The “Grander” Review! IB History, 2015-2016 WORLD WAR ONE Lusitania Treaty of London, 1915 “a place in the sun” Zimmerman Telegram Berlin Conference, 1885 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Wilhelm II WWI casualty figures Otto von Bismarck Paris Peace Conference Triple Alliance 14 Points Dual Alliance League of Nations “Reinsurance Treaty” reparations Franco-Russian Alliance Article 231 “splendid isolation” Woodrow Wilson Admiral Mahan Georges Clemenceau Tirpitz Plan David Lloyd George Entente Cordial Vitorio Orlando Triple Entente Rhineland 1st and 2nd Moroccan Crises Mandates 1st Balkan Crisis National self-determination Black Hand Annexation Crisis, 1908 Gavrilo Princep Economic Consequences of the Peace Sarajevo, June 28, 1914 Fischer Thesis Archduke Franz Ferdinand Alsace-Lorraine “blank check” Austrian Ultimatum Schlieffen Plan Trench warfare Dreadnought Big Bertha “Poor little Belgium” Joseph Joffre 1st Battle of the Marne WWI weapons/technology Battle of Verdun Battle of the Somme Sir Douglas Haig Battle of Tannenberg Paul von Hindenberg Gallipoli 2nd Battle of the Marne The “Grander” Review! Red Army IB History, 2015-2016 Czech Legion War Communism USSR AND LENIN Kornilov Affair Fanya Kaplan Alexander II Kronstadt Rebellion The People’s Will USSR, 1922 Alexander III Central Committee Sergei Witte Politburo Constitutional Democratic Party Secretariat Zemstvos NEP Mirs Stalin vs. Trotsky The Communist Manifesto April Theses Social Revolutionary Party Famine of 1921 Marxism Tambov Rebellion V.I. Lenin Social Democratic Labor Party Bolsheviks Mensheviks Bloody Sunday Russo-Japanese War Soviets October Manifesto Duma Nicholas II Peter Stolypin Feb/March 1917 Revolution Alexandra Romanov Rasputin Provisional Government Petrograd Soviet Alexander Kerensky Oct/Nov 1917 Revolution Grigory Zinoviev Lev Kamenev Leon Trotsky Nikolai Bukharin Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Russian Civil War Felix Dzerzhinsky Cheka Kolkhoze The “Grander” Review! “Railway of Death” IB History, 2015-2016 Kliment Voroshilov White Sea Canal USSR AND STALIN Sergei Kirov Checka…GPU…OGPU…NKVD…KGB Five-Year Plans Collectivization Stakhanovites Magnitogorsk Red/Great Terror Grigory Zinoviev Lev Kamenev Nikolai Bukharin Leon Trotsky Moscow trials Gulags Old Bolsheviks Kulaks Comintern Twenty-One Points Realpolitik “Socialism in One Country” Left vs. Right Vladimir Mayakovsky Maxim Gorky Socialist Realism Anna Akhmatova Alexander Solzhenitsyn Lady Macbeth of Mtensk District Tromfin Lysenko Sergei Eisenstein Famine of 1932-1933 Article 58 of Penal Code Speculation Commercial Store Torgsin Store Blat Pravda Dmitri Shostakovich Lavrenti Beria The “Grander” Review! Strength Through Joy IB History, 2015-2016 Organic Theory of society Paul von Hindenberg FASCISM Rome-Berlin Axis Rapallo Weimar Republic Gustav Stresseman Social Democrats “fulfillment” Post-war German inflation Neutrality Acts Dawes Plan Young Plan Lateran Treaty Locarno Kellogg-Briand Pact Ruhr Valley invasion Fascism Two-thirds Law Fasces Post-WWI Italian social unrest Blackshirts March on Rome Il Duce Führer Corporative State Syndicates Battle of Wheat/Grain Battle of Births Hitler Youth German Girls’ League National Socialist German Workers’ Party Beer Hall Putsch Brownshirts, SS, SA Mein Kampf Reichstag Fire Enabling Act Third Reich Kristallnacht Gestapo Night of the Long Knives Nuremberg Laws Führerprincip Four-Year Plan The “Grander” Review! Joseph Goebbels IB History, 2015-2016 Ethiopia, 1935 Manchuria, 1931 WORLD WAR TWO Berchtesgaden Bad Godesberg Neville Chamberlain Tripartite Pact Anschluss America First Lebensraum The Four Freedoms Appeasement Isolationist vs. Interventionist Sudetenland “Hitler’s Cycle” Remilitarization of Rhineland Dresden Munich Agreement Massacre at Katyn “peace for our time” Nazi-Soviet Pact Luftwaffe Blitzkrieg “phony war” Dunkirk Vichy France Henri Philippe Petáin Pierre Laval Battle of Britain Winston Churchill “their finest hour” “blood, toil, tears, and sweat” “great arsenal of democracy” “spearhead of resistance to world conquest” Lend-lease WWII weapons WWII technology Operation Barbarossa Stalingrad Pearl Harbor Operation Torch Operation Overlord Battle of the Bulge “final solution” Hiroshima & Nagasaki WWII casualty figures UN Maginot Line The “Grander” Review! IB History, 2015-2016 EARLY COLD WAR (1940’s) Atomic Bomb Hydrogen Bomb Specific Nuclear Tests United Nations