moon Edition ~ CPC report urges Junior dies after immediate change basketball game byDAWDBALL Cuttino stated that funding has Daily Editorial Board been designated for additional Campus mourns Joseph Gonzalez After months of research by personnel, includingan Internship Tufts CommunityUnion Senators, Coordinator and a full-time “op- bySETHINGRAM While the funeral was yester- the future of the Career Planning erationalposition,” which will take Daily Editorial Board day at St. James the Great Church Center (CPC) is in the hands of the place of the Director of Com- On Thursday evening, Tufts in Wellesley,the University iscur- University trustees and adminis- puter Resources. This new posi- junior Joseph E. Gonzalez, 20, of rently arranging a campus memo- trators. tion, proposed in the report, has Wellesley, Mass.,died at Lawrence rial service. A meeting to plan the The senators’ report, entitled responsibility for the handling of Memorial Hospital after collaps- service is tentatively scheduled “Improving Career Planning Re- all technological matters for the ing during a pickup basketball for Tuesday at 9 p.m. in Goddard sources at Tufts,” was presented CPC. The report urges that these game in Cousens Gym. Chapel. Students can contact the to the trustees on Friday, Feb. 6.It positions be filled by September Although the cause of death University Chaplaincy to confirm reported that the CPC is under- 1998. Photo by Rony Shram remains undetermined, Gonzalez the time. staffed, underbudgeted, and lacks According to the report, nec- Brett Kitt had extreme allergies to beef and In a Feb. 4 profile in the Daily, sufficient space. essary actions such as acquiring down to an issue of space. They dairy products, as well as chronic Gonzaleztalked about his various Researched and composed by new technology, increasing the can get all these new resources, asthma. During a near fatal allergy at- ser.icr Senators Brooke Jamison newsletter mailing, training new but where are they going to put basketball game, tacks, and expressed and BrSi Xitt, the report detailed staff, and hiring student workers them? They can get new comput- Gonzalez com- his gratitude to- a host ci’ concerns that have have not previousIy been pos- ers, but there’s no space for them, plained ofshortness wards the medical plagued 2,~C?C for the past six sible. “The budget has not signifi- unless they eliminate some of the of breath and went community for its yeas, mi ?-oposed possible so- cantly changed in five years,” I 1 chairsthey have there, in which to the sidelines to help. “My different lulims. ‘‘They arejust in dire need Jamison said. case no one would be able to sit get his inhaler, re- experienceswith my of eve;yt‘:;i E OGW~there,” said The report asks for one or two and use the computers,” Kitt said. ported friends. He allergies have anison,w:io becaneawareofthe new computers with internet ca- ’The new parking garage, set for assured his room- sparked an interest Center’s prooiems two years ago pability and printers, new VCRs completion in the summer of I999 mates, Jim Reese and in medicine,” he while serving as Service Commit- and monitors €or career-related at the current location of Sweet Michael Juliano, said. In the spring.- of tee Cheir. informationalvideos, funds to in- Hall, and its unallocated top floor that he just needed his sophomore year, The report, presented three crease the number of mailings of office space, would be a prime to catch his breath. Gonzalez and five times io separate committees by above one per year, modem furni- location forthe CPC, agreed Dean “Joey uses an in- other sophomores haler every time he SendeTepresentatives to the trrusi- ture, and more library materials. Cuttino, Interim 3irector Santry, Daily file photo were accepted into ees, consisted of a detailed iafcx- “They mentioned that this could and Vice-president Bernstein. “I plays ball. We just Joseph E. ~,-,~~~l~~the Tufts Medical mation packet, overheads, and cost a lot of money, but that’s not thinkthatL9is isclearlyaverylive thought it was be- School BA/MD slides illustratingthe “embarrass- an excuse,” Kitt said. option,” Cuttino said. cause ofhis asthma,” Juliano said. combined degree program. ing” status ofthe CPC, according Where the necessary finding Vice-president Bernstein ech- Aftera few minutes,Reeseand While at Tufts, he participated to Kitt. The slide show was the will be found isstillundetermined. oed Cuttino’s sentiments, saying a visiting friend went to the brain- in the Special Friends program, frst glimpse ofthe Center for some “We don’t have the luxury ofjust “The most exciting approach is to ingroom andGonzalez was being tutored students in chemistry and of the trustees. Chairman of the increasing tuition,” Gantcher said. includethe CPC in a broad sweep.” attended to by paramedics. Reese physics, and made Dean’s List BoardoflrusteesNathan Gantcher Vice-president Melvin Bemstein