INDEX academia and law, 63-64 administrative law judges (ALJs), 54, 86, 153-54 advertising, 72 and children, 77 corrective, 52-53 industry study, 54-55 Joe Camel campaign, 167-68 Aleinikoff, T. Alexander, 184 American Bar Association Antitrust Law Section, 42,43,44,45, 93, 108-109, 138 Commission to Study the FTC, 42-50 second Kirkpatrick Commission Report, 84, 124 Anthony, Sheila, 163 AOL (America On Line), 140, 147-48 Areeda, Phillip E., 68, 71 Areen, Judith, 100, 101, 108, 184 Arnold & Porter, 30, 52, 60, 92, 178, 180, 182, 187 Ashenfeld, Orley, 143 Askanaga, Mary, 123 Association of American Law Schools (AALS), 67 automobile industry, 75-76 Baer, William J., 89-90, 124, 135, 160, 171 Baker, Jonathan, 124 Bar Association of the District of Columbia, 93-94 Bartel, Paul, 81 Bator, Paul, 64, 68, 70, 71 Baxter, William, 91 Beard, Dita, 87 Beechnut/Heinz, 142, 145-46 Bernstein, Jodie, 51-52, 124, 128, 133, 135, 139, 154, 165, 167, 171 Bar Association of the District of Columbia, 93, 94 and Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 173 identity theft measures, 176-77 review process changes, 169-70 Bernstein, Lewis, 28 Bingaman, Anne, 116-17,121, 137 Black, Charles, 19 Blake, Harlan, 39,40,43, 62 Boast, Molly, 171 Boies, David, 125, 156, 157 -AI- Bok, Betty, 43 Bork, Robert, 3 8, 120 BP/Arco, 148-49 Brandeis, Louis D., 125 Brennan, William J., 5, 100 Breyer, Stephen, 60, 68, 71, 152 Brown, Charles, 157 Browne, John, 148 Buc, Nancy, 5 1,56 Bureau of Consumer Protection. See Federal Trade Commission Burson, Charles, 119 Bush, George, 121, 179 Bush, George W., 163, 179, 180 Califano, Joseph, 33,61,68, 100, 106 Calkins, Stephen, 124 cartels, 128-30 Carter, James E. 75, 88, 116 cereal industry, 76-77 Citicorp, 139 Clanton, David, 79, 81 Clinton, Hillary R., 172 Clinton, William J., 39, 107, 115, 116, 117, 119, 172, 179 Collier, Calvin J., 117 Columbia Law Review, 16-17,26,92, 113 Columbia Law School Center for Law and Economic Studies, 67 Congress, U.S. Commerce Committee, 80, 120, 136 and Federal Trade Commission criticism of, 82-84 fraud enforcement repository, 176 relationship with, 173-75 Judiciary Committee, 80, 120 consumer education, 55-56 consumer protection, 165-68 international, 168 Corash, Michelle, 43 Cotter, James, 109-1 0 Council of the Administrative Conference to the United States, 88 Covington, 178 Craig Corporation, 109-1 0 Cravath, 16, 157 Critical Legal Studies Movement, 69-7 1 -A2- Dash, Samuel (“Sam”), 112 Defense Department (DOD) and antitrust laws, 117, 118-19 DeGioia, John J. (“Jack”), 105 DeSanti, Susan, 124, 125 Deutsch, John, 119 Dewey, Ballantine, 25,27,33,35, 187 Dewey, Thomas, 25,27,28-29,30,32 discrimination, employment, 35 disgorgement, 56-57, 137-39 Dixon, Paul Rand, 78-79,84 Dole, Elizabeth H., 79, 81 Do Not Call List, 175 Dorsen, Norman, 32,33-34, 67 Dougherty, Alfred F., 80,90 Douglas, William O., 109 Dowling, Noel Thomas, 19 Drinan, Robert, 112 Edwards, Harry, 63, 102, 186 efficiency defense, 126-28, 131, 141-42, 143-46 Elman, Philip, 178 Emerson, Tom, 67 Eskridge, Susan, 71 Exxon Mobil Corporation, 148 Federal Circuit, 158, 160 Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 172-73 Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 12 1 adjudicatory