Crack Linksmen Furnish Serious for M. A. Pros — Competition 1 — — 1 ■ _of —————— Japan <• ———-»■ Today Looking at Loudoun’s Show From Two Angles IEE by W. R..MSCALLUM his way around the shot a sub-par 70 to lead the scoring. SAILS DUS WEEK Oakmont, Pa., course with a Last week they beat Tech. And now the question is: Does three consecu- sub-par score of 70, Roland BLAZING tive victories give Western permanent Wood Given Tennis Lesson Mackenzie, Congressional possession of the trophy? Touring Nipponese, Three Country Club professional, shot his Carl M. and way into the position of a pre-cham- Weigle Ray Karrher Pro as Home Train- finished 8 up on par to win the best of Foes Are to Play in by pionship contender yesterday in his ball handicap match play tourney at first workout over the course where! Congressional yesterday. J. P. Gil- Is Concluded. the national open golf championship National Open. ing more and W. J. Sanford finished sec- will be played next week. Picking up ond. 6 up on par, and T. B. Conlyn five birdies en route, and going over and S. C. Cromwell were third, win- By the Associated Press. twice Roland the BY W. R. McCALLUM. par only played ning out in a draw with C. B, Stewart June 1.—The nines in 36 and the from Mid- Pa., 34, against par and V’erne P. Simmons, and James A. golf professionals in five-man American Davis of 37 and 35, to turn the best prac- are to Cup Maloney and J. J. Sheppard after a dle Atlantic area going tice score that has been recorded at team, on which Uncle Samuel tie. find out today just how good HAVERFORD, Oakmont for many days. Four rounds SIX Is pinning his hopes of wrest- like the one he shot yesterday would they are in the fierce fire of Pairings in the Manor two-man ing the world's tennis supremacy from win the championship for him with International links competition. team championship were announced 3reat Britain, completed its intensive many shots to spare. last night as follows: L, L Nettleton Six from Old Nippon, a land where He played yesterday with Ted training on home soil today and began and W. L. Wixon vs. Ed J. Carver and Is fast becoming a maior soc-rt, Luther and Tommy Jamison, the lat- golf to break up camp to em- Hickman Greene; F. P. Smith and preparatory ter an Oakmont and of half a doben amateur, despite will face a group pros for K. S. Betts vs. J. R. Patterson and barking England next Wednesday. a 6 on the par 4 fifth hole, where drawn from Richmond Mack Myers; L. T. Souder and H. A. Washington, The final workouts were over he was bunkered and needed 3 given putts Mihills vs. H. A. Neff and Burke Ed- and Charlottesville. Vs., across the to hole the he the first to a three-day domestic cup series ball, played wards: H. K. Beck and W. J. Peters and nine in home over the first tee at Kenwood Golf Country with the veterans Wilmer Allison of 36, romping vs. John R. Daily and C. W. Travis; back nine in 34. Roland Club at 9:30 this morning and 1:30 Austin. Tex.; Sidney B. Wood, jr.. of tougher J. V. Price and J. C. Rutter vs. A. C. to play 18 holes today, and will this afternoon in both singles and New York, and Johnny Van Ryn, plans Hulligan and W. I. Hitchcock; R. F. rounds Philadelphia, lined up against the wind up his practice Tuesday, Garrity and Donald Walker vs. C. four-ball matches. tram's freshmen. C. Gene Mako and two days before the tournament starts. Vaughn Darby and J. G. Taylor. The affair is to be staged by the J. Donald Budge of California and Western High School links warriors Middle Atlantic Professional Golf As- Hans Nusslein, professional champion today have their third win in and coach of the amateur interna- ,the sociation as one of the high spots of Dawes series for the high tionalists. Cup public FRENCH JINX AGAIN the tour of the Japanese team through schools. Led by Capt. Billy Shea 'THE in Davis they clinched the Dawes Cup series some 40 cities of the United States series, played typical in a match at Kenwood, and the Americans, while favored to Cup fashion of four singles and yesterday HITS HELEN JACOBS swamping Central by 9 to 0. Shea win. probably will not overcome their doubles match, resulted in a 3 to 2 score. virtory for the “Oldsters." Allison and foes by any lop-sided j Bv th* Associated Press. An admission fee oi Si is to be Wood, ranked No. 1 and No. 2, respec- in this scored victories HARIS, June 1.