C 76 /S »«i ^ SPECIAL ACTS PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT AT THE JANUARY SESSION, 1969 and JUNE SPECIAL SESSION, 1969 PREPARED PURSUANT TO SECTION 3-83 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES by Secretary of the State HARTFORD 1969 Published by the state under the authority of Sec. 4-119 of the General Statutes. Louis I. GLADSTONE Comptroller SPECIAL ACTS OF THE £s>tate of Connecticut WITH APPENDICES CONTAINING Appropriations and grants from the treasury and executive appointments VOLUME XXXIV 1969 HARTFORD PUBLISHED BY THE STATE 1969 SPECIAL ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT JANUARY SESSION, 1969 At a General Assembly of the State of Connecticut, held at Hartford, in said State, on the Wednesday after the first Monday of January, being the eighth day of said month, and continuing until the final adjournment thereof, on Wednesday the fourth day of June next following, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty- nine. [Senate Bill No. 135.] [1.] AN ACT EXTENDING THE TIME LIMIT FOR THE RE­ PORT OF THE COMMISSION TO STUDY TFIE FEAS­ IBILITY OF A BRIDGE FROM THE BRIDGEPORT AREA TO LONG ISLAND. Section 3 of number 332 of the special acts of 1967 is amended to read as follows: Said commission shall report its findings and recommendations to the governor and the general assembly on or before March 1, 1969. Approved January 14, 1969. 6 SPECIAL ACTS [Tan., Sr. No. 2 [Senate Bill No. 246.] [2.] AN ACT EXTENDING THE TIME WITHIN WHICH STUDY COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES MAY RE­ PORT TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND THE GOVERNOR. Any study commission or committee created by act or reso­ lution of the general assembly and required to make a report prior to March 1, 1969, shall make such report not later than March 1, 1969, and said commissions and committees are ex­ tended to said date. Approved January 22, 1969. [House Bill No. 7965.] [3.] AN ACT CONCERNING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE PURPOSES HEREIN SPECIFIED FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1969. The following sums are appropriated for the purposes herein specified for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1969: SECTION 1.—General Fund General Assembly Personal Services $205,000 Other Expenses 200,000 $405,000 Legislative Commissioners' Office Current Expenses Personal Services 14,960 Commission on Uniform Legislation Other than Payments to Local Governments National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws 1,200 Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation Other than Payments to Local Governments New England Water Pollution Control Commission 3,600 1969] OF CONNECTICUT 7 Si\ No. 3 Thames River Flood Control Commission 5,900 9,500 Secretary of State Administration Personal Services 750 Other Expenses 2,000 Recording and Registering Other Expenses 1,200 Elections Personal Services 6,495 Other Expenses 2,000 Uniform Code Other Expenses 1,200 13,645 State Treasurer Treasury Management Other Expenses 3,454 State Comptroller Administration Personal Services 2,500 Other Expenses 750 Central Services to State Agencies Other Expenses 155,000 158,250 Attorney General Legal Counsel to State Agencies Personal Services 135,000 Other Expenses 4,000 Other than Payments to Local Governments Compensation Awards 142,000 281,000 State Police Department Operation and Maintenance of Building and Grounds Other Expenses 70,000 Police Services Personal Services 557,000 Other Expenses 182,000 General Services Personal Services 6,500 Other Expenses 260,000 1,075,500 Banking Department Administration Personal Services 15,625 8 SPECIAL ACTS [Jan., SP. NO. 3 Supervision of Banks and Related Institutions Personal Services 30,962 Supervision of Securities, Small Loans and Sales Finance Personal Services 12,900 Supervision of Credit Unions Personal Services 5,125 64,612 Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities Administration Personal Services 29,911 Other Expenses 3,000 Conciliation and Enforcement Personal Services 51,837 Other Expenses 10,114 Equipment Other than Office 5,138 100,000 Aeronautics Operation of State Airports Personal Services 20,000 Real Estate Commission Administration Other Expenses 16,102 Liquor Control Commission Regulation and Control Personal Services 16,884 Minimum Price Posting Personal Services 1,088 17,972 Workmen's Compensation Commission Third District Other Expenses 2,500 Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources Division of Fisheries and Game Marine Fisheries Program Other Expenses 16,477 Trustees, Henry Whitfield House Current Expenses Personal Services 2,000 Department of Health Division of Public Health Licensing and Registration Other Expenses 5,000 Communitv Health Services Other Expenses 70,000 1969] OF CONNECTICUT 9 SP. NO. 3 Laboratory Services Personal Services 37,500 Other Expenses 25,000 Payments to Local Governments District Departments of Health 5,400 142,900 Division of Mental Retardation Southbury Training School Care and Custody of Patients Personal Services 40,000 Other Expenses 40,000 80,000 Mansfield