NCAA contracts with ABC, CBS for $263.5 million The NCAA membership will 198S-$36 million. The four- each network will be required receive more than a quarter of year total is $131,75C),OOO per to carry a minimum of some 82 Membership sent TV referendum a billion dollars for college network. different teams each year. The foot ball television coverage in Per-game rights fees will ap- c.ommitt.ee projects that about The NCAA Council has mailed a referendum to the the four-year period beginning proach $1 million in 1982 for a 115 to 120 different teams membership’s chief executive officers seeking to amend with the 1982 season. national game and $690,000 for therefore will appear in each three aspects of the telecasting principles that the mem- ABC, which has televised a regional telecast, although two-year period of the plan. hership approved this spring. college football for 16 years, the prices are subject to varia- The limitation on appear- Principle No. 9 would be amended to increase the amount. and CBS, which recently won t,ion depending upon the na- ances has been increased from of commercial time to 26 minutes per telec.ast (in not more rights to the NCAA Division I t,ional and regional mix t,hat, four (with a fifth on special than 21 commercial positions). Men’s Basketball Champion- each network select,s. Pricing is dates) to six appearances in An amendment to Principle No. 10 would alt,er the ship, will share the telecasting determined by the networks, two years divided equally be- appearance rule, as outlined in the accompanying story. role equally during the period. each of which will contract, in- tween the two networks, with Principle No. 13 would be amended by deleting most of the ABC will televise exclusively dividually with t.he home so-called bonus appearances requirement that. the two networks be required to provide in 1981, the last season of its teams of t,he games to be t,ele- on special dates eliminated. A mandatory supportive programming. current four-year contract. cast. team may have four national The ballots are due at the national office no later t,han An additional supplementa- By 1985, a national fee will appearances in two years, pro- August 24. A two-thirds majorit,y of the eligible members ry television series, primarily he about $1.2 million, and a vided they are divided equally voting is needed for approval. via cable, is yet to be negotiat- regional fee will exceed between the two networks. A ed; that series is expected to $800,000. Minimum aggregate team will be limited to four tion of the plan. Also, through ther seven national and seven feature teams that usually do rights fees for 1981 will be $31 regional appearances the first these appearance require regional exposures to gain 35 not realize major appearances million, with national game year of a two-year period and merits, the committee believes games and 70 annual team-ap- on ABC or CBS. rights set at $600,000 and rem five appearances the second. it, has maintained the critical pearance opportunities or IJnder the contracts with gional rights at $423,000. As in the current four-year halance of appearance oppor- eight. national and six regional ABC and CBS, minimum New appearance require- plan, the rules governing ap- tunities among institutions exposures to achieve the same rights fees of $263.5 million will ments will benefit all football- pearances will be applied in wit,h difierent types of foot.ball number of games. On regional he paid the participating col- playing members, Football two-year increments, Hallock programs. We believe all major dates, from three to six games leges for the four years. Each Television Committee Chair explained. football programs will benefit, may be t,elevised t,o compose network will pay annual rights Wiles Hallock said. “Halance of appearances be- significantly. Certainly that the exposure. fees as follows: 1982-$29.5 Required team appearances tween the two networks ap was our goal throughout the No regional telecast may be million; 1983~$32 million; will increase from llfi to 140 peared essential,” Hallock said, long period of preparing the released t,o more than 65 per- 1984-$34.25 million, and annually, he explained. Also, “for the equitable administra- principles that, guided t,he c.ent of the television house- committee and through the re- holds; however, once in two peated meetings with the net- years each network may re works and the negotiations quest that a regional telecast be released to 75 percent of the homes. The 70 annual games will be quired to present 14 exposures selected through a coordinated each year (14 occasions on scheduling process. Although which it,s entire network re- the development of that VOL. 18. NO 12 August 15, 1981 ceives a game). It, may use ei- Continued on page 3 Committee