5740 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE. MAY 26, ~ H. E. Blakeman, to be postmaster at California, in the county Mr. BARRETT and Mr. BARTLETT of New York addressed ths of Moniteau and State of Missouri, in the place of Lewis W. Bar­ Chair. ton, whose commission expired December 23, 1895. The SPEAKER (to Mr. BARRETT). For what purpose does the Alvah A. Clark, to be postmaster at Somerville, in the county gentleman rise? of Somerset and State of New Jersey, in the place of William H. Mr. BARRETT. To ask if that motion is now in order pend- Thompson, whose commission expired February 8, 1896. ing the call for the regular order? Alfred W. Dey, to be postmaster at Asbury P ark, in the county The SPEAKER. The motion is now in order. of Monmouth and State of New Jersey, in the place of Edmund :Mr. BARRETT. I wish to offer an amendment. G. Harrison, whose commission will expire July 18,1896. :Mr. EVANS. I have moved the previous question. Henry G. W alter, to be postmaster at Lebanon, in the county The SPEAKER. The question is on seconding th~ ca.U for the of Lebanon and State of Pennsylvania, in the place of Asaph S. previous question. As many.as are in favor of-­ Light, whose commission expired March 23, 1896. Mr. BARRETT. I rise to a point of order. Harry L. White, to be postmaster at Eldred, in the county of The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. McKean and State of Pennsylvania, in the place of Albert H. Mr. BARRETT. Mr. Speaker, I do not think that any member Mayo, whose commission will expire May 27, 1896. of the House heard the gentleman from Kentucky call for the John C. Neltnor, to be postmaster at West Chicago, in the previous question. I certainly did not. county of Dupage and State of illinois. This nomination is The SPEAKER. The Chair heard him. made in consequence of .a change of name of the post-office from The question having been put on ordering the previous ques- Turner to West Chicago. tion, Phoebe Mann, to be postmaster at Carlisle, in the county of The SPEAKER. The ayes seem to have it. Nicholas and State of Kentucky, in the place of Homer B. Bryson, Mr. BARRETT. I call for a division. whose commission expired January 21, 1896. The question being again taken, there were-ayes 91, noes 54. Charles W. Ellison, to be postmaster at Melrose, in the county Mr. BARRETT. I call for the yeas and nays. of Middlesex and State of Massachusetts, his commission having The yeas and nays were ordered, 34 voting in favor thereof­ expired May 9, 1896. more than one-fifth of the last vote. Jennie A. Harmon, to be postmaster at Palmyra, in the county The question was taken; and there were-yeas 125, naye 89, not of Wayne and State of New York, in the plac;e of Daniel B. Har­ voting 141; as follows: mon, deceased. YEAS-125. James McCloskey, to be postmaster at Johnsonburg, in the county Adams, Doolittle, Kyle, Ray, Aldrich, Ala. Ellis, Lacey, Scranton, of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, in the place of George Cooley, Andrews, Evans, Layipn, Settle. whose commission will expire May 27, 1896. Avery, Faris, Leighty, Shafr oth, Babcock, Gamble, Leonard, Smith, ill. Baker,Md. Gibson, Lewis, S:q1ith, Mich. CONFIRMATIONS. Bart h oldt, Grosvenor, Linney, BOrg, Executive nominations conjirrned by the S~ate May 26, 1896. Bell, Tex. Grow, Little, Southard., Berry, Hadley, Loud, Stahle, UNITED STATES ATTORNEY. Bishop, Hager, Low, Stewart, Wis. Blue, Hainer,Nebr. McCall, Tenn. Stone,C.W. J. Ward Gui-ley, of Louisiana, to be United States attorney for Broderick, Ha.ll, McCreary, Ky. Strode, Nebr. the eastern district of Louisiana. Brosius, Harmer, McCulloch, Strong, Brown, Harris, McDearmon, Tawney, POSTMASTERS. Buck, Harrison, McLachlan, Tayler, Phcebe Mann, to be postmaster at Carlisle, in the County of Burrell, Hart, McRae, Terry, Nicholas.and State of Kentucky. Burton , Mo. Hatch, Mercer, Thomas, Burton, Ohio H enderson, Miles, Tracewell, Alvah A. Clark, to be postmaster at Somerville, in the County Cannon, Hendrick, Miller , W.Va. Turner, Ga.. of Somerset and State of New Jersey. Clark, Iowa Henry, Ind. Milliken, Underwood, Alfred W. Dey, to be postmaster at Asbury Park, in the County Cob b, Hermann, Milnes, Van Voorhis, Oook e, ID. Hilborn, Minor, Wis. Walker,Va.. flf Monmouth and State of New Jersey. Cooper, Fla. Hopkins, Mondell, Washington, Augustus N. Cunningham, to be postmaster at East Providence, Cousi ns, Hubbard, Neill, Watson, Ohio Providence County, R. I. · Crump Hulick, Noonan, Wilson, Idaho Curtis, Kans. Hyde. Odell, Wilson, Ohio UNITED STATES CONSUL. Dalzell. J enkins, Otjen, Wilson, S.C. John Fowler, of Massachusetts, to be consul of the United Danford, Johnson, N.Dak. Overstreet, Wood, Daniels, Kerr, Payne, Wright. States at Chefoo, China. Denny, Kiefer, Pearson, D e Witt, Kirkpatrick, Pendleton., WITHDRAWAL. Dingley, Kleberg, Phillips, Executive nomination withd1·awn May 26, 1896. NAYS-89. Allen, Utah Fitz~erald, Loudenslager, Shuford, T. J. Glenn, to be postmaster at Carlisle, in the State of Ken­ Apsley, Fowler, Maguire, Simpkins, tucky. Atwood, Gardner, Marsh, Skinner, Bailey, Gillett, Mass. McCalJ~ Mass. Spencer, Baker , Kans. Griffin, McCleuan, Strait, Baker, N.H. Grout, McEwan., Strowd,N.C. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Bankhead, Hardy, McLaurin, Sulloway, Barrett, Hartman., Meredith, Sulzer, TUESDAY, May 26, 1896. Ba rtlett, Ga. Henry, Conn. Money, Swanson, Bartlett, N.Y. Hill, Moody, Talbert, The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer~y the Chaplain, Rev~ Bell, Colo. Hooker :l't!orse, Tate, HENRY N. COUDEN. Bennett, Howard, Otey, Towne, Calder head, Howe, Parker, Treloar, The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read. Clardy , Howell, Pickler, Tucker, The SPEAKER. Without objection, the Journal as read will Clark, Mo. Hunter, Pitney, Updegraff, Colson, Hurley, Poole, · Wadsworth, be approved. Cooper, Te:x;. Johnson, Cal Powers, Walker, Mass. Mr. KEM. I object to the approval of the Journal, and call for Coop er, Wis. Jones, Quigg, . Walsh, the regula.r order. Crowther, K ern, Richardson, Wilson,N. Y. The SPEAKER (having put the question on the approval of the Cummings, Knox, Royse, Woodard. DeArmond, Latimer, R ussell, Conn. Journal). The ayes seem to have it. Erdman, Lester, Shannon, Mr. KEM. I make the point of no quorum. F enton, I... in ton, Sherman, The SPEAKER (having counted the House). One hundred and NOT VOTING-141. · eighty members are present-a quorum. The ayes have it; and Abbott, Catchin~s, Downmg, Hitt the Journal is approved. Acheson, Chickermg, Dra per, Huff, Aitken, Clark e, Ala. E ddy, Ruling, ORDER OF BUSINESS. Aldrich, m. Cockrel1, Ellett Va.. Hun, Mr. EVANS. I move that the House resolve itself into Com­ Allen , Miss. Codding, Elliott, S. C. Hutcheson, Ander son , Coffin, F'airchild, Johnson, Ind. mittee of the Whole on the state of the Union for the purpose of Arnold, Pa. Connolly, F ischer, Joy, considering revenue bills; and pending that motion, I move t h at Arnold, R. L Cook , Wis. Fletch er, K endall, the time for general debate on the bill which was before the Com­ Barh am, Corliss, Foote, Kulp, Bar ney, Cow en., Foss, Lawson, mittee of the Whole yesterday be limited to 2 o'clock, and on that Beach , Cox, Gillet, N.Y. Lefever, I demand the previous question. BPlknap, Crisp G oodwyn, L eisenring, Mr. BARTLETT of New York. Whatis the arrangement pro­ Bingham, Crowley, Graff, Livingston, Black, Ga. Culber son, Griswold, Lockhart, posed? Black, N.Y. Curtis, Iowa Halterman., Long, The SPEAKER. The Chair will state the proposition. The Boutelle, Curtis,N.'Y. Hanly, Lor imer, gentleman from Kentucky [Mr. EvANs] moves that the House Bower s, Dayton, Heatwole, 1\laddox, resolve itself into Committee of the Whole on the state of the Brewster, Dinsmore, Heiner , Pa. Mah any, Bromwell, Dockery, H em enway, Mahon., Union for the consideration of revenue bills; and pending that, Brumm, Dolliver, He}:lburn, McCleary, Minn. he moves that all general debate be closed at 2 o'clock. Bull, Dovener, Hicks, McClure, 1896. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 5741 McCormick, Price, Spalding, Wanger, If the gentleman will permit me, I hope he will make another dlir McMillin, Prince, Sparkman, Warner, Meiklejohn, Pugh, Sperry, Watson, Ind. tribution of the time. Meyer, Raney, Stall.bigs, Wellington, Mr. EVAN8. I would suggest that you allow us forty-five Miller, Kans. ·Reeves, Steele, Wheeler, minutes, then, and you take the remainder. Min"8r,N. Y. R&eyberurntson' ,La. Stephenson. White, Mr. RUSSELLof Connecticut. We shallneedatleastanhour. Moses, 0 b Stewart, N.J. Wilber, Mozley, Robinson,Pa. Stokes, Williams, Mr. EVANS. If there was that much time I would be willing Murphy. Rusk, Stone,W.A. Willis, to do so. 1 suggest that we occupy forty minutes and you occupy Newlands. Russell, Ga. Taft, Woodman, the balance.. Would that be satisfactory? Northway, Sa.uerhering, Thorp, Woomer, Ogden, Sayers, Tracey, Yoakum. Mr. RUSSELL of ConnBcticut. Well, we will have to submit Owens, Shaw, Turner, Va. to it; it is the best we can get. Patterson, Snover, Tyler, Mr. EVANS. Then I suggest that we will occupy forty min­ Perkins, Southwick, Van Horn, utes, and the remainder of the time, being thirty-five min11tes, So the previous question was ordered. will be occupied by your side. The following pairs were announced: The CHAIRMAN. In the absence of objection, the Chair will Until further notice: regard that arrangement as acceptable to the committee. Mr. HEATWOLE with Mr. HUTCHESON. There was no objection. Mr. BROMWELL with Mr. DOWNING. Mr. DOLLIVER. Mr. Chairman, I do not believe that it is Mr. Foss with Mr. ELLETT of Virginia. necessary for those of us who are in favor Df the pending bill to Mr.
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