Qs V'O6?-AzIJJ NATIONAL RADIO ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY QUARTERLY REPORT January 1 - March 31, 1990 APr TABLE OF CONTENTS A. TELESCOPE USAGE .1.. .. ... ............................... 1 B. 140-FOOT TELESCOPE1 ... ........ ............................. 1 C. 12-METER TELESCOPE6 ......... ............................. 6 D. VERY LARGE ARRAY9 .. ........ .............................. 9 E. SCIENTIFIC HIGHLIGHTS .. ........ ............................ 20 F. PUBLICATIONS ... ........ ................................ 21 G. CENTRAL DEVELOPMENT LABORATORY . ....... ....................... 21 H. GREEN BANK ELECTRONICS . ........ ........................... 23 I. 12-METER ELECTRONICS . ........ .............................. 25 J. VLA ELECTRONICS .. ........ ............................... 25 K. AIPS .. ........ .................................... 28 L. VLA COMPUTER .. ....... ................................ 28 M. VERY LONG BASELINE ARRAY . ........ .......................... 29 N. PERSONNEL ... .......... .................................. 32 APPENDIX A: LIST OF NRAO PREPRINTS A. TELESCOPE USAGE The NRAO telescopes have been scheduled for research and maintenance in the following manner during the first quarter of 1990. 140-ft 12-meter VIA Scheduled observing (hours) 1935.00 1772.25 1624.6 Scheduled maintenance and equipment changes 193.5 116.25 264.6 Scheduled tests and calibrations 127.25 261.50 261.6 Time lost 103.75 366.25 78.0 Actual observing 1831.25 1496.00 1546.7 B. 140-FOOT TELESCOPE The following line programs were conducted during the quarter. No. Observer(s) Program B-492 Bell, M. (Herzberg) Spectral survey of IRC+10216 over the Feldman, P (Herzberg) range 22.0-24.5 GHz. Matthews, H. (Herzberg) B-524 Bell, M. (Herzberg) . Studies at 17.5-24.5 GHz of heavy Avery, L. (Herzberg) molecule chemistry in shocked and Feldman, P. (Herzberg) unshocked gas in Orion. Matthews, H. (Herzberg) B-492 Bell, M. (Herzberg) Spectral survey of IRC+10216 over the Feldman, P. (Herzberg) range 22.0-24.5 GHz. Matthews, H. (Herzberg) B-525 Bell, M. (Herzberg) Observations at 17.25 GHz of Seaquist, E. (Toronto) redshifted C3H 2 in absorption against NGC 1275. B-533 Bell, M. (Herzberg) Observations at 22.235 GHz to examine Seaquist, E. (Toronto) the dust lane and nuclear region of Centaurus A. C-257 Clark, F. (Air Force Geophys. Lab) Observations of 2 cm H2 CO infrared Mann, P. (Kentucky) objects. LaHaise, W. (Kentucky) No. Observer(s) Program K-323 Koempe, C. (Herzberg) Search at discrete frequencies over Mann, P. (Kentucky) the range 18.5-23.6 GHz for NH3 LaHaise, W. (Kentucky) emission in the S247/S252 gas complex. L-238 Lee, Y. (Leiden) Study H2 CO at 2 cm to compare with CO Greenberg, J. (Leiden) data to establish dust correlation in Minn, Y. (Kyung Hee, Korea) dense dark clouds. L-284 Madden, S. (Massachusetts) Time variability study of ammonia Brown, R. (Monash Univ.) masers at 1.5 cm. Godfrey, P. (Monash Univ.) Henkel, C. (MPIR, Bonn) Irvine, W. (Massachusetts) Wilson, T. (MPIR, Bonn) Maddalena, R. M-309 Mutel, R. (Iowa) Survey of the galactic