• • Partly Cloudy .... Partly cloudy today, occa.lonal .-.n ... thnuderstorms WISt IIWI _tral pertIeM. HI .... Icago 75-10 north, -.as south. Partty cleudr with IQI. ail owan t.rtd thunclenhower$ hnithf. Seroing the State UnIversity of Iowa and the Peaple of Iowa CitJI WBA To Ban Established in 1868 10 Cents Per Copy Associated Press Leased WIre aod Wlrepboto 10 a City, Jowa - Tuesiay, Septeomber i,1IM r ,] Clay-Liston I Did The Return Bout \ NORFOLK, Va. (.4') - The World CIA, Another Military Coup eared' Boxing Association (WBA ) voted Friday to ban a Cassius Clay­ Sonny Liston return bout (or the Goof? heavyweight championship and said Clay would be stripped of his world crown i( he goes through with the match. Or Is Against eak Viet Government "In the eyes of the WBA this would be no championship match," said National Commissioner Abe Congress J. Greene. He said also the state Caretaker In Last Seconcls- accepting the bout would be sus· pended from the WBA, and the same suspension would apply to Just Regime Called any other individuals connected Trouble Delays .. with it. ..... fn a stormy morning session, 'Big Hazard' delegates voted 27-2 not to approve Sharp? Titan 3A Flight Ihe match. Kentucky and Michigan U.S. Aid Has Jumped cust the dissenting votes but later I Congress Group To Nearly $2 Million CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. L4'I - A ri of technical problems MOD- reversed their decision to put the Daily And Growing day forced po -tpOn ment o[ an altcmp~ to launch th TItan 3A mllltarr convention into unanimous accord Uncovers CIA Is space rockct on its mnlden te t flight. on the issue. SA1GON, South Viet Nom L4'I _ The launch orillinally was rescheduled for Wedne$day. But later. Despite the WBA ban, the Inter· Payment Route Fear is growing in Viet Nam that project official decided the rocket Continental Promotions said it the new caretaker government has wa ready (or another attempt would stage the match as planned WASHINGTON (.4') - A channel opened the way for another mili- Tu sday. Launch lime was set for in November. The site has not been through which the Central Intelli­ tary coup. 10 a.m. EST. Makarios . selected. gence Agency dispensed secret The pre nt govcrnm nt is sup.. At one time Mon~ay, the count- Curt Howard, president of Tele· funds - a private New York-based posed to be in charge for a two- down advanced to wlthm three sec- 'script Inc., announced his com· foundation - was disclosed at a month transition period which is onds of bno([. Returns Witli pany's bid o[ $t,800,OOO for the congressional hearing Monday. to lead to more civilian rule in THEN TROUBLE developed wltb closed circuit television rights [or Chairman Wright Patman, (D­ the tiny Southea t A ian nation. a radio-lr~cking ~acon in the UAR Support the fight stnI stands. Tex.) , of a House Small Business Thc biggest hazard right now is rocket. While techmcians replaced "If that's the stand oC the WBA, subcommittee, said the CIA told that the carctak I' government may the fault~ beacon, probl~ . crop- NICOSIA, Cyprus ~ - Greek we 'll ignore it, " said Harold Con· him it made such use of the J.M. be knocked off," a U.S. officer de- peel up Ul the PI' umatlon In Cypriot President Makarios com· rad, an o[(icial and spokesman for Kaplan Fund. clercd. third-stage fuel tank. pleted his ml ion to the United AN AMERICAN military source Two pre sure regulators were r Arab Republic Monday wlth • Inter-Continentat Pro mot ion s. OFFICIALS OF THE Internal "Somewhere in the United States said Monday that the latest politi. placed, but as nlg~t approached pledge of support. lor his Greek Revenue Service, which is auditing cal upheaval and mob violence bas they w~re not ufU~lenUy checked Cypriot cause from Pr ident Gam· the fight will go on in November." thc fund to determine whether it WBA refused sanction o[ the fight set back the U.S.- uppOrted war out to risk a launchl!li. So the shot aI Abdel Nasser. should keep its tax exemption, re­ again t the Communi t Viet Cong was called nff for the day. There were varying accounts .s because of its ban of return bout luctantly confirmed the CIA con­ clauses. by at least two months. An unu ual weather condition al- to the kind of support Makarloa nection. CIA declined comment to Thc two.month e limate compar- so contl'ibuted to tbe po tponeme nt. (ot: Liston has been dropped from the reporters. ed with a reckoning that six A CHANGE IN temperature sud- • A communique III Alexandria, WBA ratings and there's III indica· Patman told the revenue officials mo llhs ' progre s wn 