Volume 48, Number 6, 2009 www.ventana.sierraclub.org DEC, JAN, FEB OUTINGS Hikers enjoy Fall Creek with its intact riparian canopy, well vegetated soils, and second-growth trees along the creek banks. Ventana staff Ventana Explore, enjoy, and protect the planet hile it is the intent of Th e Ventana to print articles that refl ect the position of C HAPTER C HAIR the Ventana Chapter, ideas expressed Win Th e Ventana are those of the authors and do not necessarily refl ect the position of the Sierra Are we ready to reduce tation and peat emissions. South Korea has care crisis could delay or thwart continuing Club. Articles, graphics, and photographs are greenhouse gas emissions? committed to adopting a 2020 emissions progress or prevent urgently needed legisla- copyrighted by the authors and artists and may cap and plans to spend $85 billion over the tion. Another impediment is the shortage be reprinted only with their permission. y the time you read this the Co- next fi ve years on initiatives that will en- of money fl owing to basic energy research DEADLINES FOR SUBMISSIONS penhagen Conference on Climate courage energy effi ciency, renewable energy and large-scale demonstrations of non- All materials for publication must be received by Change will be winding up and we including solar and wind power, carbon polluting energy technology. While the the deadlines listed below. No exceptions. Bwill know if we have the world’s leadership credit trading, hybrid cars, and biofuels. Obama administration and Congress have SUBMISSIONS FORMAT in agreement on reducing greenhouse gas Th ere is evidence that the United States directed some stimulus money to these ob- emissions. Th is conference is an opportu- Please limit articles to 800 words; letters to 300. is actually decarbonizing its economy at a jectives, such spending comes only after All submissions may be edited for clarity and nity to negotiate a successor treaty to the remarkable rate. Only three years ago, pro- decades of declining investment in newer Kyoto Protocol climate pact of 1997 and length. Email to [email protected]. Mail hard jections were that U.S. emissions of CO2 energy-saving practices. copy to editor, address below. put the world on track for sustainable en- would increase from 6 billion tons to 7.5 If you are interested in working on these PHOTOS ergy solutions. Th e global economy down- billion tons by 2020. Instead of increasing, issues with a national focus, go to the Sierra Photos submitted to Th e Ventana must meet the turn has created a small window of op- they fl attened out and then fell. But a na- Club National website for more informa- following requirements: No laser copies or inkjet portunity for change by plunging current tional preoccupation with the slow econo- tion and updates: www.sierraclub.org. outputs. Electronic photos should be no smaller and near future energy demands, but this my and competing issues such as the health —Rita Dalessio than 1200 x 1100 pixels or 300 dpi. Cover photos reduction is unlikely to remain as the econ- must be 3000 x 2000 pixels. Film photos, slides, omy rebounds. or negatives are fi ne. Please call the editor if you have any questions. According to world news reports, some major powers are taking strides to re- WHERE TO SEND SUBMISSIONS duce carbon emissions. China has already F ROM THE E DITOR Send submissions to Debbie Bulger, Editor, 1603 been making investments in clean energy King Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, dfbulger@ technology, and in the last two years has health of the planet, the consequences for cruzio.com. It’s not about polar bears; emerged as the world’s leading builder of it’s about people our children and grandchildren, will be CHANGE OF ADDRESS more effi cient, less polluting coal power enormous. Do not call editor! Send address changes to: plants. While the United States is still de- ou may have seen the fi lm Earth Melting permafrost in Alaska, Norway, [email protected] or use the mail-in bating whether to build a more effi cient which poignantly portrayed the and other far north places will buckle roads coupon in each issue. kind of coal-fi red power plant that uses ex- plight of the polar bear. Because of and crack building foundations. Your beach POSTAL NOTICE Yclimate change, these powerful animals tremely hot steam, China has begun build- cottage could be fl ooded. Far worse, your Th e Ventana (015057) is published 6 times a ing such plants at a rate of one a month. may become extinct. Th e fi lm showed foot- country, state, or downtown could be sub- year, (Feb., Apr., Jun., Aug., Oct., Dec.) paid by India and the United States signed an age of a stranded polar bear on too-thin merged if you live in Bangladesh, Florida, subscription included