Lambton High School Morning Shift Route Time From Bus Route H139 1391 7:13 Medowie Via Lisadell near Kedahal, L Fairlands, R Ferodale, L Kirrang, L Kula, 7:19 near Court , L Evans, R Abercrombie, R Ryan, L Lewis, R Fisher, L Kirrang, 7:33 R Medowie, L South, Uturn – 7:40 transfer to 1401 H141 1411 7:09 Medowie Ferodale & Fairlands: Via Ferodale, L Waropara, R Kula, L Kirrang, R Wilga, L Kirrang, L Ferodale, 7:15 - L Medowie, R Silver Wattle, L Brushbox, R Kindlebark, R Ferodale, L Brocklesby, L James, 7:27 - R 1 st Boyd, R South – 7:40 Transfer to 1401 H165 1651 7:12 Medowie Via Kirrang near Fisher, Federation, 7:16 R Sassin, L Heritage, L Kindlebark, 7:23 L Laurina, L Coachwood, L Kindlebark, L James, 7:31 L 1 st Boyd, South – 7:40 transfer to 1401 H167 1671 7:31 Medowie Via South near Medowie, R Championship, L Lakewood, R South, L Sylvan, R South – 7:40 transfer to 1401 H140 1401 7:10 Medowie Aquatic Centre Grahamstown Rd: Via Grahamstown, Lisadell, L Abundance, R Ferodale, - 7:18 near Peppertree - L Medowie, R Kindlebark, L Heritage, R Sassin, R Federation, L Kindlebark, L Coachwood, L James, 7:34 Brocklesby, L Medowie, L South, Uturn 7:40 collect pax from 1391, 1411, 1651 & 1671 - L Medowie, R Nelson Bay, Teal, R Cormorant, Tourle, L Industrial, R Vine, Hanbury, Railway, Platt, L Station, L Turton H237 2371 6:51 Bolwarra Bolwarra Heights: Via Dalveen, L> April, R> Betula, R> Maple, R> Dalveen, R> Corina, R> Paterson, R> Heights Largs - 7:01 - L> Church, R> High, R> Largs, R> Paterson, L> Lang, L> Tocal - Bolwarra Heights 7:10 - Via Paterson, R> Bolwarra, L> Kensington, L> Bayswater, R> Addison, L> Westbourne, R> Belmore, L> High - Belmore Hotel 7:16 - Transfer to Route 2281 H228 2281 6:50 Branxton, Miller Park: L> New England Highway - Water St Greta 6:55 - L> West, R> along inside road, L> New Greta, England Highway, L> River, L> Lerra - Windella 7:05 - turnaround Cnr Camilla & Lerra, via Lerra, R> River, Windella, L> New England highway, L> Arthur, L> Hillview - Rutherford Shops 7:15 - R> West Mall, R> Alexandra Rutherford, through round about, R> Aberglasslyn, L> New England Highway, L> High - Belmore Hotel 7:25 - Transfer Maitland, from Route 2371 via High, R> Elgin, L> Ken Tubman, R> High, L> New England Highway, L> Melbourne, R> East Maitland, Cumberland, R> Lindesay, Raymond Terrace, R> Haussmann, L> Taylor - Thornton Mall 7:45 - via Taylor, Thornton, Eurimbla, R> Railway, Thornton, L> Glenwood, L> Anderson, L> New England Highway - Hexham Bowling Beresfield Club 7:55 - Via Highway, R> Sandgate, L> Main, L> Newcastle, Griffith, R> Turton, drop at Hunter Stadium 8:15 This is a guide only and may be updated at any time. Please call our Thornton Depot on 4935 7200 - UPDATED: 13/9/17 Page 1 of 6 Lambton High School Morning Shift Route Time From Bus Route H261 2611 7:19 Chisholm, Waterford County: Via Settlers, U-Turn at roundabout, Settlers, R> Raymond Terrace, L> Metford, R> Ashtonfield Chelmsford, R> Highway, R> King, R> Lawes - Windsor Castle - Lawes, L> Victoria - Victoria St Station 7:37 - Victoria, L> Lawes, Hughes, R> Bruce, R> Blaxland, L> Mitchell - Greenhill’s 7:42 - via Mitchell, L> Stronach, L> Chisholm, R> Norfolk, L> South Seas, R> Highway - Hexham