WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 Registration Registration 8:30 a.lll. - 4:30 p.m. 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. The Inn at Loretto. Main Lobby The Inn al Lorello. Main Lobby Unless otherwise noted all sessions will be held in The Inn al Lorctto Concurrent Sessions Ia CREATIVITY AND CONSTRAINT Finance Committee Meeting 9:00 - 10:50 a.m. The Tesuque Room 10:00 12 Noon a.m. - C!wiriPallelisl: David Novitz, Philosophy, In n at Loretto, American Society for Aesthetics Suite Uni versity of Ca nterbury Pallelists: Tom Leddy, Philosophy, Board of'Trustees Meeting San Jose Slale Un iversity 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Stan Godlovitch, Philosophy, Dinner and M eeting Lincoln Uni versity 6:00 - 9:30 p.l11. Comllle/llaror: Richard Kcshen,Philosophy, The Acoma Room University College of Cape Breton Welcoming Reception (Informal) Ib METAPHOR AND POETIC LANGUAGE 7:00 - 8:30 p.l11. 9:00 - 10:50 a.m. The Chaco West Room Joshua Baier & Company, gallery, Chair: Bill Taschek, Philosophy, 11 6-1/2 East Palace Avenue. Santa Fe Ohio State Uni versity Speakers: Leon Surette, English, Uni versity of Western Ontario ~~W h y Donald Davidson Is Wrong about Metaphor" S. Gillian Parker, Philosophy, Sonoma State Uni versi ty "Poetic Metaphor: A Case for Images" Jonathan Maskit, Philosophy, Den ison University " Poetic Experience and the LinguistifiCl,tion of the World" COll1l11ell/aW I': Patricia Herzog, Philosophy, Brandeis University Ie WITIGENSTEIN: PICTURE, SIMILE, AND EVIDENCE 9:00 - 10:50 a.m. The Acoma Room Chair: James Hamilton, Philosophy, Kansas State Uni versity Speakers: james Elkins, Art History. Theory. and Criticism. School of the Art Institute of Chicago " Wittgenstein's Notion of a Picture and the Desire to Have Pictures Make Sense" Bruce Matthews, Philosophy, New School for Social Research "Philosophy as Poetic Composition: WittgcnsLein's Use and Misuse of Simile from the Traetalus to the Investigations" Benjamin Tilghman, Philosophy, Kansas State Un iversity "Aesthetic judgment and Imponderable Evidence" COII/l/lentator: judith Genova, Philosophy. Colorado Coll ege Break: 10:50 - II: 10 a.m. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 II. THE ARTWORLD IN CROSS-CULTURAL CONTEXT IIIb THE PLAY OF TRAGEDY 11: 10 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. The Chaco West Room 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. The Chaco EaS! Room C!w;rIPallelisl: Julius Moravcsik, Philosophy, Chair: R.I.G. Hughes, Philosophy, Stanford University University of South Carolina ''The Artworld and tbe Arts: Panelists: Christoph Menke. Philosophy, A Cross-Cultural Approach" New School for Social Research Panelists: Allan Casebier. Film, University of Miami "The Presence of Tragedy: Ethical Conflicts "The Japanese Aesthetic" and Aesthetic Play (Tragedy and Modernity)" Denis Dutton, Fine Arts. University of Canterbury Sarah Bryant-Bcrtail, Drama, "Cross-Cultural Aesthetics and Analogy" University of Washington Tessie Naranjo, Santa Clara Pueblo "The Trojall Women. A Love Story: A Postmodern Semiotics of the Tragic" lIb TOPOGRAPHIES OF EVIL: AUSCHWITZ AND Alfred Nordmann, Philosophy, THE POLITICS OF THE AESTHETIC University of South Carolina II: 10 a.m. - [:00 p.m. The Chaco East Room "Undoing the Fifth Act: On the Subversion of Fatalistic N3I"rativcs by the Cooperative Chair/Panelist: Shelley Hornstein, Fine Arts, York University Strategies of the Theater" Panelists: Ernst van Alphen, Humanities, Commentator: Dcan Wilcox, Theatre Hi story, Theory, Cornell University and Criticism, Texas Tech University Reesa Greenberg, Art History. Concordia University IIIe CONSTRUCTING COLLECTIVE IDENTITIES: Carol Zemel, Art History. State Uni versity of DISABILITY AND DIFFERENCE IN LITERATURE New York, Buffalo Commentator: Serel Lang, Humanities, Trinity College ANDART 2:30 - 4: 15 p.m. The Tesuque Room lie INTERPRETATION, VALUE, AND APPRECIATION Chair: Dam Lopes, Philosophy. Indiana University IJ:IOa.m.-I:OOp.m. TheAcomaRoom Inrroduction: Anita Silvers. Philosophy, San Francisco State University Chair: Annette Barnes, Philosophy, University of Panelists: Johnson Cheu, English, Maryland al Baltimore County Ohio State University Speakers: Ruth Lorand, Philosophy, Lennard David, English, University of Haifa "A Portrait of Interpretation" State University of New York, Binghamton Matthew Kieran, Philosophy, David Mitchell, English, Northern Michigan University of Leeds Sharon Snyder, English, Northern Michigan "Aesthetic Value: Beauty, Ugliness and Incoherence" Jonathan Rimmer, Philosophy, The Georgia O'Keeffe Museum University of St. Andrews 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. "Carlson, ZitI and Appreciation" Location: 217 Johnson Street, Santa Fe. Commentator: Allen Carlson, Phi losophy, Viewing on your Own University of Alberta The Art or Georgia O'Keeffe Lunch: 1:00 ~ 2:30 p.m. On your own. 