12 Jun 1997 Estimates C—Transport and Main Roads 157 ESTIMATES COMMITTEE C I remind members of the Committee and the Minister that the time limit for questions is one minute and three minutes for answers. A bell will ring once Mr J. N. Goss (Chair) Hon. J. P. Elder 15 seconds before the end of given time limits and Mr W. F. Baumann Mr G. J. Healy twice when the time limit is up. A two-minute Mrs L. R. Bird Hon. T. M. Mackenroth extension of time may be given with the consent of the questioner. The Sessional Orders require that at least half the time be allocated to non-Government DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT members. Government members and Opposition members of the Committee will take turns to ask DEPARTMENT OF MAIN ROADS questions in blocks lasting up to approximately 20 IN A TTENDANCE minutes. Copies of the Committee's questions Hon. V. G. Johnson, Minister for Transport and provided to the Minister on notice and his responses Main Roads are available from our staff today. Mr B. Wilson, Director-General, Department of In accordance with the Sessional Orders, each Transport of the Ministers is permitted to make an opening statement of up to five minutes. In relation to media Mr J. Gralton, Acting Deputy Director-General, coverage of today's hearing, the Committee has Department of Transport resolved that video coverage will be restricted to the Mr L. Ford, Executive Director (Integrated Chairman's opening address and each Minister's Transport Planning), Department of opening comments, and that audio coverage will be Transport allowed at all times. For the benefit of Hansard, I ask Mr D. Hunt, Executive Director (Transport departmental witnesses to identify themselves Coordination), Department of Transport before they answer a question. Mr B. Kersnovske, Director (Finance), The first item for consideration is the Estimates Department of Transport of the expenditure of the portfolio of Transport and Mr V. O'Rourke, Chief Executive, Queensland Main Roads. The time allocated is four and a half Rail hours. The examination will be in the order of Queensland Rail and other GOCs, Queensland Mr R. Scheuber, Deputy Chief Executive, Transport and the Department of Main Roads. I Queensland Rail declare the proposed expenditure for the Minister Mr T. Fisher, Workshops Group, Queensland for Transport and Main Roads to be open for Rail examination. The question before the Committee is— Mr R. Hunter, General Manager, Projects "That the proposed expenditure be Services, Queensland Rail agreed to." Mr G. Dawe, Group General Manager, Citytrain Minister, would you like to make a brief introductory Queensland Rail statement? Mr R. Wharton, Director-General, Department of Mr JOHNSON: Yes. This is a task that I Main Roads approach with a great deal of enthusiasm, because Mr D. Muir, Deputy Director-General, an efficient transport system is vital to the economic Department of Main Roads and social wellbeing of all communities in this State. I am also proud to report that the State Government Mr W. Turner, Acting General Manager will spend a record $2.4 billion in 1997-98 on (Corporate Services) Department of Main transport planning, services and infrastructure, Roads including payments to Queensland Rail. The decision Mrs K. Peut, Executive Director (Roads of this Government to separate Queensland Programs), Department of Main Roads Transport and Main Roads continues to produce Mr S. Golding, Executive Director (South East), benefits for the people of Queensland. Main Roads Department of Main Roads focuses on road infrastructure planning, management and delivery, while Queensland Transport maintains its overall strategic approach to transport services The Committee commenced at 8.30 a.m. and planning. The CHAIRMAN: I declare this meeting of To illustrate, I point out that Main Roads district Estimates Committee C open. The Committee will directors are now able to concentrate on delivering examine the proposed expenditure contained in the the road infrastructure program, one of our major Appropriation Bill 1997 for the areas as set out in the responsibilities. This also enables Queensland Sessional Orders. The organisational units will be Transport, in conjunction with Queensland Rail, to examined in the following order: the Transport and deliver major infrastructure in relation to rail, sea Main Roads portfolio followed by the Public Works ports, airports and public transport. As a result, I am and Housing portfolio. The Committee has agreed pleased to say that, compared to the same period in that it will suspend the hearing for two 15-minute 1995-96, in the first 11 months of 1996-97 an extra breaks, one in the morning session and one in the $178m of roadworks has been delivered, and results afternoon session, as well as having one hour for are what the people of rural and regional Queensland lunch between 1.15 p.m. and 2.15 p.m. want to see. 158 Estimates C—Transport and Main Roads 12 Jun 1997 An important responsibility of the portfolio is priority roadworks