Neue Schwebfliegen-Literatur

Neue Schwebfliegen-Literatur

ZOBODAT - Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Volucella - Die Schwebfliegen-Zeitschrift Jahr/Year: 2004 Band/Volume: 7 Autor(en)/Author(s): Dziock Franz, Schmid Ulrich Artikel/Article: Neue Schwebfliegen-Literatur (7) 223-237 ©Volucella; Dieter Doczkal (München) und Ulrich Schmid (Stuttgart), download 222 VOLUCELLA 7, 2004 Dziock & Schmid: Neue Schwebfliegen-Literatur (7) 223 Neue Schwebfliegen-Literatur (7) Frank Dziock und Ulrich Schmid Dziock, F.; Schmid, U. (2004): New literature on hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) (7). – Volucella 7, 223-237. Stuttgart. Achterkamp, B. (2002): Episyrphusprojekt her- Applicata 108(2), 115-124. nieuws in 2002. – Zweefvliegennieuwsbrief Baéz, M.; Barkemeyer, W. (2002): The identity of 6(1), 28-29. Eumerus terminalis Santos Abreu, 1924. – Stu- Achterkamp, B. (2002): Tussenstand Episyrphuspro- dia dipterologica 9, 518. jekt de maand mei. – Zweefvliegennieuwsbrief Ball, S.; Morris, R. (2003): News from the Hoverfly 6(2), 6-7. Recording Scheme. – Hoverfly Newsletter 36, Agarwala, B. K.; Bardhanroy, P.; Yasuda, H.; 9-11. Takizawa, T. (2003): Effects of conspecific Barkalov, A. V. (2003): Description of the new Palae- and heterospecific competitors on feeding and arctic species Volucella bella (Diptera, Syrphi- oviposition of a predatory ladybird: a laboratory dae) from the zonaria group. – Zoologichesky study. – Entomologia Experimentalis et Appli- Zhurnal 82, 1133-1137. cata 106, 219-226. Barkalov, A.V. (2002): A subgeneric classification Anderson, A.J.; McOwan, P.W. (2003): Model of a of the genus Cheilosia Meigen, 1822 (Diptera, predatory stealth behaviour camouflaging moti- Syrphidae). – Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie on. – Proceedings of the Royal Society Biologi- 81(1), 218-234, 261. [russisch] cal Sciences Series B 270(1514), 489-495. Barkalov, A.V. (2002): Muchi-zhurchalki roda Chei- Arif, M.J.; Yousuf, M. (2002): Taxonomic studies losia Meigen, 1822 (Diptera, Syrphidae) starobo of saprophagous syrphids from Pakistan. – In- sveta. – Sibirski Ordelenie, Rossijskoj Akademii ternational Journal of Agriculture and Biology Nauk, Institut sistematiki i ekologii zhivotnych, 4(1), 76-77. 46 pp. [russisch] Auad, A.M. (2003): Aspectos Biologicos dos Barkalov, A.V. (2002): Spatial distribution of ho- Estagios Imaturos de Pseudodorus clavatus ver-flies of the genus Cheilosia Mg. (Diptera, (Fabricius) (Diptera: Syrphidae) Alimentados Syrphidae) of old world. – Evraziatskii Ento- com Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) (Hemip- mologicheskii Zhurnal 1(1), 93-99. tera: Aphididae) em Diferentes Temperaturas. Barkalov, A.V. (2002): Subgeneric classification of [Biological aspects of the immature stages the genus Cheilosia Meigen, 1822 (Diptera, of Pseudodorus clavatus (Fabricius) (Dipte- Syrphidae). – Entomological Review 82(5), ra: Syrphidae) fed on Schizaphis graminum 518-531. [Translated from Entomologicheskoe (Rondani) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) at different Obozrenie 81(1), 218-234] temperatures.] – Neotropical Entomology 32(3), Barkalov, A.V. (2004): Possible ways of developing 475-480. the fauna of the genus Cheilosia (Diptera, Baarendregt, A. (2003): Diptera-weekend 2003 in Syrphidae) in the Old World. – Zoologichesky het kroondomein Houtvesterij het loo. – De Zhurnal 83(6), 708-714. Vliegenmepper 11(2), 22-29. Barkalov, A.V.; Cheng, X. (2004): New taxonomic Babendreier, D., Rostas, M., Hofte, M.C.J., Kuske, information on and distribution records for Chi- S.; Bigler, F. (2003): Effects of mass release of nese hover-flies