UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA ST. ANTHONY FALLS LABORATORY Engineering, Environmental and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Project Report No. 414 Gas Transfer Measurements at Hydraulic f': Structures on the Ohio River : 1 by Suresh L. Hettiarachchi, Jolm S. Gulliver, David E Hibbs st. Anthony Falls Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota. John Howe, Summit Envirosolutions, Minneapolis, Minnesota Kimberly F Miller, U.S. Geological Survey, Charleston, West Virginia George P. Kincaid, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hungtington, West Virginia Prepared for U. S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Hungtington District Huntington, West Virginia r .I I i '-- j Contract No. DAlDACW69~96~P~1410 June1998 I ~ I Minneapolis, Minnesota \ ), The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, religion, color, sex, national origin, handicap, age or veteran status. Prepared for: Metropolitan Council Last Revised: 6/30/98 Disk Locators: Ohio\PR414txt.doc; PR414COV.doc (Zip Disk #lO/Figures) ABSTRACT Gas transfer at hydraulic structures has been a topic of interest for many years. Navigation dams on rivers can add a large amount of atmospheric gases to the water due to the high velocities and the turbulence generated as the water passes through these structures. The increase in air~water gas transfer is due to air entrainment and the formation of bubbles in the flow. Hence, gas transfer at hydraulic structures plays an important role in the water quality of a river~reservoir system. Measurement of air~water gas transfer at hydraulic structures is a complicated process. Oxygen has, historically, been the measured gas, but concentration levels close to saturation and significant vertical stratification in oxygen concentration in the upstream pool often hinder accurate transfer measurements. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, I I The u.s. Geological Survey, and th~ University of Minnesota have been involved in this \ ~/ project to measure gas transfer at hydraulic structures in the Ohio River basin, using in~ situ methane as a tracer in addition to measuring dissolved oxygen. The use of the two volatile chemicals increases the possibility of worthwhile field measurements. This project is conducted in order to evaluate gas transfer characteristics at various hydraulic structures on the Ohio River so that spills through the gates can be optimized. The hydropower producers on the Ohio River may also benefit from this information, as wastage of water from the reservoir to meet water quality requirements will be ( I minimized. LJ The results show that gas transfer increases significantly when a hydraulic jump forms in the stilling basin at gated sill structures, which is the type most commonly seen on the Ohio River. It is also clear that gas transfer at hydraulic structures is significantly --affected by the structural characteristics and the hydraulic action at each site.~- f \ I i , , .' ,--, ( , L. •.. ' ( ~ j; 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Summit Envirosolutions individuals who participated in the measurements were Chris Ryndell, and Mike Hayes. The USGS employees who aided the data collection were Carl Faulkenburg, John T Atrkins, Melvin Mathis, and Eddie Pucket. Also, Buddy Hill, Rich Meyer and Pat Nector of the USACE provided additional support. 11 T ABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT .~, .... "" ..... ",.,., .. ,.. ,.. ".".,.".,.,." .. ,.",.,.".", ........... ,."".", ....... ,.. ".. ,... ".",.,"",_""""""""""""",.,"" i AC}<NOWLEDGMENTS, .. "... ".,." ...... "." .. ",."."" """""."""'.. "'.... " .. "~.""""".""' ... "",f'""""""""""""", ii LIST OF FIGURES ,.... "....... ,.", .... "" .. "".",." .. ,." .. ,.", .. ".",.", .. """."""" ..... ,.. ,....... ", ..... ,.. ,."." .......... ,.. ,., .. iv LIST OF TABLES "n ",.,.".""., ••• , •••• ,.,.,.""", .. , "'I!""'" ,., •.,.,,.,,.,,,.,.,,,,.,.,, •••••• ,, ••• ,.,., ••••• "'.I! .•• "'""'" """""",."".V LIST OF VARIABLES ".,.""." .. ",.,.", ...... ,.. ,_ ... ,." ......... ".... ,.,.,_., ... ,.. ,", .. , .. ,., ........... ,., .. ".. ,., ....... "..... ,.,." ... , vi r-": INTRODUCTION ".. """ .. , .. ,................ , ........... , .... "" ......... , ............ ".... "... "", .. "... "" .... , .. "',,,, ...... , ..... , ...... ,.. ,,,1 !· .\\ • J GAS TRANSFER AT HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES " ............................ ,................................................ 3 OXYGEN TRANSFER EFFICIENCY FROM METHANE ANALYSIS ............................................... .4 USE OF METHANE AS A TRACER ...... , ................... , ...... ,,, ......................... , ... ,', ............ , ............. , ...... ,', .. , ........ ,',.4 INDEXING TRANSFER EFFICIENCY .... , .......... , .. , ... " ........... , ........................... , ............. , .. ,., .. ,." ..... " .................... 