across the State, including $3m to overseeing the efficient operations of eight port start the construction of the final link in the bitumen authorities, which represent another vital component seal between Cairns and Cooktown. of the State's transport system. Queensland Rail is a There will be an estimated $10m in revenue key player in providing efficient transport services, obtained from speed camera detected offences to particularly with regard to mineral development improve accident black spots on the State road throughout the State. More than $440m has been network, and a continuing commitment of $35m in allocated to support the growing mining and freight 1997-98 to the Transport Infrastructure Development businesses. Another $112m will spent on upgrading Scheme, which provides significant assistance to the Citytrain network in south-east Queensland, local governments for local road upgrades to assist including $37m for the completion of the Gold Coast employment, particularly in rural and regional areas. line to Robina. Most importantly, the roads budget will provide Queensland Transport will spend a total of direct and indirect employment to some 16,000 $1.04 billion during the next financial year, including people in the road industry and other industries payments to Queensland Rail. The focus of this supporting the road task. These are real jobs right budget is the expansion of existing public and across Queensland and the wages they provide private transport infrastructure. A significant amount boost the local economy of every community in will also be spent on the development and Queensland. implementation of integrated and improved transport This Government is committed to managing a planning projects and road safety initiatives. Major Transport portfolio which provides integrated initiatives in transport planning include the Integrated transport planning solutions which are responsive to Regional Transport Plan for South East Queensland the needs of industry and the community and and the continuing development of integrated contribute to the economic growth and social regional transport plans and strategies for the north- welfare of this State. In conclusion, I am confident west mineral province, Cairns and far-north that all agencies within the Transport portfolio have a Queensland, Townsville/Thuringowa, Mackay and vital role to play in the future of this State and will Wide Bay. continue to deliver value-for-money services that As the Committee would be aware, the IRTP allow Queenslanders to get on with the job. With the was released last week and has met with commitment and professionalism of our staff right considerable approval from local government and the across the Transport portfolio to achieving the aims community. Final preferred plans are almost complete of Government, we are well placed to provide a for the $520m South East Transit Project, which has Transport system that Queenslanders value well into involved considerable community consultation. An the 21st century. amount of $33m has been set aside this financial year The CHAIRMAN: Traditionally, the first round to continue that five-year project. A total of $9.2m of questions goes to Opposition members, but with has been allocated in 1997-98 for other public the consent of the Deputy Chair, I call on the transport infrastructure around the State, including member for Gladstone to seek leave to ask a almost $4m for the construction of a bus interchange question. at the Nerang Railway Station and to purchase land Mrs CUNNINGHAM: I seek leave to ask a for the Robina Railway Station. An allocation of question. $3.7m has been made for infrastructure to support the roll-out of commercial service contracts for urban Leave granted. bus services around Queensland. Mrs CUNNINGHAM: Minister, I know that you In the maritime sector, funding for marine are familiar with the route D proposal in my services and facilities has been boosted by $9m a electorate. It is not anticipated that it would need to year for a range of projects, including dredging, be constructed straightaway. However, there is improved navigational aids and upgraded facilities. some concern about protecting the integrity of the The Government has also endorsed a new Marine proposed route. In light of the safety issues in Board and Gold Coast Harbours Authority, providing relation to the transportation of heavy and hazardous funding of almost $5m over the next three years. goods and maintaining the integrity of the port facility, has a decision been made about the In Main Roads, in 1997-98, $933m has been proposed new route? If so, have any funds been set budgeted for roads throughout Queensland, aside for its acquisition? excluding tollways and debt payments, despite a $30m reduction in Commonwealth funding this year. Mr JOHNSON: This is an issue that has been This reflects a net funding increase of some $60m for very contentious within the electorate of the member roadworks.
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