conclusion of a generally quiet two-day— Vietnam • inoratoriiim across tKe country. The Viet­ nam Moratorium Committee planned a final December H ickel demonstration for Christmas Eve, with a ‘‘peace on earth” theme , focusing on ■ churches around the gatioi^. T f L Y i s i t While nam^s of Vietnam War dead were read at the Riverside Church in Npw York City, Mayor John V. • Lindsay B urley IDAHO’S GOVi DON SAMUELSON, left, ipeajcs with Ohio I Springs, Ark. late Saturday. Govlemor and Mrs. Samuelsoa Idressed a “ town meeting Gov. James Modes, cepter^and New-Meuco Gov. David w e i» to retura-to Boise today by air. <UM telephoto>^. ----- Jrotesting_tho war, Uemonstrai^ Cargo as Uw-Republican Goverawy Conference e n d ^ In Hot inr» led n funrtlpHghf. SMTfllSt^ Of tno interior. W^t> through Manhattan. tBl'^r.-Hickel will visit Magle i Valiev In .Turiiiary t.r »pp«lf There was “ peace Caroline!^ at WasiriiiKluiiji'TiUbUfban sRo^p- banquet honorXn'tf Kep, Orval ping centers. Pacifist eroups in Hansen._________ _____ ^ ^ Oaldand. Calif., were The visit will mark" ther first -M itekelhTetl^& tim rnoi^lXefm is of thememt>ers the United Electrt- tirtie any administration cabinet . cSI Woriters Union who rallied official has visited Idaho sinca against the War “ and the war’s the .election last year. bluest ■ bcneficlarie's—General .The dinner will be held. Jan. Electric." 24 in Burley. ^Hamstring * Drive Against Crime About 2,300 Harvard Universi­ Johh Breckenrldge^ Twin ty and R a d c I i f f e *CoIlege Falls, Is chairman of the spoa- .HOT SPRINGS, Arte. (U PI)— Administration’s war on crime part of a pattern of attacks on lunchcon sessjon ' with Morton, students took part In a 30-hour ■oring committee arid ahnounc* fast for peace," and- planned Attomej» General John N. J«a3 “ isulwtantially hamstrHriR" Congress that emerged from the governors conciudM their ed Secretary Hickel’a visit fat a. Mitchell told RepCBncarrGovEP to donate money saved on this year by the Democratic this conference from adminis­ puoiicpublic _ ineeTingSmeetings 'bI5y y electing letter to the Tiihes-News Satur­ nors Saturday the Nixon Gov. Raymond P. Shafer of meals to a Vietnam refugee day. controlled Congress. tration spokiesmen and GOP Pennsylvania to the chairman- relief fund. He also reported that Pres­ governors, who are preparing ^ expected 2.000 demonstra­ --Before hls--appoIntm«mt=:^«— shlp„ of._.tlie -association- to Secretary of the . Interior. Mr. ident Nl^ton's new budget next for the 1970 state: and congres-’ succeed Giov. Ronald Reagan of tor marched In Fayetteville, sionai elections. N.C., home both of Ft. Bragg Bickcl was Governor of Alaska. Jet Returns month would! aSk for about half California. — A . billjgn. dollars—doyble the Asked if such attacks were The association elected its Mr. BteckenridgQ .said ths.. amount for the current' fiscal central to' G O P' strategy Tor new officers without conte'stT -ldaho-«ppj»rttneo-<ome» In year—for grants to the states U70, Republican J4atlonal Bodies Of Gov. U u ie B» , Nunn of for imprwing' their law en­ Chairman Rogers Ci B. Morton', Kentucky • was.; elected ..viice Bombs KjU Ka4-yss?m sE>- forcement systems. a Maryland congressman, told chairman. Chosen for tl>e WALTER J. HICKEL Republican member* o f Idaho’s Mitchell's criticism of Con- a news conference that the executive committee were Congressional delegation, Sen..^ Air Pirates Len Jordan, Rep. Janiea M c­ m s s came at the closing Democrats Jn Congress "have Gbvs. Stanley^ K. Hathaway of 14“In Italy, £ usin<».-is se.sslon of the s e m i^ invited the attack .by footdrag- Clure and Rep. Hansen. ATHENS (U P I) —Art EtKlo- Wyoming, Hussell W. Peterson gm g-OnHeglsl^40n.ii -------------------- rw.InwHw nnH The main purpose of the dln- pian jetliner flew home Satur­ nual meeting of the RepuElFcan N o r ^ o r t T. day with the bodies, of two Governors’ Association. It was Before going into a private Tiemadh of Nebraska. In}ure-M8---- Siiii Valley Skiers ner will be to raise, funds far would-tie hijackers killed in the Congressional campaign I n . flight over Europe bjt security ROME (U P l)-P o lic e raided Idaho’s Second District . men. offices of nine extremist year, Mr. Breckenridge said, . political organizations Saturday Find Snow Adequate R ep.. Hansen li serving* hla The gunbattle on the Boeing 707's Madrid to Addis Ataba T. F. Lighting Contest Set In search of clues to the first term In the JHousa^after— flight Friday night marked the terrorists who plfinted,Jbomba .lervlng in Ihn Wahn l<tgl«latiir<-.. TBat—Tonea— W- p«rsor(s ind ■ Sun VBllay-lJ A ff and running are paclccd, she