I Remember Ukraine | The Ukrainian Weekly Edition СВОБОДА УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК UKRAINIAN DAILY VOL. LXXXIII No. 255 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2бГЇ97б" 25 CENTS Pope Paul Voices Regrets He Atty. John Ewasew of Montreal Cannot Confirm Patriarchate Appointed Canadian Senator Receives Ukrainian Prelates In Audience Joins Sen. Paul Yuzyk as Second Ukrainian in Senate OTTAWA, Ont.--Canadian Prime Min­ Regina College (now University of Saskat­ ister Pierre Trudeau announced Monday, chewan) and McGill University in Montreal, December 20, that John Ewasew, a Ukrain­ graduating in 1950 with a degree in law. He ian lawyer from Montreal, Que., was is a member of the Quebec Bar and the summoned to the capital and sworn in as a Canadian Bar, and became a Queen's Senator. Counsel on September 15, 1965. Mr. Ewasew joins Sen. Paul Yuzyk as the Mr. Ewasew has been practicing law in second Senator of Ukrainian lineage in Montreal and is presently a partner in the Canada. He is the fourth Ukrainian to be so firm of Howard, McDougall, Ewasew, honored: in addition to Sen. Yuzyk, the late Graham and Stocks. William M. Wall and the late John Hna- After the war, Mr. Ewasew was active tyshyn served in the Canadian Senate, with the University COTC Regiments on training courses during the summer at Camp Served in Armed Forces Borden, Ont., with the Armored Corps, and at Camp Marleau, Que., with toe Ordinance Mr. Ewasew was born March 13, 1922, in Corps in which he held the rank of captain. Grenfell, Sask., where he attended local schools. In September 1939, he joined the Active in Veterans Affairs Canadian army and served overseas in England, Italy, France, Belgium and Hol­ He was active in veterans affairs, serving land. as president of various branches of veterans In October 1945 he returned to Saskatche­ wan to complete his education. He attended (Continued on page 4) Ukrainian prelates, led by Patriarch Josyf, were received in audience by Pope Paul VI Photo above shows, left to right, Bishop Ivan Prashko, Bishop Isidore Borecky, Bishop Basil H. Losten, Patriarch Josyf, Pope Paul, Archbishop-Metropolitan Maxim Hermaniuk, Bishop Neil Savaryn and Bishop Jaroslav Gabro. Raisa Moroz Thanks Ukrainians JERSEY CITY, NJ.—"Pope Paul VI has Isidore Borecky from Toronto, Bishop Ivan In West for Aiding Husband reaffirmed his stand against creating the Prashko from Australia, and Bishop Jaro­ Ukrainian Catholic patriarchate that Josyf slav Gabro from Chicago. They met with NEW YORK, N.Y.—Immediately after Cardinal Slipyj and some of his Bishops Patriarch Josyf in two days of sessions prior learning that her husband, Valentyn Moroz, have been seeking," said the Associated to the audience with the Pope. was declared sane by the Serbsky Institute of Press in a story published December 14th, The AP account went on to say the Forensic Psychiatry, Raisa Moroz sent a 1976, by the Herald-News of Passaic, N.J. following: letter to Ukrainians in the West thanking Pope Paul had received Patriarch Slipyj "According to Vatican observers, the them for their defense action which she and six Ukrainian Catholic bishops in an Holy See feels making Cardinal Slipyj a believes contributed to his release from the audience, according to the AP report. patriarch could lead to a loosening of the asylum. The bishops were joined by the clergy and Vatican position over Ukrainian Catholics. "I am overwhelmed by your attention and some faithful from various parts of the West, A patriarch is a bishop who holds the highest efforts to help alleviate the fate of my including the U.S. and Canada, in honoring rank after the Pope, in the church hierarchy. husband, Moroz Valentyn," she wrote in her Patriarch Josyf on the occasion of the 60th "The Pope reiterated the Vatican's oppo­ letter to "Ukrainians in the United States, anniversary of his pastoral work. They sition to a patriarchal title for the 84-year- Canada and in all European countries." whiled in Rome and took part in special old cardinal during an audience with Slipyj Copies of the message, which were receiv­ services on this occasion at the St. Sophia and six Ukrainian bishops. ed here by the press service of the Supreme Cathedral Wednesday, December 8. "He told them, 'Let us evoke the extended Ukrainian Liberation Council (abroad), are There were seven Ukrainian bishops uneasiness of certain Ukrainian communi­ being circulated in dissident circles in attending the ceremonies, according to a ties and their pastors. We want to refer to the Ukraine. report filed with Svoboda by Prof. Vasyl expectancy for a patriarchal title that in the The letter, dated June 21, 1976, was Markus; they were: Archbishop-Metropoli­ present condition the See of Rome does not written during Moroz's confinement in tan Maxim Hermaniuk from Winnipeg, see the possiblity of granting.' Moscow's Butyrska Prison. He has subse­ Bishop Basil H. Losten from Philadelphia, "The Ukrainian patriarchate issue came quently been transferred