1961 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 20471 ment will receive from Mr. Hamilton IN THE ARMY WITHDRAWAL guidance and direction of the highest The following-named officers for tempo­ Executive nomination withdrawn from degree. rary appointment in the Army of the United States to the grades indicated under the the Senate, September 20, 1961: provisions of title 10, United States Code, COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY ADJOURNMENT sections 3442 and 3447: James J. Saxon, of Illinois, to be Comp-:: To be major generals troller of the Currency, which was sent to Mr. GORE. Mr. President, I move the Senate on September 20, 1961. that the Senate, under the previous or­ Brig. Gen. Carl Darnell, Jr., 019213, Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Army). der, stand in adjournment until noon I a Brig. Gen. Joseph Edward Bastion, Jr., •• ...... tomorrow. 019162, Army of the United States (colonel, The motion was agreed to; and (at 6 U.S.Army). .HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES o'clock and 47 minutes p.m) the Senate Brig. Gen. Charles Frederick Leonard, Jr., adjourned, under the previous order, un­ 019829, Army of the United States (colonel, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1961 til tomorrow, Thursday, September 21, U.S. Army). 1961, at 12 o'clock meridian. Brig. Gen. Ashton Herbert Manhart, The House met at 12 o'clock noon. and 018773, U.S. Army. was called to order by the Speaker pro Brig. Gen. Howard William Doan, 020057, tempore. NOMINATIONS Medical Corps, ( colonel, Medical Corps, U.S. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp. Army). D.D., offered the following prayer: Executive nominations received by the Brig. Gen. Claire Elwood Hutchin, Jr., Senate September 20, 1961: 021092, Army of the United States (lieuten-· From the prophecy of Zechariah, 4: 6 : ant colonel, U.S. Army). U.S. CIRCUIT JUDGES Not by might, nor by power, but by My Brig. Gen. John Joseph Davis, 018530, U.S. Griffin B. Bell, of Georgi.a, to be U.S. cir­ spirit, saith the Lord of hosts. Army. Most merciful and gracious God, Thy cuit judge, fifth circuit, vice a new position. Brig. Gen. Autrey Joseph Maroun, 019865, Walter Pettus Gewin, of Alabama, to be Army of the United States ( colonel, U.S. presenc,e is our shield in the stillness of U.S. circuit judge for the fifth circuit, vice Army). the night and our strength in the strug­ a new position. Brig. Gen. Clifton Ferdinand von Kann, gles of each new day. U.S. A'ITORNEYS 021371, Army of the United States (lieuten­ Grant that in these times of anguish Robert c. Zampano of Connecticut to be ant colonel, U.S. Army}. and evil tidings we may hear and heed U.S. attorney for the district of Connecticut To be brigadier generals Thy voice speaking peace unto our souls for the term of 4 years, vice Harry W. Hult­ Col. Ben Sternberg, 021286, Army of the and emancipating us from all fear. gren, Jr. Mediate unto us Thy divine wisdom John M. Imel, of Oklahoma, to be U.S. United States (lieutenant colonel, U.S. attorney for the northern district of Okla­ Army}. which will enable us to see our tasks homa for the term of 4 years, vice Robert S. Col. David Bennett Parker, 020571, Army and obligations more clearly and dis­ Rizley, resigned. of the United States (lieutenant colonel, charge them more faithfully. U.S. Army}. COMPTROLLER OF CUSTOMS Create within the hearts of men and Col. Jaroslav Thayer Folda, Jr., 021193, nations a love for those fundamental Joseph A. Curnane, of Massachusetts, to Army of the United States (lieutenant colo­ be Comptroller of Customs with headquar­ nel, U.S. Army}. principles and common purposes which ters at Boston, Mass., vice Albert Cole, Col. William Raymond Peers, 021366, Army make for unity and good will. resigned. of the United States (lieutenant colonel, Hear us in the name of the Prince of U.S. Army}. Peace. Amen. COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Col. Seth Lathrop Weld, Jr., 019772, U.S. James J. Saxon, of Illinois, to be Comp­ Army. troller of the Currency. Col. William Welby Beverley, 021107, Army THE JOURNAL AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT of the United States (lieutenant colonel, Fowler Hamilton, of Connecticut, to be U.S. Army} . The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ Administrator of the Agency for Interna­ Cql. Frank Alexander Osmanski, 019745, terday was read and approved. tional Development. U.S. Army. Col. Samuel Knox Eaton, 021132, Army IN THE NAVY of the United Sta.tes (lieutenant colonel, MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Having been designated, under the provi­ U.S. Army). sions of title 10, United States Code, section Col. James Henry Lynch, 021237, Army of A message from the Senate by Mr. 5231, Rear Adm. William A. Schoech, U.S. the United States (lieutenant colonel, U.S. McGown, one of its clerks, announced Navy, for commands and other