isald, and the for la years. fii'!.t tliiiB hlfackBiu' were uain K y tfiar tima lof.yeai'’, agam and, fiv e . honorable mention The Aviiining displajis must be Ram and Challenger Inn «ating: ■In tlie air. Madrid' reports lighted .until New Years Dqy Injured 106 others-it) Milan an4 today but the first “ big. push and the Times-News and the awards o f {5 each. Rome-Friday. places are open. indicated the shootout might so Interteted persons r i» y view is -expected to get underway Idaho Pow>er Co;, are once again Names of. thn^ judges who The raiding squads ae^rch^ have been av«rted. them. Thursday for th§ second of "the - Weather Saturday was over* TwoWivesXJff offering JIM In cash prizes for will Inspect th&'displsysrttl^eVe- headquarters of' Fascist,' an­ cast..«nd warmer -Juring- the ■ (See Story, Page. «). lEntry: blan l« for~ the contest current season,; DoHce Taylor, Ihtf best.-Christmas-liKhtihg-dis- ning of Dec.'-M will not :'be an­ archist,—Trotstyite— and—pro- -aftemoon-'but-'warxoollng-'iiat^ In. Syria, tlie slain hijackers will be carried in the Times- Peking _-Communlst— orgstniiff^ publRp^eTjatitMTs^ief at the r ^ were identified as members of play within the Ihnits of the nounced until the contest IS-Com- News -.staTting^^TucBday, DRins. urday evening and snow, has tions. They carried off files and sort told the Time^-News Satur- been predicted for the next a movement ,s«kiat.___th e .TMOLFalls.- pietedl^tarting at 6. p.m., This blank must bg filM out ^ t lw rules are simplt. DispUys also detamed''; iriore' than lOp dav evening. three dajia independence of Moslem £ri- date the, judges^ will -insi and—m'aiIed-t&-jheJirt>es-New.'i •known— potitiCTi—activists- -OTd ■ ” ' j y - C h fia . pnfpred may iailhor Jbe ■ ontytde The snow to dalSTiaj pro- Tiach alspiay en lM ^ iff the con- ng Contest Jor arrival by e x to tn ls ts__ ________ questioning. Mrs. Jaylor said 4x)th the tian . Ethiopia-. ■ The movement or Inside but the interior' dis­ test. _ hOon -of Dec; 22.~There' is ho LodgeTind the Ihn- are open for vided-«B with ^perfect base," Many werfe released .later after she said. “ \y« ha've manji guests has previously, attacked Ethio­ plays must be visible from.ihe. entVy fee but only officially en­ UOS ^GELES (UPI) — street. As Tit Tonmer years, con­ The winners will t>e announced giving statemients. guests-'a'nd that runs' on Baldy- right now btifnext week — just pian aircraft. in the. Times-News on Dec. 24. tered displays will be judged. The heaviest toll was taken In Madrid, sources close to testants must reside wjthin the are packed awT’IjtflliS used. Af- before Christmanna» -— w...will see methe • by a. blast in' Milan's crowded the Spanish Interior Ministry city. Business displays are not _____________tcr a sfentfy »nnwf4m i-F T id a y rrnlly-li eligible. said airport police had tipped ^ I t t behind the cathedral. It which cohtinued off and on Sat- big_blast._ learn if their husbands are off three gthioptan jiecurity Meanwhile, both United and Cash-awards totaling J150 are persons and injured urday there are M inches of alive or dead. guards alpoard the ietliner__to i>eimt_ttfter^ _ ____________ ^ O U X l / \ _ F n i C x C o n t i i m C S - ^ O persons and injured 90 _____ iLflt-ihe-top of .Baldy,-jha A ijjaat-officlals-reported plans i ? j ^ tiw piresence of two “ suspicious The first place^prize will othersi-eight-of-them-criticall; said. For this Sunday fikiing will were complete for special week- ..They Mrs. Dorothy Another bomb-exploded in « nd- « kt—pla pas.sageway at a Rome bank ■also take place on e ither' Dol ond. CO for 'tlrird, >10 for fourrh ’5tion^ lar or Half-Dollar. geles, San Francisco and Seat­ wife of Lt. Col. James I_ Pound Coastline three blocks from the American Hughes, and Mrs. Louis' Jones, She said there .was not as tle. Air West planes, pure jets, Embassy, injuring 14 persons. were -to land at Twin Falls but SanU.Fe, N Ji., wife of Lt. Col. By United Press Ii^tfemational much snow as w ap t^ for the Loui.» Jones. In Louisana opening but added tfiaf “ there’s because the runway extension at Democrats Ponder Selection --A powprful Pacific .<:torm District Court enough to look like Christmas the Twin Ffllls City-County Air­ The vromen said they had WASHINGTON (U PI) —The Saturday pounded the coastal and we are getting intd the port was not completed, the Los ied every means possible 'in Supreme Court Saturday or sections of the Pacific North­ swing of things although sofne Ani^les jet is overpassin the United States -to learn the dered school board.i df three west.
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