Title A Morphological Analysis of the Pterion in Genus Alouatta Author(s) Mouri, Toshio Kyoto University overseas research reports of new world Citation monkeys (1984), 4: 29-34 Issue Date 1984 URL http://hdl.handle.net/2433/198755 Right Type Article Textversion publisher Kyoto University 29 Kyoto Kyoto University Overseas Research Reports Reports of New World Monkeys (1984) 4: 29 - 34 Kyoto Kyoto University Primate Research Institute A Morhpological Analysis of the Pterion in Genus Alouatta Toshia Toshia Mouri Primate Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University Pterion Pterion has gathered considerable attention in primate morphology, because of its high power characterizing New World Monkey (e.g. Rosenberger, 1977). In platyrrhine primates , pterion pterion is composed of frontal, sphenoidal, parietal and zygomatic bones, while in catarrhines , composed of frontal, sphenoidal, parietal and temporal bones. Furthermore, platyrrhine pterion pterion can be classified into two types according to its sutural pattern; spheno-frontal articu- lation lation type (SF type) pterion and parieto-zygomatic articulation type (PZ type) pterion. In the the extensive study on primate pterion by Ashley-Montagu (1933) , all callitrichids and 83.8 % of of cebids have PZ type pterions, while only the small portion (14.8 %) of cebids has SF type pterion. pterion. But SF type pterion occurred in about 60 % of Alouatta , highest incidence in Cebi- dae, dae, to say nothing of Ceboidea. The purpose of this study is to expain the high incidence of of SF type pterion in Alouatt α, analyzing the relation between incidences of SF type pterion and cranial mid-sagittal measurements of subsamples set up on the ground of age , sex and specific specific distinctions. MATERIALS AND METHODS Alouatta Alouatta crania analyzed in this study came from the collections of Instituto de Ciencias Naturale s de la Universidad Nacional, Colombia (40), In stituto de Desarollo de los Recursos Naturales Naturales Renovables , Colombia (22) , and Field Museum of Natural History , U.S.A. (34) . Collection Collection numbers of crania are included in appendix. Of total 96 crania, 80 are of A. sen;- cu/u s and 16 are of A. beiz ebul. Age and sex composition is shown in Table I. Five age classes are are classified according mainly to dental eruption; class I only with deciduous den ti on , class II II with erupting one to fully erupted four first molar(s), dass III with more than five molars but but without la st third molar fully erupted ,class IV with fully erupted twelve molars and open spheno-occipital spheno-occipital synchondrosi s, and class V with full dentition and oblitelated spheno ・oc- cipital cipital synchondrosis. Pterions Pterions are cla ssified into SF type and PZ type pterion on both left and right sides of skulls. skulls. In SF type pterion , sphenoidal bone articulates with frontal bone and separates parietal parietal from zygomatic bone, while in PZ type pterion , articulation between parietal and zygomatic zygomatic bones separates sphenoidal from frontal bone . Point type pterion , in which four bones bones meet at a point ,is absent in the present study. Frequencies of SF type pterion are calcu- lated, lated, based on side not on skull. To represent mid-sagittal section of skull, distances are meas- ured ured be tween every two points of the following 4 landmarks except the distance between pros- tion tion and inion ;nasion ,inion , basion and prostion. In this study , inion means the tip of exter- nal nal occipital prominence. As for statistical significance ,chi-square test or Fisther ’s exact probability is used for fre- quencies , and t-test for measurements 30 30 Table Table 1. Age and sex composition of crania studied. A!ou αft αseniculus A/ouatta be/zebu/ ? Age Male Female ? Total Male Female Total 000000一 Class Class I 3 0 0 0 Class Class ll 4 I 2 7 0 0 0 Class Class III 2 I 2 5 4 0 4 Class Class IV 12 4 0 16 3 3 6 Class Class V 20 29 0 49 2 4 6 Total Total 39 36 5 80 9 7 16 RESULTS The incidences of SF type pterion are presented in Table 2. The incidence of SF type pterion is is higher in A .seniculus (77.2 % ) than in A. belzebul (59.1 % ). In A. seniculus, SF type pterions occur more frequently in male (85.4 % ) than in female (71.4 % ). But these specific and sex diι ferences ferences of frequencies of SF type pterions are not significant at 5 % level, partly due to small sample size caused by early sutural obliteration in