Bowling Club 7:59 - via Highway, L>Industrial, R> Woodstock, L> Bull, L> Industrial, L> Werribi, Maud, L> Prince, R> Bridge, L> High, R> Turton - Hunter Stadium - 138 6:45 Lemon Tree Meredith Ave & Vera Ave: Via Meredith, L> Russell, Marine, L> Francis, R> Morton, R> Cook, R> Passage, Meredith, L> Gould, R> Elaine, R> Kenneth, L> Lemon Tree Passage, R> Fairlands, R> Tanilba - Tanilba Rd Tanilba Bay, & Bay St 6:55 - via Tanilba, R> Wychewood, R> Strathmore, L> Fairlands, R> Lemon Tree Passage, R> Fullerton Cove, President Wilson - Tanilba Bay Shops 7:02 - via President Wilson, L> Diggers, L> Peace, Tanilba, L> Fern Bay Admiralty, R> Caswell, R> Admiralty, Tanilba, L> Peace, R> President Poincare, R> Clemenceau, L> Poilus, R> Ave of the Allies, R> Lemon Tree Passage, R> Nelson Bay - Salt Ash 7:24 - via Nelson Bay, R> Williamtown - Newcastle Airport 7:36 - via Williamtown, R> Nelson Bay - Metro Service Station - via Nelson Bay, R> Fullerton Cove, R> Nelson Bay - Bay Way 7:50 - Fern Bay 7:52 - via Nelson Bay, Teal, R> Cormorant, Tourle, L> Industrial, R> Vine, Hanbury, Railway, Platt, L> Station, L> Turton, drop at Hunter Stadium 8:10 H122 1221 7:15 Seaham, Seaham Rd & Brandy Hill Dr: Via Seaham Rd - Seaham Shops 7:20 - L> Dixon, L> Clarence Town, L> Brandy Hill Brandy Hill, R> Seaham, R> Port Stephens, L> Glenelg, L> Sturgeon - Raymond Terrace 7:47 - Sturgeon, R> William, R> Adelaide, R> Pacific Highway, L> Maitland, R> Inner City Bypass, L> University off ramp, R> University, L> Blue Gum, L> Janet, L> Sunset, L> University, 360 degree turn at roundabout, University, Queen, R> Lorna, R> Bridge, L> High, R> High, R> Turton, drop at Hunter Stadium to School 8:26 H146 1461 7:40 Seaside Seaside via Seaside, L Norfolk, L Dune, R Seaside, L> Nelson Bay, Teal, R Cormorant, Tourle, L Industrial, R Woodstock, L Bull at Hunter Christian transfer to 1431 H143 1431 7:42 Stockton Nelson Bay Rd & Fullerton St: Via Fullerton, L> Hunter - General Washington Hotel 7:48 - L> Mitchell, L> Clyde, R> Douglas, L> Monmouth, R> Roxburgh, R> Hereford, L> Douglas, R> Flint, L> Dunbar, L> Griffith, R> Fullerton, L Nelson Bay, Teal, R Cormorant, Tourle, L Industrial, R Woodstock, L Bull - at Hunter Christian collect students from 1461 L> Industrial, L> Werribee, Maude, L Prince, R Bridge, L> High, R> Turton, L> Lambton to School This is a guide only and may be updated at any time. Please call our Thornton Depot on 4935 7200 - UPDATED: 13/9/17 Page 2 of 6 Lambton High School Afternoon Shift Route Time To Bus Route H228 2282 3:30 Ashtonfield, Via Turton, L> Griffiths, Newcastle, R> Inner City By-Pass, L> Maitland, New England Highway - Avalon Mon, East Maitland, Estate - Transfer students for Singleton to Route 1502 via New England Highway, L> Mitchell - Tue, Maitland, Greenhills – via Mitchell, R> Brisbane, R> Brunswick, L> Highway, R> Victoria, L> Lawes - East Maitland Wed, Rutherford, Post Office - via Lawes, L> Melbourne, R> Highway, Les Darcy, R> High - Town Hall - via L> Victoria (Wed Thu Windella, via Ken Tubman), R Athel Dombrain, R Elgin, L Railway, Allan Walsh, L Ken Tubman, L High, R> Highway, Lochinvar, R> Arthur, L> Hillview - Rutherford Shops - Transfer students for McKeachies to Route 