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Location: The Inn at Loretto. The Chaco West Room lIla THE STATUS OF AESTHETICS IN THE ACADEMY Chair: Garry Hagberg, Philosophy, Bard College 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. The Acoma Room Speakers: Peter Hassrick, Director, The Georgia 0' Keeffe Museum Chair/PaneliST: Mary Devereaux, Philosophy, University of California, San Diego Ellen Bradbury, Director, Recursos de Santa Fe Pan elists: Norton Batkin, Curatorial Studies and MaLin Wilson, Critic Philosophy, Bard College Editorial Board Meeting Barbara Sa\'edoff, Philosophy, Baruch College, City University of New York The Journal of Aesthetics and An Criticism Richard Moran, Philosophy. 8:00 p.m. Harvard University Location: Ri stra Restaurant, 548 Agua Fria Street. Santa Fe Philip Alperson, Editor FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 Registration Break: 10:50 - II : 10 a.m. 8:30 a.In. - 4:00 p. m. The Inn at Loretto, Main Lobby IIa PRAGMATISM, AESTHETICS, AND THE ETHICS 1998 Program Committee Meeting OF SELF-CARE 7:30 a. m. 11: 10 a.m. - 1:00 p.m The Tesuque Room Location: To be announced Chair: Richard Eldridge, Philosophy, Chair/Panelist: Richard Shusterman, Philosophy, Swarthmore College Temple Un iversi ty Pallelists: James Conant, Ph ilosoph y, Ia THE WORK OF GERHARD RICHTER University of Pittsburgh Donald Keefer, Ph ilosophy, 9:00 - 10:50 a.In. The Tes uque Room Rhode Island School of Design C/w id P(tllefisr: Stephen Melville, History of Art, Joseph Margolis, Phi losophy. Ohio State University Temple University "Betty's Turn" Paneiisls: Andrew Benjamin, Philosophy and lIb THE AESTHETICS OF OUTSIDER ART Comparali ve Literature, Uni versity of Warwick II: 10 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. The Chaco West Room " (An)original Richter" Gregg Horowitz, Philosophy, Chair/Panelist: Aaron Meskin. Phi losophy, Vanderbilt University Rutgers Uni versity "Sustaining Loss: Gerhard Richter and "The Aesthetic Relevance of Outsider Art" Historical Witness" Panelists: Curtis Carter, Philosophy, Michael Kelly, Phi losoph y, Columbia University Marquelle Un iversilY " Richter and Buchloh in the " Expression Theories of Art and Shadow of Adorno" Contemporary Folk Art" Joan Pearlman. New School for Ib COGNITIVE SCIENCE AND THE ARTS Social Research 9:00 - 10:50 a.m. The Chaco West Room "'\Vhat Is Outsider Art" Larry Shiner, Philosoph y, Chair/Panelist: Cynthia Freeland, Philosophy, Uni versity of Houston Uni versity of Illinois at Springfield "Film Theory and Cognitive Science" " Cultural Encounters of the Third Kind: Pal/elists: Diana Ratlman, Philosophy, Native American C raft~ and Euro­ Ohio State University American Aesthetics" "Music and Cognitive Science" Alan Richardson, English, Boston Coll ege lIe ANCIENT AESTHETICS AND AFTER: ''Literature and Cognitive Science" THEATRICALITY AND TRAGEDY Mark Rollins, Philosophy, II: I 0 a.m. - 1:00 p. m. The Chaco East Room Washington Uni versity "Visual Arts and Cognitive Science" Chair: Susan Feagin, Phil osophy. University of Mi ssouri , Kansas City Ie MUSICAL MATTERS: CULTURE, MODULATION, Speakers: David Goldblatt. Ph ilosophy, FICTION Deni son Uni versity 9:00 - 10:50 a. m. The Acoma Room "Socratic Ventriloquism: Theatricality a nd the Voice of Logos" Chair: Martin Donougho, Philosophy, Sarah Worth. Philosophy, Uni versity of South Carolina Allegheny College Speakers: Theodore Gracyk, Philosophy, " Aristotle's Tragic Emotions: An Update" Moorhead State University Angela Curran, Philosophy, "Musical Appropriation and Cultural Autonomy" Bucknell Uni versity Morris Grossman, Fairfield Uni versity "Brecht's Criticisms of Aristotle's "Music, Modulation, and Time: Aesthetics of Tragedy" Some Ambiguities" Commentator: Flo Liebowitz, Philosophy, Robin Parks, Lummi Island, Washington "Reading Feminist Music in To the Lighthouse" Oregon Slale Universit y Commentator: Renee Cox Lorraine, Music, Uni versity of Tennessee, Chattanooga The American Society fo r Aesthetics FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 President L unch: 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. On your own Ted Cohen. Uni versity of Chicago Vice President Board Of Trustees Lunch Meeting Noel Carroll , Universit y of Wisconsin-Madison 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Secretary-Treasurer Location: The Acoma Room Curtis L. Carter. Marquette University Feminist Caucus Lunch M eeting Editor Tile Jour/wi for AeSfherics alld Art Cririci.wI 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Philip Alperson. ex: officio Location: Nellie's Restaurant, The Inn at Loretto Trustees Chair.' Estella Lauter, Engl ish, Marcia Eaton. Past President. University of MinncsOIa Timothy Gould, Metropolitan State University UniverSity of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Karen Hanson, Indiana University John W. Heintz, University of Calgary IlIa GENDER, REPRESENTATION, AND POWER IN Gary Iseminger, Carleton College FRENCH PAINTING Jennifer Judkins, University of California, Los Angeles Thomas W. Leddy, San Jose State Un iversity 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. The Tesuque Room Alex
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