Alouatta. The occurrence pattern of SF type type pterion in A. seniculus shows neither age-progressive nor age-regressive tendency. Table 3 presents the means and standard deviations of five cranial mid-sagittal measur 子 ments. ments. Mean values are used to reconstruct tetragons with one diagonal (nasion-basion), which represent schematically cranial mid-sagittal sections. Fig . I illustrates cranial mid- sagittal sagittal growth in male A. seniculus , using above-mentioned tetragons. In the lower triangles of this schema the greatest post-natal change takes place in pro s tion-basion length, reflect- ing ing disproportional growth of subbasally lying vocal apparatus including basihyal (Biegert, 1963; 1963; Watanabe , 1982). Fig. 2 shows following three schematic comparisons between Table Table 2. Side incidence of SF type pterion. A/ouatta A/ouatta se ni culu s Al ou αtta be/ ze bu/ Male Female Sex-unknown Total Male Female Total Age % % % % %% % Cl1ss Cl1ss I 2/2 l 00.0 2/2 100.0 2/2 100 .0 6/6 100.0 Class Class II 8/8 I 00.0 1/ 2 50.0 1/4 25.0 10/14 71.4 Class Class III 4/4 100.0 0/2 0.0 2/4 50. 。6/I 0 60.0 6/8 75.0 6/8 75.0 Class Class IV 19 / 24 79 .2 6/7 85 .7 25 /3 I 80.6 3/6 50 .0 2/2 100.0 5/8 62.5 Class Class V 8/10 80 .0 6 /8 75 .0 14 / 18 77.8 0/2 0.0 2/4 50.0 2/6 33.3 Total Total 41 / 48 85.4 15 / 21 71.4 5/1 0 50 .0 61 /7 9 77.2 9/1 6 56 .3 4/6 66.7 13 / 22 59.1 V IV Pro stio n Fig. Fig. 1. Cranial rnid-s agittal growth in male Alouatta seniculus. T hu 今 C - - 4HA Ml bu a e3 』一v 制一勾aE nH 3時一 meaQdU 品川一目inL 一一-- 一 一 一-一叙一応一 一 一-一一一-一勾-一山一浴一 、J Il IV 勾 -日 勾 山 勾 し I ・ eC ; eC m e eCUH山直 saPn。1leesx 一一一一一一一一 -一 一一一一 一 一一--一一一- 一一 一 一-一 一一 一 一↑一一一一一一一一 d ι S 臥 R 1TL HAM F3 p N F。M1 N d。汀1 S N M町川 N 向 N hAean D 恥1easurement δ 円 ・一 二 S. D . S. D. 一一一 一↑ 一 一 一一一 一7 ↑ 一↑一一一 - 一一一一 一三一 一一 一 一一 一一 一 一 一一一↑ 一一 却却 aE 一AMnM 『OOF 割2eee2eeeeeeee札礼 MFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMF87764343767608083332lliQ3152485079052652355037050600030009050200140172651790859898507876169321393830579IIl口 7687435365760818357014419Q1941d3Z93039l73382034536620607366J4J 21402140214021402140OO 40004100400040004000山 11001100110011oo Nasion-inion 』 ““市 7.07 4. 65 JF3 sbbNmsbbNmsbb 433 ト nU7100q 、 d l 24mm24mm24mm24mm24仏ト 4Z4弓 1. dAUA 5. 23 ・孔孔 山 rb11n1ZZZ11Z口 、 Nasion-prostion J 『 d 33.00 0.00 26 .50 2.52 20 433 ,、ト円札oonvnynU J 32 29 20 Lln ハ υ 41.00 3. 16 弘之上仕上 J今 lilL弓311今 M 口 吋 今ムウ Nasion-basion 山肌 L 57.50 0.71 49.25 2.06 42 433 ハ 司令 U J dfo 55 43 11 今 ぷ 372 仏U1u 62.75 2.99 仏 Zn’IqdoOA 以 孔 93161n64421Z口 『,弘寸/今 Basion-prostion Basion-prostion JζJAU 77.50 2.12 61.75 3.77 48 sbbssbb 433 in n. 3 77 50 l O/ ・ 弘仏トハ仏ハ仏工斗寸/ 90.50 5.80 1 弓 d 孔札 口 今LP3tlnυ0000 -- Basion-i111on Basion-i111on 433 今、: 30.00 2.83 28.25 1.50 27 札仏玖 29 24 l 仏仏 J2 弓 oo L・ dQV 30.50 1.29 w h・ー 32 A) A) Age class V male ー一一一一一一一一 A . sen1culus - A. belzebul ImfaaesSea veA - …一 …一一一 - ml CJ CJ Age c lass IV male A . seniculus -一一一一一一- •1th SF typ e pter1on ーーーー一一- without SF type pteri on Z ;レ グ二~;~~'" Fig. Fig. 2. Schematic comparisons of cranial mid-sagittal section. crarnal crarnal mid-sagittal sections of subsamples with different frequencies of SF type pterion; A) age age class V male subsamlpe of A. seniculus versus that of A. belzebul, B) in A. seniculus sample, subsample of age class V males versus that of females and C) in the sample of age class IV males males of A. seniculus, nine males with SF type pterion versus three males without SF type pterion. pterion. In all three comparisons , subsamples with higher SF type pterion frequencies have longer longer prostion-basion lengths. To a lesser extent than prostion-basion length ,nasion-basion lengths lengths are also longer in subsamples with higher SF type pterion frequencies than in those with with lower frequencies of SF type pterion. DISCUSSION On the relation between non-metric and metric traits, a profound controversy exists. Berry and Berry (1967 , 1972) and Kellock and Parsons (1970) assumed complete independence of non-metric non-metric traits from metric ones. On the other hand, Corruccini (1976) and Cheverud et al. ( 1979) insist on associations between non-metric and metric traits. The result of this study suggests suggests that moderate degree of correlation exists in Alouatta between occurrence of SF type pterion pterion (non-metric trait) and antero ・posterior elongation of skull which is documented by 33 33 m1d-sagittal m1d-sagittal measurements.
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