II NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. WEDNESDAY. JTXE 20, 1010- SPECIAL EUROPEAN COLUMNS EUROPEAN ADVERTISEMENTS. EUROPEAN ADVERTISEMENTS. FOREIGN RESORTS. FORE: UN RESORTS. LONDON E_EUROPEAN ADVERTISEMENTS. EUROPEAN ADVERTISEMENTS. EUROPEAN ADVERTI EMENTS. —™ *^^^^^^^ SHOfS. LONDON SHOPS. JT"™ l— Gordon Hotels, Ltd. I yy NEW £ iProprs: y[r Alfred ander- EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS Agl m^ma^'aa^^^^^a^amamamm hilt coach leaves — J aa favoritefavorite %*tfwith Ameri- m SILKS rt^ "aCt every other morning iDRESS MATERIALS. inNorthumberland Arc- 1 1Ift]Il\u25a0 lIX _^<^^W> nae, overlooking Tra- \u25a0" w'1\u25a0 WaW %& Ma for Brighton Hotel foliar Square. Close to 81 \u25a0 1 Metropole . LACES ' Buckingham Palace, MB ribbohs fl9 111 I f' -<^Si\V3-^'^ Wejsfininsrrr aftft c , 18 lp |%P 1 Illustrated Tariff HOSIERY, FLOWERS. theaters, free from i W)sP£**r^ fashionable 111 \u25a0 a Booklets W Uptown Office >\u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0 shopping centers and IfIAVAB> 3 A ° ' STREET & BTREET, cA,>/ V rk Tribune> 6 * -^^^VERE' OXFORD place, of interest. Vl\u25a0\u25a0 111 IA *3 .^7VA LONDON, W. '.:" IVIVI1%l BroafiH-.-i.v..\r-Hrrorfc. CD, IRISH UCES.— IRISH LACES. SHOOLBRED & Flaw and iargest stock In Ireland or London. uirect rrom our own workers, thereoy The saving our patrons intermedia** J&S. LONDON prcata. inspection solicited. GREAT WESTERN ENGLAND FASHIONABLE STORE DEPOT FOR IRISH RAILWAY of Very latest fashions in every detail FEASANT is the Rots)INDUSTRIES and Scenic of Ladies* &Gentlemen's fulloutfits. fc onder Patron**? Historic Line LTHE and provides American with the moat Visitors always IRISH WAREHOUSE Travellers welcomed and >l47,Regent St.,London luxurious and rapid means of transit from their visit made interesting. TeJesrams: Shamrock. London. EVERYTHING for the Person, Jlouse,& Tabk H«tab!!sh«S ISO years. Telephone: 2478 Gerrarrl. PLYMOUTH FISH GUARD LIVERPOOL SEASON DESIGNS. To m NOVELTIES—- EXCLUSIVE TO TO TO SHCDLBRED & Co., Irish.Liac" «? :rt Waißts, Irish Hand Emu.-iui- m. UZZil «r*r* Dresses. Blouaes, Jaokm. *c. LONJON T,n/>oc Bedspreads Shams, Em- LONDON LONDON Tcttenham Court Read. London, W. J-iA-uii«ice5THch and Hand hroldered and Trimmed Lace. «te. , , , the new, short by the historical route insnTr-;-v TJjaceS„_„Table Linen. Finest QualltTHand- .in 4. hours by the kerchiefs. Lanre Variety Balbrtß- LONDON SHOPS. FOREIGN RESORTS. FOREIGN RESORTS^ direct route ror Irishiris*,jjace? aa Hoßlerr- IrlsnPoplins, colours Lace? and b!ac v. Royal Mail Route Ocean Passengers. Shakespeare's country irlsa Bo* Oak and Connemtra Marble Nov-ltl»« Maple's THE IRISH WAREHOUSE, ll &13 TAILORS, FRENCH SEA-SIDE RESORT: The Great Western Railway is the favourite Tourist route to Z£3£\&. 23WBFK2 FOR LADIES & QES- Chester, Stratford-on-Avon, Warwick, Oxford, Windsor and *** TLEMES. The most ££&££%1L "*\u25ba'\u25a0"'' FASHiONAELETROUVILLS-SUR-MER" '* London, and the shortest and most direct route to Devonshire PERSIAN CARPETS exclusive models to be in June and July, and the dainty found here Tout Paris resorts and the Cornish Riviera, -with their unrivalled scenery: Collected by their own Agents C* L in London. We ParLiienne in her natty, seductive, bathing costume disports in