4 EFFECTS OF PLUNGE DEPTH OF THE BUBBLES ....... , .... " ..... , ..... , ........ , ............... , ...... " ............ , .. , ... , ... "." .......... 5 EFFECTIVE DEPTH AT GATED SILLS .... , ... ,., .................................... , ................................................................. 5 EFFECTIVE DISTANCE ... , .................... , ........................................................................... , .................................. 7 SITE DESCRIPTIONS .............•. , .. , .................... , ....... , ............................ " ........ , ..... , ....... , ..................................... 7 SAMPLING METHODOLOGY ............................. , ................... , ... , ... , .................................................................... 9 DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLER ............................................................................................................................. 10 _. I SAMPLE ANALYSIS FOR METHANE ................................................................................................................. 11 Headspace Generation ..... , ................................................................................................. , .................. 11 Methane Analysis .......................................................................................... , ................... ".""""."" ... 11 Methane Quantification.............................. , ......................................................................................... 12 INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL ................................................ 12 -UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS ......... ;;; ...•...•.•- ............. ".,.......... -.- ....... i.iii............................ -............... .:. .......... 14-- · ) I I ELIMINATION OF OUTLIERS ............................................................................................................................ 14 ! UNCERTAINTY IN BOTTLE CONCENTRATION .................................................................................................. 15 SAMPLING UNCERTAINTY ................................................. , ............................................................................ 15 r'" UNCERTAINTY IN THE TRANSFER EFFICIENCY ............................................................................................... 16 UNCERTAINTY IN THE DISSOLVED OXYGEN MEASUREMENT ......................................................................... 16 UNCERTAINTY IN THE PREDICTED DISSOLVED OXYGEN CONCENTRATION .................................................... 17 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ...................... ic ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••• 18 CON eLUSIONS ,........................................................................... ,., .................. , ..... ,...... ,............................ 2 7 r REFERENCES .................. 11 •••••• , •••••••• 11 ........ , ..................................., ............ "' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 28 APPENDIX A ~ Site Description APPENDIX B - Methane Sampler APPENDIX C - Analyzed Methane Data APPENDIX D - Analyzed Oxygen Data 111 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Picture of air~water flow in a hydraulic jump Figure 2 Illustration of air entrainment in a hydraulic jump Figure 3 Bubble swarm downstream at a gated sill structure Figure 4 Map showing lock and dams on the Ohio River Figure 5 USGS sampling boat Figure 6 Regression fit for upstream methane concentration at Markland Lock and Dam Figure 7 Flow field close to a gate Figure 8 Gas transfer efficiency at Greenup Lock and Dam Figure 9 Gas transfer efficiency at Markland Lock and Dam Figure 10 Gas Transfer efficiency at Meldhal Lock and Dam Figure 11 Methane transfer efficiency at Smithland Lock and Dam Figure 12 Methane transfer efficiency at Montgomery Island Lock and Dam Figure 13 Methane transfer efficiency at McAlpine Lock and Dam (Upper gates) IV rl \', I ':._J \-1, , / (" I I !1_ \ LIST OF TABLES 1'1, \" ) Table 1 Site data from the six hydraulic structures i-I Table 2 Gas Transfer across the hydropower facility at Markland Lock and Dam 1,1 (,>, Li C'\ill \ ! \ ,,I ,/"- \ ' i 1.,,-1 I-- ! v LIST OF VARIABLES C Concentration Saturation Concentration Liquid mass transfer coefficient Concentration upstream of the structure Concentration downstream of the structure Transfer efficiency Indexed transfer efficiency Indexing factor Diffusivity of compound in water Diffusivity of indexing compound in water Mean pressure on the bubbles in at depth Patm Atmospheric pressure
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