duties deter­ Army}. that the Senate had passed, with amend­ mined by the President to be within the con­ Col. John William Dobson, 021851, Army ments in which the concurrence of the templation of said section, for appointment of the United States (lieutenant colonel, House is requested, bills of the House of to the grade of vice admiral while so serving. U.S. Army}. the following titles: IN THE ARMY Col. Robert Howard York, 021341, Army of R.R. 4750. An act to amend section 6(a) The following-named officer under the the United States (lieutenant colonel, U.S. of the Virgin Islands Corporation Act; and provisions of title 10, United States Code, Army}. R.R. 8444. An act to amend the act of section 3066, to be assigned to a position of Col. Arthur Sylvester Collins, Jr., 021260, August 12, 1955, relating to elections in the importance and responsibility designated by Army of the United States (lieutenant colo­ District of Columbia. the President under subsection (a) of section nel, U.S. Army}. The message also announced that the 3066, in rank as follows: Col. Carl C. Turner, 031909, Army of the Senate had passed without amendment Lt. Gen. Paul DeWitt Adams, 017306, Army United States (lieutenant colonel, U.S. a joint resolution of the House· of the of the United States (major general, U.S. Army}. following title: Army) , in the rank of general. H.J. Res. 569. Joint resolution to waive IN THE AIR FORCE CONFIRMATIONS certain provisions of the Atomic Energy Act Maj. Gen. James Ferguson, 1530A, Regular of 1954 so as to permit the agreement for Air Force to be assigned to positions of im­ Executive nominations confirmed by - cooperation between the United States and portance and responsibility designated by the Senate September 20, 1961: France to be made immediately effective. the President in the rank of lieutenant gen­ eral, under the provisions of s.ection 8066, COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS The message also announced that the title 10 of the United States Code. Philleo Nash, of Wisconsin, to be Commis­ Senate had passed bills of the following Col. Godfrey T. McHugh, 1257A, Regular sioner of Indian Affairs. titles, in which the concurrence of the Air Force,· for appointment to the tempo­ MISSISSIPPI RIVER COMMISSION House is requested: rary grade of brigadier general in the U.S. Harold T. Council, of Mississippi, to be S. 520. An act to authorize certain modifi­ Air Force under the provisions of chapter a member of the Mississippi River Commis­ cation of the existing project for the Kas­ 839, title 10 of the United States Code. sion. kaskia River, Ill., for navigation purposes; 20472 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE September 20 S. 2008. An act to amend the act of Sep­ arily reminded of his great, long, and bers. His encouragement has made the tember 16, 1959 (73 Stat. 561, 43 U.S.C. 615a), enduring devotion to the House of Rep­ road easier for each of us ·who first took relating to the construction, operation, and resentatives and the great influence he maintenance of the Spokane Valley project: the oath in January 1961. and has had upon the affairs of our Nation. It was, therefore, with gratification S. 2102. An act to redesignate the Jeffer­ Mr. Speaker, I feel sure that every that I filed House Resolution 393, which son Division of the Eastern District of Texas Member will take pride and satisfaction will authorize a place here on Capitol as the Marshall Division. in enthusiastically supporting this reso­ -Hill for the bust of JoE MARTIN, com­ lution and, at the same time, expressing missioned by the National Federation of The message also announced that the .in this way our thanks to these women Republican Women and executed by one Senate agrees to the report of the com­ of Massachusetts who have made the of the country's most noted sculptors, mittee of conference on the disagreeing bust possible. Suzanne Silvercruys Stevenson. I would votes of the two Houses on the amend­ Mr. SCHENCK. Mr. Speaker, I ask :like to take this opportunity to thank ments of the Senate to the bill (H.R. unanimous consent to extend my re­ 8302) entitled "An act making appropri­ the members of the national federation, marks at this point in the RECORD. through their able president, Mrs. J. D. ations for military construction for the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Parks, of Colorado for their generosity Department of Defense for the fiscal objection to the request of the gentleman in honoring one of the great Americans year ending June 30, 1962, and for other from Ohio? purposes." of our century. There was no objection. Mr. W ALLHAUSER. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. SCHENCK. Mr. Speaker, this ask unanimous consent that the gentle­ THE CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT resolution authorizes the House to accept man from Massachusetts [Mr.
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