Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1980 Daily Egyptian 1980 11-7-1980 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 07, 1980 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1980 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, November 07, 1980." (Nov 1980). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1980 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1980 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'Daily 13gyptian Gus says the voters lhJ& enly madeo lameo ducks ol Hme Friday, November 7, 1980-\'ol. 75, No. 55 lawmakf'n bat also let the Soutbem Illinois University watt>r oat ol theolr poads. Reagan tells Iranians no use waiting for him LOS ANGELES lAP> - Campaign staff chief William President-elect Ronald Reagan RPiatf'd slory-Ptqif' Z Meese Ill was named staff chief to.ld Iran 1)11 Thursday that it in the transition. ";I~ not profit by waiting for the arms control, he would not He named three prominent Umted States' presidential ignore Soviet actions in other' Democrats to his fon!ign policy transition before relelh;ing the areas ol world relations. am L."TY committee - Sen. 52 American hostages. "I don't think you simp!v sit Henry M. Jackson of Reagan said he is willing to do down at a table with the SOviet Washington, Sen. Richard Stone all he can to help win freedom Uaion to discuss arms of Florida ano Washington for the 52 Americans, but "we Ji~itation, for example, but you attorney Edward Bennett are not going to intrude" on d1scuss the whole attitude Williams - and said he would negotiations during the fmal world attitude, as to whe~ like to establish a bi-partisan months of President Carter's we're going to have a world ol appr~ach to foreign policy administration. pe~ce or whether we're simply questions. He said he wouldn't offer his gomg to talk about weaponry Reagan. with Vice President· own ideas "if I thought for one and not bring up these other elect George Bush at his side, minute that it could dea.y their subjeda. In other words, I am also said he would not rule out release," and emphasized, ··1 for linkage." · at this early stage running for bope the Iranians wiD not have The Carter administration re-eJection in 1914. any idea there will be any profit bad separated the SALT II He said he does not believe his ~ tbem ~n waiting," for his treaty from Soviet conduct election politically disen­ mauguration Jan. 20. elsewhere in the world, saying franchised any segment of the . At his first ~ conference that U.S. aupport ol the pact population and pledged to sance the election, Reagan aJso was not a carrot to keep the "aggressively pursue" equaJ called economics "the issue of Kremlin in line. rights for women even though the campaign" and said he wiU Reagan began the press he CJPIIOIIeS the ERA. move to impJement a freeze in ~~ bY unveiling his Regan said he hopes to name the federal work force and a let traDSltion team, reaching into his Cabinet by !ate November' or ~t tax cut. He said it would­ ~ top ~~ ~ his cam- early Decenlbet". be fine with him if Congress paiiJI orpruzntioa m chooaing Asked whether he wiU make started to work on the tax cut the penonneJ who wiD plan Iris an effort to recruit blacks and ..ea.&......_during the ____lame duck session""- takeowr o1 the covemiiK!IIt. othtor minorities for Cabinet Reagan acknowled1ed a tbainnu.-- was$~ ~ • ... ... be ~tiona• --- ol... course - ... teletlralft M ·eoepatalau­ fnllll s.net leedlriaad ...... ~ ~.:;.:..!!.::..::.:;. Far • laeU.....o M ,_.• .,_. · · - s.nets tbat in DIJIIada.... =-=-:....... paMq ~ ........ ... .• Delaoerat .... or two. A nine-year chapter of~ flistory dORd ..-. the Southern Dlinoisans will regret last troops were withdrawn from South Vietnam .. Mardi a 1!173. For many soldi«S, the end el IUilfire did not mean t..e end of war. Many battle with akobof. drul and~ problems. Others stiU fight the social stiiJna attadled to tbeir House cutback, Birchler says participation in an unpopular war. --Pajle$ By Karea Gallo VergenneB, said. "And if you're government and not to a desire S&aff Writer mad you take your anger out on for revenge against a Two Southern Illinois the people who are in olfJCe Jegislature that gave itself a Two tmr~ two U7ekomes home legislators expressed now. You can ask voters, 'Why hefty pay raise two ~ars ago. pessimism and bitternesa about did you IPdc it?' and tbe voters "The voters ol llliDois have The post-war feelings which Americans held towards IUinois voters' decision to cut will leD you, 'Because it was SIJOken." said Quillll, founder ol veterans of World War II and the Vietnam War are as diffennt the size of the state Hciuse of there."' the Coalition for Political as the !eaSOilS the ·wars were fooght. Walter Amerman, a Representativa by S9 seats. The cutback amendment, Honesty that spearheaded the paratrooper in England in JIM, came home to find cheering "It was tile will of the which affects the 1983 cutback drive. ••J think they're crowd& wekomiog him. Duane Cole, a medic in Vietnam in people," said Rep. Vincent legisJature, won by a com· sa)'in8 they want a treater role 1967, came home and bid the fact that he fought in Vietnam. Birdtler, wt1o lost his seat in the fortable 2-1 margin. With aU but in their govenment." 