the chrOnicle North Central Florida’s Jewish Community Newspaper Published and Supported by The Jewish Council of North Central Florida September 2014 Elul, 5774 - Tishrei, 5775 Welcome To A Brand New Year Of Programs And Exciting Activities By Dawn Burgess- Krop year, and be grateful that your name You support Jewish activities and JCNCF President remained in the Book of Life for one culture. You come to learn, celebrate, If you have noticed the crazy traf- more year. And you get to eat! commemorate, and are the essence of fic and lines in stores and restaurants, When I consider gratitude, I think our Jewish community. We truly can- you know that the fall season has ar- of all the truly wonderful people sur- not fulfill our commitment as Jews rived in Gainesville (maybe someone rounding me. Family, friends, and the without your support and participa- could alert the weather!). Fall in a col- wonderful circle of people, who, every tion. lege town means fresh faces, football, day, do the best they can to be good As we welcome our New Year, and crowds. Fall also means our High and decent. we cannot forget all our brothers and Holidays are on their way. I am grateful to my JCNCF sisters around the world who are fac- Of all the holidays in the Jewish Board, who offer sage advice, care ing profound struggle and danger. Is- calendar, I love Rosh Hashanah the about their Jewish community, and rael's threats are our burden to share, most. You take stock of your life over perform important service. I also re- as are the people of Ukraine, undergo- the past year, contemplate what you mind you readers that we are here be- ing shortages of food and necessities, would like to do better in the coming cause of you. (Continued on page 14) Tikkun Olam Local Jewish Community Raises Funds For Jews And Jewish Communities Worldwide By Steve Slutsky special campaigns and through the from one of the Lone Soldiers. A sec- JCNCF Campaign Chair Emergency campaign. ond special campaign raised $5,000 to In a year of needs, you responded From our regular campaign, we support the Beit Ruth home for girls and the Jewish Council of North Cen- sent more than $45,500 to the Jewish that was established by the Jaffa Insti- tral Florida was able to provide signifi- Federations of North America to help tute. cant support, more than $78,000, to Israel and Jews around the world, es- Finally, with the summer came meet urgent overseas needs through pecially this year in Ukraine where the war in Gaza and the mas- our regular campaign, through several thousands of elderly Jews are sive dislocations in Israel that made trapped in a worsening civil war. another Emergency Campaign a ne- We sent $10,000 to the Jaffa Insti- cessity. You donated more than Inside tute which has numerous programs to $16,000 which we divided between the JCNCF Board Information ····················· 2 help the poor in Jaffa-Tel Aviv ranging Jaffa Institute and the JFNA Stop the from after school programs for at risk Sirens Emergency Campaign as our High Holiday Schedules ························ 5 kids to supplying food packages for part of international Jewry's efforts to Culture Corner ·································· 11 Holocaust survivors in need. support civilians forced from their Rabbi’s Pen ······································ 12 One special campaign was to sup- homes. Music Maven ···································· 13 port Lone Soldiers in Israel that raised From all of us at the JCNCF, Jewish Community Calendar ······················· 15 more than $1,500. Please see the Thank You for your continued sup- Professional Services Directory ············· 16 “thank you” on page 7 we received port. Page 2 The ChrOnicle September 2014 New Chronicle Policies For The New Year By Ed Hunter there is not room, I need to know available basis only and its inclusion Editor which information is the most impor- cannot be guaranteed. In other words, Allow me to wish all of you an tant. if it is getting to be the 20 th or later in early l’Shana Tovah, and welcome you As always, if something doesn’t the month and I receive material, the to another Chronicle publishing year. make it into print, and it is still rele- chances of it being included go down As we head into the new year, I vant, it will be considered for the next considerably. wanted to make you aware of a few issue. Also, we need writers. If you like small changes in our submission poli- Also, please keep in mind the to read books, go to the movies, see cies and some opportunities for you to deadline for the next issue is the 15 th of art, and want to write something about write for the Chronicle . each month. Material submitted after it (all in 500 words or fewer), please To make sure as many different the 15 th will be considered on a space (Continued on page 14) articles can be included in each issue, we will be strictly adhering to a 500 Jewish Council of North Central Florida word maximum on all