mentioned the idea of said he accoxpanied Gcnzalez to every semester. commented, “I think it’s pretty Bernstein said that $60,000 was putting all student services to- the hospital in an ambulance, but According to Pamela Jons, the awful. We need to get a career recently spent on Bolles House, gether under one roof, including was unsure whether he passed proctor in Lewis Hall, where planning center that is competi- home of the CPC. The staff re- the Registrar, Bursar, and CPC. away before or after he reached Gonzalez lived, students should tive with other universities.” ceivednew computersandthenew Demands for central administra- the hospital. contact the counseling center, the Other trustees, however, have web server, at job.tufts.edu,inthe tion space, however, could A New York native, born in Dean of Students’ Office or resi- been aware ofthe CPC’s problems works since last spring, was es- threaten this option, Bernstein Bayside Queens, Gonzalez is sur- dential staff ifthey would like help for some time. Trustee Sheila tablished. Within the first week of said. vived by his parents, Joseph and dealing with Gonzalez’sdeath. McDermott said she has been urg- operation the site received over The report states that the CPC Jean, and a sister, Amy, all of The Daily is acceptingsubmis- ing change forthe past three years, 1,000 hits, according to Cuttino. Wellesley; and his grandmothers, sions for amemorial article. Please to little avail. Money has also been designated see CPC, page 2 ElviraGonzalezandIrene Burger, make submissionsby Thursday at “I think the pressure’s on from €or more work-study students. both ofNew York. 4:OOp.m. the trustees’ end,” Kitt said. Many of the other budgetary Currently, the CPC is run by concerns have not yet been ad- only five full-time staffers and one dressed. “If you give to one de- New field house gets go-ahead part-time office worker. The CPC partment, you have to take it away byADAMRUBIN plan is set, according to Gehling. A hardwood floor has been without a full-timedirec- from another,” Santry said. Daily Staff Writer will replace the existing surface and two or three tor since Andrew Thomson left in “The University is certainly The Tufts athletic facilitieswill receive a face-lift intramural basketball courts will be installed. March of last year. Interim Direc- supportive of us growing. I think beginning this summer with the construction of a The main basketball court will also undergo reno- tor Keny Anne Santry said that we have to be realistic and start new 200x300 square foot field house, as well as the vation, the extent ofwhich has not yet been decided. the Center has seen over 1,000 outsmall.Youstartwa1kingbefore planned renovation of Cousens Gym, and the con- Gehling explained that two years ago Tufts was walk-in students,runover I50 pro- you run,” Santry concluded. version ofthe Chase intramuralgym to squash courts. denied the opportunity to host an NCAA game grams, and had over 170recruiters The issue of space is one ofthe The Board of Trustees recently approved the ap- because the size of the court does not meet NCAA cometoTuftsthisyearalone. “For more difficult to handle, Kitt said. proximately nine million dollar field house project, regulations. As a result, officials wish to install a a staff of 5.5 people, that’s B iot The current CPC is unable to ac- which is scheduledto be completed by the start ofthe championship size court in the current field house; happening,” Santry said. cornmodatemorethan1 1 students, 1999 school year. the future location of this court, however, is still in According lo Dean of Admis- a comprehensive library, or com- The field house, to be built adjacent to Hamilton question. sions DaviC Cuttino, who over- fortable interview rooms, the re- pool, will house a200 meter track and several tennis “Research has shown that the court would have sees the CPC,help is on the way. port states. Kitt said he feels that courts, inaddition to volleyball and baseball practice to be rotated 90 degrees to fit it in Cousens and that The search for a new director has while staff and budgetary con- facilities. would entail major construction on the stadium. I commenced, but when the posi- cerns can be addressed in the im- Assistant Athletic Director Bill Gehling said the think Cousens is a I 1 tion will be filled is uncertain. mediate future, “it ultimatelycomes driving force behind building the new field house is unique facilitythatgives the outdated facilities in Cousensgym.Also, the new us a great home court field house will allow Tufts to host more intercolle- advantage and I would giate meets and provide improved facilities for stu- like to preserve it. There dents. are significant costs in- “When the surface in the present cage was laid volved and we are not down over20 years ago it was considered state ofthe sure how it will be done.” art.
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