plane for Allen, J. (Iowa) 18 cm OH masers and confirmation of three newly discovered OH masers that are coincident with IRAS sources. T-272 Turner, B. Studies at 2 cm of H2 CO in Cirrus Rickard, L. J (NRL) Clouds. Lanping, X. V-72 Vanden Bout, P. Search in the range 21-23 GHz for CO Brown, R. emission in high-Z QSO's. W-269 Wilson, T. (MPIR) Search at 18.2 GHz for the 2-1 line Batrla, W. of HC3N toward Cas A. W-271 Williams, D. (Berkeley) Search for the 17.5 GHz transition of + Shuter, W. (British Columbia) H2 in Jupiter and the interstellar medium. W-280 Wootten, H. A. H20 monitoring in star-forming cores in Rho Oph. The following pulsar programs were conducted during this quarter. No. Observer(s) Program B-484 Backer, D. (Berkeley) Timing observations at 750-800 and at Foster, R. (Berkeley) 1330 MHz of PSR 1821-24 and other millisecond pulsars. No. Observer(s) Program T-265 Taylor, J. (Princeton) Pulsar timing observations over the Stinebring, D. (Princeton) range 390-450 and 1355 MHz. Dewey, R. (JPL) Nice, D. (Princeton) Thorsett, S. (Princeton) Arzoumanian, Z. (Princeton) T-280 Taylor, J. (Princeton) Studies at 18 cm of the eclipsing Fruchter, A. (DTM) millisecond pulsar in Terzan 5. Stinebring, D. (Princeton) Nice, D. (Princeton) Thorsett, S. (Princeton) The following very long baseline programs were conducted. The stations used for the observations are coded as follows: A Arecibo 1000 ft Me Merlin B Effelsburg, MPIR 100 m N NRL Maryland Point 85 ft E Hartebeesthoek, South Africa No Noto, Sicily F Fort Davis 85 ft Pt Pietown 25 m G Green Bank 140 ft R Crimea, USSR 30 m H Hat Creek 26 m Sa Shanghai 25 m I Iowa 60 ft So Onsala 25 m Jb Jodrell Bank 250 ft T Torun 15 m Km Haystack 120 ft Wn Westerbork n = 1-14x26m Kp Kitt Peak 25 m X Itapetinga 20 m Lb Bologna 25 m Yn Socorro n=l-27x25 m No. Observer(s) Program A-31V Abraham, Z. (Itapetinga) Time evolution studies of 3C 273 and Zensus, A. 3C 279 at 2.8 and 6 cm, with Carrara, E. (Itapetinga) telescopes B, Lm, No, Km, G, F, O, H. Unwin, S. (Caltech) Pt, A, Mb, and E. Cohen, M. (Caltech) Nocholson, G. (Hartebeesthoek) AH-48V Lonsdale, C. (Haystack) Search at 18 cm for fringes from Weecdmnan, D. (Pennsylvania) component A of the interacting galaxy Lonsdale, C. J. (Caltech) system NGC 3690, with telescopes G, Smith, H. (UCSD) 0, and Pt. B-82V Bartel, N. (CFA) Studies at 6 cm of the expansion and Rogers, A. (MIT) morphology of SN1979C, with Shapiro, I. (MIT) telescopes B, Wn, G, O, Y2 7 , and A. No. Observer(s) Program B-100V Biretta, J. Observations at 18 cm of the M87 Cawthorne, T. (Brandeis) nuclear jet, with telescopes B, So, Reid, M. (CFA) Lm, Wn, Jb, K, G, F, O, YY2 7 , A, and Gabuzda, D. (JPL) Pt. B-101V Benz, A. (ETH, Zurich) Studies at 18 cm of M-dwarfs, with Isliker, H. (ETH, Zurich) telescopes B, J, G, O. Y2 7 , and A. Alef, W. (MPIR, Bonn) de Vicente, P. (MPIR, Bonn) B-102V Bartel, N. (CFA) Studies at 18 cm to determine to Rogers, A. (MIT) what degree SN1979C is circularly Shapiro, I. (MIT) symmetric, with telescopes B, Wn, G, 0, Y2 7 , and A. C-56V Cordes, J. (Cornell) Astrometry at 18 cm of the