Security Council Containment “Iron Curtain” Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan Comintern Berlin Blockade Berlin Airlift Deutsche Mark NATO Warsaw Pact Soviet Satellites Josef Tito Four Policemen Churchill’s “percentage plan” Declaration on Liberated Europe Atlantic Charter Cairo Conference Casablanca Conference Yalta Conference Potsdam Conference Tehran Conference Long Telegram George Kennan Czechoslovakia, 1948 Jan Masaryk NSC-68 Federal Republic of Germany German Democratic Republic The “Grander” Review! IB History, 2015-2016 LATER COLD WAR (1950’s and 1960’s) Nikita Khrushchev Sputnik Wladyslaw Gomulka Imre Nagy Hungarian Uprising Nonaligned states Khrushchev’s ultimatum “Eisenhower Doctrine” “missile gap” Bay of Pigs Berlin Wall, 1961 Cuban Missile Crisis Prague Spring Alexander Dubcek Brezhnev Doctrine Matyas Rakosi Radio Free Europe Willy Brandt Konrad Adenauer Stasi Christian Democratic Union Ostpolitik The Basic Law Apparatchik Leonid Brezhnev Walter Ulbricht MAD “torches” Triangle Diplomacy Nixon Doctrine Henry Wallace Ping-pong diplomacy Senator Henry Jackson Virgin Lands Campagin U-2 Crisis Laika The “Grander” Review! The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution IB History, 2015-2016 Socialist Education Movement Cadres CHINA Ten-Year Catastrophe/The Lost Ten Years Red Guards Pu Yi “Four Olds” Manchu Dynasty Quotations from Chairman Mao Chinese Communist Party “capitalist roaders” Guomindang The Red Detachment of Women Sun Yat-sen Jiang Qing Three People’s Principles “barefoot doctors” First United Front Three-in-One Method Chiang Kai-shek Eight Model Plays Mao Zedong Mao Yuanxin Northern Expedition “right opportunism” Nanjing Decade rehabilitation Shanghai Massacre The People’s Daily Chinese Civil War Cult of Mao Eight Points of Attention Lei Feng Rape of Nanking “speak bitterness meetings” Jiangxi Soviet “bitterness meal” Red Army “Great Helmsman” Long March Gang of Four Deng Xiaoping 571 Project Lin Biao Anti-Confucius Campaign Lin Shaoqi Wang Hongwen Zhou Enlai Four Modernizations Manchukuo Qing Ming Festival/April 5th Movement Second United Front “three poisonous weeds”/”fragrant flowers” People’s Liberation Army Hua Guofeng Great Leap Forward Ye Jianying 100 Flowers Campaign “smashing the Gang of Four” First 5-Year Plan “with you in charge, I am at ease” Chinese Lysenkoism Hundred Flowers, 1977 “walking on two legs” Ten Year Plan, 1976-1985 rural people’s communes Democracy Wall Red Flag Hu Yaobang Chen Boda Big-character posters Lushan Plenum Third Plenum, 1977 Eighth Plenum Open Door Policy (Deng era) Great Leap famine Special Economic Zones decollectivization Household Responsibility System Township and Village Enterprises “iron rice bowl” Decentralization Marketization Financial Liberalization State-owned enterprises Township, village and private enterprises Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon Wei Jingsheng Fifth Modernization Wang Xizhe Tiananmen Square Li Peng Zhao Ziyang Hunger strikers, 1989 Martial law, 1989 Goddess of Democracy Heroes’ Monument “Tank Man” The “Grander” Review! Coexistence IB History, 2015-2016 Round Table Talks János Kádár FALL OF USSR (1970’s and 1980’s) Solidarity Wojciech Jaruzelski Developed Socialism Lech Walesa Détente Velvet Revolution Refuseniks Erich Honecker Helsinki Final Act & Basket III Erich Mielke “linkage” Egon Krenz Mikhail Gorbachev Günter Schabowski Article 6 & 7 of Soviet Constitution Todor Zhivkov Pravda Gdansk Agreement “client state” Pope John Paul II “satellite state” Václav Havel Gamal Abdel Nasser Nicolai Ceausescu Anwar Sadat Sejm Mohammed Daud Khan Helmut Kohl Babrak Karmal Law on Secession Nur Mohammed Taraki Baltic State, 1989-1991 Democratic Republic of Afghanistan “all-Union” referendum, 1991 Hafizullah Amin August Coup People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan Chernobyl KHAD Congress of the People’s Deputies “walking like a pretzel” Operation Magistral Mujahidin Ahmed Shah Massoud Yuri Andropov Mohammad Najibullah Strategic Defense Initiative Lashkar South Korean airliner “freedom fighters” Konstantin Chernenko Geneva Accords, 1988 glasnost Operation Cyclone democratization “Afghan Arabs” nomenklatura “evil empire” perestroika Geneva Summit, 1985 Boris Yeltsin INF Treaty Andrei Sakharov START Law on the State Enterprise Boris Pasternak Ronald Reagan Reagan Doctrine Reykjavik, 1986 .
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