WWW.TEHRANTIMES.COM I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 16 Pages Price 20,000 Rials 1.00 EURO 4.00 AED 39th year No.13296 Saturday JANUARY 5, 2019 Dey 15, 1397 Rabi’ Al thani 28, 1440 Mideast has turned into Tehran says not Rahman shortlisted Fajr Film Festival U.S. graveyard due to interfering in for ‘Best Powerlifter unveils official Iran’s resistance 2 Afghan affairs 2 of 2018’ 15 lineup 16 Iran in talks with Turkey, Pakistan, Syria for preferential trade Zarif: Iran relies on people ECONOMY TEHRAN — Iran is in trade won’t be possible. desktalks with its neighbors He also mentioned bartering as another Turkey and Pakistan and also with Syria solution for the trade problems caused by for conducting preferential trade, IRNA the U.S. sanctions on the country, saying for security, progress reported quoting Mohammadreza Mo- that this option is also being discussed doudi, the acting head of Trade Promotion with the mentioned countries. Organization (TPO). Modoudi further underlined the 13-percent See page 2 Speaking in an event on improving IT increase in the country’s non-oil trade during and communication exports, the official the first eight months of the current Iranian noted that resolving banking issues is Iran’s calendar year (March 21-November 21, 2018) priority in negotiations with the target noting, “We will take necessary measures to countries since without it preferential keep this upward trend on.” 4 Trump: Iran can do what it wants in Syria By staff and agency “Iran is pulling people out of Syria, but Following his decision to withdraw U.S. they can frankly do whatever they want forces from Syria, President Donald Trump there,” Trump said, according to Haaretz. said on Wednesday that Iran “can do what Administration officials told the New they want” in Syria. York Times on Monday that after pres- Trump made the comment during a sure from military officials and politicians conversation with reporters at the end Trump has agreed to a gradual withdrawal of a cabinet meeting in the White House. from Syria. 2 Assad will remain in power ‘for a while’: Jeremy Hunt British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt far managed to restore full control over says Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will vast regions of the country once occupied remain in office due to Russia’s support, by terrorists and militants. amid a decision by the U.S. to withdraw “The British long-standing position troops and a race among Arab states to is that we won’t have lasting peace in normalize ties with the Syrian government. Syria” with Assad in power, Hunt said, The senior British diplomat made the but added that “we do think he’s going iribnews remark in an interview with Sky News on to be around for a while, and that is Thursday, as Syrian government troops, because of the support that he’s had Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif (L)met with Ebrahim Raisi, custodian of the holy shrine of Imam Reza (AS), in Mashhad on Thursday, January 3, 2019. with the help of Russia’s air cover, have so from Russia.” 13 ARTICLE Trump’s phobia of his allies ARTICLE Martin Love By Hanif Ghaffari This presumption has made him even suspect U.S. President even more pessimistic about Sondoss Al Asaad Political analyst from TEHRAN — Trump’s fear of his friends and his of those who are too silent in his government! those around him, a subject that has long been Political analyst from Beirut North Carolina cabinet is a topic that has been implicitly, and Mike Pence, the Vice President of the United a challenge to the White House. sometimes directly, pointed out in the Western States, is one of these people. The American Recently, the New York Times referred to the media. This phobia led Trump to remove many sources have long acknowledged that Trump is changes made in Trump’s government during For Iran as with of his cabinet members. Trump assume that his not confident about Mike Pence and his actions, the past two years as “the calm before the storm”, Ayatollah al-Nimr’s allies are making conspiracies against him, and and that sooner or later, he may dismiss him and claimed that in the next two years (2019 and Syria, a critical when they disagree with his announced policies from his post. 2020), we will see the raise of crises in the White resistance and in their behavior and speeches, It’s part of this A recently published analysis in the New York House, which could affect Trump’s political fu- mass of unified conspiracy. Times (about Trump’s chaotic state) made the ture. In the part of this analysis, we read: 7 martyrdom and determined hree years have passed after the martyrdom