10 t follow- denly made ground I vel tempera· Egypt, offered U.A.R. moral sup- tion he will be reinstated. It is be­ to provide information about the . I . .. tures cooler than t mperatures sev· port. lieved Ernie Terrell will be moved adresses, ofCicers and organization mg the uprlsmg ~hlch overthrew eral hundred feet above the cape. _ Muario lold a news coDier. up as the No. 1 contender. of eight otber foundations which, Color Has Little Meaning To Some President Ngo Dmh Diem last Normally the opposite condition ence the pledge wa for "all pas_ New York and California already he said, together contributed al­ November. And that three . mon~hs exists. Ible assistance" in lh event of have disapproved the match . most $1 million to the Kaplan Fund A N.gro boy, at far right, lu,,1S Gor.nflo EI.mtntary School .t td by whit. cI,Iumllt... Four Bllolli elementary schools were lnte. more went down lh dram With ]f there were an explosion or aUnck on Cyprus. in 1961-1963. Biloxi, Min .. alt.r aHendlng class at the prtlliou.ly III-whitt school. grated MondllY - the first below-college·lenl ellUII to b. int.· M.nj. ,Gen. Nguy n ~hnnh ou ted spillage of fuel on the launch pad. _ A GREEK CYPRIOT paper When Acting Commissioner Ber­ The Negro youth filed out of ellss shortly aft.r noon Monday flink- grated in MiSlissippl - without incident. Story, Page 3_ Diem s. successor. Maj. Gen. Duong this condilion would tend to make correspondent close to Muariol trand M. Harding said IRS might -AP Wir.photo Van Mmh , Jan. 30. toxic properties of the fucla to hug and the Egyptian reported Nauer not have the information in its IN THE I~TERVAL, . the U~lted the ground and follow the wind pat- promised modern mlliLar1 hard­ files, another subcommittee mem­ States has mcrea ed Its milItary tern making It potentially danger- ware and the use of EiYpUao bases ber sharply disagreed. Alter Philaclelphia Riots- manpower in Viel Nom [rom 16,000 ous to per onnel. if Cyprus is attacked, threatened tn- "IF THOSE ARE dummy corpo­ NFO Boycott Alabamans to about 20,000 and boosted expen- DaylJght i required (or optical or Invaded. rations or corporations we don 't ditur~ .from $1.5 mil.lion to nearly tra king of the mi ile. Before MaJcarlOl returned to NI· want to talk about, come in and $2 million a day. SIgns are that co la, the pro-Nasser Cypriot paper say so. But don't say you don 't Is Fizzling that amount will grow. "I Teleftea Ora al 0 said 10 a dl • know anytbing about it," Rep. 'Freedom Ho-use' Saigon shakeupB lend to hit pro- Counc. To Discuss patch from correspondent Costa Jam~ Roosevelt (O-Calif.l told DES MOINES (.4'l - The nation's MONTGOMERY. Ala . INI - Ala- vincial chiefs, the military officers Annexato.on Plan Solomonidcs that that Makarins a&- Harding. livestock markets showed few signs bama's unpledged D (' m 0 c r a t ie who are key men in a program of sured Na r that In the event Cy- CHILD CARE There was no more specific testi- Monday of a National Farmers Or­ presidential elector nominees re- syslematically restoring govern- prus unites with Greece it would mony about the amount of CIA ganization (NFO) boycott. Raided by Police fused (0 resign Monday, de pite a ment control in areas now under A resolution for the annexation be conditioned on tbe demilitariza- WILl, baby alt. My nome. 1!:J;perlenced money, nor about its destination. The markets, from which NFO suggestion {rom Gov. George C. varying degrees of Communist of approximately 6 SQuare mile to tlon of the island and ttl removal and relerenee •. 338·1807. 9·11 Several hours after the hearing, members started withholding cat· PHILADELPHlA (.4'! - A squad of 100 policemen raided the nalional Wallacc that it might be a wise rule. That make for caution in Iowa City wil be considered by the of British bases on Cyprus. thEl SUbcommittee members met tle, hogs and sheep on Aug. 20, had headquarters of a Negro "freedom" movement Monday inside riol­ course. promoting pacification. City Council at its regular meeting British force launched attacks WILL baby oJl. My home. Experienced with CIA and IRS officials behind a liberal supply of livestock Mon­ scarred North Philadelphia. They seized ingredients for gasoline bombs "As long as there is a big ques- at 7 tonigbt in the Civic Center. on Egypt Crom Cyprus during the Mark Twain. 338.()653. !J.8 closed doors and then told news- day. and other weapOns and arrested its leader. A prepared tatement read to tion mark on how long the men will A proposal to annex about 12 1956 Suez cri is.
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