YtBB ;Vbl. 17, No. 29 Friday, July 19,2002 50 cents ate at own risk, boro says •yKIWMsVHOWEU. advised to keep it closed until it skate park, it decided to re-open re-open the park as scheduled; The park would hnve closed at 7 could provide adequate supervi- RESS the park and throw out the exist- however, the Horough Council tohi p.m. and the light overhead would sion to enforce the rules. ing rules. According to Borough it to reconsider its decision. have been turned off. Skaters FANWOOD — Since October, The commission drafted u pro- Clerk Eleanor MeC.overn. the park \A\S\ summer, there were aim- would have l>een required to regis- young skaters have rolled puss posal that included building n 12- will probably open early next plaints itlHuit youths using bicycles ter and purchase photo identifica- LnGrande Park looking at a tarp foot-high fence and providing week, on the rumps, not wearing helmets tion for $5. They would also be that covers the skate park ramps supervision funded by annual "This is much better with no and leaving trash in the urea. charged a $50 annual fee, or a $1 whore they used to do tricks hist usape fees. rules," said Kussell Wells, the com- To U'tter I'liforiv the rules, the daily lee. The revenue would pay summer. However, after being notified at mission I'hninnan. "It's just like the commission had planned to erect the wages of supervisors at $10 an Though the park was supposed last Wednesday's meeting that the tennis courts, they don't have an $8,000 fence that would serve hour. to re-open this summer, the Borough Council had given the supervision or regulations." as an obstacle fur violators trying Recreation Commission was commission nil! authority over the In May, the commission voted to to escape authorities. Wells said. See , page A-2 Parking meters Repaying High hopes of streets Tfte WestHeld Senior American Legion team is hoping a strong fin- ish will get (hem into the state play- go high-tech offs See story on Page C-1 to begin •y KEVIN ••HOWEJ. ing in the lot has been a problem THK HKCOHI) 1'HKSH for shoppers and moviegoers. With the two-hour meters, people shortly WESTFIKLI) — Through a had to return to the lot to ndd Union County loan, the town hns money She says the (bur-hour installed new multi-space pay limit will ease problems in a key Raritan Rd., Grand station.1) for a downtown lot. lot The new pay stations have Because of the change in St. to be improved been installed at the municipal equipment, the town will have to •y KEVIN B.H0WHJ. lot between Central Avenue and notify and assist people in using Elmer Street, behind the Rialto the machine. Cronin says that THK H Theater. The three stations, they have posted livers and plan SCOTCH PLAINS — As a part which cost $18,000, are wired to to have volunteers assist jH'Ople of the township's five-year $1.5 cover nil 111 parking spots in the the fir.tt couple of days. million road improvement plan, lot. The pny stations will provide The new stations will IHI more many streets will I*1 resurfaced up to four hours of parking at a cost-efficient for the town this summer flat rate of 2f> cents per half hrnir. because people will not be able to Atvordini; to Waller DiNizo, The new technology will use time left on a meter as they director of Public Works, the list of replace 77 two-hour parking have in the past, Cronin said. streets scheduled for resurfacing is Queen for a day meters and 34 eight-hour park- The stations will ht< ready as not ]H>rmanent.The ordinance lists Miss America Katie Harman crowns ing meters. The pay stations, soon as PSE&G hooks up the approximately 70 streets and clas- a patient at Children's Specialised which for now will only accept electricity. Cronin predicts Autf. 1 sifies them according to the year Hospital in Mountainside during a coins, charge the same as the as the start date. they're recent visit See story on PageA-3. two-hour meters, GO cents \wt The titatiom muy be upgraded scheduled hour. The old eight-hour meters for token and credit curd use in for r<<Hur- Inside charge 25 cent* an hour. t hi- future. Cronin says that if the CHRONICLE facing. According to Sherry Cronin, stations work out, and if funding The new high-tech parking meter In the tot behind the Rialto How over, For a complete executive director of the is provided, morn pay stations Theater In Weatfleld may eventually be programmed to accept DiNizo Haiti list of the roads Downtown Westfietd Corp., park- could be installed downtown. credit card*. that streets can be scheduled for a d d e (I , repaving