2722 via Branxton Hillview, R> West Mall, R> Alexandra, L> Weblands, L> Denton Park, R> New England Highway, R> River, L> Lerra, Turn around Krystyna, return via Camilla, R> Lerra, River, R> New England Highway, R> Wyndham - Miller Park H166 1662 3:25 Beresfield, Via Turton, L> Griffiths, Newcastle, R> Inner City By-Pass, L> Maitland, NE Hwy, L South Seas, R Thornton, Chisholm, L Stronach, R Mitchell, L Hwy, R> Victoria - Victoria St Station - Via Victoria, R> Lawes, L> Maitland High, R> Highway, Les Darcy to roundabout, R> Church, R> Olive, R> Eglin, R> Railway - Maitland Station H252 2522 3:26 Beresfield, Via Turton, L> Griffiths, Newcastle, R> Inner City By-Pass, L> Maitland, New England Highway, L> Tarro Mon, Thornton, overpass, L> Anderson, R> Glenwood, R> Thornton, Railway - Thornton Newsagents - Transfer students Tue, Metford, for Chisholm to Route 1378 via Railway, L> Eurimbla, Taylor - Thornton Mall - R> Haussmann, L> Wed, Ashtonfield, Raymond Terrace, L> Metford, L> Chelmsford - Metford Shops - R> Schanck, L> Lowe, R> Ferraby, R> Thu Maitland, Highway, L> South Seas, R> Chisholm, L> Stronach, R> Mitchell, L> Highway, Les Darcy, R> High - St Bolwarra Mary’s - L> Ken Tubman, R> Church, L> High, R> Belmore, R> Lorn, L> Queen, L> Short, R> Belmore, L> Westbourne, R> Addison, L> Bayswater, R> Kensington, R> Bolwarra, L> Paterson, L> Tocal, R> Lang, R> Paterson, R> Largs, L> Church, R> High, R Dalveen Rd, R Corina Ave, L Paterson - Bolwarra Heights H137 1375 1:40 Elermore Vale, Via Young, L> Womboin, L> Wallarah, R> Lambton, Russell, L> Croudace, Lookout, R> Grandview, L> Mon, Maryland, Smith, R> Cardiff, L> Watkins, L> Jubilee, R> Aries, R> Croudace, Cardiff, L> Dangerfield, L> Cambronne, Wed Fletcher, L> Garsdale, R> Croudace, L> Cardiff, R> Reservoir, R> Lake, R> Cowper, L> Minmi, R> Maryland, L> Only Shortland McNaughton, R> Wyndrow, R> Seaton, L> Sandycroft, R> Boundary, L> Maryland, R> Callan, R> Maryland, L> Minmi, R> Bottlebrush, R> Cottonwood, R> Churnwood, R> Minmi, L> Sandgate, L> Mawson, R> Morton This is a guide only and may be updated at any time. Please call our Thornton Depot on 4935 7200 - UPDATED: 13/9/17 Page 3 of 6 Lambton High School Afternoon Shift Route Time To Bus Route H272 2722 4:23 McKeachie’s Rutherford Shops West Mall: Transfer from Route 2282 via West Mall, R> Alexandra, L> Avery, L> Mon, Aberglasslyn, L> Tea Tree, turn at Rivergum, Tea Tree, R> Aberglasslyn, L> McKeachie, L> Dunnart, L> Tue, Cockatoo, L< Teal, Gannet, L> McKeachie, L> Aberglasslyn Wed, Thu H272 2722 4:40 McKeachie’s Rutherford Shops West Mall: Transfer from Route 2522 via West Mall, R> Alexandra, L> Avery, L> Fri Aberglasslyn, L> Tea Tree, turn at Rivergum, Tea Tree, R> Aberglasslyn, L> McKeachie, L> Dunnart, L> Only Cockatoo, L< Teal, Gannet, L> McKeachie, L> Aberglasslyn 138 3:30 Seaham, Bus Shelter Turton Rd: via Turton, R> Station, R> Platt, L> Railway, R> Hanbury, R> Sunderland, L> Roe, Brandy Hill L> Maitland - Mayfield Shops 3:45 - Transfer to Route 140 due in 3:49 refer to Timetable, At Sturgeon St Raymond Terrace transfer to Route 1333 140 3:49 Seaham, Via Route 140 to Sturgeon Street refer to Timetable .
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