Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant Free State Province Provinsie Vrystaat Published by Authority Uitgegee op Gesag NO. 70 FRIDAY, 04 OCTOBER 2019 NR. 70 VRYDAG, 04 OKTOBER 2019 PROCLAMATIONS PROKLAMASIES 11 (P35/40/1/2) 11 (P35/40/1/2) Amendment of the description of the Mike - Sidbury Wysiging van die beskrywing van die Mike - Sidbury Tertiary Road T2270........................................ 2 Tersiere Pad T2270............................................. 2 PROVINCIAL NOTICES PROVINSIALE KENNISGEWINGS 89 Electoral Commission Election Timetable............................................ 2 GENERAL NOTICES ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS 110 The Partial Amendment of General Plan 1494/2005 110 Wysiging van Aigemene Plan 1494/2005 Heidedal of Heidedal Ext 24.................. ..................... ..... 3 Uitbreiding 24............... ..................... .................. 3 111 Removal of Restrictive Conditions: Erf 7017 111 Opheffing van Beperkende Voorwaardes: Erf 7017 Wilgehof Bloemfontein.............................................. 4 Wilgehofbloemfontein.................................................... 4 112 Nala Local Municipality By-Law on Municipal Land 112 Nala Plaaslike Munisipale Verordeninge op Use Planning, 2016: Bothaville: Extension of Grondgebruik Beplanning, 2016: Bothavilie: Boundaries of Approved Township....................... 4 Uitbreiding van Grense van Goedgekeurde Dorp....... 4 113 Dihlabeng Municipality Planning Bylaw, 2015: Category 2 Application: Bethlehem: Removal of Restrictive Title Conditions, The Consent for an Additional Dwelling and the Relaxation of Building Lines Pertaining to the Remainder of Erf 1102........ 4 114 Dihlabeng Municipality Planning Bylaw, 2015: Category 1 Application: Bethlehem: Change in Land Use to a "Hydro Power Plant" on portions of Farm Kruis Val lei 190 and a portion of Farm Middel Valiei 130............ .................. .................. ....... 5 115 Dihlabeng Municipality Planning Bylaw, 2015: Category 1 Application: Bethlehem: Rezoning Pertaining to Portion 70 of Erf 4049..................... 5 MISCELLANEOUS ALGEMEEN Applications for Public Road Carrier Permits: Advert 270 ........ 5 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 1 PROVINSIAlE KOERANT, 04 OCTOBER 20191 04 OKTOBER 2019 2 [PROCLAMATION NO.11 OF 2019] [PROKLAMASIE NR.11 VAN 2019] (P35/40/1/2) (P35/40/1/2) Whereas the route of the Mike - Sidbury Tertiary Road T2270 situated Nademaal die roete van die Mike - Sidbury Tersiere Pad T2270 in the Magisterial District of Lindley has been incorrectly described in the gelee in die Landdrosdistrik Lindley in die bylae van Proklamasie schedule of Proclamation 102 of 1961 (Administrator's) and 102 van 1961 (Administrateurs) foutief beskryf is; en Whereas it is deemed necessary to rectify the description; Nademaal dit nodig geag word om die beskrywing reg te stel; Now, therefore, under the powers vested in me by the roads Ordinance, So is dit dat ek kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by die 1968 (Ordinance 4 of 1968), as amended, I hereby declare that the Ordonnansie op paaie, 1968 (Ordonnansie 4 van 1968), soos description of the Mike - Sidbury Tertiary Road T2270 in the said gewysig, hierby verklaar dat die beskrywing van die Mike - Sid bury proclamation shall be amended by - Tersiere Pad T2270 in gemelde proklamasie gewysig word deur- The insertion of the expression "Sidbury 135" under the heading "Over Die uitdrukking "Sid bury 135" onder die hoof "oor die plase" na die the farms" after the expression "Patmos 245"; and uitdrukking "Patmos 245" in te voeg; en The substitution for the expression "Patmos 245" under the heading Die uitdrukking "Patmos 245" onder die hoof "Eindpunt" met die "ending point" of the expression" Sidbury 135". uitdrukking "Sid bury 135" te vervang. Given under my hand at Bloemfontein on 10 September 2019. Gegee onder my hand te Bloemfontein op 10 September 2019. Mr. S. Mashinini Mnr. S. Mashinini Member Of The Executive Council: Lid Van Die Uitvoerende Raad: Police, Roads And Transport Polisie, Paaie En Vervoer [PROVINCIAL NOTICE NO. 89 OF 2019] ELECTORAL COMMISSION ELECTION TIMETABLE The Electoral Commission hereby gives notice that it has in terms of section 11 of the Local Government: Municipal Electoral Act, 2000, compiled the election timetable set out below to apply to the municipal by-elections to be held on 23 October 2019, in respect of Ward 8 of the Kopanong [FS162] Local Municipality; as proclaimed by Provincial Notice number 86 of 2019, as published in the Provincial Gazelle No. 66 of the Free State Province, dated 20 September 2019. A reference to "section" in this election timetable is a reference to that section in the Local Government: Municipal Electoral Act, 2000 (Act No. 27 of 2000). Cut-off time for act to be performed An act required in terms of this Act to be performed by not later than a date in the election timetable must be performed before 17:00 on that date, unless otherwise specified. Certification of the voters' roll 2 By 26 September 2019 chief electoral officer must certify the segments of the voters' roll for