and a tentative time- delayed or ,. Barnet has home through weekend moved up line, see page on the A-2. EyKlWitXHOWrlLL Westfield and Mountainside, by Jewish Family Services, a schedule for ——^—^————-— improvements. THK RWORD-I'KKSS much of Harriet's difficulty in non-Bectarhm social service finding housing conies from her agency. Barnet has hud a cast! Streets on the north Hide of the WESTKIELD — Rose Crumet desire to stay in Weatfield, Corsi muniiger from the Elizabeth township are likely to IK? resur- Barnet has a roof over her head said that there is a shortage of office nince she lost her housing, faced first. DiNizo said Coles, for a few more days. The home- affordable housing in the town Corm Maid. Willow, Farley and Myrtle avenues,- less womnn from Westfield is "I hnve to be careful not to as well a.s (irand Street will be and it is not feasible for her stay resurfaced soon. Only portions of staying in a ... here. duplicate services or undo what Willow and Farley avenues will be Somerset Corsi and they're trying to do," Corfu said. resurfaced, and the township will County motel Inside Town Cor si added that, the town has complete improvement already until Monday. Administrator no legal responsibility for begun on (Jnind Street. Barnet, an There are places to turn if Jim Gildea suy Barnet, IMNizo Hiiid that the resurfacing older disabled they have done •"Not only did we do what wi; you find yourself facing will not inconvenience residents. woman, has all they can to were supposed to do, we bent The workers begin resurfacing in been on the eviction. See page A-2. assist her, over backward!) for this woman," the inorniiif! and finish around streets since the Corsi first (iildt'a said. "We realize she mid-day Ixtfbre most fieople return end of May met with wants to live in We.itfie.ld and borne. l)jNiwi also said that if resi- CourtsNIe seat when her landlord decided to Barnet on July 1. From July 1-8, she's a resident of Westfiold and dents have problems they can call Teacher Mary Beth Wmsor of convert her rooms into office Corsi paid $588 for Barnet and we're trying to do that,..We don't the Public Works office to moke Fanwood holds a book she was sent space. She has had difficulty her adult son, who was between want to see anything bad hap- arrangements. to read as homework before she finding shelter and affordable jobs, to stay in the Salvation pen to anybody; we cannot pay Portions of Karitan Road, attended a program at the Supreme housing, and is not eligible for Army shelter in Elizabeth. That for her to live in Westfie.ld if Ijetween .Inson Court and Clover Court. See story on Page AS. welfare since she receives money came from the. Curing that's not feasible, for her," Lane, find ()lennide Avenue, widow's benefits from Social Neighbor Fund, an emergency Barm;t*H son says he has between fJeer Path and Security. fund made up from community found u part-time job and will Canterbury Drive, will undergo According to Lillian Conn, donations. help his mother out llnundnlly Howe Barnet reconstruction thin year that director of Human Services for Barnet has also been assisted as soon a« he is able. ..Maying in motel includes new curbing. Teenager launches Verizon hearing The Fanwocd Planning Board will video production biz continue the hearing on Verizon Wireiess' proposal to place cell By KEVIN B.H0WPJ. many of his skills through trial and error. He UIHO gained experi- phone antennas in a residential area THK ItKCOHl) I'UKSS ence in production clasHOB at ot the borough at 8 p.m. SCOTCH PLAINS— Mo.st 17- Scotch Plains-Fanwood High Wednesday at Borough Hall on year old boys live for the. day they School, where he. will be a junior Marine Avenue. get their driver's license, that this fall, laminated I.D. that represents Florentin (jot the idea to start responsibility and a step towards a ijuHinr.'HH about two years ago, adulthood. But while his peers when his school asked him to try to successfully manage paral- vidootupe a few events. After the lel parking between cones, Pedro tape w;in edited, school officials Florentin manages his own bu.si- told him to put his name on the INDEX (lCKH. vitldfi credits. He put "Pedro La.ut April, Florentin started Floreutia ProductionH" on the Pedro Florentin Productions, a credits, and an idea WJI.H born. ^Commentary A-4 company that .specializes in digi- Since then, Klorcnt.in nan done tal video production and post- u number of productions of Hchool Community Life B-1 production services.
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