry in making this a with great respect for what he stood for. Our honor the courage of a young hero from my successful venture. pride in Robert shall certainly live on—his life, district. On July 19, 2006, the Department of Mr. Speaker, I am honored to have had this his courage, his sacrifice and strength of char- Defense declared that Army Staff Sergeant time to honor the support of the community for acter. The example of his citizenship and dedi- Eric Caban (United States Army, 3rd Battalion, the Supply Our Students Concert on August 2, cation to duty will be his enduring legacy. We 7th Special Forces) died from injuries that he 2006. will not forget his sacrifice. Mr. Speaker, at suffered the previous day during a combat re- f this time I ask you and my other distinguished connaissance patrol in Southern Afghanistan. colleagues to join me in honoring the memory, A native of Manhattan, NY, Caban moved to RECOGNIZING THAT ON SEP- life and service of Staff Sgt. Robert J. Fort Worth with his family when he was 3 TEMBER 11TH AMERICANS Chiomento—‘‘an American hero,’’ and in send- years old. A year after graduating from Fort SHOULD HONOR OUR FIRST CALL ing our heartfelt condolences to his wife, Staci, Worth Paschal High School in 1997, Caban RESPONDERS his two daughters, Ambre and Syleste, his en- enlisted in the Army. His first assignment was tire family, his friends, and community. with the 75th Ranger Regiment, where he HON. MIKE THOMPSON f served in a sniper platoon and was a team OF CALIFORNIA leader. His first deployment to Afghanistan oc- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PAYING TRIBUTE TO CAROL curred in October 2001. In that assignment, WATSON Caban participated as an airborne ranger who Friday, July 28, 2006 did a combat jump in what is described as an Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, HON. JON C. PORTER ‘‘operation that took the strategically important I rise today for the solemn purpose of recog- OF NEVADA Kandahar Airfield.’’ nizing the heroic sacrifices and ongoing efforts IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Following his assignment in Afghanistan, of America’s First Call Responders. Caban left the Army in 2002 to attend the Uni- Mr. Speaker, the terrorist attacks against the Friday, July 28, 2006 versity of Texas at Arlington. However, after a United States on September 11, 2001 claimed Mr. PORTER Mr. Speaker, I rise today to year in college, Caban decided his love was the lives of hundreds of fire fighters, law en- honor Carol Watson for her service in the the military and he re-enlisted in 2004. Initially, forcement officers and Emergency Medical United States Marine Corps and subsequent he was a sniper instructor. He then enrolled in Services personnel. These First Call Respond- volunteer work. the Special Forces Qualifications Course and ers have a long history of honorable and self- Carol enlisted in the Marine Corps imme- in March 2006, became a sergeant in the Spe- less service to the United States. This service diately after graduating high school in 1952. cial Forces—better known as the Green Be- has continued at a high standard, and these After completing boot camp at Parris Island, rets—and returned to Afghanistan. During his First Call Responders should be commended. .
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