, rjeg-nw- lysngiftgj j,yuiyL?ag.ag!jgjja; ' THE NATIONAL TRIBUltE: WASHQTGTOlf, D. 0., THU5SDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1888. HAPPr KEW TEAK! capita for every man, woman and child in vviro IS HE? THE I.OGAN MONUMENT FOND. PERSONAL. GEN. FELIX AGNUS. Tkibune: Having; seen so country. annual payment Editos National The following additions to the Logan -- The National Tribune OOMKADHSl the This niae an much about the withdrawal of Democratic mem- Tho Milwaukee Sunday Telegraph warmly orfres A 21 arrfcred Cwrale Wb Mae htfnnihkiil Ufa for every average family of five of 21.45 in bers of the G.A.K., I arise to ask who Comrade Monument Fund have been received since Gen. John C. Black for the next Commander-in-Chie- f. self In TartoH Walks at Wf. CEsrAeufiHED 13774 One and all, a happy New Tear! Koonts is, and what h$8 military and G.A.R. record gold. Practically was treble or quadruple the last report: Gen. Felix Agnus, pablbber The it really amounts to, as he seems to bo one of Gen. GustaveCIuscrct, the former Freneh-Arari-ca- n of Baitmmrs likewise to yonr wives, your son3 and the people tho publishing thi3 in Dick Tntcs Post, No. 3Gi, Shelby, Iowa... 53 00 soldier, and eritie McClallan, American, ws bocn in Lyons France 4, this for those who paid it, because chief malcontents. By Lewis G. Heed, Athol, Dak CO editor Fenian, of Jtj OBLISHED WEEKLY. Tun National Tkibunb you will oblige about Gen. Terry Post, No. 103. Millers, O 10 00 Fremont, Greeley, and almost everybody else, bas 1839. Daring his infancy bis family removed daughters, yeur mon-servan- ta and your of the South paid almost none, and nearly three or four hundred thousand readers. I have From the following members of S. A. been elected to the Assembly from the Department with him to Parte. two-thir- the whole amount was paid by the ds heard that he is Past Commander-in-Chie- f, but llunter, Po3t, No. 37, Mohamu, Ore.: of Vnr, In the southeast of France. His election Ob Dollar per Xoatry msid-aervant- a, and to the strangers within In 1850 Xapoleaa III waged war with Anotria think there is some mistake in the names. Give it Peter Mower. ...SI 00i:J.W.Labare 50 will he contested on the ground that he is an Savnciafelr Aav4Mee of our population living north of A. .1 00 Harvey 25 for the redemption of Italy. Mr. Agaos vol- your gates. to us, anyway. D. Smith Ward.... American citizen, but that will make It all the Mason & It. A. Pratt 1 00 Win. IlurKO 25 more ia unteered in the 3d Kegimenfc of Zomme aad 7 oente. 2fe wrifceorlptkm flsr a Dixon's Line. Yours, in F C. and L., C. D. McCoy 50 P. D. Morris 25 pleasant for him, as that just the kind of a fc fight ex- in that command went through, tho battle The National Tbibuxi earnestly hopes Within 10 years after the war theso people Ciias. W. ItnsT, J. Barlmn 50 M. Itain water. 23 he likes. He is a Radical, almost to the of law parie reoeived. Adjutant, Kit Carson Post, No. 71, Department of G. B. Hartmus... 50 600 tent of being a Communist; and as the election was Montebelte, May 20, 1859. He was afterward that the year which know ahoutto open numbering not more than 25,000,000 at the California, G.A.R., and lalo Sergeant, Co. C, Slh Znbriskie Pobt, No. 33, Jersey City, N. J.. 500 on a Sunday, and a fiuo day, the peasantry turned detailed to the celebrated Flyiu Corps, under Kan., Napa City, Cal. liurns fost. JNo. 13. Westminster, am. 4 20 out for him to a man, and elected him against a Garibaldi, which good SFBOIAX. jOfNOUKGXXJEICT. outside, and of whom the 2,000,000 men who Doty 225, 8 55 did service near the will bring to every one of you blessings Post, No. Horncllsville, N. Y. tcrriOo opposition. Gen. Cluseret entered, the Italian hikes. Alter the HOMEY eentw, sOenpiM Am fry rafcr feaVr, of We wish that we could give the comrade the jnquetn .Post. JSo. 100, Sycamoro, O 140 conclusion of the war JmMC had served in the army formed the bulk 428. French army at a very early age, and served with the corps was disbanded. 