articles. Any- thing submitted greater than that Board of Directors length may be edited to fit. Also, if your organization is sub- mitting more than one article for an President Board Members issue, which is perfectly fine, please Dawn Burgess-Krop Joanne Block indicate which article should have the highest priority. Vice President Stuart Cohn Under most circumstances, every- Reba Bandyopadhyay Larry Hartfield thing you submit will be printed, but if Secretary Sharon Hirshik Heath Lynn Silberfeld Richard Howard The CHrONICLE Treasurer Edward Hunter Steve Bobroff Published 10 times per year by Abe Goldman The Jewish Council of North Staff Esther Mauffray Central Florida, Inc. Executive Director Myrna Neims PO Box 357936 Virginia L. Brissette Richard Sadove Gainesville, FL 32635 Community office: (352) 371-3846 Stacey Steinberg Engagement fax: (352) 371-3846 Steven Slutsky www.JCNCF.org Associate Ken Wald The opinions expressed are Damien Boada those of the contributors and are not necessarily representative of Submission Policy the Jewish Council Board of General Directors or supporters. Please submit all material on or before the 15th of the month prior to publication. Because of space limitations, it is not always possible to publish all items submitted. If an item is not published and is still relevant, it will be automatically Email: [email protected] considered for the next month’s Chronicle. The Chronicle is produced for Publication and/or specific placement in The Chronicle cannot be guaranteed. In addition to regular columns and sections, articles in The Chronicle fall into two broad categories: News and the Jewish Council by: Upcoming Events. News articles are about events, awards, promotions, shows, etc. that have already taken place. Please include a Hunter Communications photograph whenever possible. Upcoming Events are programs, classes, shows and such that have yet to occur. These events must be open to the entire community and the article should indicate this, include complete information Ed Hunter, Editor regarding location, time, date, and costs if any, and a contact number to call for more information. Photographs: When taking photographs you plan to send in for publication, please make sure your camera is set to Toby Hunter, high resolution. Photos that are not high resolution may not print well. Unless it is large group shot, include the names Ad Layout of everyone in the photo. Please limit articles to 500 words. Articles should be substantially original material of interest to the Greater North and Design Central Florida Jewish Community. (352) 379-5802 Material can be e-mailed in Word Document format to [email protected], faxed (please don’t fax pictures) to (352) 379-5802 or dropped off at the Jewish Council of North Central Florida offices next door to Temple Shir Shalom. The entire contents of The Chronicle If you have any questions, e-mail [email protected] or call (352) 379-5802. are copyright © 2014 by the Jewish The Chronicle and the Jewish Council do not endorse the goods and services advertised in these pages, and make no representation as to the kashrut of the food, products and services in Council of North Central Florida. such advertising. Elul, 5774 - Tishrei, 5775 The Chronicle Page 3 JCNCF Grant Brings Faith Speaks Series To Gainesville Community By Dawn Burgess-Krop various religious leaders and partici- nity. Light refreshments will be served. JCNCF President pants will explore the differences and JCNCF is proud to provide the At a time when our televisions commonalities we all share and bridge opportunity for programs that promote and newspapers are dominated with gaps with deeper understanding. learning and understanding to our en- news of conflict and turmoil, Rabbi Rabbi Kaiman is planning an In- tire community. This series promises David Kaiman has come forward with ter-Faith Thanksgiving Celebration for to be interesting, enlightening, and a an idea to get our local community our community. Faith Speaks forums bridge to understanding in these chal- talking to one another about important will be held at Congregation B'nai Is- lenging times. Don't miss the first issues of our day. rael and are free and open to the entire Faith Speaks: September 15 at 7 p.m. Supported by a grant sponsored Gainesville and surrounding commu- at Congregation B'nai Israel. from the Jewish Council of North Central Florida,, Congregation B’nai Israel’s Rabbi Kaiman has invited Report From Hadassah three other community faith leaders to facilitate a series of in-depth discus- Convention; Interest Groups sions. The program is called Faith Speaks, and is designed with the goal It was my honor to represent by witnessing the fruits of Hadassah to bring together people of different Gainesville chapter of Hadassah at the and the good that is done with the religions and cultural identities and 97th National Convention.
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