of the genusCheilosia Meigen Trichogramma brassicae on predatory insects (Diptera, Syrphidae). – Volucella 7, 89-104. in maize. – Entomologia Experimentalis et Barkalov, A.V.; Gharaei, B. (2004): Description of ©Volucella; Dieter Doczkal (München) und Ulrich Schmid (Stuttgart), download 224 VOLUCELLA 7, 2004 225 a new species of the genus Eumerus (Diptera, of Man and with new prey records. – Entomolo- Syrphidae) from Iran. – Volucella 7, 105-109. gist's Record 115, 105-109. Barkalov, A.V.; Nielsen, T.R. (2004): On a new Bergsten, J.; Ekerholm, P.; Hellqvist, S.; Hilsz- Platycheirus (Diptera, Syrphidae) from Turk- czanski, J.; Nilsson, A.; Pettersson, R.; Werner, menistan. – Norwegian Journal of Entomology T. (2003): Insekter och spindeldjur fran Romel- 51, 123-126. son. [Insects and arachnids of the Romelson Is- Barkemeyer, W. (2002): Eine neue Syrphide der land, Vasterbotten Province, Sweden.] – Natur Gattung Merodon Meigen, 1822 von den Ka- i Norr 22(2), 65-87. narischen Inseln. [A new species of the genus Beuk, P.L.Th. (ed.) (2002): Checklist of the Diptera Merodon Meigen, 1822 from the Canary Islands of the Netherlands. – 448 pp. Utrecht (KNNV (Diptera: Syrphidae).] – Mitteilungen interna- Uitgeverij). tionaler entomologischer Verein 27, 131-136. Beuker, D. (2004): Twee moeraskniksprieten. – Zweef- Barkemeyer, W. (2002): Zur Schwebfliegenfauna vliegennieuwsbrief 8(1), 17-18. der Azoren. [On the Hoverflies of the Azorean Birtele, D. (2003): The succession of saproxylic Islands.] (Diptera: Syrphidae). – Mitteilungen insects in dead wood: a new research method. internationaler entomologischer Verein 27, – In: Mason, F.; Nardi, G.; Tisato, M. (eds.): 181-194. Proceedings of the International Symposium Barkemeyer, W. (2002): Zur Syrphidenfauna der Kap- "Dead wood: a key to biodiversity", Mantova, verdischen Inseln. [On the syrphids of the Cape May 29th-31st 2003. – Sherwood 95, Supplement Verde Islands.] (Diptera: Syrphidae). – Mittei- 2, 91-93. lungen internationaler entomologischer Verein Birtele, D.; Sommaggio, D.; Speight, M.C.D.; Tisato, 27, 9-28. M. (2002): Syrphidae. – In: Mason F.; Ceretti P.; Barkemeyer, W.; Drewes, B.; Ritzau, C. (2003): Zum Tagliapietra A.; Speight M.C.D.; Zapparoli M. Vorkommen seltener und gefährdeter Schweb- (eds.): Invertebrati di una foresta della Pianura fliegen in Sachsen-Anhalt (Dipt., Syrphidae). Padana, Bosco della Fontana, Primo contributo, – Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 115-118. Mantova (Gianluigi Arcari Editore). 47, 45-47. Birtele, D.; Sommaggio, D.; Speight, M.C.D. (2003): Baugnee, J.-Y. 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D.; Grellin, S. M. (2003): Xanthandrus hai Farm - the Heinz Wattie's organic farm at comtus (Harris) (Dipt. Syrphidae) new to the Isle Lincoln University. – Weta 25, 18-23. ©Volucella; Dieter Doczkal (München) und Ulrich Schmid (Stuttgart), download 224 VOLUCELLA 7, 2004 Dziock & Schmid: Neue Schwebfliegen-Literatur (7) 225 Bradescu, V.; Parvu, C. (2002): Recent data about re-establishment of dead wood for saproxylic some syrphids (Diptera: Syrphidae) from fauna conservation. – Rapporti Scientifici 2, Maramures, Romania. – Travaux du Museum 1-112. [download National d’Histoire Naturelle "Grigore-Antipa" environment/life/result/deadwoodlifenat_it_ 44, 299-303. 99_6245.pdf] Budrys, E.; Budriene, A.; Pakalniëkis, S. (2003): Chandler, P. J. (2003): Corrections and changes to Population size assessment using mark-release- the Diptera Checklist (9). – Dipterists Digest recapture for 12 species of Orthoptera, Diptera 10, 58-60. and Hymenoptera: comparison of methods. 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