to the Mordovian Bishop Neil Savaryn from Edmonton, his into the open in 1971 during a Ukrainian prison colonies in accordance with the Auxiliary Bishop Martin Greschuk, Bishop synod held in Rome in defiance of the second part of his three-part sentence. Vatican. In that synod Cardinal Slipyj and "I want to share my happiness and thanks Raisa Moroz 19 bishops vowed to keep up their struggle with everyone who did not remain apathetic UCCA National for a Ukrainian patriarchate. to my husband's plight," she wrote. Helsinki Accords, and "all people and "Even before that synod Cardinal Slipyj Mrs. Moroz also authored another letter organizations which troubled themselves Fund Drive was reported to have been seeking for years to non-Ukrainians around the world who with the plight of Moroz." the title and power of patriarch to rule the also joined in the defense action at the time "1 do not doubt that the active interest of (The figures are based on collections when the 40-year-old Ukrainian dissident- Westerners in the matters of' our country six million Ukrainian Catholics in the Soviet v UCCA Branches and contributions Ukraine and the 1.8 million in the West. historian was threatened with imprisonment saved my husband from a horrible fate, she organizations and individual donors "The stand against granting such a in a psychiatric asylum. wrote. as of December 22, 1976). patriarchate, the Pope told the Ukrainian The. letter was addressed to Amnesty She said that while he was not confined in prelates, is interpreted in certain circles as a International Committee Against Psychia­ the Serbsky institute, she will demand that 1976 Goal-SI50,000 lack of understanding by the Holy See." tric Abuse for Political Reason, The Euro­ he is immediately moved to a labor camp as Thus far raised-S96,300 Bishop Losten, contacted by Svoboda pean Federation of Psychoanalysts, PEN is prescribed by the sentence. She also asked Still needed-S53.700 Club, the United States Congress, the for further assistance from the West for her (Continued on page 16) Committee to Monitor Compliance with the husband. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1976 No. 255 Bukovsky Scores Soviet System After Malva Landa Pleads For Gaining Freedom In Exchange Shabatura, Svitlychny ZURICH, Switzerland.-Vladimir K. NEW YORK, N.Y.—Malva Landa, well- and past. Many of them were dedicated to Bukovsky, leading Soviet human rights known Russian human rights advocate, persons who had never sat in a prison cell, activist, who was freed as a result of a authored letters in defense of Stephania many were dedicated to children - these historic prisoner exchange between the Shabatura and Ivan Svitlychny in October too, were destroyed". Soviet and Chilean governments on Satur­ and November of this year, according to the Landa appealed on Svitlychny's behalf to day, December 18, said in a press conference press service of the Ukrainian Supreme Amnesty International, to writers and to the December 19th that conditions in Soviet Liberation Council (abroad). The letters, International Red Cross. Svitlychny is prisons had become much worse for political circulated by the "samvydav" in the Soviet suffering from cerebral hypertonia with prisoners after the signing of the Helsinki Union, recently made their way abroad. angiospasms, she said. He is forced to work Accords. Accounts of the press conference, The letter in defense of Shabatura, who is on the press at the Perm camp where he is Bukovsky's first in the West, were circulated presently incarcerated in a Mordovian camp incarcerated (Perm Oblast, Chusov raion, by the Associated Press. (Mordovian ASSR, st. Potma, pos. Bara- pos. Vsesviatskoie, uchr. V S - 389/35.). In exchange for the release of Bukovsky, shevo, uchr. Zh Kh - 385/3-4), was address­ The work is hazardous to his health — Chilean Communist leader, Luis Corvalan ed to "Artists, People of good will, Amnesty there is constant noise, uninterrupted Lepe was freed. The exchange, which took International and the United Nations concentration is necessary. Human Rights Commission." place at Zurich's Kloten Airport, was "I. Svitlychny can not, that is he is mediated by the United States. It cited the mistreatment of Shabatura by the KGB and their destruction of her art — physically unfit, to do the work that is Bukovsky denounced the Soviet system required of him. For not completing his and attacked the Helsinki Accords as a over 150 drawings and 70 ex librises. Vladimir Bukovsky The letter states: "Because Stephania work, or refusing to work, he is threatened Soviet manuever to disarm the West and with inhuman punishment — tortures and curb the fight for human rights in the USSR. Bukovsky has spent ten of the last 15 years Shabatura refuses to do humiliating forced in Soviet prisons or psychiatric clinics under work, she is systmatically and severely ultimately transfer to the Vladimir prison," At the news conference, arranged by wrote Landa.
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