binary Gwinn, C. (UCSB) pulsar 1913+16, with telescopes B, G, 0, Y27, and A. G-63V Gwinn, C. (CFA) Observations at 18 cm of OH maser Mutel, R. (Iowa) scattering disks in W49N, with Cordes, J. (Cornell) telescopes B, G, F, O, Y2 7 , A, Pt, Kp, Moran, J. (CFA) and A. Clegg, A. (CFA) H-48V Hough, D. (JPL) Measurements of superluminal motion Readhead, A. (Caltech) at 2.8 cm in weak nuclei of double- lobed quasars 3C 208, 3C 249.1, and 3C 247, with telescopes B, Km, G, and Pt. H-55V Hummel, K. (MPIR, Bonn) Studies at 6 cm of the "bridge" in Krichbaum, T. (MPIR, Bonn) the S5 quasar 0153+744, with Quirrenbach, A. (MPIR, Bonn) telescopes B, Wn, So, Lm, Jb, R, No, Schalinski, C. (MPIR, Bonn) Kin, G, F, 0, H, N, Pt, Kp, and La. Witzel, A. (MPIR, Bonn) Rioja, M. (MPIR, Bonn) Johnston, K. (NRL) L-57V Lonsdale, C. (Haystack) Observations at 18 cm of the hotspot Phillips, R. (Haystack) in 3C 263.1, with telescopes B, Jb, Barthel, P. (Groningen) G, and Y2 7 - Muxlow, T. (Manchester) 5 No. Observer(s) Program M-110V Mutel, R. (Iowa) Studies at 18 cm of interstellar Spangler, S. (Iowa) scattering effects of sources Molnar, L. (Iowa) exhibiting these properties, with Cordes, J. (Cornell) telescopes B, Lm, Wn, Km, G, F, O, Gwinn, C. (UCSB) Y2 7 , Pt, and A. Fey, A. (Iowa) M-111V Mutel, R. (Iowa) Monitor the core of BI Lac at 2.8 cm, Jie, D. (Iowa) with telescopes B, Lm, No, Km, G, F, Phillips, R. (Haystack) O, H, Pt, and Sa. M-112V Mutel, R. (Iowa) Multifrequency maps at 6 and 18 cm of Baum, S. (NFRA) the three compact doubles at 6 and O'Dea, C. (NFRA) 18 cm, with telescopes B, Lm, So, Wn, Jb, No, Km, G, O, Y2 7 , Pt, and Kp. P-92V Pauliny-Toth, I. (MPIR, Bonn) Monitor at 2.8 cm quasar 2134+004, Alberdi, A. (IAA, Audalucia) with telescopes B, Lm, R, Kin, G, F, Zensus, A. O, H, Pt, and Mb. Cohen, M. (Caltech) P-01V Phillips, R. (Haystack) Investigation at 6 and 18 cm of the Feigelson, E. (Penn State) compact nonthermal emission around Lonsdale, C. (Haystack) naked T Tauri stars, with telescopes B, Jb, G, O, Y2 7 , and A. R-49V Roberts, D. (Brandeis) Survey at 6 cm of the linear Brown, L. (Brandeis) structure of the Pearson-Readhead Cawthorne, T. (Brandeis) Sample, with telescopes B, Lm, So, Wardle, J. (Brandeis) Wn, K, G, F, O, and Pt. Gabuzda, D. (JPL) R-50V Roberts, D. (Brandeis) Measurements at 6 cm of the evolution Brown, L. (Brandeis) of the linear polarization structures Cawthorne, T. (Brandeis) of superluminal sources, with Wardle, J. (Brandeis) telescopes B, Lm, So, Wn, K, G, F, O, Gabuzda, D. (JPL) and Pt. R-51V Readhead, A. (Caltech) Large snapshot survey at 6 cm of Wilkinson, P. (Manchester) active galactic nuclei, with Xu, W. (Caltech) telescopes B, Lm, So, Wn, Jb, No, K, Pearson, T. (Caltech) G, F, 0, H. Pt, Kp, and La. Lawrence, C. (Caltech) Herbig, T. (Caltech) 6 No. Observer(s) Program V-3V Vermeulon, R. (Caltech) Observations at 18 cm of the radio Schilizzi, R. (NFRA) spectrum of the jets of SS433, with Spencer, R. (Manchester) telescopes Kin, G, F, 0, Y27, A, Din, Romney, J. and Pt. Preston, R. (JPL) Feges, I.
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