fit ENG A SPECIAL BIBLIOGRAJ'HY / V '^x £'* "" •' V: WITH INDEXES $'. - • ''? Supplement 23 "13 Ks oo oc NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION PREVIOUS BIBLIOGRAPHIES IN THIS SERIES ftttCUftWIt! NASA SP-703? September 1970 Jan.-Aug. |9?0 NASA SP-7037 (Oh Januarv 1971 Sept.-Dec. 1970 NASA SP-7037 f 02) Februar> 1971 January 1971 NASA SP-7037(U3» March 1*971 K'briiarv 1971 NASA April |V?1 March 1971 NASA SP-7037 f 05) Ma> 1971 April |97| , NASA SP-7037 »06) June 1971 Ma> 1971 NASA SP-7037 «. i?) Jul\ !*»?! June 1971 NASA SP-7037 (08) Auuu\t 197! Julv 19" I NASA SP-7037 (09) September 1971 August 1971 ,NASA SP-7037 (10) October 1971 September 1971 'NASA SP- 7037(1 1) November 1971 October 1971 NASA SP-7037 (12) December 1971 November 197! NASA SP-7037 (13) JUmuur> 1972 December 1971 NASA SP-7037 (14} January 1972 Annual Indexes 197J NASA SP-7037 (15) February 19t2 January 1972 NASA SP-7037 (16) March 1972 February 1972 NASA SP-7037 (17) April 1972 March 1972 NASA SP-7037 (18) May 1972 April 1972 NASA SP-7037 (19) June 1972 May 1972 NASA SP-7037 (20) July 1972 June 1972 . NASA SP-7037 (2 1) August 1972 July 1972 NASA SP-7037 (22) September 1972 Aueust 1972 Thi> bibliography w-as prepared by the NAS\ Scientific jnd Tt-'chnical information Fac»Hl\ for the National Aeronautic* j«d Space -Vdmini^ration b\ Informatics Th>co, Inc. The Administrator of the Nat'Onaf Aeronautics and Space Admimsration Has determined that tfte pubiicatjon of this persodtcai is neeessa«y in the transaction of the public business rsqui'ea by law of this Agency. Use of funds for printing this period^ has been approved by the Directo- of the Office of Management and Budget through July 1 , 1974 NASA SP-7037 (23) AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING A Special Bibliography Supplement 23 A selection of annotated references to unclas- • sified reports and journal articles that were introduced into the NASA scientific and tech- nical information system and announced in September 1972 in • Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (STAR) • International Aerospace Abstracts (IAAI. Scientific and Technical Information Office . OCTOBER 1972 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION Washington. D.C. This Supplement is available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Springfield, Virginia 22151 for $3.00. For copies mailed to addresses outside the United States, add $2.50 per copy for handling and postage. INTRODUCTION Under the terms of an interagency agreement with the Federal Aviation Administra- tion this publication has been prepared by the National Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion for the joint use of both agencies and the scientific and technical community concerned with the field of aeronautical engineering. This supplement to Aeronautical Engineering—A Special Bibliography (NASA SP-7037) lists 378 reports, journal articles, and other documents originally announced in September 1972 in .Scientific ami Technical Aerospace Reports I STAR I or in International Aerospace AhsiracixilAA I. For previous bibliographies in this series, see inside of front cover. The coverage includes documents on the engineering and theoretical aspects of design, construction, evaluation, testing, operation, and performance of aircraft (including aircraft engines) and associated components, equipment, and systems. It also includes research and development in aerodynamics, aeronautics, and ground support equipment for aero- nautical vehicles. Each entry in the bibliography consists of astandard bibliographic citation accompanied in most cases by an abstract. The listing of the entries is arranged in two major sections, IAA Entries and STAR Entries in that order. The citations, and abstracts when available, are reproduced exactly as they appeared originally in IAA or STAR, including the original accession numbers from the respective announcement journals. This procedure, which saves time and money, accounts for the slight variation in citation appearances. Three indexes—subject, personal author, and contract number—are included. An annual cumulative index will be published. AVAILABILITY OF CITED PUBLICATIONS IAA ENTRIES (A72-10000 Series) All publications abstracted in this Section are available from the Technical Information Service, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Inc. (AIAA), as follows: Paper copies are available at $5.00 per document up to a maximum of 20 pages. The charge for each additional page is 25 cents. Microfiche (1) are available at the rate of $1.00 per microfiche for documents identified by the jjf symbol following the accession number. A number of publications, because of their special characteristics, are available only for reference in the AIAA Technical Information Service Library. Minimum airmail postage to foreign countries is $1.00. Please refer to the accession number, e.g., A72-10969, when requesting publications. STAR ENTRIES (N72-10000 Series) A source from which a