UESTIONED ACADEMY NOW HELD A SUCCESS! SEE PAGE 5. •:• Greater Newark's Hometown N ... ,_ _____ c: __ _ 1 910 •:• 86th Year, lssu~ 26 © 1996 Newark, Del. • 50¢ THIS WEEK Mother IN SPORTS outraged LoCALlmLE Suspect back in area LEAGUE All-STAR after second arrest By MARY E. PETZAK TFAMS ADVANCE NEWARK POST STAFF WR ITER moth er of five cann ot understand how n ewa rk ma n who has b en <IT • t d at l ·nst IN TOURNAMENT t i c~ < n l'harg s of p sing himse lr to ' hil- dr n can he back in h r n ighb rho< d. 'T m at m \ it's end to knm what to Jo," sa id th woman who d s not wan t her nam to PlAY 16 ly· us d. " My kids an; sca red to I ath to go outsid in ·as th . e him aoa in ." · • Th moth er reported t police that t\ o of h r chil dren complained that th e man expos d IN LIFESTYLE hims If at th e N wark-ar n apartment complex Many Newarker wher · th ey li c. enjoyed the pleas· Offi ·er Pntri ·k row II of th N w nstl ant weather this NEWARKERS' Independence Day See ARREST, 22 ~ . hera in town. For VACATION ENDS the first lime inca 1978, the City of Dress code Newark hosted ~ CRUISE SHIP pyrotechnics di .. · play, with colorful r ·draws fire TAKES ON 8 projectiles streak­ Ing skyward from espit Ia. t minut efforts by on . chool WATER. the athletic fields of hoa rd member to stall th pr ces . on Tue. day the University or night, hu e-M >di II Mi da l ' Sehoul became th , fi rs t sc hool i n D !aware to order a stud "nt Delaware (left). dress cod . IN THE NEWS Earlier, many famf .. Chri tina Di stri ·t sc hool board member lie enjoyed Llbe co rge ~ an . prot sted th at th proc s. for Day activities at c nsideri ng th e pr p sal wa. flawed and th e matter . h )Ui d not e en be hea rd by th e. chool ! ...,. "_.•. •: u;; ," White Clay Creek boa rd . NEWARK St t Park. Belo , 'We have to examine wh ther the proce­ Nikki Hosler and dures just es tabli shed for th e di!'l tric t have been followed," said Evans. COUNTRY Cary Sheridan enjoy R 'gulati ons and prncecl ur s f< r a di. tri t­ chat with Uncle wic.l dr ss code as we ll a:-. on pro posed by an CLUB indi vidual ·chool/program wer approv d by \IE;IIJ,l RI< !lOS; ' See DRESS CODE , 21 ~ i '"l,.::: , .... Qr:s '!'~ CELEBRATES <E:..~ tJENNETT · 75 \EARS 4 4Dn2 plan OF GOLF. gets mixed 1 INDEX reactions I 1-5 NEWS By ERIC FINE POLICE BEAT 3 NEWARK POST CONTRIBUTING WRITER OPINION 6 LIFESTYLE 8 The Dc lawar D epartment o f Tra n ~ p o rt a ti o n is r c i ing· mixed rev i ws THE ARTS 9 about pl ans Lo improve the intersection at U.S. 40 and D I. 72 . OBITUARIES 12 DelDOT officials ar ta rg ting th Bear DIVERSIONS 10 int r. ti n - whos southeast corn r abu t. th Fo Run , hoppi ng nt r - h caw.. e near CROSSWORD PUZZLE ly 200 m:c id ·n ts hav· o·curred thcr ' h·twcl.:n SPORTS 1988 and 1995 . Se e DEL DOT, 22 ~ THE GREAT CHEVY .£:8:7 THE GREAT CHEVY ~ THE GREAT CHEVY ~ THE GREAT CHEVY ~ SUMMER SALES EVENT SUMMER SALES EVENT SUMMER SALES EVENT SUMMER SALES EVENT LEASE ~OR LEASE FOR $279 X 38 MOS. $259 X 38 MOS. <C2) Oldsmobile 0 Oldsmobile 1996 OLDS UROilA 1996 OlDS BRAVAD MSRP IIIULLY MSRP EOUIPPED SMAR'I" FULLY SMART FULLY MSRP I=ULLY FULLY •so,s12 L ASE E OUIPPED L ASE EOUIPPED *2 6,800 liiOUIPPED lfSB ,SI& E OUIPPED L•as• FOR BUY IIOR L•as• FOR $S99x 36 MOS. 28, 97 $519 X 36 MOS. C5IVIC: 1996 CMC SONO A 1996 GMC SONO A CLUB 1996 GMC JIMMY 1996 GMC SUBURBAN 1996 GMC 1 TON 3500 SERIES SPORTSIDE PIC -UP 4X2 COUPE PICK-UP 4X2 4 DOOR 4WD SLE 4X4 SLT CHASSIS CAI11000 GVW MSRP Aft'll; • COif'I"RAC1''R I !!t2 at•VY CA.VAJ.II!R : SI!DM ~?" •-.a ' ":.t ''- "., L u.orv 5 5 ' 189' 7 ,9'95 1 !.I V'"A ~ Ar'1.R~I>JioOE I 92 NISSAN SENTRA ~ ~ •• ..,. A ,•r_ .l..,f• r ,,;!1,,--t 4 s:,gg 5 7,994 , t ~ 1~ ... ~ r ~ • A ., - IIONI'IAC GRAND AM ouc.•O M M•li'CUR'Y "'~ ., ....... ~o~~ 5 5 ;•~;·~:;m : 279 12,497 ~--- -. ---~j ---.--.