Catalogue de la bibliothèque du CENA (EHESS) (en date du 27 novembre 2018) Lieu AUTEUR TITRE Editions ANNEE d'éditions United States Foreign Relations of the United States 1951; Volume 7, Korea and Washington, D. Aandahl, Fredrick Government Printing 1983 China, Part 2 C. Office United States Foreign Relations of the United States 1951; Volume 7, Korea and Washington, D. Aandahl, Fredrick Government Printing 1983 China, Part 1 C. Office Harcourt, Brace and Aaron, Daniel Writers on the Left, Episodes in American Literary Communism New York 1969 World, Inc. Abélès, Marc Les nouveaux riches : un ethnologue dans la Silicon Valley Paris Odile Jacob 2002 Princeton University Abend, Gabriel The Moral Background: An Inquiry into the History of Business Ethics Priceton 2014 Press University of Alabama Adair, James The History of the American Indians Tuscaloosa 2005 Press Wounds of Returning: Race, Memory, and Property on the Postslavery University of North Adams, Jessica Chapel Hill 2007 Plantation Carolina Press Adams, Willi Paul Die USA im 20. Jahrhundert Munchen R. Oldenbourg Verlag 2000 Adams, Willi Paul Die USA vor 1900 Munchen Oldenbourg 2000 Adler, Alexandre L'odyssée américaine Paris Grasset 2004 Administration, National The 1910 Federal Population Census : A Catalog of Microfilm Copies Washington, D. National Archives Trust 1982 Archives and Records of the Schedules C. Fund Board Administration, National Washington, D. National Archives and Microfilm Resources for Research : A Comprehensive Catalog 1986 Archives and Records C. Records Administration Administration, National 1900 Federal Population Census : A Catalog of Microfilm Copies of Washington, D. National Archives Trust 1978 Archives and Records the Schedules C. Fund Board Presses Universitaires de Aftalion, Florin; Poncet, Patrice Le monétarisme Paris 1987 France Lieu AUTEUR TITRE Editions ANNEE d'éditions The Streets of San Francisco: Policing and the Creation of a University Of Chicago Agee, Christopher Lowen Cosmopolitan Liberal Politics, 1950-1972 (Historical Studies of Urban US 2014 Press America) Agnew, Jean-Christophe ; A Companion to Post-1945 America Malden Wiley-Blackwell 2002 Rosenzweig, Roy Alba, Richard D. Ethnic Identity: The Transformation of White America New Haven Yale University Press 1992 Remaking the American Mainstream : Assimilation and Contemporary Alba, Richard; Nee, Victor Cambridge Harvard University Press 2005 Immigration Albanese, Catherine L. America: Religions and Religion Belmont Wadsworth Publishing 2007 Albanese, Catherine L. America: Religions and Religion Belmont Wadsworth Publishing 1992 Editions du Centre national d'art et de Albert, Pierre La France, les Etats-Unis et leur presse, 1632-1976 Paris 1977 culture Georges Pompidou Uneasy Alchemy: Citizens and Experts in Louisiana's Chemical Allen, Barbara L. Cambridge The MIT Press 2003 Corridor Disputes Houghton Mifflin Allitt, Patrick Major Problems in American Religious History. Documents and Essays Boston 2000 Company Allitt, Patrick Major Problems in American Religious History (Second Edition) Boston Wadsworth Publishing 2012 The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb: And the Architecture of an Alperovitz, Gar New York Knopf 1995 American Myth Presses Universitaires de Ameur, Farid La Guerre de Sécession Paris 2004 France Ameur, Farid Le Ku-Klux-Klan Paris Larousse 2009 A History of the Book in America, Volume 1: The Colonial Book in the Cambridge University Amory, Hugh; Hall, David D. New York 2000 Atlantic World Press Amselle, Jean-Loup Branchements : anthropologie de l'universalité des cultures Paris Flammarion 2001 Cahiers d'études africaines, N∞ 173-174, 2004 : Répartitions, Amselle, Jean-Loup Paris Editions de l'EHESS 2004 restitutions, réconciliations : Entre Afrique, Europe et Amériques Anctil, Pierre; Dupont, Louis; Un homme grand: Jack Kerouac à la confluence des cultures - Jack Ottawa Carleton University Press 1990 Ferland, Rémi; Waddell, Eric Kerouac at the Crossroads of Many Cultures Lieu AUTEUR TITRE Editions ANNEE d'éditions Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Anderson, Benedict New York Verso 2006 Nationalism Joyous Greetings: The First International Women's Movement, 1830- Anderson, Bonnie S. New York Oxford University Press 2000 1860 Washington, D. Congressional Quaterly Anderson, Margo J. Encyclopedia of the U. S. Census 2000 C. Press Native Apostles: Black and Indian Missionaries in the British Atlantic Andrews, Edward E. Cambridge Harvard University Press 2013 World Andrews, Thomas G. Killing for Coal: America's Deadliest Labor War Cambridge Harvard University Press 2008 Anonyme Destins croisés : cinq siècles de rencontres avec les Amérindiens Paris Albin Michel 1992 Anonyme Individu et justice sociale autour de John Rawls Paris Seuil 1988 