58th District to Wayne Alstat. f!t of the state's 11.687 precincts -PJJ~t. "But wben they try to im­ tallied, tbe propositicln bad 4i8.1 Quinn said his ilfGUPS' goal in plement it two years from now, percent ol the vote. 1981 is to S~"e that the mandate is Dimbled ret 'mofk it' bock Southern Illinois is going to be In Jackson County, it bad 59.3 carried out economicaUy and the loser." the Chester percent. with 9,210 votes efficiently. He said he wants to :ves obtain the support of legislators Charlie Crews enlisted in the Army and left for Vn!tnam in Democrat said.' "As time goes and 6,349 no votes. In downstate the spring of 1964 because it "was the thing to do." He was on-like any other pia'"' where lllincis' 101 counties, the to ensure a fair and lep1 division of legislative districts. unprepared for the bullet which struck his spina) cord and they've passed a ~.milar margin was consistently 7-to-3 temporarily paralyzed him from the neck down, unprepared to amendment-the people will to snip the House's size and and Besides dividing each learn how to walk apin. The struggle to recqver, he said, was regret it." eliminate ·cumulative · voting. district, the state constitution long and hard, but m his words he is a disabled vet who bas · Why did the voters do it? Pat Quinn. author of the requires lawmakers to draw ..made il" "111ey're mad at the people constitutional amendment, ne"' boundary lines for -Pa,e, who are in office," at~buted the results to voters congressional and lelislative Representative-elect Alstat. R· desire for a p-eater say in districts in spring 1981. Thurtnond-vows to seek death penalty law next.year WASHINGTON I AP) - Sen.' the Semtte. September 1964 and cam­ Republicans seized control of hesitate to confum" a bllldr to Strom Thurmond. R-S.C .. Blacks, he said, "have one of paigned for GOP presidential the Senate in Tuesday's elec­ the court. but said it was "not prospective new chairman of the best friends they could have nom.i~ Barry M. Goldwater tions for the first time since absolutely ~" to have the Senate Judiciary Com­ in me. I believe in equality for against President Lyndon B. 1954, with the GOP taking over one replace Justi~ 'l'hurgood mittee, pledged Thursday to all. I've always tried to treat Johnson, who had pushed the chairmanships of Senate MarshaR wben he leaves the seek a death penalty law next them fairly and squarely." Civil Rights Act through committees. Thurmond is in bench. year and elimination of what he Thurmond, 77. once staunchly CongN'SS a couple of months line to ~ liberal Sen. The Sooth Caroliaa senator called unnecessary en­ Of:posed ch;l rights legislation earlier. Edward M. Kennedy, 1>-Mass., noted that he and Kennedy vironment.--! P.ld other federal and was prominent among the Today, Thurmond says civil as the Judiciary chairman. reached a compromise on a regulations. Southern Democrats who. rights advc."Cates misconstrued Supporting a campaign proposed revision of the U.S. Thurmon1 also told a news known as Dixiecrats, opposed his old Dixiecrat affiliation. The promise of President-elect criminal code. Thurmond said conference that blacks and the civil rights platform of the issue was "federal power vs. Ronald Reagan, Thurmond said he boped be and Kennedy will other minority groups have regular Democratic Party in state power" and not racial be would like to ''see a lady on cooperate with each other when nothing to fear from a con­ 1948. tolerance. he said Thursday. theSupremeCourtof the United Kennedy becomes the com­ servative reg1me in 1981 when Thurmond switched his party TI1urmond·s news assumed a States." mittee'~ ra.nking Democrat in Republicans take command of affiliation to Republican in new importance when He added that "I wouldn't the new COIIgl'eSII. Labor leaders still in shock News Rounduu-----. Former FBI officioh conr·icted SPRINGFIEI.;) <AP)- A dreuit judge refused Thursday to after Senate.election outco.me order a new trutl for a former National Organization for ·Women volunteer.
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