action, 86-87 American Bar Association (ABA) Study, 42-43, 84, 124 impact on agency, 49-50 Kirkpatrick Commission Report, 45-48, 57, 184-85 process, 44-45 automobile industry case, 75-76 bureau directors, 80, 89-90, 1 7 1 Bureau of Competition, 50 Bureau of Consumer Protection, 50-54 CD vertical price fixing, 150-5 1 cereal industry case, 76-77 commissioners, 12 1-23, 170 -7 1 Congress interaction, 173-75 Congressional oversight committees, 80, 120, 136 as consumer protection agency, 165-66, 179 -A3- criticism of, 75-79, 82-84 and Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 172-73 fraud enforcement repository, 176-77 funeral industry case, 78 global competition hearings, 125-28 international treaty obligations, 129-34 Justice Department relationship, 84-85, 12627, 137, 141 litigation, 177-78 motion picture rating system, 16062 on-line issues, 154-55 Pertschuk Commission, 87 predatory lending cases, 166-67 privacy issues, 162-64, 169 Reich’s role, 89 remedies, 56-57, 83-84, 136-37, 139-40 review process, 169-70, 179 rulemaking, 8 1-84, 135-36,16667,178 and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 172,173 staff retention, 47-48, 57, 175 and Treasury Department, 167 Washington Post relationship, 85 White House relationship, 57-58, 87-88, 172 See also administrative law judges; advertising; disgorgement; efficiency defense; mergers First Amendment, 72, 85 Fisher, Adrian, 6 1-62 flipping, 166 Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 173 Fox, Eleanor, 13 1 French, John, 43 Fuller, Vincent, 105 funeral directors, 78, 82-83 Garland, Merrick, 1 15, 1 18 gay and lesbian rights, 104-1 06 Gelhorn, Walter, 15, 19, 88 Georgetown Law Review, I36 Georgetown Study of Private Antitrust Litigation, 109 Gerber, 145-46 Gesell, Gerhard A. (“Gerry”), 28, 30 ghetto fraud, 47, 57 Goldschmid, Harvey, 39,40, 62 Gore, Albert, 119, 173 Gorelick, Jamie, 93, 94, 117, 118, 119 Great Depression, 4 -A4- Greenberg, Jack, 43 Griswold, Erwin N., 69, 108 Gross, Rick, 105 Grove, Andrew S., 159 Gunther, Gerry, 19 Handler, Milton, 15, 17-1 8, 39,40, 62 Hartman & Cox, 99 Harvard Law Review, 39,43,71,73 Healy, Timothy, 95-96, 97-98, 105 Hobbs, Caswell 0. (“Cas”), 50 Hogan, Thomas, 138,143,144 Hollings, Ernest, 79 Holmes, Allan, 42-43,44,49 Holocaust, 9-1 0 Hufstetler, Shirley, 68 identity theft, 176-77 Institute for Public Interest Representation, 64-65, 77 Intel Corp., 158-60 intellectual property, 157-58, 160 Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 109-1 0 Internet fraud, 154-55, 168 invasions of privacy, 162-64, 169 Irvine, “Shorty,” 28, 30 Isbell, David, 93, 94 Jeffress, Amy, 118 Jordy, Tom, 40 Joseph, Leonard, 25 Justice Department, 19 Antitrust Division, 84-85, 88, 115, 133, 137, 156, 173 Civil Appellate Division, 23-24 FTC Merger Guidelines, 126-27, 141 Honors Program, 23 Kauper, Thomas E., 84 Keating, Charles, 1 10 Kennard, William E., 173 Kennedy, Duncan, 70,71 Kennedy, Edward, 60,68, 157 Kid Vid Rule, 77 Kirby, John, 106 Kirkpatrick, Miles W., 43,45,48,49-50,57, 58-59, 87, 128, 185 -A5- Kirkpatrick Commission, 42-50, 79 Klein, Joel, 129, 131, 137, 156, 157, 172, 177 Koslow family, 3,4 Kramer, Albert, 80,90 Kramer, Victor, 64-65, 77 Krash, Abe, 65 Lautenberg, Frank, 5 law firms, 187 law