—For the fifth sucees- charged to witness the matches. tively, country, A over Budge. Van Ryn and Allison Welsh, M’Elvenny sive year. Helen Jacobs failed to- swamped Budge and Mako in doubles, day to win the French hard court AA'il! Go to National Open. At the left. of Va.. looked down on the Hurley, on whose Belmont estate the affair was held, joins his two Mary Keogh Sperryville, and Nusslein accounted for both Wood Win M. A. Doubles tennis championship. Her defeat sur- of the national crowd from a definite as her Herod's Dawn cleared a and in ’em over. OMING on the eve vantage point daughters, Mary Patricia, looking and Allison in exhibitions that prised expert,'. —Star Staff Photos. singles scheduled to fence yesterday, while at the right, former Secretary of War Patrick The American was elimi- open championship, i somewhat settled the moot question of champion the Oak- __ O ARNEY WELSH and Mc- start next Thursday over j superiority in the matter of amateur Ralph nated by Mme. Sven Sperling of Den- defeated Tom mont. Pa., course, the Japanese-Mid- tine*. 6—3. 6 —4* Trennis <M >. defeated vs. professional in this country. Elvenny Markey mark in a semi-final match. 7—5. dle Atlantic P. G. A. matches will TENNIS MATCHES CLOSE {Jherfy. 6—0. 6—s. 6—4. Bradley < P. M. >. In of two and Hush Lynch. 6—4. 8—6. 6—3, 6—3. Mme. Rene Mathieu of France — the defeated Decker h—6. 7 5 first singles matches fans some ids a to win the Middle Atlantic doubles give Washington’s golf Earns Title DOI BITS Buchanan and Garber <M played today on the turf center court won the other final bracket by over- in- and 6 on of what be expected of the Missing Catty defeated Taylor Ritzenhrrc 1. a i tennis championship yesterday throwing the defending title-holder, may of the Merion Cricket Club before 5 6—-3: and Bradley «P. in the event, Monument and Pierce Mill Win -7. McCaskey the and Club Scriven vading Nipponese b'lg M * defeated Heiskell and Smith. 6—3. gratis gallery of 3.000. Nusslein gave Army Navy Country Margaret of England, 8—6, Three of their 6—3; Erana Haeffner ‘P M > de- courts. for all six are to play. In a Field of Fine Hunters and the blond-haired Wood a sound lesson 6—1. in Contests. feated Trennis and Decker. 6—4. 6—3. In the semi-finals Welsh and foes of today also will be up at Oak- League on all court play. Baron Gottfried von Cramm of Ger- mont next week striving for the crown Pierre Mill-Montrose. McElvenny won over Dooley Mitch- many, seeking to retain the men's Monument defeated Potomac. 6—3. 1 now worn bv Olin Dutra of California. SINGLES—Staublv <M.». defeated T^izz. V^rOOD. regarded in tennis circles as ell. former District title holder, crown he won a year ago. qualified In Loudoun Club’s Show 6 ». Jacobs. '' Here is the line-up for and Pierce Mill edged out Montrose, —4. 6—2; Judd «M defeated one of the poorest exhibitionists and Tony Latona by scores of 4—6. j for the final by ousting H. W. Bunnyi prospective Big 6—o. 5—7. 6—4; Garnett <M • defeated | the matches: 5—4. in the National Capital Parks Blade. 6 -4 6—3; Stocklinski <P de- in the game, provoked a lot of gToans 6—3. 4—6. 6—1. 6—1, in the most Austin of England, 6—2. 5—7. 6—1, Cruickshank. Rich- I fea»ed McConnell. 6—3. 7—5: Mather from the gallery when he double- bitterly fought match of the day. 5— 7. 6—0. His opponent in tomor- Singles.—Bobby and out.— Mr Judge Tennis League Summaries: 'P • defeated Allie Ritzenberz. 5—7 6—1. BY ROBERT B. PHILLIPS. JR, Touch First Bud. yesterday. less times with advanced to will be mond. V3., vs. Tommy Miyamoto, J R H Alexander Leesburg ;*cond Pe- I 6—4. Simmons cM ). defeated Fletcher, faulted no than eight Markey and Lynch row's championship round Fred A1 Houghton, Kenv.ood. vs. Staff Correspondent of The Star. gasus Isadore Dunn. Leo.burg, third. Path- I Monument-Potomae. 6 ^ 6—2 his usually accurate twisting American ; the finals by trouncing Alfonso j Perry. British ace. who conquered Japan: DOI BI.ES —Mather and Trizz »P.V de- Bob Barnett. finder. John D Richard'-on service. Smith. Charlottesville, Va. and Jack Crawford of Australia. 6—3. 8—6, Toichiro Toda, Japan; Loudoun County, Three-year-olds suitable to become | SINGLES—Nate Rltrenbers <P M> rie- feated Judd and Staublv 4—6 6--*!.
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