PUBLIC DOCUMENT . No. 56. NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ¡ova, Board of Registration in Medicine. J a n u a r y , 1903. BOSTON : WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS, 18 P ost Offic e Square. 1903. APPBÎ>VjM> BY BÓARft’ Of/ P iTb t rt\iT j&n (ÌGmmnntomllf} of litas saxjjtisitls B o a r d o f R egistration in M e d ic in e , S t a t e H o u s e , D ec. 31, 1902. To His Excellency W. M u r r a y C r a n e , Governor. Sir : — The number of persons applying for registration this year is 390, all of whom except 6 have been examined. The number of applicants on the rejected lists of this and previous years who have been re-examined this year is 96, a small per­ centage of whom have been registered. The whole number of individual examinations given during the year is 480. The result of the several examinations is shown in tabular form, as follows : — Examined. Registered. Rejected. P ercentage rejected. March examination,.............................................. 96 54 42 44 May e x a m i n a t i o n , ............................................... 52 35 17 32 Ju ly exam ination...................................................... 178 133 45 25 September exam ination,..................................... 75 50 25 32 November exam ination,..................................... 79 49 30 38 T o ta ls ,................................................................. 480 321 159 33 In the following tabulated statement a few applicants who failed in their original examination this year, but who were successful in a re-examination, are included : — Y ear of N um ber N um ber Graduation of Name of Institution. exam ined. registered. R ejected Applicants. Ila rv ard U n i v e r s i t y , ........................................................ 80 79 1870. T u fts C o l l e g e , ................................................................. 31 30 1899. B oston U n i v e r s i t y , ........................................................ 18 18 Physicians and Surgeons, Boston, .... 6 4 1902-02. REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan. Y ear of N um ber N um ber Graduation of Name of Institution. exam ined. registered. Rejected Applicants. U niversity of V erm ont........................................................ 21 16 1897-99-99-1900- 02. D a r tm o u th ,.......................................................................... 12 10 1893-1902. Bow doin, . ........................................................ 5 4 1902. B altim ore M e d i c a l , ........................................................ 17 14 1892-1901-02. Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, 6 5 1892. Johns Hopkins...................................................................... 6 6 University of M aryland, .............................................. 2 2 Woman’s Medical, B altim ore,..................................... 1 1 Baltimore University,....................................................... 10 6 1895-1901-02-02. L a v a l , ................................................................................... 6 3 1902-02-02. M c G ill,................................................................................... 3 2 1898. F o r e i g n , .......................................................................... 17 14 1883 99-1900. University Pennsylvania,.............................................. 6 6 Jefferson.................................................................................. 4 4 Medico-Chirurgical, Pennsylvania, .... 2 2 Hahnemann, P ennsylvania, ..................................... 1 1 Physicians and Surgeons, New York, . • 6 5 1902. New York U niversity, .............................................. 4 4 C ornell...................................................................................... 1 1 A lbany M e d ic a l,................................................................. 1 1 Bellevue Hospital Medical College, .... 3 3 New York Medical College and Hospital for 1 1 W om en. Long Island College H ospital, ..................................... 5 4 1901. 1901. University of the South...................................................... 4 3 Chicago H om oeopathic,.............................................. 1 - 1890. Chicago U niversity............................................................... 1 - 1900. Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago, .... 1 1 H ush M e d i c a l , ................................................................. 2 2 American Medical M issionary,..................................... 1 1 Ile rin g ...................................................................................... 1 1 University M ichigan,....................................................... 3 3 Saginaw V alley ..................................................................... 2 2 S tarlin g .................................................................................... 1 1 University Louisville.......................................................... 1 - 1902. V a n d e r b i l t ,.......................................................................... 1 - 1894. Eclectic Medical College, Pennsylvania, . 2 1 1867. Cleveland Homoeopathic,.............................................. 1 1 Y ale........................................................................................... 3 3 1903.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 56. 5 Y ear of N um ber N um ber Graduation of Name of Institution. exam ined. registered. R- jected Applicants. M issouri M e d i c a l , ........................................................ 1 1 Sum m ertow n M e d i c a l , ............................................... 1 1 U niversity C o lo r a d o ,........................................................ 1 1 G ross M e d i c a l , ................................................................. 1 1 W estern M edical C o ll e g e ,............................................... 1 1 Kentucky School M ed icin e, ..................................... 1 1 The regular meetings for the examination of applicants begin on the second Tuesday in March, July and November, at 9.30 a . m . Special examinations may be held in May and September. An examination takes two days. Applicants are admitted to examination by an “ examina­ tion ticket,” stating the applicant’s number and the date of the examination. Tickets are issued to applicants on filing then- applications; also to applicants applying for a re-examination, when such application is made not later than five days before the examination date. The examinations are conducted in writing, in the English language, and are intended to be “ sufficiently thorough to test the applicant’s fitness to practise medicine.” In each of the examinations held this year sixty questions, divided into sets of ten, have been given, and two hours allowed in which to answer each set. The applicant is required to designate his papers not by his signature, but by the number given to his application when filed. This requirement insures an incog­ nito rating of his entire examination work. The subjects on which the examinations are principally con­ ducted are anatomy, hygiene, physiology, pathology, surgery, obstetrics, gynecology, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. When the general average of the ratings given the several sets of papers of an applicant by the individual examiners is below 70 per cent., his examination is regarded as unsatisfac­ tory. If, howeyer, one’s general average is found to be near the minimum requirement, his papers are reviewed by the Board in general session, an-d his ratings fixed by a consensus of opinion. 6 REGISTRATION IN MEDICINE. [Jan. Applications for an examination should be filed at least five days before the examination date, and must be made upon blanks furnished by the Board, signed and sworn to by the applicant, and must be accompanied by the required fee, which is twenty dollars. Certificates of registration in other States, or diplomas of graduation from medical colleges, do not ex­ empt from an examination. Upon this point the law is mandatory, — that all must be examined. A person refused registration by reason of failure to pass a satisfactory examination is entitled to two re-examinations within one year after his first failure, without filing a new application or paying an additional fee. Since the organization of this department, in July, 1894, the Board has issued 6,755 certificates of registration. Of this number, 3,792 were issued prior to January, 1895, during the six months next following the organization of the Board, to practitioners residing in this Commonwealth at the time the registration act became in part operative. These practitioners were registered in two classes, and are designated in the annual reports of the Board as Class A and Class B. Class A includes Graduates of medical institutions authorized by law to confer degrees in medicine who were residing or practising in the Commonwealth at the time of the passage of the law; Class B includes non-graduate practitioners who had practised medi­ cine in the Commonwealth continuously during the three years next prior to the passage of the law. There were 3,443 names enrolled in Class A and 349 in Class B. There were 608 per­ sons refused registration during the six months above referred to, they being unable to meet the requirements of the law as to graduation, or as to three years of continuous practice. The work of registration under written examinations, con­ ducted by the Board as required by law, began with the year 1895. Since that time the Board has given 3,868 individual examinations and has
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