OCTOBER,1902. MONTHLP WEATHER REVIEW. the Rocky Mountains was a in very dry one. During the latter Journccl of Gwgraphy. Lancuatsr. Vol. 1. period a dry cycle prevailed from Francisco to Baltimore. Smith, J. Russell. The Acclimatization of the Peach. Pp. 381- San 382. We shall, therefore, have to conclude that there is no known Anrerkmb hiventor. Wmhington. Vol. 10. natural law by which we can predict the length of the present Glass, E. J. Chinook Winds. Pp. 6-7. dry cycle. The data shows that weather equally as dry pre- Aiunuaire de la Soci& M&n-ologique de hnce. h&. Some And. vailed west of the Rocky Mountains for a period of at least Besson, Louis. La composante vertical@du mouvement des nu- ages mesurhe au n6phoscope. Pp. 180-185. thirty-seven years. If it were known that these recurring Goutereau, Ch. Sur la durEe de la pluie au Parc Saint-Maur. periods were of equal length no change for the better could Pp. 186-189. be expected in the intermountain country until about 1924, L'Ahphile. Purk. llhne Ann&. Besancon, Georges. La catastrophe du "De Bradsky." Pp. but it is probable that these periods vary in length and, if 825-231. this be true, they can not be used as an index to the future Seux, Edmond. AEronat a helices multiples et h6quilibre m6m- until much more data and knowledge are a.ccumulated. nique. Pp. 262-864. Oiel et Tewe. Bruzdka. 23me Ande. Birkeland, K. Sur la formation des nuages suphrieurs. Pp. 387- RBCENT PAPERS BnARING ON MMTEOROLOQY. 397. I+'. F. R. PHILLIPS,in charge of Libmry, etc. -L'effet physiobgique de la diminution de la pression de Yair. Pp. 409-419. The subjoined titles have been selected from the contents -Influence de la quantitb annuelle de pluie revue par une contde of the periodicals and serials recently received in the library sur la marche de SBS affaires. Pp. 412-413. of the Weather Bureau. The titles selected are of papers or -La temphture effective du soleil. ' P. 414. other communications bearing on meteorology or cognate -Les pluies au Maim. P. 414. Luieet, M. Sur les perturbations pbriodiques de la teniphrature en branches of science. This is not a complete index of the juin et en d4cembre. Pp. 415-419. meteorological contents of all the journals from which it has Lancaster, A. La situation m8t6oi.ologique depois avrll. Pp. 431- been compiled; it shows only the articles that appear to the 434. be in -Les iles de la Frise allemande: IC vent et la v6ghtation. Pp. compiler likely to of particular interest connection with 439-440. the work of the Weather Bureau. Unsigned articles are indi- La Nature. Park. Sclme AnnGe. cated by a -. Libert, Lucien. DBformation solaires et rayon vert. Pp. 332-333. Espitallier, G. Les experiences du Mediterranben " et les ascen- Quarterly Journal of the Royal Medwrologieal Society. Londoll. Vol. 2s. '' Dines, W. H. and Wilson-Barker, D. Report on the Wind sions a6i.o-maritimes. Pp. 374-378. Force Experiments on H. M. 8. Wor~8terand at Stoneness Light- Joumnl de Phy8ique. Pur&. dins ehiea. Tmw 1. house. Pp. 217-928. Uompan, Paul. Essai sur le pouvoir refroidissement de I'air et sur les lois dii rayonnement. Pp. 708-716. Mill, Hugh Robert. The Cornish Dust-fall of January, 1902. Pp.' 229-222. Coinptes Rendus de l'Acadhie des Seiencee. Paris. Tolne 135. -Distribution of Fog in Switzerland. [Note on article by Gott- Guillaume, J. Observations du soleil, faites A 1'Observatoire de Pried Streun.] Pp. 258. Lyon pendant le deuxikiiie triniestre de 1902. Pp. 674676. Bayard, F[rancis CLampbell]. English Climatology, 1891-1900. Daa Wetter. Berlzn. 