GROCERIES I number among our Splendid view Comprises some of the Fine* VTRJLCT IMPORTERS ISHCi the surf on the perfect beach free from gravel. AMERICAN AND clients many of those of Deauville and of Havre. Interesting literature and full information regarding th? Reproductions of Rare and Beautiful recognized as Roadstead Q who are . Great Western Railway may be had on application to Speciraec* ever exiiibited. toe leaders of fashion », KTOIR, and the RT. JACKSON & CO. * ODDS** * in HOTEL ROCHES 171-172, Piccadilly, America <£ England. T. KATELEY, GENERAL AGENT, London. 215-219, Regent St,W. HOTEL BELLEVUE LOlldOn. f located in the choicest positions and having every modern Broadway, MAPLE &CO Purveyors _ ND, 355 New York. ÜBITM) to His Excellency (ADJOINING \u0084,_, .,_ of peculiar *32, £ St,c. c/. luxury and comfort, with Restaurants excellences. TELEPHONE NO. 2681 FRANKLIN". COURT ROAD The American Ambassador TiffANVS) Ftnchurcn E.C Celebrated Orchestra. TOTTENHAM LONDON PADDINGTON STATION. LONDON. W. JAMES C. INGLIS.GENERAI.MANAGER. Detailed Price t,ist on Application PARIS SHOPS. _ _— • HO CARRIAGE TO BATH-3ATB- WmiW\u25a0 m '\'REQUIRING &g<*>&—, house', BEINGbeing DIRECTLTdirectlt OPPOSITE.opposite. Belgium %&£^ffii*%t4P% &cM*ScC-a^&*>n«•¥mmm«H* £btf% /?1E&%&&% HOUSE THROUGHOUT, Tho Finest Seaside g|J "TT" fe\?j 5 Hour* CO,, |WjK^||^|f^s|is"i'lfl£Z££*rj(W™" &2**"' MM,t STEAKSTEAMHEATTHHOUGHOUT.VACinJMHEAT VACUUM R^ W*% Pjrit SPAULDING & w &tiB » Resort on the North Sea. M j~* £11 from London or DUMO\DS—JEWELRY. %fJ V^ E DUGAN IN THE TOILS AUTO NEWS OF THE DAY V> ATCHES— SILVERWARE— ETC. HEP far THE KAISERHOF hoteHjS on tele: shej^ froxt 36 Avenue de I'Opera, Paris, c—Leading and Largest Ist Class Hotel Residence of American Aristocracy. Hotel de la Plage Tllc Continental ... 400 Beds Jdckson Boulevard, Chicago ** ** Room and F«U Board From S3. nSi^\<i^m- H. Kaherland, Proprietor. Splendid .... 400 Mr. Beimont's Jockey Suspended Historic Tour Planned Will Sole representative in Paris of the Gorham And Restaurant De Luxe ** ** tonpany of NEW YORK. Entirely Rebuilt— &Refurnishsd KtlfSaal&BcatJ-Site 150 for Rough Riding. Occupy Two Weeks. (eooo Ft 300 Beds Rooms From SI. 20 [ With Pension. $3 to $5 per day «> 1 : ALOJA ALLHAVEPRIVATE BATHS &BALCONIES OVERLOOKING SEA. ACG DE CT.EHCK. Propi With the Glidden tour almost at an end L. CIRAUD. M word comes that The Ideal Spot in Switzerland for a «-«, "\u25a0 VV A. | a run will be held through TROUSSEAUX. LAYETTES. ROBES. loiyj stay. Cnlque Furnished Tri- SIJ? <T» 8 *Ti<f*4> HATOB Pared, LAHORE WINS SURF STAKES the East in August -which willkeep motor- vate Chalets for hire. £ UIUVV £S\|lvl HoteSsdu Majestic Pa Jaca ists busy for two weeks and carry those Every Modern American Hotei Comfort d: Luxury. Cannes: Paris: This Famous Hotel has been entirely renovated, and embraces every modern requisite: v.-ho enter through a picturesque country. 35, Rue d'Antibes. ) 4, Rue Castiglicoe. 4 Private Bath*. Elwtric Light. Splendid Pnblic Rooms. Latest SanltatJou. etc.; rnrlvalled list Finest Location Overlooking Park. J. Mgr. The tour is announced in the following let- of Out-of-Door Sports may be enjoyed:—Golf. Tennis, Boating, Trout Fl«htnjr, ClimblnK. etc ALETTI. Keene's Colors to iniluding EngUwh VICHY— Carries Mr. Indoor Games of nilsorts are provided. and French Billiards. Victory First Start ter to The Tribune : inHis "Inyour i.