Training School Care and Custody of Patients Personal Services 46,153 Other Expenses 21,500 67,653 Seaside Regional Center Care of Patients Personal Services 23,605 Other Expenses 7,000 Supervision and Care of Those Outside Institution Personal Services 11,000 41,605 New Haven Regional Center Food Service Other Expenses 4,500 Care of Patients Personal Services 26,959 31,459 Hartford Regional Center Care of Patients Other Expenses 1,000 Supervision and Care of Those Outside Institution Other Expenses 8,000 9,000 Division of Tuberculosis Control, Hospital Care and Rehabilitation Office of Tuberculosis Control, Hospital Care and Rehabilitation Tuberculosis Control Other Expenses 3,000 Other than Payments to Local Governments Newington Children's Hospital 25,654 10 SPECIAL ACTS [Jan., SP. NO. 3 State Assistance for Quadruplegics and Totally Incapacitated Persons 17,000 45,654 Cedarcrest Hospital Care of Patients Other Expenses 20,000 Uncas-on-Tnames Hospital Care of Patients Personal Services 43,209 Other Expenses 29,000 72,209 Department of Mental Health Care of Patients Personal Services 775,000 Veterans' Home and Hospital Food Service Other Expenses 17,000 General Services Other Expenses 6,000 Care of Patients Other Expenses 59,445 Other than Payments to Local Governments Burial Expenses 50,000 Outside Hospitalization 53,000 Headstones 21,000 206,445 Department of Welfare Other than Payments to Local Governments Old Age Assistance 2,262,806 Aid to Disabled 1,781,276 Aid to Dependent Children 18,923,797 Medical Assistance 15,804,121 38,772,000 Connecticut Governor's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped Current Expenses Personal Services 845 Department of Education Payments to Local Governments Assistance to Towns for Educational Purposes 704,845 Education of Children Residing in Tax Exempt State Property 235,000 Special Education 1,818,061 2,757,906 1969] OF CONNECTICUT 11 Sr. No. 3 Commission on the Arts Administration Personal Services 230 Other Expenses 1,850 2,080 University of Connecticut Instruction and Departmental Research Personal Services 255,596 State Board for Regional Community Colleges Instruction and Departmental Research Personal Services 73,875 Teachers' Retirement Board Administration Personal Services 10,150 Other Expenses 7,950 Other than Payments to Local Governments Retirement Contribution 22,840,550 Retirement Costs of Living Adjustments 161,350 23,020,000 Connecticut State Prison Administration Personal Services 10,000 General Services Personal Services 6,795 Education and Training Personal Services 20,000 36,795 State Farm and Prison for Women Administration Personal Services 10,000 State Jails Care and Custody of Inmates Personal Services 58,000 Camp Program for Correctional Institutions 27,000 85,000 Board of Parole Current Expenses Personal Services 10,500 Other Expenses 4,500 15,000 Judicial Department Administration Other Expenses 17,000 12 SPECIAL ACTS [Jan., SP. NO. 3 Superior Court Personal Services 515,000 Other Expenses 140,000 Juvenile Court Other Expenses 150,000 Circuit Court Personal Services 950,000 Commission on Official Legal Publications Personal Services 1,000 Other Expenses 27,000 1,800,000 Non-Functional State Treasurer Other than Payments to Local Governments 12,674,060 Miscellaneous Appropriations Administered by the Comptroller Sundry Charges State Board of Accountancy 8,000 Other than Payments to Local Governments Refunds of Taxes and Payments 460,000 Employers' Portion of Social Security Taxes 1,750,000 2,218,000 Undistributed Salary Adjustments New Pay Plan effective June 30, 1967 and January 1, 1968, Salary Adjustments, Reclassifications, 35 Hour Week Implementation, Premium, Shift and other Special Situation Differential 2,700,000 $88,115,254 Sec. 2. The governor is authorized to transfer appropria­ tions for undistributed salary adjustments as required. Approved March 14, 1969. 1969] OF CONNECTICUT 13 SP. NO. 4 [Senate Bill No. 606.] [4.] AN ACT CONCERNING AN APPROPRIATION FOR EQUIPPING AND OPERATING A RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT CENTER FOR DRUG DEPENDENT PERSONS. The sum of sixty-six thousand dollars is appropriated, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1969, to the alcohol and drug de­ pendent division of the department of mental health for the costs of equipping and operating a residential treatment center for drug dependent persons in Undercliff Mental Health Center of the department of mental health. Approved March 26, 1969. [House Bill No. 5647.] [5.] AN ACT AMENDING THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF NEW LONDON, CONCERNING THE MASTER MOD­ ERATOR. Section 20 of number 330 of the special acts of 1921 is amended to read as follows: Except as otherwise provided in this act, all city elections shall be conducted and the ballots printed, given in, received and counted in the manner pre­ scribed by the laws of this state for general elections. The master moderator shall not be assigned to any specific ward or voting districts but shall go from one polling place to another during the day to aid in any way needed.
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