Anonyme The Official Washington Post Index; January - December 1981 Woodbridge Research Publications 1981 Anonyme The Official Washington Post Index; January - December 1979 Woodbridge Research Publications 1979 Anonyme The Official Washington Post Index; January - December 1980 Woodbridge Research Publications 1980 University Microfilms Anonyme The Washington Post Index; 1990 Ann Arbor 1990 International (UMI) University Microfilms Anonyme The Washington Post Index; Volume II, 1989 (M - Z) Ann Arbor 1989 International (UMI) University Microfilms Anonyme The Washington Post Index; Volume I, 1989 (A - L) Ann Arbor 1989 International (UMI) University Microfilms Anonyme The Washington Post Index; July - September 2001 Ann Arbor 2001 International (UMI) University Microfilms Anonyme The Washington Post Index; October - December 2001 Ann Arbor 2001 International (UMI) University Microfilms Anonyme The Washington Post Index; July 2001 Ann Arbor 2001 International (UMI) University Microfilms Anonyme The Washington Post Index; August 2001 Ann Arbor 2001 International (UMI) University Microfilms Anonyme The Washington Post Index; January - March 2001 Ann Arbor 2001 International (UMI) Lieu AUTEUR TITRE Editions ANNEE d'éditions University Microfilms Anonyme The Washington Post Index; April - June 2001 Ann Arbor 2001 International (UMI) Catalogue collectif des périodiques intéressant les études américaines Presses Universitaires de Anonyme Nancy 1982 disponibles en France Nancy Services Américains Anonyme Les Etats-Unis à travers les livres Paris 1952 d'Information Anonyme Martha Rosler Library Paris INHA 2007 The Holy Bible; A Translation from the Latin Vulgate in the Light of Anonyme New York Sheed and Ward 1956 the Hebrew and Greek Originals United States Anonyme An Outline of American History S.l. 1952 Information Service South Dakota State Anonyme The Dakota Indian Economy Brookings College Antler, Joyce The Journey Home: How Jewish Women Shaped Modern America New York Schocken Books 1998 Appelbaum, Robert; Sweet, John Envisioning an English Empire: Jamestown and the Making of the University of Philadelphie 2005 W. North Atlantic World Pennsylvania Press Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Appiah, Kwame Anthony Philadelphie Running Press 2003 Experience Encyclopedia of Women in American History. Volume 1 : Appleby, Joyce Armonk Sharpe Reference 2001 Colonization, Revolution, and the New Nation, 1585 - 1820 Archer, J. Clark; Lavin, Stephen Washington, J.; Martis, Kenneth C.; Shelley, Atlas of American Politics, 1960-2000 CQ Press 2002 D.C. Fred M. Studien und Quelle; Etudes et Sources; Studi e Fonti : Emigration et Archives Fédérales Arlettaz, Gérald Bern 1979 colonisation suisses en Amérique, 1815-1918 Suisses Studien und Quelle; Etudes et Sources; Studi e Fonti :Les Suisses de Archives Fédérales Arlettaz, Gérald Bern 2002 l'étranger au 20ème siècle Suisses Armand, Claudine; Kaenel, Presses Universitaires de Ancrages/ Passages Nancy 2006 André; Omhovere, Claire Nancy Armitage, David; Braddick, The British Atlantic World 1500-1800 New York Palgrave Macmillan 2002 Michael J. Lieu AUTEUR TITRE Editions ANNEE d'éditions Armitage, David; The Age of Revolutions in Global Context, c. 1760-1840 New York Palgrave Macmillan 2010 Subrahmanyam, Sanjay False Promises: The Shaping of American Working Class Aronowitz, Stanley New York McGraw-Hill 1974 Consciousness Making Race in the Courtroom: The Legal Construction of Three Aslakson, Kenneth R. New York NYU Press 2014 Races in Early New Orleans A New Economic View of American History: From Colonial Times to W. W. Norton & Atack, Jeremy; Passell, Peter New York 1994 1940 Company Presses Universitaires de Atherton, John; Sibley, Richard Le sport en Grande-Bretagne et aux Etats-Unis Nancy 1988 Nancy Augeron, MickaÎl; Guillemet, Champlain ou les portes du Nouveau Monde : cinq siècles d'échanges La Crèche Geste éditions 2004 Dominique entre le Centre-Ouest français et l'Amérique du Nord, 16e-20e siècles Augeron, MickaÎl; Tranchant, Presses Universitaires de La violence et la mer dans l'espace atlantique, 12e-19e siècles Rennes 2004 Mathias Rennes University of Minnesota Avila, Eric The Folklore of the Freeway: Race and Revolt in the Modernist City Minneapolis 2014 Press The European and the Indian: Essays in the Ethnohistory of Colonial Axtell, James Oxford Oxford University Press 1981 North America Ayers, Edward L. The Promise of the New South: Life after Reconstruction New York Oxford University Press 1993 Vengeance and justice : crime and punishment in the 19th century Ayers, Edward L. New York Oxford University Press 1984 American South Ayers,Edward L.; Nelson The Johns Hopkins Limerick,Patricia; All Over the Map: Rethinking American Regions
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