Planning Statement DOCUMENT NUMBER February 2013 02 Produced on behalf of Pinewood Studios Ltd by Turley Associates 10th Floor, 1 New York Street, Manchester, M1 4HD T: 0161 233 7676 | F: 0161 233 7677 CONTENTS 1. Overview of the case 1 2. The planning applications 3 3. Pinewood Studios : a global brand 8 4. Site description 17 5. Planning history 23 6. The development proposals 30 7. Policy context 49 8. Planning appraisal 75 9. Sustainability, environmental and technical matters 139 10. The planning balance 167 Bibliography 174 Appendices: 1. List of abbreviations and glossary 2. Planning history 3. Planning policy review 4. Green Belt plan 5. Global studio facilities 6. Hollywood studios - development projects 7. South Bucks District Council Core Strategy : Development Opportunity sites 8. Summary details of Longcross, Elstree and Warner Bros. Leavesden Studios TA Ref: PINM2000 Office Address: 1 New York Street Manchester M1 4HD Telephone 0161 233 7676 Date of Issue: February 2013 Pinewood Studios Development Framework Planning Statement February 2013 1. Overview of the case 1.1 The case for the expansion of Pinewood Studios at Iver Heath is founded upon: 1) the projected growth of the global film, television and screen based media industry 2) the leading role and potential of the UK and Pinewood Studios in providing for growth 3) the shortage of premium studio facilities within the UK to meet identified demand 4) the need for Pinewood Studios to expand and improve its production facilities to meet identified demand and the changing requirements of film makers and the industry 5) the Government’s policy of strong, sustainable and balanced economic growth and support for the creative industries including film, television and screen based media 6) the world-class leading standing of Pinewood Studios which has grown out of history and is now represented by a multi-million pound investment in state of the art screen media production 7) the role of the West London regional cluster as the prime location for investment in the UK film and television sector 8) the critical mass of expertise and facilities represented by the Pinewood Studios strategic hub 9) the tested commercial and design solution for the expansion proposals 10) the associated economic benefits of employment and wealth creation in accordance with Government economic recovery, international competitiveness and sustainable growth policy 11) the lack of a credible and viable alternative to a major expansion at Pinewood if the UK film, television and screen based media growth ambition is to be met (and existing economic activity retained), and 12) the harm that would arise from lost inward investment and economic benefit should the proposed expansion of Pinewood Studios not be allowed to proceed. Pinewood Studios Development Framework 1 Planning Statement February 2013 1.2 The proposed expansion will deliver substantial economic benefits: • the foundation for growth of the UK film, television and screen based media industry; • a capital investment of c.£195m; • support for c. 8,100 full time jobs; • 3,100 new jobs in the UK; • c. £400m pa to the UK economy (£150m net additional); • c. £94m pa contribution to Exchequer (£36m pa net additional); • c. £90m pa in UK exports (£37m net additional); • education, training and apprenticeship opportunities; • enhanced business rate revenue for the local authority. 1.3 This is the case for the expansion of Pinewood Studios to be considered in the determination of the planning applications. Pinewood Studios Development Framework 2 Planning Statement February 2013 2. The planning applications 2.1 This Planning Statement has been prepared by Turley Associates on behalf of Pinewood Studios Ltd (hereafter PSL) in support of its application for outline planning permission to extend Pinewood Studios onto adjacent land at Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire for the reconfiguration and expansion of facilities for screen based media including film, television and video games and associated services and industries. This aspect of the proposals is referred to as the Pinewood Studios Development Framework (hereafter PSDF) and forms Application A. 2.2 An associated application for full planning permission, proposes junction improvement works at the Five Points Roundabout, Iver Heath and is referred to as Application B. Planning Application A 2.3 Application A relates to the existing Pinewood Studios site (hereafter the West Area) and adjacent proposed expansion land on the opposite side of Pinewood Road (hereafter the East Area). The north and south parts of the West Area and the whole of the East Area are located within the Green Belt. 2.4 It proposes the erection of new stages, workshops, office accommodation, demountable modular buildings, entrance structures and reception and security offices, a gas CHP energy centre, underground waste water treatment plant, recycling facilities, backlots and film streetscapes; external film production; creation of a new vehicular and pedestrian access from Pinewood Road, emergency access from Sevenhills Road, access roads within the site, surface and multi-level car parking; and associated landscaping and ecological habitat creation works. 