Reid et al. (12) analyzed the DNA sequences of SSU Orangutans Not rRNA genes of Plasmodium spp. from blood of orangutans in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Using phylogenetic analysis, Infected with they concluded that, in addition to P. pitheci and P. sil- vaticum, the orangutans were infected with the human ma- Plasmodium vivax laria parasite P. vivax and the macaque malaria parasite P. or P. cynomolgi, cynomolgi. Their report implies that human and macaque malaria parasites could be transmitted to orangutans and Indonesia that orangutans could act as reservoir hosts for at least 1 of the human malaria parasites. Balbir Singh and Paul Cliff Simon Divis When taxonomic inferences of species within a genus are made from phylogenetic trees, trees must be recon- After orangutans in Indonesia were reported as infect- structed by using orthologous genes and must include as ed with Plasmodium cynomolgi and P. vivax, we conducted many species sequences as possible. However, Reid et al. phylogenetic analyses of small subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequences of Plasmodium spp. We found that these orang- used sequence data of only the S-type SSU rRNA genes for utans are not hosts of P. cynomolgi and P. vivax. Analysis P. vivax, P. cynomolgi, and P. knowlesi and data of only the of >1 genes is needed to identify Plasmodium spp. infecting A-type genes for P. inui and P. fragile. Furthermore, they orangutans. analyzed sequence data from only 4 simian malaria para- sites. Nishimoto et al. recently included data from 10 simi- an malaria parasites (11). We therefore reanalyzed the SSU arasites belonging to the genus Plasmodium cause ma- rRNA sequence data of malaria parasites of orangutans to- laria and are usually host specific. For example, humans P gether with the A-type, S-type, and O-type SSUrRNA gene are natural hosts for P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. malaria, sequence data for various Plasmodium spp. and P. ovale, and orangutans are naturally infected with P. pitheci and P. silvaticum (1,2). However, simian malaria The Study parasites can infect humans (1); for example, P. knowlesi, We used the neighbor-joining method, as described pre- normally associated with infections in long-tailed and pig- viously, to reconstruct the phylogenetic tree (3). Our phy- tailed macaques, has recently been found to have caused logenetic analyses showed that SSU rRNA gene sequences malaria in humans in several countries in Southeast Asia VM88, VM82, and VM40 from orangutans (12) represent (3–8). This finding raises the possibility that other zoonotic A-type SSU rRNA genes and that the VS63 sequence rep- malaria parasites may emerge in humans. resents an S-type gene of Plasmodium spp. (Figure). No Malaria parasites have distinct small subunit ribo- morphologic features of the malaria parasite stages in the somal RNA (SSU rRNA) genes that are developmentally blood were described for the Kalimantan orangutans by regulated (9). Each Plasmodium species has at least 2 Reid et al. (12). Therefore, on the basis of SSU rRNA se- types of SSU rRNA genes, and the stage-specific expres- quence data available for VM82 and VM88, whether these sion of these genes varies among species. In general, the represent P. pitheci or P. silvaticum, previously described A-type genes are transcribed or expressed mainly during malaria parasites of orangutans, or some other species of the asexual stages, and the S-type genes are transcribed Plasmodium cannot be determined with certainty. mainly during the sporozoite stage. P. vivax also has O- The VS63 sequence is clearly not P. vivax, as previ- type genes, which are expressed during ookinete and oo- ously reported by Reid et al. (12); it represents a Plasmo- cyst development. Phylogenetic analysis of the P. vivax dium sp. that is closely related to P. inui. It is most probably and P. cynomolgi SSU rRNA genes has indicated that the the S-type gene for either VM82 or VM88, which are A- genes appear to have evolved as a result of 2 gene dupli- type genes of P. pitheci and/or P. silvaticum. Furthermore, cation events (10). A more recent study, involving SSU the VM40 sequence from orangutans represents a Plasmo- rRNA sequence data from a much larger number of Plas- dium sp. closely related to the gibbon malaria parasite, P. modium spp., demonstrated that gene duplication events hylobati (1), and is not the macaque malaria parasite, P. giving rise to the A-type and S-type sequences took place cynomolgi, as previously reported (12). independently at least 3 times during the evolution of Plasmodium spp. (11). Conclusions Phylogenetic analyses of the SSU rRNA genes indi- Author affiliation: Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kuching, Sarawak, cate that none of the Plasmodium spp. isolated from orang- Malaysia utans in Kalimantan, Indonesia, are P. cynomolgi or P. DOI: 10.3201/eid1510.090364 vivax, as previously reported by Reid et al. (12). Before any Emerging Infectious Diseases • www.cdc.gov/eid • Vol. 15, No. 10, October 2009 1657 DISPATCHES 100 P. knowlesi (U72542) Prof Singh is director of the Malaria Research Centre, Uni- P. knowlesi (L07560) 99 P. coatneyi (AB265791) versiti Malaysia Sarawak. His main research interests are cen- P. coatneyi (AB265790) P. cynomolgi (L07559) tered on understanding the epidemiology of P. knowlesi and other P. cynomolgi (AB287290) P. cynomolgi (AB287289) primate malarias. P. cynomolgi (L08241) P. vivax (U07367) Mr Divis recently completed a Master of Science degree at 99 P. vivax (U03079) P. fieldi (AB287282) Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, where he worked on the molecular 80 P. fieldi (AB287283) P. simiovale (AB287286) A-type characterization of malaria parasites in macaques. His research 76 P. simiovale (AB287287) P. hylobati (AB287279) interests focus on the transmission of primate malarias. VM40 (DQ660816) P. fragile (AB287273) 94 P. fragile (AB287274) 80 P. fragile (M61722) References 94 P. inui (AB287276) P. inui (AB287277) P. inui (U72541) 1. Garnham PCC. Malaria parasites and other haemosporidia. Oxford VM82 (DQ660818) 92 VM88 (DQ660819) (UK): Blackwell Scientific Publications; 1966. P. gonderi (AB287270) 100 2. Garnham PCC, Rajapaksa N, Peters W, Killick-Kendrick R. Malaria P. gonderi (AB287271) 100 P. falciparum (AL929354) parasites of the orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus). Ann Trop Med Para- P. reichenowi (Z25819) sitol. 1972;66:287–94. 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