considers Presidents to assemble automatic qualification in Chicago Despite pcrmit,t,ing an in- least, five years, the waiting The second annual NCAA- crease in the number of confer- period becomes five years. sponsored meeting of chief ex- ences receiving automatic: “The committee is con- ecutive officers of member in- qualificat,ion for the 1982 cerned about the number of stit,utions has been moved championship, the NCAA Di- institutions applying for Divi- from Kansas City t.o Chicago. vision I Men’s Basketball sion I membership and t,he Originally scheduled at the Committee is considering newly created conferences re- Hyatt Regency Hotel in means to control automatic quest,ing automatic qualitica- Kansas City, the activit.ies qualification berths beginning tion,” Duke said. “We are con- were moved to the Hyatt Re- wit,h the 1983 event. vinced the longer waiting gency O’Hare in Chicago after “We spent a great deal of period will require the institu- the July 17 tragedy at the t,ime reviewing automat.ic tion and the conference to Kansas City facility resulted in qualification for all confer- demonstrate il commitment to its being unavailable for the ences,” said committee Chair a tot,al at.hletic program.” September 28-29 meetings. Wayne Duke, Big Ten Confer- The committee, which met. Intended as a discussion ence, “and there is no doubt. in in July in Chatham, Massa- forum and educational pro- my mind the committee will chusetts, also reviewed a pro- gram, the gathering of selected scrutinize this activity even jected income statement for chief executives enables them more closely in the future. the 1982 championship. Teams to review major policy areas in “The NCAA Executive losing in the first and second intercollegiate athletics before Committee has approved a rounds of competition are pro- proposals in those areas are recommendat.ion from the has- jected to receive $121,428, considered at the annual Con- vention. ketball committee limiting the while teams losing in regional number of aut.omatic berths in compet,ition will receive The 1981 session will include t,he 1983 bracket to no more $364,268. Teams advancing to separate meetings for chief ex- than 50 percent. The Execu- the Final Four will receive ecutives from Divisions I, II tive (:ommittee also directed $485,712. and III, with a brief joint re- the t)askett)i~ll committ,ee to In 1982, the Mideast will porting session concluding the administer the automatic- play the West and the Midwest two-day program. Agendas for qualification procedure. will plav the East in the March the separate meetings were to 27 natjonal semifinals. The he finalized by the NCAA “It is my opinion the com- winners then will compete for Council in its August 12-14 mittee will closely evaluate the the championship March 29 at meeting. ‘suficient quality to warrant the Louisiana Superdome in A total of 30 Division I chief automatic qualification’ clause New Orleans. executives have been invited, currently in the basketball including 26 selected by the handbook when it awards au- Other dates set in the 1982 voting allied conferences in tomatic qualification for the bracket include: that division and four invited 1983 tournament.” March 11 and 13 (first and to represent independents in The basketball committee second rounds)~Utah State Division I. Invitations were has acted in two areas regard- [Jniversity, Logan, Utah sent to 15 Division II chief ing automatic qualification. It (West); Vanderbilt University, executives on the same confer- recommended that, any new Nashville, Tennessee (Mid- ence-independent basis. In Dim conference seeking automatic east); Oral Roberts University, vision III, that division’s steer- qualification must, wait three Tulsa, Oklahoma (Midwest), ing committee selected 18 years instead of two before the and Charlotte Coliseum Char- CEOs to receive invitations. committee can consider its re- lotte, North Carolina (East). Agenda topics and a listing quest. If the conference has March 12 and 14 (first and Stanford’s Darrm Nelson, one of the top rushing and receiving threats of the chief executives expect- any member that has not been second rounds)-Washington in the nation, is among the top returnees in the country as the 1981 ed at the meeting will appear in a member of Division I for at Continued on page 5 season approaches. See related story, page 4 the August 31 NCAA News. Letter to the Editor New Mexico judge owes apology Mr. Robert, A. Brown demic proportions, nor would and regulations, and equally Senior Editor it indicate that everybody vio- insulted are the thousands of Albuquerque dournal lates the rules. honest coaches and adminis~ Albuquerque, New Mexico This kind of general guilt by trators who, under the intense Dear Mr.
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