2010 Summer Issue MUSICA Publication HALL Of The Society Marks For The Preservation Of Music Hall 1241 Elm Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 1 MUSIC HALL Marks MUSIC HALL Marks 2 very pleased to read the comments input. My thanks go out to all of the selected design firm as they SPMH members, whose personal AsSPMH the new President - President0s of same stately Message Hall. stressed the very historic goals that efforts and financial contributions SPMH, I send you my personal Ever since the time of the SPMH has always embraced. allow us to continue to follow our thanks for your confidence in my original construction, Music Hall There are many challenges ahead mission in supporting Music Hall. selection. I am very pleased to be has undergone a long series of but we believe that substantial ben- I encourage you to mark associated with SPMH and I necessary changes and, SPMH efits will reward substantial efforts. September 20th on your calendars pledge to endeavor along with will continue to play a mean- I wish to pay tribute to as we are planning quite a program the dedicated Board of Di- ingful role in the current Norma Petersen for her ever-pre- for our Annual Meeting! An impor- rectors and members, to Revitalization planning sent leadership and acknowledge tant update on the Revitalization fulfill the Mission of the and implementation. her role in preserving, growing and Plan will be presented and, as cus- Society. Several of our Board enhancing SPMH. She will con- tomary, we shall have delightful en- I’ve already Directors were mem- tinue to play an active part in tertainment, savory cuisine and the found that, as usual, ex- bers of the original SPMH and the organization will great company of friends! citing and rewarding ‘Working Group’, which benefit from her knowledgeable - Don Siekmann events are taking place included representa- in and around this historic tives of the Cincinnati icon we know as Music Don Siekmann Arts Association, the 2010 SPMH Board Hall. The continued develop- Cincinnati Symphony, the ment in Over-the-Rhine, the Cincinnati Opera and the President Marge Hammelrath Honorary Directors completion of the School for the May Festival. Most recently, John Donald Siekmann William Henrich Sylvia Benjamin Creative and Performing Arts, the Senhauser took part in the selec- Mary Ellyn Hutton Barbara Boyd advancement of plans for Wash- tion process of the design archi- Immediate Past Peter Koenig Joel Ebersole President ington Park and, of course, the tect. John’s position as Chairman Michael Rozow Barbara Harshman Norma Petersen commencement of the Revitaliza- of the Cincinnati Historical Conser- Eugene Saenger, Jr. Claire Phillips tion of Music Hall, are all moving vation Board made him a natural to Alan Sakalas Rosemary Schlachter Vice Presidents John Senhauser Sue Sommer the area forward. Many of these ef- represent SPMH in this important Joanne Grueter forts were started precisely be- task. The Search Committee was Kathryn Shahani Robert Howes Norman Thomas cause of the presence and diligent in conveying to the appli- Marcella Hsiung Life Members importance of Music Hall, while cants the need for preserving and Sallie Wadsworth Louise Dieterle Nippert Kathy Janson Nancy Wagner others are being helped to a suc- enhancing the historic nature of Mace Justice Joyce Van Wye, cessful completion because of this Music Hall. We were subsequently Mark Weadick Co-Founder Steve Monder Ronald Wehmeier Ed Rider Table of Contents Stacey Woolley Past Presidents Martha Seaman Marlene Johnson SPMH President’sMessage . page 1 Ghost Hunting at Music Hall . page 22 2010SPMHBoard...................... page 2 Annual Meeting---Save the Date! . page 23 Recording Secretary Ex Officio Directors Joyce Van Wye Meet Don Siekmann. page 3 From the Zoo to Washington Park . page 24 Karen McKim Patty Beggs – Opera Meet New SPMH Board Member . page 6 2009 –’10 SPMH Donors . page 29 Trey Devey – CSO Music Hall Liaisons The Magnanimous Gifts of SPMH Funded Projects . page 32 Laure Quinlivan Scott Santangelo Pat and Joe Perin . page 7 Directors Joanne Honschopp Bio and Photo. page 33 – City of Cinti. - Dir. Operations AnAfternoon with Norma . page 10 Lisa Allison May Festival and Music Hall SPMH Mission Statement . page 34 Maureen Dillon Steven Sunderman Made for Each Other . page 19 Acknowledgements. page 34 Meredith Downton – May Fest. Music Hall Festival Ode Quote . page 21 3 MUSIC HALL Marks MUSIC HALL Marks 4 ing and it's exciting to be president Center. Currently, Mr. Siekmann is of SPMH”. Executive Advisor to the World SPMH is one of several arts Choir Games, which will be held in organizations chosen by Patricia Cincinnati in 2012. "These games Corbett to benefit from her estate. have never been held in the U.S. Patricia and her husband, J. Ralph, before, so this is a tremendous were instrumental