in membership fee, by Th e agreement last month to collaborate on Arctic ice unwittingly swimming out to sea or Santa Cruz. Ventana Chapter of the Sierra Club, 1001 Center and certain drowning. Completely depen- Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. Periodical postage energy security, energy effi ciency, clean- Fresh water will become more scarce in paid Santa Cruz, CA and at additional mailing energy technology, and research to reduce dent on sea ice for survival, the polar bear’s some areas; fl ooding will increase in oth- offi ces. greenhouse-gas emissions. Both countries very existence is threatened by a ers. Agriculture could be radically Postmaster: Send address changes to Sierra Club, will work together on wind- and solar- warming earth and consequent transformed as weather pat- Th e Ventana, P.O. Box 604, Santa Cruz, CA energy development and clean-coal tech- melting of that ice. terns and rainfall amounts 95061-0604. nology, including carbon capture and stor- Rising global tempera- change. Wildfi res will Editors: age. Indonesia, the third biggest emitter of tures also threaten the ex- become more common Debbie Bulger, [email protected], istence of the pica, a cuter Virginia Draper, assistant editor greenhouses gases after China and the US, with temperature rise. Production: is exploring several options to curb defores- than cute high-altitude Infectious diseases Debbie Bulger, Vivian Larkins, Dale Nutley mammal seen in the Si- such as insect-borne Writers: erra and other areas. Th e malaria and dengue Rita Dalessio, Debbie Bulger, Kevin Collins, pica has fur so dense it fever could become David Kossack, Jodi Frediani, Steve Zmak, Vote in the overheats easily in warm Mary Gale more widespread as the Photographers: Chapter election temperatures. Since they earth warms. Extreme Tim Jensen, Cecelia de Giere, Tom Moore, live at high elevation, they weather conditions will Joan Jones Holtz, Ventana Staff Ballot on page 15 have no place to go upward become more common. Proofreaders: to cooler areas. Sea level rise could cause Jeff Alford, Virginia Draper, Charles Koester, aven’t we had enough elections Scientists report that global Jim Danaher, Wolfgang Rosenberg, Robin Drury mass migrations of people in lately? No!! Th e Sierra Club strives warming threatens numerous other low-lying areas with resultant po- Distribution: to provide members with oppor- Keith Wood, Esperanza Hernandez, species including the lovely Bay check- litical instability. Th e Intergovernmental tunitiesH to participate in both activities and Beth Lilienthal, Debbie Bulger, Julie Hitchcock erspot butterfl y, emperor penguins, and Panel on Climate Change has estimated Advertising Sales: policy decisions. Since it is diffi cult to bring ribbon seals. But there’s shocking news that that 150 million refugees will exist in 2050 Debbie Bulger all members together to vote on policies, Carpentry & Software: most of the fi lms and fund appeals don’t due to coastal fl ooding, agricultural disrup- we ask all members to vote for Executive tell you. It’s not just about polar bears and tion and other climate change causes. Th e Anonymous Committee members who will represent Chapter website: picas. Th ese animals are only the symbolic pressure caused by such refugees could fuel http://ventana.sierraclub.org the membership as issues arise. canaries in the coal mine. It’s about people. military confl icts and topple governments. Th is year we also ask you to vote on three Polar bear survival will pale in compari- Climate change will mean more than 2009 bylaw changes designed to bring our Ven- son to some of the changes in store for hu- extinction for polar bears and picas. It’s Ventana Publication Schedule tana Chapter bylaws into compliance with man beings should carbon dioxide levels time we reframe the discussion. It’s about Issue Deadline Mailing Date the National Sierra Club’s guidelines. Th ese remain over 350 parts per million. Th ose you and me. It’s about our children, our #1 Feb. 1 Feb. 17 are fairly minor changes, having to do with of you who have been following this issue grandchildren, our friends and relatives. It’s #2 Apr. 5 Apr. 21 Ex-Com meeting frequency and the nomi- know that we are already at 387 parts per about what can happen to people unless we #3 Jun. 7 Jun. 23 nating process for chapter candidates. Th ey million. We are in the danger zone. Th e sit- #4 Aug. 2 Aug. 18 get serious about taking action. are self-explanatory, as shown on the ballot uation has been compared to having a high —Debbie Bulger #5 Sept. 20 Oct. 6 on page 15, and the current chapter Ex- #6 Nov. 29 Dec. 15 cholesterol count. Th e patient doesn’t die Com has voted to endorse them.
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