of Ayatollah Nimr citizens will defeat TBaqir al-Nimr; who was brutally executed by the autocratic Saudi re- aggressors gime. Under this dictatorship, one is doomed to death once he calls for o one can say whether U.S. Pres- injustice and freedom. Ayatollah al- ident Donald Trump is changing Nimr has been a revolutionary faithful his stripes. But he is sure as the The Tehran Times N new pocket-sized leader; known for his peaceful intel- perfection of the Muslim “Jannah” or the glossary is now avail- lectual resistance, shrewd leadership, beauty of an exquisite Iranian rose or a able on the market. humbleness and piety. fine carpet from Shiraz shaking up his The reader-friendly Martyr Ayatollah al-Nimr has usual allies, and not those merely in the is a rich source of the sincerely adopted the methodol- U.S., but overseas, too. most common jour- nalistic terminology ogy of the 7th Century legendary It’s delightful to watch this happen, collected by the dai- figure of resistance against oppres- but one could be tempted to get too giddy ly’s retired staff. sion, falsehood and terrorism, i.e. with anticipations of real change when it’s It can benefit a Imam Hussein (PBUH). In spite of possible Trump, as some are claiming, wide range of tastes being armless and powerless, his from students to may literally be losing his mind under the weapon was his firm stance and his pressures inherent in his job and those professional jour- nalists. Persian power of argument; a figure who foisted on him from those who despise equivalents have spoke in the name of thousands of him, or he’s just being especially impulsive been given for all oppressed and marginalised in the and his big mouth has gotten far too loose. entries, including Arabian Peninsula. Some are claiming that before the end idioms and expres- He had been weaponed by an of this new year he will resign. Others can sions. The glossary also includes ex- outstanding determination and was readily wonder that he has so angered ample sentences for executed because he had confront- the U.S. establishment, whether on the entries the authors ed, with a bare chest, the machine of conservative or the faux liberal side of the thought it would terrorism, because he had spoken in political and social divide, that he may be, be a bit difficult to the name of the deprived, because he Allah forbid it, killed. Many have posited learn. argued and convinced and because he in the past that former President John For more information exposed the face of the bloody Saudi contact: F. Kennedy died because he wanted to regime, which pays no respect to the utterly forbid the Zionists from getting (021)43051450 innate human rights. hold of nuclear technology from any source Ayatollah al-Nimr was tortured and as well did not believe expansion of and executed to be immortalised as a the nascent war in Vietnam in 1963 was TENDER INVITATION NO.97/1009 model for all the oppressed and free a good idea. nations, who might copy his method The big-ticket item of controversy cur- IRAN ALUMINIUM COMPANY (IRALCO), Would like to invite eligible suppliers for the supply of 250 MT. cryolite on tender basis. and shoulder their duty against the rently seems to be Trump’s decision to pull tyrant regimes. Victory or martyrdom U.S. troops out of Syria. He seems to be Interested companies are allowed to send their competitive offer till 17.Janurery.2019 based on our required had long been his dream; the dream pushing the honest recognition (finally) instruction to mentioned address in tender documents and receiving more information, please check: of those who contemplate Islam and that the semi proxy war on Syria and the www.new.iralco.ir www.Iralco.ir assign themselves as the nation’s legitimate and even popular Assad gov- Public Relations Department of Iran Aluminum Company service; what every the sacrifices ernment, despite all the destruction and would be. carnage worse than anything the Mongols Sheikh al-Nimr’s voice; demanding (non-Muslim “barbarians” at the time) TENDER INVITATION NO.97/1010 freedom, rights and justice, is now meted out to the Muslim heartlands in resonating in the forgotten Yemen, 1258, has been an utter failure. IRAN ALUMINIUM COMPANY (IRALCO), Would like to invite eligible suppliers for the supply of 600 MT. whose people have determined, since The goal was, of course, exactly what crush bath on tender basis. day one, to confront the brutality of the Zionists have long wanted: just chaos Interested companies are allowed to send their competitive offer till 17.Janurery.2019 based on our required the Saudi terrorist Takfiri regime.
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