19 Jahrgang. Fp. 253-281. Bornstein, R. Die Verlegung des Wettertelegraphischen Dienstes Dallas, W. L. Earth Temperature Observations recorded in Upper aul eine Priihere Stunde. Pp. 217-221. India. Pp. 283-299. Kassner, G[arlJ. Meteoivlogische HOhenstationen. Pp. 441-226. -Pressure and Temperature Results for the great Plateau of -Die zweite ersammlung der Beamten und Mitarbeiter des South APrica. [Review of article by J. R,. Sutton.] Pp. 304-304. Weather Bureau im Aiigust 1901 in Milwaukee. Pp. 226-231. Rimpau, W. Die \Virkimg des Wetters auP die Zuckerriiben-Ern- Gwgraphhl Journal. London. Vol. -W. ten der Jahre 1891 bis 19lJO. Pp. 932-238. Markham, Clements R. Arcbic Problems. Pp. 481-485. -liugeltlitze. P. 239. Skottsberg, C. Geographical Distribution of Vegetation in South Illzcstrirte Aermutiache Mittheilungen. Sirae8bu.rg. Oktober 1902. Georgia. Pp. 498-50'3. Ebert, Hermann. Elektronen-Aspirationsapparat. Pp. 17$-183. N&UW. Loladon. Vol. 66. -Draclienversuche iru Somnier 1902. P. 183. S[cott], R. H. The International Meteorological Committee. P. -Beobachtung der Anordnung von Cirruswolken. Pp. 183-194. 608. Gwa. Leip.zig. 38 Jahrg. Schuster, Arthur. The British Association at Belfast. Section -Die deutsche Sudpolar-Expedition. Pp. 755-757. A. Subsection of astronomy and cosmical physics. Opening Ad- -Die 35 jiilirige Periode der Kliniaschwankungen. Pp. 760-761. dress. YD. 614-618. -Eine interessante nieteorologische Erscheinung. P. 761. Shaw, W['illiam] N[apier]. The Treatment of Smoke: a Sani- Phy8ikdiache Zeiteehrifl. Leipig. 5 Jahrgang. tary Parallel. Pp. 667-670. Julius, W. H. Eine Hypothese uber die Natur der Bonnenpro- 8ynWW3'8 Msteorologhl Magazine. London. Vol. 31. tnberanzen. Pp. 85-90. Shaw, W. N.; Archibald, D. ; Boys, C. V. ; Buchan, A. ; Exner, I. F. Aus den Sitzungspi.otokollen der luftelektrischen Dines, W. H.; Mill, H. R. Investigations of the Upper Atmos- Komniirjsion der Delegierten-Versaniiulung der kartellierten Alia- phere by Means of Kites. Pp. 134-138. deniien zu Gbttingen. Pp. 90-93. Mill, Hugh Robert. The Rainfall oP Ireland. Pp. 138-140. Ebert, H. Ueber die in Munchen im .Jahre 1901-19W2 ausgefiihrten Ellis, William. The Moon and Raidall. Pp. 142-143. luftelektrischen Arbeiten. Pp. 93-95. Hopkinson, John. The Meteor oP July 13. P. 143. Elater, J. Ueber gemeinsctni init Herrn Geitel konstruierte trans- -The Climate of Penita in 1901. P. 144. portable Apparate zur Bestimmuny der Radio-aktivitilt der natur- ScioatijXc Ame*ican. New I'brk. I70L 87. lichen Luft. Pp. 96-97. -The Commercial Utilization of Atmospheric Elements. Pp. Elater, J. Ueber gemeinsaui init Herrn Geitel ausgefilhrte Ver- 254-255. suche iiber induzierte Radio-aktivitllt der atmosphllrischen Luft &-imsaw, Robert. Barometer Readings. P. 305. durch positive Potentiale. P. 97. Weir, James. The Physiology of Certain Colors. Pp. 339. Geitel, H. Ueber einige genieimam mit Herrn Elater angestellte -Popp-Branly Aerial Telegraphy Systems. Pp. 341-342. Versuclie fiber die elektrische Zerstreuung in der Luft. Pp. 97-99. Scipntijic Anwieun Suppleinmat. New I'ork. Vol. 64. Goldhammer, D. A. Ueber die Transformation eines pulsieren- -The New Weather Vane of the Elfel Tower. Pp. 84489. den Stroiiies in einem Wechselstroni. Pp. 108-110. Aetrophysierrl Jou~l.Chicago. Vo1. 