1389 5fr. Agnus jneMtf MMMHir oncfar, r K Smith Post, No. Wind Ridge, Pa 225 Ia dnI without your and store information he desires, we cannot. The 247. distinction in Africa to he stint until basket the producers and taxpayers paid off the but Wited Post, No. Belmond, Iowa 400 and the Crimea, and wore the came the United States to take a pesHion in, JTeik,vlS at Oteruk oVe waV. Patrick McGuire Post, No. 46, New Mar- fir3t time we heard of Geo. W. Koontz was cross of tho Legion of Honor. The civil war thejewelry house of Tiffany A Co., Xew York. w?EraSL IFeaNjriojrneaffeMlc. TheKatkital wanton in fullness, your minds and bodies enormous amount of 064,254,559 of the ket, Tcnn 800 brought him to this country, and he served under When the United States Sag was fired npoa as (Txnoinc Jmk many oInler eanvaeters, emd they leader in From the following members of Tyler 1,413,-450,4- 60 when he announced himself as the McCIellan, Fremont nnd Sigel. He was madea Gen- Fort Sumter, and the Nation rose ia anas, big frtri persons principal of the indebtedness, besides Post, No. 520, Hubbard, O.: are generally hone and fatihftd; be without pain or sorrow, your wives and eral for gallant and distinguished services at Cross old soldierly ardor was rekindled, and be en- fhetr sdorlptitme to them mw( he Am- - gold, or 2,077,705,019 a grand bolt from the G.A.R. We have C. N. Clingan....Sl 00 L. I. Campbell. 25 cefUe of interest in W.McKinley 50 R. H. 25 Keys, Va., and resigned from the service because listed as a privateln Duryea's Zouaves (94k X. Mpee IfceirrtflMmwWfif. ZncjMwwr wB&e wJ daughters grow daily in grace and loveliness Jewell in all much more than twice the total tried to find out something about him, but S. Marsteller 50 H. A. Huff. 23 " he could not endure the conduct of Gen. MUroy Y.) His military experience made bim invalu- emfe on reewp offec smbecription price. N. Pound- 23 Clingan... 25 able to W8 have J. - L. T. at Winchester." the command, and his rapidity of pro- years to-da- y! everybody in the Order of whom ADDXK3SBS, RENEWALS, EtcAddreetee wttt and your sons in manhood, and the amount of the public debt They D. Murphy 25 A. G. "Weirick... 23 motion was only eqHaled by the facility with M. Hood B. 25 Capt. George Boasterly, 4th Wis. battery, Belolt, ahtmged me often ae each svbscr&er inquired knows as little about him as we J. 25.M. White fe farI, ht reduced the principal from 2,844,049,626 25 Wi3 recently became from h, everyone give theoldasweU ex eu address. that are to come draw smilingly toward i .insane and phevidm do. His name does appear on the roll From following Upton last was to tho lunatic asylnm Madi- aribers should hceareftd to tend us the 1865 2,180,395,067 in 1876, and not the members of week taken at ffk renewing. you, in to Post, No. 27, Caldwell, Kan.: son. ne He ha3 lived in California much of the time received, specify any cor-reafte- saying: any Encampments lebd or thelast paper and 150,977,697 to of of the recent National S. S. 25' 23 yyasspfyPf f y" Zrf iSJESjjMsssVW ad-dr- the annual interest from Richmond.. W. P. Adams since war, to Beloit two ehamgts they desire made w or w. the going back about or nae " Lo, we bring you gladness and crowning either as a Delegate or an Alternate. The A. M. Colson 50D. N. Suyres 50 years ago. his his mind constantly dwells 95,101.269, or from 4.29 per capita to It. Williamson.... 23IG. D.Allen.., 30 In mania on tho war scences through he passed. Oommpendence solicited Roster of the Department of Indiana for 1888 J. M. Poison 25 F. W. Culions.... 23 which CORRESPONDENCE. is honors, peace of mind, gratification of your 2.10. is now but 69 cents. When 50 It B. Rogers 25 G. W. Robson.... Col. Casey, brother-in-la- w Gea. oWow rqpenl to Gritty, Pt-efe- K. James F. a of frem ceer t Grd aggre- does not contain his name as holding any office F. M. Houk 25 J. M. Thomas 50 formerly UOUory, Agricultural, Industrial andHavsekoid hearts' desires, and the love and esteem of they began paying the debt it W. R. Lamdin... 25'R. Bates 10 Grant's, Internal Revenue Collector at War De- O. 15 New Orleans, Ln., is lying in critical condition at matters, and letters to tlu JCdOor wH aheeye recent 78.25 per head for every man, woman whatever, and the records of the C. Redinga.... 50 Wm. Nycc a gated J. M. Williams.... 25 20 his this city. seized girempt aUemUeH. Write an ONE SLOE of the paper your friends." 3. Donaldson home in Last week he was To-da- y partment show that no man bearing that 5 50 mu-ecript- e and child United States. it with an apoplectic fit, the convulsions continuing irntp. We dm net return eommtmicnUens or in the From tho following Canby May all this and more come to you, and, name ever held a commission in an Indiana members of for several minutes.
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