publication abstracted in this Section is available to the public is ordinarily given on the last line of the citation, e.g.. Avail: NTIS. The following are the most commonly indicated sources (full addresses of these organizations are listed at the end of this introduction): Avail: NTIS. Sold by the National Technical Information Service as indicated: Currently Announced Documents. Facsimile (reproduced on demand) copies are sold for $3.00 plus 25 cents for every 5 pages over 20 pages, effective for all documents having the accession number N72-22991 (the first accession in 1972 STAR 14) or higher. The full price is shown in the citation. Printed NASA Documents. Documents such as NASA Technical Reports, Tech- nical Notes, Special Publications, Contractor Reports, Technical Memorandums (numbered below 50.000). and Technical Translations (below 8,000) are priced at $3.00 for documents of 300 pages or less; $6.00 for those in the 301 -600 page range, $9.00 for those having 601-900 pages; and individually priced above 900 pages. Documents available from both the Superintendent of Documents (SOD). Government Printing Office, and from NTIS have the SOD price. All prices are shown in the citation. Documents Announced Between July 1970 and July 1972. All documents with accession numbers between N70-27805 and N72-22990 are sold at the previously announced standard price, whether printed copy or facsimile is supplied. If "Avail: NTIS" appears in the citation, the document is sold at $3.00. Any other price is shown in the citation. Documents Announced Prior to July 1970. A surcharge of $3.00 is applied to each document that, as of STAR Issue 14, 1972, is two years old from the time of its an- nouncement, i.e., to all documents with an accession number lower than N70-27805 (the first accession number in Issue 14. 1970. of STAR), but not to more recently issued documents. Therefore, documents with older accession num- bers of 300 pages or less are priced at a total of $6.00. Since no surcharge is applied to documents with over 300 pages, documents in the 301- to 600-page range are also sold for $6.00 in hard copy, and those in the 601- to 900-page range are sold at $9.00. Those exceeding 900 pages are priced by NTIS on an individual basis, except when priced by SOD. These prices do not change with time. (1) A microfiche is a transparent sheet of film. 105 x 148 mm in size, containing as many as 60 to 98 pages of information reduced to micro images (not to exceed 24:1 reduction). Microfiche. Microfiche is available from NTIS at a standard price of 95 cents (regardless of age) for those documents identified by the § sign following the accession number (e.g.. N72-10411#) and having an NTIS availability shown in the citation. Standing orders for microfiche of (1) the full collection of NTIS-available documents announced in STAR with the # symbol, (2) NASA reports only (ident- ified by an asterisk (*)), (3) NASA-accessioned non-NASA reports only (for those who wish to maintain an integrated microfiche file of aerospace documents by the "N" accession number), or (4) any of these classes within one or more STAR categories, also may be placed with NTIS at greatly reduced prices per title (e.g., 35 cents) over individual requests. Inquiries concerning NTIS Selective Categories in Microfiche should be addressed to the Subscription Unit, National Technical Information Service. Deposit Accounts and Customers Outside U.S. NTIS encourages its customers to open deposit accounts to facilitate the purchase of its documents now that prices vary so greatly. NTIS customers outside the United States are reminded that they should add the following handling and postage charges to the standard or announced prices: hard (paper) copy, $2.50 each document; microfiche, $1.50 each document. For subscribers outside the United States who receive microfiche through the Selective Categories in Microfiche program, NTIS will add 15 cents for each title shipped. Avail: SOD (or GPO). Sold by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, in hard copy. The price is given following the availability line. (An order received by NTIS for one of these documents will be filled at the SOD price if hard copy is requested. NTIS will also fill microfiche requests, at the standard 95 cent price, for those documents identified by a ^symbol.) Avail: NASA Public Document Rooms. Documents so indicated may be examined at or purchased from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Public Documents Room (Room 126), 600 Independence Ave., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20546. or public document rooms located at each of the NASA research centers, the Mississippi Test Facility, and the NASA Pasadena Office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Avail: NASA Scientific and Technical Information Office. Documents with this availability are usually news releases or informational brochures available without charge in paper copy.
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