-~-~/-I- X 48 MOS e AFTER TIIADB II.!~ 'IfJ! .J .tl ~1 1. • fo.A • ..J. 1 I .J..J .. I J J .. J- I - JJ. j - - -- -- 84 CH.VY CAMAII?O I ' . ,, r I, r I ••• • 94 OlDS : ' I - ), ~ ' ' - J ' ~ .J CUTLASS SUPREMI! !;POfrrS COUPirS ' • • I o ! ~ JO • .1' ~ ,0. •, '\ J ..... , '· .• , ... , '• • J, • l ~ ' ' '"' • 5 289 512,995 '289 §12,997 : s4:~~ ~2~~~,,~a~ 1 rJ \J/:' , ,., •• r ·~1- 1 I,, V•'' ,.j I. 'I I I 'f:,, (.1 • I ' t','~~ LEASE PAYMENTS BASED ON 52500 CA H DOWN OR TRADE WORTH PLUS BANK ACOUISITION FEE PLU 1ST PAVMENT, SECURITY DEPOSIT & APPU CABLE TAXES & TAOS MUST BE APPROVED IY PRIMARY LENDIHC SOURCES. 12K MILES PER YEAR. PHOTOS ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. .... YAIIK H OASI 'BUYER MUST PRESENT SIGNED BUYERS ORDER ON SAM MODEL IN OUR STOCK NEWC AR PAYM NT S BASED ON $2,500 CASH DOWN OR TRADE WORm PLUS FEES DOWN PLUS BANK ACOU1SITION. FEE PLUS APPLICABLE TAXES a TAOS & COLLEGE GRAD RE BATE FOR 31 MOS LI!ASE. MUST BE APPROVED BY OUR PRIMARY LENDING SOURCE. ' 12.000 MINIMUM TRAO ON USED VEHIClt ONLY ANY TR ADE IS ACC PTABLE NO DEALER OR DEALER 5 AGENTS USED CAR PAYMENTS BASED ON APPLICABLE TAX 8 TAGS DOWN ON APPROVED CREDIT. 110 "IIIlA ...... , .. YO CMn'· H ·.,.IIft ...,.... SALE EXCLUDES 4X4 CLUB CABS t l I NEWARK PosT ·:· POLICE BLOTTER • Polia Blotter iY compiled each Patrons pelted Illegal fireworks ll'eef... from tile .files of th e Newarf... n Jul 4 ar und 6 p.m. Police Department, Nell' astle unknown per on . pra eel a 5_ - mmty Police Deparlml'llt and th e ear- ld \\' man :llld her ~ n ith BB p ll e t ~ \ hile the ' were dining De/o11 'are 'wte Police by staff n the por ·h at Klond ike Kate\ ll'riter MwJ f. Pet::af.... R e~taurant on Main . treet. The \ man felt 1,omcthing hit her ba ·J... Jogger attacked and oth r patron ~ ~i tt ing n arb al-;o felt pell t'> hit them. o one ' a~ cwark p< li e> reporrthat on Jul · injured. The diner:- told p lice the 5 ar und 4 p.m. a _6- ear-o ld rh ught th e pel I t'> came fn. m a car e ark oman wn., atta ~ k e I a~ . he \\hich drove h makin~ a ll uti mist.: jogged along. a ~ idcw a lk bet Wl:c.! ll bur had no rh.er infl rmation . hri ~ tina Park a und Rinenh o u ~e Park . Th woman creamed and\ a~ Abduction attempt ab le to frighten off the attacker h w.as last . cen running through th e n Jul • around II :30 p.m. II erbr ok de\ I pment. 'he ~,: a~ unJ...n ow n bl ac k male-. attcmptc I to 1 not injured. pull an I - car- ld \ om, n fr m her P Iic e clescri be th su~p ct a!'! a car a ~ h wa~ :-.topp d n ar th~o' N WARK POST TAFF PHOTO BV ERIC fiNE whit male, I -25 ear. old. 5 foor inters ·ti on of lkt n and pple Cheryl Hamilton poses next to her collection of mementos from I 0 in h e~ to 6 feet tall. dark -s ki1111 d road'> . The oman 1 I I poli > th around the world . with short dark hair and a musta he. ~u . p ct. ran up ll the left front door \ aring kn ee length ~hort~ and high of th car ami lri I to pull In· out. top . neaker. and no shin. nyon Th ' oman ~ uffered brui ~e · to her Olympic games next with information is a. ked to all n 'Ck and two g ld chain~ \ ere N warkpoli ·eut . 66-7 111 . taken from ht.: r. P li ·' are inve!'!ti ­ gatin g. step for Newarker Door shattered Robbery arrest By ERIC FINE llamilton \\ mtld have put n Jul g an und I u.m. two men Water main flushing I·~.., eiTut t into ·oachi ng gy m­ kick 'd in th !!. la s<, fron t door of th ' C\\ ar J... polic report th at the NEWARK POS T CONTRIBUTING WRITER na,tic'o, a '-POrt -.he hcga n ·twrmain :-. in ' ''"r~ ''ill he Little aesar: Pi'lta on e have arr <.,ted a ~u"p ct in the pril 'O mp ·tin g in "" a 15- car-old 0u~h 'd 011 th' follm\ Ill~ dalt'\: If h 'r\ I llamiltun found London Road and en tered the bu ~ i - 3 r bber of a \:voman near the Blu' a aL Oakcrc-.t ( .J .) High.
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