2.5 Defining parameters for the development within the application site are set out within a series of parameter plans and written schedules. These address matters including land use, the quantum of development, site access and circulation, building massing and landscaping and ecology. They establish a framework to direct the phased development of the site through future reserved matters applications. Although the application is made in outline, vehicular means of access from the public highway is not reserved and approval is sought for the vehicular means of access from Pinewood Road and an emergency vehicular access from Sevenhills Road. 2.6 The indicative phasing of the PSDF development is shown over three phases, each of five years in length, with development commencing in 2015. Pinewood Studios Development Framework 3 Planning Statement February 2013 Planning Application B 2.7 Application B proposes the enlargement, improvement and signalisation of the Five Points Roundabout and its approaches. The roundabout is located 1.6km to the south of Application A at the intersection of Pinewood Road, Uxbridge Road, Church Road, Slough Road and Wood Lane in Iver Heath village. Supporting documents and submitted drawings 2.8 The Planning Statement is one of a suite of documents submitted as part of the applications comprising: Application A : the Pinewood Studios Development Framework proposals No. Document Title Author 1 Planning Application Forms and Certificate Turley Associates 2 Planning Statement Turley Associates 3 Pinewood : The Case For Expansion Turley Associates 4 Pinewood Studios : Behind The Scenes Turley Associates 5 Pinewood Studios : Business Case and Economic Amion Consulting Impact Assessment 6 Market Review PwC 7 Site Audit and Development Capacity Assessment CBRE 8 Design and Access Statement Arup 9 Environmental Statement Volume 1 (Main Text) Arup 10a Environmental Statement Volume 2 (Appendices) Arup (Part 1) 10b Environmental Statement Volume 2 (Appendices) Arup (Part 2) 10c Environmental Statement Volume 2 (Appendices) Arup (Part 3) 11 Environmental Statement Volume 3 Non-Technical Arup Summary 12 Transport Assessment Vectos Pinewood Studios Development Framework 4 Planning Statement February 2013 13 Energy Statement Arup 14 Ecology Strategy Arup 15 Landscape and Access : Proposals for Management Stephenson Harwood and Turley Associates 16 Pinewood Studios Development Framework : Arup Principles and Parameters 17 Pinewood Road and Sevenhills Road proposed Vectos access plans 18 Pinewood Studios Development Framework: Arup Illustrative Masterplan 19 Statement of Community Involvement Soundings 20 Draft Section 106 Heads of Terms for Stephenson agreement with South Bucks District Council and Harwood and Buckinghamshire County Council Turley Associates Application A : List of submitted plans and drawings Drg. no. Plan Title P-B-000 Planning Application Site Boundary P-B-001 Existing Site Plan P-B-002 Baseline Plan P-A-001 Proposed Demolitions P-A-002-1 Tree Removal Plan, Sheet 1 P-A-002-2 Tree Removal Plan, Sheet 2 P-A-002-3 Tree Removal Plan, Sheet 3 P-A-003 Site Access, Pinewood Road Main Entrance Plan P-A-004 Site Access, Sevenhills Road, Emergency Access Plan P-P-001 Green Space P-P-002 Landscape and Ecology P-P-003 Development Zones and Levels P-P-004 Areas by Development Zones Pinewood Studios Development Framework 5 Planning Statement February 2013 P-P-005 Site Access and Circulation P-P-006 Building Plots P-P-007 Areas and Dimensions by Plot Application B : Improvement works to the Five Points Roundabout Ref. Document Title Author A Planning Application Forms and Certificates Turley Associates B Planning Statement Turley Associates (the same report accompanies both applications) C Existing Site Plans and Proposed Junction Vectos Improvement Drawings E (i) Environmental Statement Volume 2 (Appendices) Arup (Part 1)1 E (ii) Environmental Statement Volume 2 (Appendices) Arup (Part 2) E (iii) Environmental Statement Volume 3 (Appendices) Arup (Part 3) G Draft Section 106 Heads of Terms for Stephenson agreement with Buckinghamshire County Council Harwood and Turley Associates Application B : List of submitted plans and drawings Drg. no. Plan Title 110125-A-28 Site Location Plan 110125-B-38 Site Location Plan 110125-A-27 Extent of Works Plan 110125-B-26 Highway Improvement Scheme 1 The Environmental Statement and Appendices is a single set of documents covering both planning applications Pinewood Studios Development Framework 6 Planning Statement February 2013 FPR-TR-001 Tree Removal Plan FPR-LP-001 Planting Plan (Landscape) FPR-SP-001 Seeding Plan 2.9 Each of the application documents is inter-related. It is important that each is reviewed to obtain a full appreciation of the proposed development, its benefits and the case in support, although a summary document is also included with the application. A list of the abbreviations and glossary of the technical and other terms used in this Planning Statement is provided at Appendix 1.
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