the voting districts to be used in the by­ elections in terms of section 6(2)(a). Notice that lists of addresses of voting stations are available for inspection 3 By 26 September 2019 the chief electoral officer must give notice that copies of a list of voting stations and their addresses will be available for inspection at the office of the Commission's local representative in terms of section 19(5). Notice of route of mobile voting stations 4 If the Commission decides to use mobile voting stations in the by-elections, the Commission must by 4 October 2019 give notice of the route, including the locations and estimated times of stopping of each mobile voting station in terms of section 22(1). PROVINCIAL GAZETTE 1 PROVINSIAlE KOERANT, 04 OCTOBER 20191 04 OKTOBER 2019 3 Cut-off date for nomination of ward candidates to contest an election 5 By no later than 30 September 2019 at 17hOO, the nomination of a person to contest the by-election in a municipality as a ward candidate must be submitted to the Commission's local representative on a prescribed form and in the prescribed manner in terms of section 17(1). Cut-off date for compilation and certification of ward candidate lists 6 By 7 October 2019 candidates, certify those lists for that by-election, and keep copies of the lists available at the office of the Commission's local representative in terms of section 18 (1). Cut-off date for issuing certificates 7 By 7 October 2019 the Commission must issue to each ward candidate contesting the by-election, a prescribed certificate in terms of section 18( 1)( d). Application for special vote 8 10(1) By no later than 11 October 2019 a voter may apply in terms of Regulation 28B (1) to cast special vote within the voting district where she or he is registered. [Applications for special votes will only be received from 7 October 2019] (2) On 22 October 2019 voters who had successfully applied to cast their special votes at the voting station, may visit the voting station between 08hOO and 17hOO to cast their special votes. (3) On 22 October 2019 voting officers must visit voters who had successfully applied to cast their special votes at their places of residence, to afford them the opportunity to cast their votes there. [GENERAL NOTICE NO.110 OF 2019] [ALGEMENE KENNISGEWING NR.110 VAN 2019] NOTICE KENNISGEWING It is hereby notified for general information in terms of the provisions of Hiermee word die algemene publiek in kennis gestel ingevolge die section 47 of Land Use Management By-law that application has been bepalings van artikel 47 van die Grondgebruiksbestuurs bywette dat 'n made for the Partial Amendment of General Plan 1494/2005 of aansoek ontvang is vir die gedeeltelike wysiging van Aigemene Plan Heidedal Ext 24 in terms of Section 25 of the Mangaung, Municipal 1494/2005 Heidedal Uitbreiding 24 in terme van artikel 25 van die Land Use Planning By-Law and subsequent rezoning of 4 newly Mangaung Grondgebruiksbestuurs bywette en gelyktydige hersonering consolidated properties in terms of Section 16 of the Mangaung, van die 4 nuwe gekonsolideerde erwe in terme van Artikel 16 van die Municipal Land Use Planning By-Law. Mangaung Grondgebruiksbestuurs bywette. The application, relevant plans, documents and information will be Die aansoek tesame met die betrokke planne, dokumente en inligting Ie available for inspection during office hours ( 08:30 - 15:00) at the office gedurende kantoorure (08hOO-15hOO) ter insae in die kantoor van die of the Administrator of the Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality, Room Administrateur Mangaung Metro Munisipaliteit, Kamer 1002 10de vloer, 1002, 10th Floor, Bram Fischer Building, Corner Nelson Mandela Drive Bram Fischer gebou, H/v Nelson Mandela en Margraafstraat, and Markgraaf Street, Bloemfontein for a period of 30 days from the Bloemfontein vir 'n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf datum van publikasie date of publication hereof. Any person who has an interest in the matter hiervan. Enige person wat 'n belang by die saak het, en wat teen die or wishes to object to the granting of the application or who desires to toestaan van die aansoek beswaar wil maak of wat verlang om in die be heard, or wants to make representations concerning the matter, saak gehoor te word of vertoe in verband daarmee wil indien, moet must communicate in writing with the Administrator of the Mangaung binne 30 dae na die datum van plasing hiervan sy beswaarl vertoe Metropolitan Municipality at the above-mentioned address, or P.O. Box skriftelik indien by die Administrateur, Mangaung Metro Munisipaliteit 3704, Bloemfontein, within a period of 30 days from the date of by bovermelde adres of Posbus 3704 Bloemfontein 9300. publication hereof. Any person who cannot write will be assisted by a Municipal official by transcribing their comments. Name of Authorized Agent and Applicant: Jan Sauer on behalf of the Naam van gemagtigde Agent en Aansoeker: Jan Sauer vir die eienaar owner "IMBAZO Trading 16 (Pty) Ltd", E-mail ""IMBAZO Trading 16 (Pty) Ltd", E-pos - [email protected], [email protected], Tel: 072 122 2801, P.O.
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