in preserving achievement for Cincinnati," he and beautifying Music Hall, begin- said. ning in the 1960s with a generous The games will be dedi- grant for a major, multi-year reno- cated to the late Erich Kunzel, who vation of the structure. Mrs. Cor- worked tirelessly to acquire ‘The bett's love of Music Hall also Olympics of Choral Music’ for prompted her to help create SPMH Cincinnati. Don, a good friend of in the early 1990s. In recognizing Erich's, added "one goal of the the contribution and its impact on ‘games’ is to build on our city's mu- furthering the goals of the SPMH sical heritage, and, leave a lasting Mission Don said “The generous musical legacy well beyond MeetThe New Don President Siekmann of the gift from Mrs. Corbett will allow 2012.”Don’s passion for the arts is Society- for the Preservation of Music Hall SPMH to do even more.” shared with his wife Linda. This tal- A Cincinnati transplant, ented couple met when they sang "Music Hall is much more someone devoted to the performing Donald C. Siekmann was a partner and performed with the Metropoli- than a building, even more than an arts, he's been in the audience in with Arthur Andersen when he was tan Singers in their hometown of historic landmark," said Don Siek- Springer Auditorium for countless transferred to the company’s St. Louis, Missouri. Mrs. Siekmann, mann, the new President of the So- performances. In support of the Cincinnati office in 1971. "This is a Post-Corbett award winner, has ciety for the Preservation of Music arts, he and his wife Linda donated such a great town! When I came served on the boards of the Cincin- Hall. “It is the physical embodiment the flag and flagpole that stand here, I found people were very wel- nati Opera, Cincinnati Ballet and of people's memories. ‘Setting’ is proudly near the Elm Street en- coming and eager to include a the Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra. so important for everything we do trance to Music Hall. newcomer in all the community’s Commenting on the future and Music Hall's beauty, heritage, Don succeeds Norma Pe- activities."Shortly after Mr. Siek- of Arts organizations in Cincinnati size and excellent acoustics make tersen, who has led the organiza- mann arrived, he was encouraged and across the nation, Don said every event special, and the source tion since 2004. "SPMH has done a by friends – including former U.C. “We're in a time of change -- the of fond thoughts for so many great job since its inception and president Walter Langsam, Sr., entertainment alternatives, the Cincinnatians." certainly under Norma's leadership” Tom Klinedinst, Sr., and Charles economy, the graying of our audi- Mr. Siekmann has many he said. His appointment comes at Levinson – to get involved with the ences, the competition inherent in such wonderful memories of Music a time of great challenge for arts performing arts. He has served on the digital age -- these are just Hall! A lifelong amateur singer, he organizations in general, and Music the Boards of numerous organiza- some of the challenges facing per- has performed onstage as a mem- Hall in particular. Plans are under- tions including The Cincinnati Bal- forming arts organizations, and ber of the Cincinnati May Festival way for extensive refurbishment of let, The Cincinnati Symphony they affect SPMH and Music Hall it- Chorus. He was backstage when the 132-year old structure. “The Orchestra, Cincinnati Arts Associa- self”. There are additional chal- the Cincinnati Ballet first performed history of Music Hall is important,” tion, and Cincinnati’s public televi- lenges of a historic structure. The Firebird and upfront, center as said Mr. Siekmann. “It is a National sion station CET. Additionally, he Cincinnati Arts Association, which Master Of Ceremonies for the Treasure with which we are was the first president of the manages Music Hall, is leading the CSO’s first New Year's Eve Ball. As blessed. There’s so much happen- Greater Cincinnati Arts & Education effort not only to revitalize the hall, 5 MUSIC HALL Marks MUSIC HALL Marks 6 but also to meet the needs of resi- this revitalization and in helping to dent performing arts organizations properly preserve Music Hall for fu- and their audiences. “SPMH will ture generations." MeetOver theNew years Board SPMH has Memberan area Mark in which he Weadick has 18 years take an active role in supporting been successful in attracting tal- experience. Before joining SLCS in ented members of the Community June 2008 Mark was the head of to our Board. 2010 is no exception Citigroup’s Student Loan Invest- At a glance… and we are happy and privileged to ment Banking Group. Mr. Weadick DONALD C. SIEKMANN welcome Mark Weadick to our has completed numerous strategic membership. projects and is currently advising • Born and reared in St.
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