schools, 185-86 faculty, 63-64 Lazarus, Si, 74 Levitt, Arthur, 173 Lind, Dorothy, 11 Litan, Robert, 1 18 Magnuson, Warren G., 43 Markham, Jesse, 43 McCarthy, David, 94, 101 McCarthy, Joseph, 26 McDavid, Jan, 118 mergers, 3 1-32 baby food industry, 145-46 FTC litigated cases, 177-78 guidelines, 126-28, 14142 hospitals, 146 media, 13940, 14748 oil industry, 142, 148-50 stationery super stores, 14244 uniform merger code, 130-31 wave, 140-41 Metzenbaum, Howard, 156 Mezines, Basil, 48-49, 50 MicrosoR Corp., 155-57 Miller, Arthur, 71 Miller, James, 73, 121 Miller, Lorraine, 174 Millstein, Ira, 4243, 44, 49, 60, 67 Mitford, Jessica, 78 monopoly cases, 66 Morgan, Lewis, 58 motion picture rating system, 160-62 Muris, Timothy J., 72, 73, 127, 155, 168, 174, 179, 180 -A6- Nader, Ralph, 42, 90 National Advertising Review Board (NARB), 55 Needleman, Mort, 50-5 1 Ninth Circuit Court, 152, 153, 158 Nixon, Richard M., 42, 58, 87 NYULaw Review, 39 OECD. See Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Office Depot, 142-44 oil industry, 142, 148-50 oil pricing, 149-50 Oliver, Dan, 12 1 one-house veto, 83 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 128, 129 original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), 158 Parker, Richard G., 17 1 Paterson, New Jersey, 1, 2, 3,4 public school system, 5 Peale, William, 30 Pertschuk, Michael, 43, 74, 75, 77, 78-80, 84, 85, 86, 88, 90 Pertschuk Commission, 87 Peters, Ellen, 43 Pitofsky, Robert - Personal birth, 1 childhood, 4-5 children, 33, 36,4042, 69 Columbia Law School, 8, 186 application, 14 clerkship, 18-1 9 courses, 18 hends, 19-20 graduation, 20 law review, 16-1 7,26 professors, 15 -1 6, 19 cousins, 3,9,20 Eastside High School, 7, 10 father, 1-3, 6, 9, 14 silk mill employment, 2, 3,4, 5 grammar school, 5-6 grandparents (maternal), 2, 3 grandparents (paternal), 1 great uncle, 2, 3 hobbies, 7 -A7- Holocaust, 9-1 0 jobs, 7-8, 14-15,23 languages, 8,21 law school decision, 13, 14 military service, 8, 18-19,20-22,23 mother, 2,3,4, 5,6, 9 motivation, 13-1 4 New York University, 8 application to, 10-1 1, 14 clubs, 11 English Honors Society, 11 faculty, 11 -1 3 Phi Beta Kappa, 13 politics, 6, 18 reading interests, 6-7 religion, 6 sports, 7 travel, 8, 12,21,22,41, 1 81 wife (Sally), 8, 32-33, 34, 36, 40, 69, 107, 181, 185 Pitofsky, Robert - Professional Arnold & Porter counsel, 30,60,65-66,91, 114 -1 5, 180-8 1, 182 General Electric client, 92 bar membership, 22 ABA Antitrust Section, 93, 108-1 09 Consumer Protection Committee, 93 Bar Association of the District of Columbia Board of Governors, 93-94 Brookings Institute scholar, 113, 114 Cases and Materials on Antitrust, 39-40,62, 185 Columbia Law School Center for Law and Economic Studies, board member, 67 visiting professor, 18 1 Council of the Administrative Conference to the United States, member, 88 Craig Corporation board member, 109-1 0 Defense Science Board Task Force on Antitrust Aspects of the Defense Industry, chair, 117 -1 9 Dewey, Ballantine associate, 25,27-3 1, 35, 60 Eli Lilly case, 27,29-30 part-time work, 36-37 Thomas Dewey influence, 28-29,32 economics training, 30-3 1, 63 expert witness, 18 1-82 Federal Trade Commission ABA Commission to
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