«=ue of June 12 John T. Rain*er Gettysburg; from Maryland to Baltimore l&4C*i TWO LEADING HOTELS. i of His Career. i<= quoted as asking: "Why are the quarter and Washington. Throat Troubles, AlllsLgTElifliI HOTELfillB£L HlllSL^ Ctilifc _ D motor car owners in the Eastern j%/|^ BERLIN. ,, 0, Ptatps absolutely Word has been received from tho *•\u25a0* ki^ Bronchitis, Btc—Garage— HAMBURG. E. Deran. the Jockey, who is under con- ignored by the big auto- Just ET^ S VITES with PRIVA TXBath Mannheim, tract to August BckaHßt. was out of trouble mobile associations in the organization of Benz factory at Germany, that two W. Gould Brokaw. of ->ew York, has pur- and in it again all in the space of popular tours." Further on Mr. Rainier -s ff^oteS VictoriaVictorIst \a. Der racing Mnii«. Hotel Kaiserliof Atlantic She^pshead Bay yesterday. The quoted chased the Benz car which won the Hotel hours at : 'Would it not be a good idea for PI im?ai 1 ikICliT Renovated at cost of 5T.000,000. RESTAURANT PFORDTE, Fiewards dismissed the complaint filed by the Automobile Club of America, the Tour- Reis hiH climb, one of the most strf-nuous Hilt% I1Erßßknl\Eil\iUfo#e/Srls »«#"*f\&i^Hotel dungfrau \ cG#awal»™* | Ail Latent American Comforts. Facing Beautiful Alster Lamm. that boy, who had the ing Chd) of America or the American Auto- contests held on the Continent. This car j Illustrated Booklets from ''New York Trihnte." ''\u25a0 Ji^2r.y Rove the &3 THE HOHEWEG. -AdjoiningCasino. I$4nt**t BeivStiSfS] M"**"-""M"**"- Sheeps- will be delivered to Mr.Brokaw at Paris in "" ALL OK > " mount oa Sir John Johnson in the mobile Asociation to or-anize a fortnight's Every Comfort &Luxury,Golf. &O. rWUiCt DISMWCUVWSJ > carried Maskeite trip route, September, and will be entered in the Van- *"«S,"TITr nj leading hotel OF DRESDEN. h«?ad Bay Hcasttosjfjt, had over the '"ideal" or similar Xew ***-««=»*'*-«*\u25a0\u25a0 fashionable v.ice at the stretch turn, thus letting Kins England roads, Just as a demonstration that derbilt Cup race. LONDON HOTELS. HOTELS IN ENGLAND. PRIVATE BATHS. GARAGE. FINE GARDEN. James up or. the rail. Later, however, the tfafs cotmtry can furnish the means for a Mr. Brokaw has signified his intention to th<; Facing Central Station. THE CONTINENTAL same stewards suspended E. Dugan for the comfortable and enjoyable motor Journey at purchase a 20(Vhorsepower Benz of LONDON ...... D"R same type as the racer now owned by Bar- rest of the meeting: and referred his case to a fraction of the cost of a foreign tour? ney Oldfield, which by many HOTEL," allAmerican home comforts. the ste-tvarcs of the Jockey Club for further Such a run. taking in the Berkshire Hills, is considered THECARLTO^Hotel, Restaurant, Midland Grand Hotel V GRAMDUMiOU action on the ground of roush and foul the Wnite Mountains and lakes of Maine. the fastest car in the world. MANCHESTER . Midland Hotel f BISMAR-CK SQUARE. Close Main R. R. Station. Unrivalled p&Otm riding in handling Mr. Belmonfs Foot- with a possible dash across the Canadian and Grill Room, •- The amendment to the Sanitary Code Adelphi **W back. High class, world repute.
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