Downtown Eastside Community Monitoring Report City of Vancouver Spring 1998 Includes Chinatown, Gastown, Strathcona and Victory Square Introduction The Community Monitoring Report provides quick information on current development and sales activiti the community. It also includes information on tdf~c,health, social assistance, crime and safety, and cornmc services. Much of the data is presented for areas which are based on zoning and planning analysis districts. 7 do not, nor are they intended to, reflect neighbourhood boundaries which are perceived differently by the dil social communities that live and work in this part of the City. Its purpose is to provide data to enable the ( other levels of government, and the community to better understand the effects of new development in and the area. This report will be updated annually. A profile of major demographic trends will also be completed in l998/: after the 1996 Census data become available. Contents Downtown Eastside at a Glance ............................................................ City Initiatives in the Downtown Eastside ................................................... Population ........................................................................... Income Assistance ...................................................................... LowIncomeHousing ................................................................... Real Estate Sales ....................................................................... Development Activities ................................................................. Major Development Near Downtown Eastside ............................................... Problem Premises ...................................................................... VacantBuildines ....................................................................... Liquor Licenses ........................................................................ Map of Downtown Eastside Development Activities and Sales ................................... Crime ............................................................................... Fire and Rescue ....................................................................... Look Out Emergency Shelter .............................................................. Public School Enrolment ................................................................ Community Centre .................................................................... Day Care ............................................................................ Evelyne Sder Centre ................................................................... Mental Health ... ................................................................... Community Health 6, .......................................... ;....................... I Traffic ! r ................................................................... .......... #, Total-. Pooulation (19961 16.076 514.008 3.1% ---- - . ---, I 1 1 Total ~opulation(1991) 1 15;930 1 473;210 1 3.4% Total- - Paaulation (1986) I 14.170v - 1 431.147 1 3.3% \ ---I Age (1991): under 5 I 435 1 23.735 1 1.8% # of Households f 1991 I 9.445 1 199.935 1 4.7% # PersonsHousehold (1,991) , I '1.4 1, 2.3 1 NIA Median Household Income (19901 1 $10.586 1 $34.174 1 NIA % of Incidence of Low Income (1991) 1 73.4% 24.8% 1 NIA LAND AREA I I I Land Area (hectare) I 674.0 1 11,404.4 I 5.9% NEIGHBOURHOOD FACILITIES I I I # of Licensed Childcare Proarams (1997) I 14 1 486 1 2.9% 4 ., sZ. 25 12.0% *. Xd r.. ' - " , 'I 3 1' 1 Single Room Occu~anwUnits i1997) I 5.488 1 7.044* 1 77.9% FIRE AND CRIME I I I Total Police Calls (1997) I 40.558 1 293.030 1 13.8% new market housing be encouraged, the ex SROs be replaced with better quality, self-cont. Conditions in the Downtown Eastside have been a units; and concern for many pars. Recently the community has proposals for social service centre be dealt wi- come under increasing pressure with the rapid rise of a case-bpcase basis. intravenous dnrg use and the associated crime and disease. This has sgmficant impact on the community's The draft Plan will be forwarded to Counc health and economic viability. conjunction with the Housing Plan. Staff have prepared a Strategic Action Report to deal For further information, contact Jeannette Hlavat with the impacts of the ille al drug trade, to improve 871-6448. conditions at the street levef and in the SRO hotels, to he1 attract newbusiness to fillvacant storefronts and to seeZ cooperation from senior governments. The draft report will be submitted to Council in July 1998 Staff have prepared a draft Plan to protect low inc recoxnmendmg that report be taken out for widespread housing, revitalize business, and retain the area's hist public discussion and that actions which have strong character. The Plan has been reviewed with comrm communitysupport be implemented as soon as possible. and business groups. For more infomation, contact Nathan Edehon at 'The Plan also encourages: 873-7444. new market housiq, new offices, shops and places for arts entertainment; and new social housing to replace existing SROs. The Housing Plan examines key housing issues (the mix of market and low-income housing, the future of the The draft will be revised and presented to Oty Gu area's SROs, and small suites) in the Downtown in conjunction with the Housing Plan. Eastside, Chinatown, Gastown and Suathcona. In early 1998, input was sought fromthe broader community. A For further information, contact Michel Desrocher brochure, "Housing Plan Issues", was distributed to all 873-7160 or Nathan E&lson at 873-7444. of the 15,000 residents, businesses and community organizations. About twenty meetings were held with local groups and residents and numerous letters and phone calls were received. The Police Department is committed making Downtown Eastside a safer community. We conti These discussions formed the basis for the draft Plan our communityparulershipswith the local agencies a which will be tabled for information with Council this sponsorthe Ne&bourhood SafetyOffices located at summer. Following this, it will be distributed for public East Hastings Su-eet, 219 Abbott Street and 18 E review. Meetings will be arranged with the ublic, Pender Street. interested roups and residents. The Plan will TI en be revised and: brought to Gty Council for decision in the We have worked closely with the Ne' hbourho falL Integated Services Team (please refer to X ;fj to imprc the behaviour of businesses in the area. This k For further information, contact Jill Davidson (Housing included the permanent closure of some businesses a. Centre) at 873-7670 or Nathan E&lson (Planning the restriction of operating hours for others. Department) at 873-7444. Incidents of violent crime and ropertycrime have bee reduced. The Depanment is aB dmg additionalpenom to walk the beat in the area to re-enforce these gains : The Gastown Land Use Plan TaskForce has prepared a community safety. draft Land GePlan recommendmg that: the mixed use character of Gastown be recopzed, For further information, contact Inspector Gary Gre the entertaksment function in Gastown be at 717-3211, recogmed, however, the Citywould also investigate moving liquor licenses from the area; Downtown Eastside Community Monitoring Report - Spring 199 Public consultation will occur through 1998. Issues The Integrated Services Team OSTJ has been which were raised during earlier stages mclude impacts coordinatingthe Gty's enforcement resources to reduce on low income housing and Portside (CRAB) Park, and the impacts of crime and problem remises and to: job training and job creation. improve the physical condition of builin gs and lanes in he Downtown Eastside. , For further donnation, contact Rob Jenkins at 873-7082. The IST has focussed efforts on problemhotels in or* to prevent hotel closures due to poor maintenance aqd increase the standards of liveability in the ho*. currently, joint ins ctions are occurring in two hotels The City is investigating reviving the streetcar system per month in ad ftlon to the regular schedule. An for Downtown to unprove transit. Staff are mndy additional full time inspector has been added to the team workin with the pubkc on the detailed route. The route for hotel inspections. The main problem premises have will uJygothrough &town and ndGtom. been identified and staff are coordinating enforcement effortsin collecting evidence for license suspensions or For further information, contact Richard Johnson at withdrawals. Staff are also workingwithprope owners 873-7189. to secure vacant bdhgs. Ongoing workis un? erwayto improve the physical condiuons in the streets and lanes. / For further information, please contact Donald In May 1997, Gty Council a proved the Vancouver- 1 MacPherson (Social Planning Department) at 871-6040 Transportation Plan, whicf includes an oved or Inspector Gary Greer (Police Department) at transportation strategy for the Gty. 717-3211. Some poky directions which ma be of interest to residents in the eastern area of the downtown include: In April 1998, Gty Council approved a number of on- improve transit for downtown residents; street physical enhancement initiatives, including: bdd greenways, bike lanes and bikeways; rwiew the oneway sveet s tern In Gastown, Continue lane clean-ups three times a week, Chinatown and International &e; and supplemented with special clean-ups bylocal groups, do not allow for more road capacity into the including United- We- Can; downtown. Placement of 12 additional litter receptacles along
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