16. Meteorologbehe Zeitaehrift. Wien. Band 19. Barnard, E. E. Observations of the Auivra made at the Yerkes Schneider, J. Die tiigliche Bewegung der Lust iiber Hamburg. Observatory, 1897-1902. Pp. 135-145. Pp. 393-399. Burns, Gavin J. The Total Light of all the Stars. Pp. 16G-169. Polis. P[eter]. Der Platzregen im mittleren Maas- und im Roer- Proceeding13of the Royal So~eiy. Lolldon. Vol. 71. gebiete voni 30 Juni. sowie die Dauerregen in Westdeutschland Lyons, H. G. Magnetic Observations in Egypt, 1893-19U1. Pp. 1-25. und Belgien voni 14 und 15 September 1901. Pp. 399-406. Bullelin of the Am&can Gwgruphical Society. New Ibrk. t31. 34. Draenert, F. M. Weitere Beitrilge zum Hijhenklima des Staates Ward, Robert DeC. Notes on Climatology. Pp. 333-337. IbIinafi-Geraes. Brasilien. PD. 406-483. London. Edinbumh. and Dublin Philomovhical Maaazie. London. 1-oL J. Lockyer, N., end Lockyei, W. J. 8. Ueber elnige Erschein- Bottomley; J. T. On Radiation of Heat and Light from Heated ungen, welche auf eine kurze Perlode von Sonnen -und meteorolo- Solid Bodies. Pp. 560-569. gischen Aenderungen schliessen lassen. Pp. 123495. Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/04/21 08:19 AM UTC 486 MONTHLY WEATRER REVIEW. OCTOBEB,1902 mher, L. r6 Reifheizen" in Kllrnten. P. 435. Local observers ascribe this steady decline to a coincident Stentzel, A. Selbstleuohtende Nachtwolken. P. C45. decrease in the force of the southwest monsoon. -Halo zu Archen vom 3 April 1902. I?. 427. -Angot iiber Hllufigkeit des Regens in Paris. P. 428. The theory, based on these facts, is that the failure in the Polie, P. Ergebnisse der Wind-und Gewitter-Beobachtungen zu inonsoon is due to alterations in the Japan Current, and that Aachen 1873-1900. Pp. 429-430. these alterations in turn are caused by deep sea seismic dis- MacDowall, Alex. B. Teniperatur und Regen. P. 430. turbances, which have culminated in the numerous volcanic Halm, J. Eine neue Sonnentheorie. 430-435. Rotch, A. L. Windmessungen zur See. Pp. 435-436. eruptions which have recently taken place in various parts of -Ueber die Ursache der jiihrlichen Periode der Polarlichter. Yp. the world. 436-437. Whatever the cause, it is certain that the continued and Ward, R. DeC. Irisirende Wolken. Pp. 437-438. increasing shortage of rainfall is lessening the productive Palie, P. Beitrilge zur Kenntniss der Wolkengeschwindigkeit. I. Tggliche Perlode der Wolkengeschwindigkeit. Pp. 441453. power of this portion of China, and is causing much hardship Koes, K. Iiimmtiefen-Beobachtungen. Pp. 453-459. and discontent. Brennecke, W. Ueber die Messung der Lufttemperatur auf den1 [NoTE.-hch periods of small and large annual rainfall Brocken. Py. 459-463. occur all over the world in succession and have to do with the -Heinrich Wild. P. 463. Hellmann, G. Wolkenbruch in Berlin am 14 April 1903. Pp. 46% general circulation of the atmosphere; earthquakes, ocean CUF- 465. rents, etc., do not explain them. Changes in the amount and Laeka, W.
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