44 THE BELFAST GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 4, 1938. the 15th day of Jane, 1937, are hereby required, (in writing) particulars of such claims or demands on or before the llth day of March, 1938, to to the undersigned, Solicitors for the Executors of furnish (in writing) particulars of such claims or said deceased, who are Miss Kathleen Hudson, of demands to the undersigned, Solicitors for the 66 Sandown Road, Belfast, and William Robert Executors of the personal estate of the said Hewitt, of 50 Sandown Road, Belfast, to whom deceased, to whom Probate has been granted forth Probate of the Will of said deceased was granted of the Principal Registry of the King's Bench forth of the Principal Registry of the King's Division (Probate) of the High Court of Justice, Bench Division (Probate) of the High Court of Northern Ireland, on the 18th day of January, 1938. Justice in Northern Ireland on the 15th day of And notice is hereby further given that after June, 1937. the said llth day of March, 1938, the Executors And notice is hereby further given that after will proceed to distribute the Assets of the said the said 3rd day of March, 1938, the Executors deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, will proceed to distribute the Assets of said having regard only to the claims of which notice deceased, having regard only to the claims of and particulars as above required shall have been which notice and particulars as above required given. shall have been given. Dated this 28th day of January, 1938. Dated this 2nd day of February, 1938. S. ROSS & CO., Solicitors for the said GEORGE McILDOWIE & SONS, Solicitors Executors, 10 Arthur Street, Belfast. for said Executors, 26 Corn Market, Belfast. STATUTORY NOTICE TO CREDITORS. WILLIAM J. CURRAN & SON, LIMITED. In the Goods of JANE ANNETT, late of 28 Mount 58, ANTRIM ROAD, BELFAST. Charles, Belfast, and formerly of Eastwood, NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to Kilkeel, County Down, Widow, Deceased. Section 210 of the Companies Act, Northern NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Statute Ireland, 1932, a Meeting of the Creditors of the that all persons claiming to be creditors of or hav- above Company will be held on Friday, the llth ing any claims or demands upon the estate of the day of February, 1938, at the hour -of 4 o'clock above-named deceased, who died on or about the p.m. at the offices of Messrs. Osborne, Cooke & 24th day of October, 1935, and Probate of whose Co., Accountants and Auditors, 99/103 Scottish Will was granted forth of the Principal Registry Provident Buildings, Donegall Square West, in Northern Ireland on 3rd July, 1936, are hereby Belfast, for the purpose provided for in said required to furnish particulars in writing of such Section. claims and demands to the undersigned Solicitor I Dated this 2nd day of February, 1938. for the Executors not later than the 7th day of AGNES CURRAN, February, 1938, after which date the Assets of Director. the deceased will be distributed amongst the parties entitled having regard only to claims of which CARSON, BAILLIE & THOM, Solicitors, 41, notice shall then have been received. Royal Avenue, Belfast. Dated this 27th day of January, 1938. JAMES F. FITZPATRICK, Solicitor for the Executors, 1 College Square North, Belfast; NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. and Kilkeel. In the Goods of HUGH HEAGNEY, late of 218 Limestone Road, in the County of the City of Belfast, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the STATUTORY NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Statute 30 & 31 Vic Cap. 54, Sec. 19, that the In the Goods of WILLIAM MULLAN, late of above-named deceased, by his last Will and Lettermuck, County Londonderry, Farmer, Testament dated the 31st day of December, 1936, deceased. after making certain bequests as therein NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the mentioned, devised and bequeathed all the rest Statute 22 and 23 Vic., Cap. 35, that all persons residue and remainder of his property to his claiming to be creditors or to have any claims or Executor to be expended by him for Masses in demands against the estate and effects of the such manner as his said Executor in his absolute said William Mullan, deceased, who died on the discretion should direct. 5th day of June, 1937, at Lettermuck, aforesaid, The said Testator died on the 8th day of are hereby required to furnish (in writing) the January, 1937, and Probate of his said Will was particulars of such claims or demands on or before on the 4th day of August, 1937, granted forth of the 23rd day of February, 1938, to the undersigned the Principal Registry of the High Court of Solicitors for the Executor. Justice in Northern Ireland, King's Bench Division Notice is hereby further given that after the (Probate), to Bernard Heagney, of 218 Limestone said 23rd day of February, 1938, the said Executor Road, Belfast, aforesaid, Publican, the sole will proceed to distribute the Assets of the said Executor named in the said Will. deceased having regard only to the claims of which Dated this 31st day of January, 1938. notice and particulars shall have been given as N. & F. TUGHAN, Solicitors for the above required. Executor, 20 Victoria Street, Belfast. Dated this 28th day of January, 1938. To the Ministry of Finance in Northern Ireland, MARTIN, KING, FRENCH & INGRAM, and all others concerned. Solicitors for the Executor, Dungiven, Co. Londonderry. NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUEST. In the Goods of CHARLES SULLIVAN, formerly of STATUTORY NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Marylands Corner, Moneyrea, Comber, County In the Goods of NORAH HUDSON, late of 66 Down, and late of Robinson's Temperance Hotel, Sandown Road, Belfast, widow, deceased. Donegall Street, Belfast, Retired Commission Agent, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute 22 and 23 Vic., Cap. 35, that all persons NOTICE is hereby given pursuant • to the claiming to be creditors of or otherwise to have Statute 30 & 31 Vic. Cap 54 that the said Charles any claim or demand against the estate of the Sullivan by his Will dated 15th day of May, 1937, said Norah Hudson, deceased, who died on the bequeathed the following charitable legacy. 1st day of March, 1937, are hereby required, on To the Ballygowan Presbyterian Church the sum or before the 3rd day of March, 1938, to furnish of two hundred pounds to be used for such.
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